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privval: do not use old proposal timestamp (#7621)

After #7592, @cmwaters noticed that the logic for re-using old timestamps for proposals may not work with proposer-based timestamps. This change removes the logic to re-use old proposal timestamps since it is no longer correct. Two proposals with different timestamps can no longer be treated as equivalent. Signing a proposal that only differs by timestamp in the new algorithm can be thought of as roughly equivalent to signing a proposal that only differs by `BlockID` in the old scheme. 

I also investigated the codebase and checked for any place we updated a timestamp using the pattern `(Timestamp = |Timestamp: )` and saw no additional places where we are updating the timestamp of a proposal message. 

Here is the output of that search:

privval/file.go:372:			vote.Timestamp = timestamp
privval/file.go:453:	lastVote.Timestamp = now
privval/file.go:454:	newVote.Timestamp = now
internal/test/factory/commit.go:25:			Timestamp:        now,
internal/test/factory/vote.go:34:		Timestamp:        time,
internal/consensus/state.go:2261:		Timestamp:        cs.voteTime(),
internal/consensus/state.go:2286:	vote.Timestamp = v.Timestamp
light/detector.go:414:		ev.Timestamp = common.Time
light/detector.go:418:		ev.Timestamp = trusted.Time
types/block.go:616:		Timestamp:        ts,
types/block.go:725:		Timestamp:        cs.Timestamp,
types/block.go:736:	cs.Timestamp = csp.Timestamp
types/block.go:800:		Timestamp:        commitSig.Timestamp,
types/evidence.go:84:		Timestamp:        blockTime,
types/evidence.go:190:	dve.Timestamp = evidenceTime
types/evidence.go:202:		Timestamp:        dve.Timestamp,
types/evidence.go:228:		Timestamp:        pb.Timestamp,
types/evidence.go:382:		Timestamp: %v}#%X`,
types/evidence.go:491:	l.Timestamp = evidenceTime
types/evidence.go:517:		Timestamp:           l.Timestamp,
types/evidence.go:546:		Timestamp:           lpb.Timestamp,
types/evidence.go:722:		Timestamp:        time,
types/vote.go:80:		Timestamp:        vote.Timestamp,
types/vote.go:216:		Timestamp:        vote.Timestamp,
types/vote.go:240:	vote.Timestamp = pv.Timestamp
types/test_util.go:27:			Timestamp:        now,
types/proposal.go:44:		Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
types/proposal.go:132:	pb.Timestamp = p.Timestamp
types/proposal.go:157:	p.Timestamp = pp.Timestamp
types/canonical.go:49:		Timestamp: proposal.Timestamp,
types/canonical.go:62:		Timestamp: vote.Timestamp,
test/e2e/runner/evidence.go:186:		Timestamp:        evTime,
William Banfield 2 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 changed files with 18 additions and 80 deletions
  1. +8
  2. +10

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privval/file.go View File

@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ type FilePVLastSignState struct {
filePath string
// CheckHRS checks the given height, round, step (HRS) against that of the
// checkHRS checks the given height, round, step (HRS) against that of the
// FilePVLastSignState. It returns an error if the arguments constitute a regression,
// or if they match but the SignBytes are empty.
// The returned boolean indicates whether the last Signature should be reused -
// it returns true if the HRS matches the arguments and the SignBytes are not empty (indicating
// we have already signed for this HRS, and can reuse the existing signature).
// It panics if the HRS matches the arguments, there's a SignBytes, but no Signature.
func (lss *FilePVLastSignState) CheckHRS(height int64, round int32, step int8) (bool, error) {
func (lss *FilePVLastSignState) checkHRS(height int64, round int32, step int8) (bool, error) {
if lss.Height > height {
return false, fmt.Errorf("height regression. Got %v, last height %v", height, lss.Height)
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ func (pv *FilePV) signVote(chainID string, vote *tmproto.Vote) error {
round := vote.Round
lss := pv.LastSignState
sameHRS, err := lss.CheckHRS(height, round, step)
sameHRS, err := lss.checkHRS(height, round, step)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -388,14 +388,12 @@ func (pv *FilePV) signVote(chainID string, vote *tmproto.Vote) error {
// signProposal checks if the proposal is good to sign and sets the proposal signature.
// It may need to set the timestamp as well if the proposal is otherwise the same as
// a previously signed proposal ie. we crashed after signing but before the proposal hit the WAL).
func (pv *FilePV) signProposal(chainID string, proposal *tmproto.Proposal) error {
height, round, step := proposal.Height, proposal.Round, stepPropose
lss := pv.LastSignState
sameHRS, err := lss.CheckHRS(height, round, step)
sameHRS, err := lss.checkHRS(height, round, step)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -405,23 +403,12 @@ func (pv *FilePV) signProposal(chainID string, proposal *tmproto.Proposal) error
// We might crash before writing to the wal,
// causing us to try to re-sign for the same HRS.
// If signbytes are the same, use the last signature.
// If they only differ by timestamp, use last timestamp and signature
// Otherwise, return error
if sameHRS {
if bytes.Equal(signBytes, lss.SignBytes) {
proposal.Signature = lss.Signature
} else {
timestamp, ok, err := checkProposalsOnlyDifferByTimestamp(lss.SignBytes, signBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return errors.New("conflicting data")
proposal.Timestamp = timestamp
proposal.Signature = lss.Signature
return nil
if !bytes.Equal(signBytes, lss.SignBytes) {
return errors.New("conflicting data")
proposal.Signature = lss.Signature
return nil
// It passed the checks. Sign the proposal
@ -467,23 +454,3 @@ func checkVotesOnlyDifferByTimestamp(lastSignBytes, newSignBytes []byte) (time.T
return lastTime, proto.Equal(&newVote, &lastVote), nil
// returns the timestamp from the lastSignBytes.
// returns true if the only difference in the proposals is their timestamp
func checkProposalsOnlyDifferByTimestamp(lastSignBytes, newSignBytes []byte) (time.Time, bool, error) {
var lastProposal, newProposal tmproto.CanonicalProposal
if err := protoio.UnmarshalDelimited(lastSignBytes, &lastProposal); err != nil {
return time.Time{}, false, fmt.Errorf("LastSignBytes cannot be unmarshalled into proposal: %w", err)
if err := protoio.UnmarshalDelimited(newSignBytes, &newProposal); err != nil {
return time.Time{}, false, fmt.Errorf("signBytes cannot be unmarshalled into proposal: %w", err)
lastTime := lastProposal.Timestamp
// set the times to the same value and check equality
now := tmtime.Now()
lastProposal.Timestamp = now
newProposal.Timestamp = now
return lastTime, proto.Equal(&newProposal, &lastProposal), nil

