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even moar refactoring

Slash 10 years ago
4 changed files with 53 additions and 33 deletions
  1. +12
  2. +1
  3. +3
  4. +37

+ 12
- 0
src/Datatypes/Game.hs View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
module Datatypes.Game (Game(..), completed) where
import Data.Hashable (hash)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Datatypes.Board (Board)
import Datatypes.Unit (Unit)
import qualified Datatypes.Unit as Unit
type UnitHash = Int
@ -18,3 +21,12 @@ data Game = Game {
completed :: Game -> Bool
completed game = null $ units game
new :: Board -> [Unit] -> Game
new b us = Game {
board = b,
units = (c:cs),
visitedUnits = Set.singleton (hash c),
oldLines = 0,
score = 0
} where (c:cs) = map (flip Unit.centeredIn b) us

+ 1
- 1
src/Datatypes/Unit.hs View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Datatypes.Unit (Unit(..), map, collidesWith, isOutsideOf, mergeWith) where
module Datatypes.Unit (Unit(..), map, centeredIn, collidesWith, isOutsideOf, mergeWith) where
import Prelude hiding (map)

+ 3
- 2
src/Strategy0.hs View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Strategy0 where
import Datatypes
import qualified Datatypes.Game as Game
import VM
seswlist = cycle [MoveSE, MoveSW]
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ stepr game = if notes == GameOver
else (1 + (fst new_step), snd new_step)
(new_game,notes) = step game MoveSE
score = points new_game
score = Game.score new_game
new_step = (stepl new_game)
stepl :: Game -> (Int,Int)
@ -25,6 +26,6 @@ stepl game = if notes == GameOver
else (1 + (fst new_step), snd new_step)
(new_game,notes) = step game MoveSW
score = points new_game
score = Game.score new_game
new_step = (stepr new_game)

+ 37
- 30
src/VM.hs View File

@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ import qualified Datatypes.Game as Game
import Datatypes.Unit (Unit(..))
import qualified Datatypes.Unit as Unit
data Command = MoveW
| MoveE
| MoveSW
| MoveSE
| RotateClockwise
| RotateCounterclockwise
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Notes = OK
| GameOver
| Lock { rowsCleaned :: Int }
@ -28,14 +36,6 @@ cmdToString (RotateClockwise:cs) = 'd' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (RotateCounterclockwise:cs) = 'k' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString [] = []
data Command = MoveW
| MoveE
| MoveSW
| MoveSE
| RotateClockwise
| RotateCounterclockwise
deriving (Show,Eq)
moveScore :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
moveScore size lines linesOld = points + lineBonus where
points = size + 100 * ((1 + lines) * lines) `div` 2
@ -44,28 +44,29 @@ moveScore size lines linesOld = points + lineBonus where
else 0
checkSpawn :: Game -> Game
checkSpawn game@(Game _ [] _ _ _) = game
checkSpawn game@(Game board (u:us) oldPos _ _) = if u `Unit.collidesWith` board
then game { Game.units = [] }
else game
checkSpawn game@(Game { units = [] }) = game
checkSpawn game@(Game { units = (u:us), board = b }) =
if u `Unit.collidesWith` b
then game { Game.units = [] }
else game
lockUnit :: Game -> Game
lockUnit game = game {
board = newBoard,
units = us,
units = otherUnits,
visitedUnits = Set.empty,
oldLines = clearedLines,
score = Game.score game + newScore
} where
(u:us) = Game.units game
mergedBoard = u `Unit.mergeWith` (Game.board game)
(currentUnit:otherUnits) = Game.units game
mergedBoard = currentUnit `Unit.mergeWith` (Game.board game)
(newBoard, clearedLines) = Board.clearLines mergedBoard
size = Set.size $ Unit.members u
size = Set.size $ Unit.members currentUnit
newScore = moveScore size clearedLines (Game.oldLines game)
testStep = let unit = Unit (0, 0) (Set.fromList [(2,9)])
board = Board 5 10 (Set.fromList [(0,8),(1,8),(0,9),(1,9),(4,8),(3,9),(4,9)])
in step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 0 0) MoveSW
in step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 0 0) MoveSW
testStep2 = let unit = Unit (2, 4) (Set.fromList [(0,3),(1,3),(2,3),(3,3),(1,4),(2,4),(3,4), (1,5),(2,5),(2,6)])
board = Board 6 10 (Set.fromList [(0,8),(0,9),(4,6),(3,7),(4,7),(3,8),(4,8),(2,9),(3,9),(4,9),(5,8),(5,9)])
@ -77,21 +78,27 @@ testStep2 = let unit = Unit (2, 4) (Set.fromList [(0,3),(1,3),(2,3),(3,3),(1,4),
testStep3 = let unit = Unit (0, 0) (Set.fromList [(2,9)])
board = Board 5 10 (Set.fromList [(0,8),(1,8),(0,9),(1,9),(4,8),(3,9),(4,9)])
in step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 0 0) MoveSW
in step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 0 0) MoveSW
step :: Game -> Command -> (Game, Notes)
step game@(Game _ [] _ _ _) command = (game, ErrorGameEnded)
step game@(Game board (unit:us) oldPositions o l) command =
if newUnit `Unit.collidesWith` board || newUnit `Unit.isOutsideOf` board
then let final = checkSpawn (lockUnit game) in
(if Game.completed final then (final, GameOver) else (final, Lock 0))
if Set.member (hash newUnit) oldPositions
then (Game board (newUnit:us) oldPositions o l, ErrorSamePosition)
else (Game board (newUnit:us) newOldPositions o l, OK)
newUnit = applyCommand unit command
newOldPositions = Set.insert (hash newUnit) oldPositions
step game@(Game { units = [] }) command = (game, ErrorGameEnded)
step game command =
if shouldLock
if Game.completed updatedGame
then (updatedGame, GameOver)
else (updatedGame, Lock (Game.oldLines updatedGame))
if Set.member (hash newUnit) (Game.visitedUnits game)
then (game { units = newUnit:otherUnits }, ErrorSamePosition)
else (game { units = newUnit:otherUnits, visitedUnits = newVisitedUnits }, OK)
(unit:otherUnits) = Game.units game
newUnit = applyCommand unit command
board = Game.board game
shouldLock = newUnit `Unit.collidesWith` board || newUnit `Unit.isOutsideOf` board
newVisitedUnits = Set.insert (hash newUnit) (Game.visitedUnits game)
updatedGame = checkSpawn $ lockUnit game
applyCommand :: Unit -> Command -> Unit
applyCommand unit MoveW = move unit where
