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9 years ago
9 years ago
  1. module VM where
  2. import Data.Hashable (hash, Hashable(..))
  3. import qualified Data.List as List
  4. import Data.Set (Set)
  5. import qualified Data.Set as Set
  6. import Datatypes
  7. unitMap :: (Cell -> Cell) -> Unit -> Unit
  8. unitMap f (Unit members pivot) = Unit ( f members) (f pivot)
  9. centerUnit :: Unit -> Board -> Unit
  10. centerUnit u b = unitMap (\(x, y) -> (x + deltaX, y - unitTop)) u where
  11. members = unitMembers u
  12. yCoords = (\(x, y) -> y) members
  13. xCoords = (\(x, y) -> x) members
  14. unitTop = Set.findMin yCoords
  15. unitLeft = Set.findMin xCoords
  16. unitRight = Set.findMax xCoords
  17. deltaX = (unitLeft + (boardWidth b - unitRight - 1)) `div` 2 - unitLeft
  18. collides :: Unit -> Board -> Bool
  19. collides u b = not . Set.null $ Set.intersection (unitMembers u) (boardFilled b)
  20. isInvalidFor :: Unit -> Board -> Bool
  21. isInvalidFor u b = any isOutside (Set.toList $ unitMembers u) where
  22. isOutside (x, y) = x < 0 || x >= boardWidth b || y < 0 || y >= boardHeight b
  23. checkSpawn :: Game -> Game
  24. checkSpawn game@(Game _ [] _ _ _) = game
  25. checkSpawn game@(Game board (u:us) oldPos _ _) = if u `collides` board
  26. then game { gameUnits = [] }
  27. else game
  28. isCompleted :: Game -> Bool
  29. isCompleted game@(Game _ [] _ _ _) = True
  30. isCompleted _ = False
  31. clearLines :: Board -> (Board, Int)
  32. clearLines (Board width height filled) = let (newFilled, linesDeleted) = tryToDelete yCoords 0 filled
  33. in (Board width height newFilled, linesDeleted)
  34. where
  35. yCoords = Set.toList $ (\(x, y) -> y) filled
  36. countInLine l items = Set.size $ Set.filter (\(x, y) -> y == l) items
  37. tryToDelete (l:ls) count items = if countInLine l items == width
  38. then tryToDelete ls (count + 1) (deleteLine l items)
  39. else tryToDelete ls count items
  40. tryToDelete [] count items = (items, count)
  41. deleteLine l items = let deleted = Set.filter (\(x, y) -> y /= l) items
  42. in (\(x, y) -> if y < l then (x, y + 1) else (x, y)) deleted
  43. lockUnit :: Game -> Game
  44. lockUnit (Game board (u:us) _ oldLines oldPoints) = Game newBoard us (Set.fromList []) newLines (newPoints + oldPoints) where
  45. tempBoard = board { boardFilled = Set.union (unitMembers u) (boardFilled board) }
  46. (newBoard, newLines) = clearLines tempBoard
  47. newPoints = (Set.size (unitMembers u)) + (100 * (1 + newLines) * newLines `div` 2) + lineBonus
  48. lineBonus = if oldLines > 1
  49. then floor (fromIntegral ((oldLines - 1) * newPoints) / 10)
  50. else 0
  51. testStep = let unit = Unit (Set.fromList [(2,9)]) (0,0)
  52. board = Board 5 10 (Set.fromList [(0,8),(1,8),(0,9),(1,9),(4,8),(3,9),(4,9)])
  53. in step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 0 0) MoveSW
  54. step :: Game -> Command -> (Game, Notes)
  55. step game@(Game _ [] _ _ _) command = (game, ErrorZero)
  56. step game@(Game board (unit:us) oldPositions o l) command =
  57. if newUnit `collides` board || newUnit `isInvalidFor` board
  58. then let final = checkSpawn (lockUnit game) in
  59. (if isCompleted final then (final, Ended) else (final, OK))
  60. else
  61. if Set.member (hash newUnit) oldPositions
  62. then (Game board (newUnit:us) oldPositions o l, ErrorZero)
  63. else (Game board (newUnit:us) newOldPositions o l, OK)
  64. where
  65. newUnit = applyCommand unit command
  66. newOldPositions = Set.insert (hash newUnit) oldPositions
  67. applyWholeUnit :: Unit -> (Cell -> Cell) -> Unit
  68. applyWholeUnit (Unit members pivot) f = Unit ( f members) (f pivot)
  69. applyCommand :: Unit -> Command -> Unit
  70. applyCommand unit MoveW = applyWholeUnit unit move where
  71. move (x, y) = (x - 1, y)
  72. applyCommand unit MoveE = applyWholeUnit unit move where
  73. move (x, y) = (x + 1, y)
  74. applyCommand unit MoveSW = applyWholeUnit unit move where
  75. move (x, y) = (x - ((y + 1) `mod` 2), y + 1)
  76. applyCommand unit MoveSE = applyWholeUnit unit move where
  77. move (x, y) = (x + (y `mod` 2), y + 1)
  78. applyCommand (Unit members pivot) RotateClockwise = Unit ( transform members) pivot where
  79. transform cell = rotateCell pivot cell
  80. applyCommand (Unit members pivot) RotateCounterclockwise = Unit ( transform members) pivot where
  81. transform cell = counterRotateCell pivot cell
  82. rotateCell :: Cell -> Cell -> Cell
  83. rotateCell (px, py) (x, y) = (px - ddiag + (doriz + py `mod` 2) `div` 2, py + doriz) where
  84. (ddiag, doriz) = relativePosition (px, py) (x, y)
  85. counterRotateCell :: Cell -> Cell -> Cell
  86. counterRotateCell pivot = rp . rp . rp . rp . rp where
  87. rp = rotateCell pivot
  88. counterRotateCell2 :: Cell -> Cell -> Cell
  89. counterRotateCell2 (px, py) (x, y) = (px + (ddiag + doriz + py `mod` 2) `div` 2, py + ddiag - doriz) where
  90. (ddiag, doriz) = relativePosition (px, py) (x, y)
  91. relativePosition :: Cell -> Cell -> (Int, Int)
  92. relativePosition (px, py) (x, y) = (diagDir, horizDir) where
  93. diagDir = y - py
  94. horizDir = x - px + (if py `mod` 2 == 0 then diagDir + diagDir `mod` 2 else diagDir - diagDir `mod` 2) `div` 2