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moar vm goodness

Slash 9 years ago
2 changed files with 43 additions and 17 deletions
  1. +9
  2. +34

+ 9
- 0
vm/Datatypes.hs View File

@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ data Command = MoveW
| RotateCounterclockwise
deriving (Show,Eq)
cmdToString :: [Command] -> String
cmdToString (MoveW:cs) = 'p' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (MoveE:cs) = 'b' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (MoveSW:cs) = 'a' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (MoveSE:cs) = 'l' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (RotateClockwise:cs) = 'd' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString (RotateCounterclockwise:cs) = 'k' : cmdToString cs
cmdToString [] = []
data Game = Game {
gameBoard :: Board,
gameUnits :: [Unit],

+ 34
- 17
vm/VM.hs View File

@ -27,35 +27,52 @@ isInvalidFor :: Unit -> Board -> Bool
isInvalidFor u b = any isOutside (Set.toList $ unitMembers u) where
isOutside (x, y) = x < 0 || x >= boardWidth b || y < 0 || y >= boardHeight b
lockUnit :: Game -> Game
lockUnit (Game board (u:us) _ oldLines points) = Game newBoard us (Set.fromList []) newLines (newPoints + oldPoints) where
newBoard = board { boardFilled = Set.union (unitMembers u) (boardFilled board) }
newPoints = (Set.length (unitMembers u)) + (100 * (1 + newLines) * newLines `div` 2) + lineBonus
lineBonus = if oldLines > 1
then floor ((oldLines - 1) * newPoints / 10)
else 0
newLines = 0
checkSpawn :: Game -> Game
checkSpawn game@(Game _ [] _) = game
checkSpawn game@(Game board (u:us) oldPos) = if u `collides` board
then Game board [] oldPos
checkSpawn game@(Game _ [] _ _ _) = game
checkSpawn game@(Game board (u:us) oldPos _ _) = if u `collides` board
then game { gameUnits = [] }
else game
isCompleted :: Game -> Bool
isCompleted game@(Game _ [] _) = True
isCompleted game@(Game _ [] _ _ _) = True
isCompleted _ = False
clearLines :: Board -> (Board, Int)
clearLines (Board width height filled) = let (newFilled, linesDeleted) = tryToDelete yCoords 0 filled
in (Board width height newFilled, linesDeleted)
yCoords = Set.toList $ (\(x, y) -> y) filled
countInLine l items = Set.size $ Set.filter (\(x, y) -> y == l) items
tryToDelete (l:ls) count items = if countInLine l items == width
then tryToDelete ls (count + 1) (deleteLine l items)
else tryToDelete ls count items
tryToDelete [] count items = (items, count)
deleteLine l items = let deleted = Set.filter (\(x, y) -> y /= l) items
in (\(x, y) -> if y < l then (x, y + 1) else (x, y)) deleted
lockUnit :: Game -> Game
lockUnit (Game board (u:us) _ oldLines oldPoints) = Game newBoard us (Set.fromList []) newLines (newPoints + oldPoints) where
tempBoard = board { boardFilled = Set.union (unitMembers u) (boardFilled board) }
(newBoard, newLines) = clearLines tempBoard
newPoints = (Set.size (unitMembers u)) + (100 * (1 + newLines) * newLines `div` 2) + lineBonus
lineBonus = if oldLines > 1
then floor (fromIntegral ((oldLines - 1) * newPoints) / 10)
else 0
testStep = let unit = Unit (Set.fromList [(2,9)]) (0,0)
board = Board 5 10 (Set.fromList [(0,8),(1,8),(0,9),(1,9),(4,8),(3,9),(4,9)])
in step (Game board [unit] (Set.fromList []) 0 0) MoveSW
step :: Game -> Command -> (Game, Notes)
step game@(Game _ [] _) command = (game, ErrorZero)
step game@(Game board (unit:us) oldPositions) command =
step game@(Game _ [] _ _ _) command = (game, ErrorZero)
step game@(Game board (unit:us) oldPositions o l) command =
if newUnit `collides` board || newUnit `isInvalidFor` board
then let final = checkSpawn (lockUnit game) in
(if isCompleted final then (final, Ended) else (final, OK))
if Set.member (hash newUnit) oldPositions
then (Game board (newUnit:us) oldPositions, ErrorZero)
else (Game board (newUnit:us) newOldPositions, OK)
then (Game board (newUnit:us) oldPositions o l, ErrorZero)
else (Game board (newUnit:us) newOldPositions o l, OK)
newUnit = applyCommand unit command
newOldPositions = Set.insert (hash newUnit) oldPositions