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privval/file_test.go View File

@ -234,7 +234,8 @@ func TestSignProposal(t *testing.T) {
height, round := int64(10), int32(1)
// sign a proposal for first time
proposal := newProposal(height, round, block1)
ts := tmtime.Now()
proposal := newProposal(height, round, block1, ts)
pbp := proposal.ToProto()
err = privVal.SignProposal(ctx, "mychainid", pbp)
@ -246,23 +247,17 @@ func TestSignProposal(t *testing.T) {
// now try some bad Proposals
cases := []*types.Proposal{
newProposal(height, round-1, block1), // round regression
newProposal(height-1, round, block1), // height regression
newProposal(height-2, round+4, block1), // height regression and different round
newProposal(height, round, block2), // different block
newProposal(height, round-1, block1, ts), // round regression
newProposal(height-1, round, block1, ts), // height regression
newProposal(height-2, round+4, block1, ts), // height regression and different round
newProposal(height, round, block2, ts), // different block
newProposal(height, round, block1, ts.Add(time.Second)), // different timestamp
for _, c := range cases {
assert.Error(t, privVal.SignProposal(ctx, "mychainid", c.ToProto()),
assert.Errorf(t, privVal.SignProposal(ctx, "mychainid", c.ToProto()),
"expected error on signing conflicting proposal")
// try signing a proposal with a different time stamp
sig := proposal.Signature
proposal.Timestamp = proposal.Timestamp.Add(time.Duration(1000))
err = privVal.SignProposal(ctx, "mychainid", pbp)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, sig, proposal.Signature)
func TestDifferByTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
@ -277,33 +272,9 @@ func TestDifferByTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
privVal, err := GenFilePV(tempKeyFile.Name(), tempStateFile.Name(), "")
require.NoError(t, err)
randbytes := tmrand.Bytes(tmhash.Size)
block1 := types.BlockID{Hash: randbytes, PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{Total: 5, Hash: randbytes}}
height, round := int64(10), int32(1)
chainID := "mychainid"
// test proposal
proposal := newProposal(height, round, block1)
pb := proposal.ToProto()
err := privVal.SignProposal(ctx, chainID, pb)
require.NoError(t, err, "expected no error signing proposal")
signBytes := types.ProposalSignBytes(chainID, pb)
sig := proposal.Signature
timeStamp := proposal.Timestamp
// manipulate the timestamp. should get changed back
pb.Timestamp = pb.Timestamp.Add(time.Millisecond)
var emptySig []byte
proposal.Signature = emptySig
err = privVal.SignProposal(ctx, "mychainid", pb)
require.NoError(t, err, "expected no error on signing same proposal")
assert.Equal(t, timeStamp, pb.Timestamp)
assert.Equal(t, signBytes, types.ProposalSignBytes(chainID, pb))
assert.Equal(t, sig, proposal.Signature)
// test vote
voteType := tmproto.PrevoteType
@ -343,11 +314,11 @@ func newVote(addr types.Address, idx int32, height int64, round int32,
func newProposal(height int64, round int32, blockID types.BlockID) *types.Proposal {
func newProposal(height int64, round int32, blockID types.BlockID, t time.Time) *types.Proposal {
return &types.Proposal{
Height: height,
Round: round,
BlockID: blockID,
Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
Timestamp: t,
