- # Tendermint Blockchain
- Here we describe the data structures in the Tendermint blockchain and the rules for validating them.
- ## Data Structures
- The Tendermint blockchains consists of a short list of basic data types:
- - `Block`
- - `Header`
- - `Vote`
- - `BlockID`
- - `Signature`
- - `Evidence`
- ## Block
- A block consists of a header, a list of transactions, a list of votes (the commit),
- and a list of evidence of malfeasance (ie. signing conflicting votes).
- ```go
- type Block struct {
- Header Header
- Txs [][]byte
- LastCommit []Vote
- Evidence []Evidence
- }
- ```
- ## Header
- A block header contains metadata about the block and about the consensus, as well as commitments to
- the data in the current block, the previous block, and the results returned by the application:
- ```go
- type Header struct {
- // block metadata
- Version string // Version string
- ChainID string // ID of the chain
- Height int64 // Current block height
- Time int64 // UNIX time, in millisconds
- // current block
- NumTxs int64 // Number of txs in this block
- TxHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of the block.Txs
- LastCommitHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of the block.LastCommit
- // previous block
- TotalTxs int64 // prevBlock.TotalTxs + block.NumTxs
- LastBlockID BlockID // BlockID of prevBlock
- // application
- ResultsHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of []abci.Result from prevBlock
- AppHash []byte // Arbitrary state digest
- ValidatorsHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of the ValidatorSet
- ConsensusParamsHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of the ConsensusParams
- // consensus
- Proposer []byte // Address of the block proposer
- EvidenceHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of []Evidence
- }
- ```
- Further details on each of these fields is described below.
- ## BlockID
- The `BlockID` contains two distinct Merkle roots of the block.
- The first, used as the block's main hash, is the Merkle root
- of all the fields in the header. The second, used for secure gossipping of
- the block during consensus, is the Merkle root of the complete serialized block
- cut into parts. The `BlockID` includes these two hashes, as well as the number of
- parts.
- ```go
- type BlockID struct {
- Hash []byte
- Parts PartsHeader
- }
- type PartsHeader struct {
- Hash []byte
- Total int32
- }
- ```
- ## Vote
- A vote is a signed message from a validator for a particular block.
- The vote includes information about the validator signing it.
- ```go
- type Vote struct {
- Timestamp int64
- Address []byte
- Index int
- Height int64
- Round int
- Type int8
- BlockID BlockID
- Signature Signature
- }
- ```
- There are two types of votes:
- a *prevote* has `vote.Type == 1` and
- a *precommit* has `vote.Type == 2`.
- ## Signature
- Tendermint allows for multiple signature schemes to be used by prepending a single type-byte
- to the signature bytes. Different signatures may also come with fixed or variable lengths.
- Currently, Tendermint supports Ed25519 and Secp256k1.
- ### ED25519
- An ED25519 signature has `Type == 0x1`. It looks like:
- ```go
- // Implements Signature
- type Ed25519Signature struct {
- Type int8 = 0x1
- Signature [64]byte
- }
- ```
- where `Signature` is the 64 byte signature.
- ### Secp256k1
- A `Secp256k1` signature has `Type == 0x2`. It looks like:
- ```go
- // Implements Signature
- type Secp256k1Signature struct {
- Type int8 = 0x2
- Signature []byte
- }
- ```
- where `Signature` is the DER encoded signature, ie:
- ```hex
- 0x30 <length of whole message> <0x02> <length of R> <R> 0x2 <length of S> <S>.
- ```
- ## Evidence
- ## Validation
- Here we describe the validation rules for every element in a block.
- Blocks which do not satisfy these rules are considered invalid.
- We abuse notation by using something that looks like Go, supplemented with English.
- A statement such as `x == y` is an assertion - if it fails, the item is invalid.
- We refer to certain globally available objects:
- `block` is the block under consideration,
- `prevBlock` is the `block` at the previous height,
- and `state` keeps track of the validator set, the consensus parameters
- and other results from the application.
- Elements of an object are accessed as expected,
- ie. `block.Header`. See [here](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/docs/spec/blockchain/state.md) for the definition of `state`.
- ### Header
- A Header is valid if its corresponding fields are valid.
- ### Version
- Arbitrary string.
- ### ChainID
- Arbitrary constant string.
- ### Height
- ```go
- block.Header.Height > 0
- block.Header.Height == prevBlock.Header.Height + 1
- ```
- The height is an incrementing integer. The first block has `block.Header.Height == 1`.
- ### Time
- The median of the timestamps of the valid votes in the block.LastCommit.
- Corresponds to the number of nanoseconds, with millisecond resolution, since January 1, 1970.
- Note: the timestamp of a vote must be greater by at least one millisecond than that of the
- block being voted on.
- ### NumTxs
- ```go
- block.Header.NumTxs == len(block.Txs)
- ```
- Number of transactions included in the block.
- ### TxHash
- ```go
- block.Header.TxHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(block.Txs)
- ```
- Simple Merkle root of the transactions in the block.
- ### LastCommitHash
- ```go
- block.Header.LastCommitHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(block.LastCommit)
- ```
- Simple Merkle root of the votes included in the block.
- These are the votes that committed the previous block.
- The first block has `block.Header.LastCommitHash == []byte{}`
- ### TotalTxs
- ```go
- block.Header.TotalTxs == prevBlock.Header.TotalTxs + block.Header.NumTxs
- ```
- The cumulative sum of all transactions included in this blockchain.
