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module VM where
import Data.Hashable (hash, Hashable(..))
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Datatypes.Board (Board(..))
import qualified Datatypes.Board as Board
import Datatypes.Cell (Cell(..))
import Datatypes.Game (Game(..))
import qualified Datatypes.Game as Game
import Datatypes.Unit (Unit(..))
import qualified Datatypes.Unit as Unit
data Command = MoveW
| MoveE
| MoveSW
| MoveSE
| RotateClockwise
| RotateCounterclockwise
deriving (Show,Eq)
data Notes = OK
| GameOver
| Lock { rowsCleaned :: Int }
| ErrorSamePosition
| ErrorGameEnded
deriving (Show,Eq)
cmdToString :: [Command] -> String
cmdToString (MoveW:cs) = 'p' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (MoveE:cs) = 'b' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (MoveSW:cs) = 'a' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (MoveSE:cs) = 'l' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (RotateClockwise:cs) = 'd' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (RotateCounterclockwise:cs) = 'k' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString [] = []
moveScore :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
moveScore size lines linesOld = points + lineBonus where
points = size + 100 * ((1 + lines) * lines) `div` 2
lineBonus = if linesOld > 1
then floor (fromIntegral ((linesOld - 1) * points) / 100)
else 0
checkSpawn :: Game -> Game
checkSpawn game@(Game { units = [] }) = game
checkSpawn game@(Game { units = (u:us), board = b }) =
if u `Unit.collidesWith` b
then game { Game.units = [] }
else game
lockUnit :: Game -> Game
lockUnit game = game {
board = newBoard,
units = otherUnits,
visitedUnits = Set.empty,
oldLines = clearedLines,
score = Game.score game + newScore
} where
(currentUnit:otherUnits) = Game.units game
mergedBoard = currentUnit `Unit.mergeWith` (Game.board game)
(newBoard, clearedLines) = Board.clearLines mergedBoard
size = Set.size $ Unit.members currentUnit
newScore = moveScore size clearedLines (Game.oldLines game)
testStep = let unit = Unit (0, 0) (Set.fromList [(2,9)])
board = Board 5 10 (Set.fromList [(0,8),(1,8),(0,9),(1,9),(4,8),(3,9),(4,9)])
in step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 0 0) MoveSW
testStep2 = let unit = Unit (2, 4) (Set.fromList [(0,3),(1,3),(2,3),(3,3),(1,4),(2,4),(3,4), (1,5),(2,5),(2,6)])
board = Board 6 10 (Set.fromList [(0,8),(0,9),(4,6),(3,7),(4,7),(3,8),(4,8),(2,9),(3,9),(4,9),(5,8),(5,9)])
(g1, n1) = step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 2 0) MoveSW
(g2, n2) = step g1 MoveSE
(g3, n3) = step g2 MoveSW
(g4, n4) = step g3 MoveSW
in (g4, n4)
testStep3 = let unit = Unit (0, 0) (Set.fromList [(2,9)])
board = Board 5 10 (Set.fromList [(0,8),(1,8),(0,9),(1,9),(4,8),(3,9),(4,9)])
in step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 0 0) MoveSW
step :: Game -> Command -> (Game, Notes)
step game@(Game { units = [] }) command = (game, ErrorGameEnded)
step game command =
if shouldLock
if Game.completed updatedGame
then (updatedGame, GameOver)
else (updatedGame, Lock (Game.oldLines updatedGame))
if Set.member (hash newUnit) (Game.visitedUnits game)
then (game { units = newUnit:otherUnits }, ErrorSamePosition)
else (game { units = newUnit:otherUnits, visitedUnits = newVisitedUnits }, OK)
(unit:otherUnits) = Game.units game
newUnit = applyCommand unit command
board = Game.board game
shouldLock = newUnit `Unit.collidesWith` board || newUnit `Unit.isOutsideOf` board
newVisitedUnits = Set.insert (hash newUnit) (Game.visitedUnits game)
updatedGame = checkSpawn $ lockUnit game
applyCommand :: Unit -> Command -> Unit
applyCommand unit MoveW = move unit where
move (x, y) = (x - 1, y)
applyCommand unit MoveE = move unit where
move (x, y) = (x + 1, y)
applyCommand unit MoveSW = move unit where
move (x, y) = (x - ((y + 1) `mod` 2), y + 1)
applyCommand unit MoveSE = move unit where
move (x, y) = (x + (y `mod` 2), y + 1)
applyCommand (Unit pivot members) RotateClockwise = Unit pivot ( transform members) where
transform cell = rotateCell pivot cell
applyCommand (Unit pivot members) RotateCounterclockwise = Unit pivot ( transform members) where
transform cell = counterRotateCell pivot cell
rotateCell :: Cell -> Cell -> Cell
rotateCell (px, py) (x, y) = (px - ddiag + (doriz + py `mod` 2) `div` 2, py + doriz) where
(ddiag, doriz) = relativePosition (px, py) (x, y)
counterRotateCell :: Cell -> Cell -> Cell
counterRotateCell pivot = rp . rp . rp . rp . rp where
rp = rotateCell pivot
counterRotateCell2 :: Cell -> Cell -> Cell
counterRotateCell2 (px, py) (x, y) = (px + (ddiag + doriz + py `mod` 2) `div` 2, py + ddiag - doriz) where
(ddiag, doriz) = relativePosition (px, py) (x, y)
relativePosition :: Cell -> Cell -> (Int, Int)
relativePosition (px, py) (x, y) = (diagDir, horizDir) where
diagDir = y - py
horizDir = x - px + (if py `mod` 2 == 0 then diagDir + diagDir `mod` 2 else diagDir - diagDir `mod` 2) `div` 2