- The first block has `block.Header.TotalTxs = block.Header.NumberTxs`.
- ### LastBlockID
- LastBlockID is the previous block's BlockID:
- ```go
- prevBlockParts := MakeParts(prevBlock, state.LastConsensusParams.BlockGossip.BlockPartSize)
- block.Header.LastBlockID == BlockID {
- Hash: SimpleMerkleRoot(prevBlock.Header),
- PartsHeader{
- Hash: SimpleMerkleRoot(prevBlockParts),
- Total: len(prevBlockParts),
- },
- }
- ```
- Note: it depends on the ConsensusParams,
- which are held in the `state` and may be updated by the application.
- The first block has `block.Header.LastBlockID == BlockID{}`.
- ### ResultsHash
- ```go
- block.ResultsHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(state.LastResults)
- ```
- Simple Merkle root of the results of the transactions in the previous block.
- The first block has `block.Header.ResultsHash == []byte{}`.
- ### AppHash
- ```go
- block.AppHash == state.AppHash
- ```
- Arbitrary byte array returned by the application after executing and commiting the previous block.
- The first block has `block.Header.AppHash == []byte{}`.
- ### ValidatorsHash
- ```go
- block.ValidatorsHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(state.Validators)
- ```
- Simple Merkle root of the current validator set that is committing the block.
- This can be used to validate the `LastCommit` included in the next block.
- May be updated by the application.
- ### ConsensusParamsHash
- ```go
- block.ConsensusParamsHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(state.ConsensusParams)
- ```
- Simple Merkle root of the consensus parameters.
- May be updated by the application.
- ### Proposer
- ```go
- block.Header.Proposer in state.Validators
- ```
- Original proposer of the block. Must be a current validator.
- NOTE: we also need to track the round.
- ## EvidenceHash
- ```go
- block.EvidenceHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(block.Evidence)
- ```
- Simple Merkle root of the evidence of Byzantine behaviour included in this block.
- ## Txs
- Arbitrary length array of arbitrary length byte-arrays.
- ## LastCommit
- The first height is an exception - it requires the LastCommit to be empty:
- ```go
- if block.Header.Height == 1 {
- len(b.LastCommit) == 0
- }
- ```
- Otherwise, we require:
- ```go
- len(block.LastCommit) == len(state.LastValidators)
- talliedVotingPower := 0
- for i, vote := range block.LastCommit{
- if vote == nil{
- continue
- }
- vote.Type == 2
- vote.Height == block.LastCommit.Height()
- vote.Round == block.LastCommit.Round()
- vote.BlockID == block.LastBlockID
- val := state.LastValidators[i]
- vote.Verify(block.ChainID, val.PubKey) == true
- talliedVotingPower += val.VotingPower
- }
- talliedVotingPower > (2/3) * TotalVotingPower(state.LastValidators)
- ```
- Includes one (possibly nil) vote for every current validator.
- Non-nil votes must be Precommits.
- All votes must be for the same height and round.
- All votes must be for the previous block.
- All votes must have a valid signature from the corresponding validator.
- The sum total of the voting power of the validators that voted
- must be greater than 2/3 of the total voting power of the complete validator set.
- ### Vote
- A vote is a signed message broadcast in the consensus for a particular block at a particular height and round.
- When stored in the blockchain or propagated over the network, votes are encoded in TMBIN.
- For signing, votes are encoded in JSON, and the ChainID is included, in the form of the `CanonicalSignBytes`.
- We define a method `Verify` that returns `true` if the signature verifies against the pubkey for the CanonicalSignBytes
- using the given ChainID:
- ```go
- func (v Vote) Verify(chainID string, pubKey PubKey) bool {
- return pubKey.Verify(v.Signature, CanonicalSignBytes(chainID, v))
- }
- ```
- where `pubKey.Verify` performs the appropriate digital signature verification of the `pubKey`
- against the given signature and message bytes.
- ## Evidence
- ```
- ```
- Every piece of evidence contains two conflicting votes from a single validator that
- was active at the height indicated in the votes.
- The votes must not be too old.
- # Execution
- Once a block is validated, it can be executed against the state.
- The state follows this recursive equation:
- ```go
- state(1) = InitialState
- state(h+1) <- Execute(state(h), ABCIApp, block(h))
- ```
- where `InitialState` includes the initial consensus parameters and validator set,
- and `ABCIApp` is an ABCI application that can return results and changes to the validator
- set (TODO). Execute is defined as:
- ```go
- Execute(s State, app ABCIApp, block Block) State {
- TODO: just spell out ApplyBlock here
- and remove ABCIResponses struct.
- abciResponses := app.ApplyBlock(block)
- return State{
- LastResults: abciResponses.DeliverTxResults,
- AppHash: abciResponses.AppHash,
- Validators: UpdateValidators(state.Validators, abciResponses.ValidatorChanges),
- LastValidators: state.Validators,
- ConsensusParams: UpdateConsensusParams(state.ConsensusParams, abci.Responses.ConsensusParamChanges),
- }
- }
- type ABCIResponses struct {
- DeliverTxResults []Result
- ValidatorChanges []Validator
- ConsensusParamChanges ConsensusParams
- AppHash []byte
- }
- ```