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wip: tendermint specification

Ethan Buchman 7 years ago
2 changed files with 306 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +3
  2. +303

+ 3
- 0
docs/specification/new-spec/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- Remove BlockID from Commit
- Actually validate the ValidatorsHash
- Move blockHeight=1 exception for LastCommit to ValidateBasic

+ 303
- 0
docs/specification/new-spec/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
# Tendermint Blockchain
Here we describe the data structures in the Tendermint blockchain and the rules for validating them.
# Data Structures
The Tendermint blockchains consists of a short list of basic data types:
blocks, headers, votes, block ids, and signatures.
## Block
A block consists of a header, a list of transactions, and a list of votes (the commit).
type Block struct {
Header Header
Txs [][]byte
LastCommit []Vote
Evidence []Evidence
## Header
A block header contains metadata about the block and about the consensus, as well as commitments to
the data in the current block, the previous block, and the results returned by the application:
type Header struct {
// block metadata
Version string // Version string
ChainID string // ID of the chain
Height int64 // current block height
Time int64 // UNIX time, in millisconds
// current block
NumTxs int64 // Number of txs in this block
TxHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of the block.Txs
LastCommitHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of the block.LastCommit
// previous block
TotalTxs int64 // prevBlock.TotalTxs + block.NumTxs
LastBlockID BlockID // BlockID of prevBlock
// application
ResultsHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of []abci.Result from prevBlock
AppHash []byte // Arbitrary state digest
ValidatorsHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of the ValidatorSet
ConsensusParamsHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of the ConsensusParams
// consensus
Proposer []byte // Address of the block proposer
EvidenceHash []byte // SimpleMerkle of []Evidence
## BlockID
The `BlockID` contains two distinct Merkle roots of the block.
The first, used as the block's main hash, is the Merkle root
of all the fields in the header. The second, used for secure gossipping of
the block during consensus, is the Merkle root of the complete serialized block
cut into pieces. The `BlockID` includes these two hashes, as well as the number of
type BlockID struct {
HeaderHash []byte
NumParts int32
PartsHash []byte
## Vote
A vote is a signed message from a validator for a particular block.
The vote includes information about the validator signing it.
There are two types of votes, but they have identical structure:
type Vote struct {
Timestamp int64
Address []byte
Index int
Height int64
Round int
Type int8
BlockID BlockID
Signature Signature
## Signature
Tendermint allows for multiple signature schemes to be used by prepending a single type-byte
to the signature bytes. Different signatures may also come in different lengths, but this length
is not made explicit. Currently, Tendermint supports Ed25519 and Secp256k1
// Implements Signature
type Ed25519Signature struct {
Type int8 = 0x1
Signature [64]byte
// Implements Signature
type Secp256k1Signature struct {
Type int8 = 0x2
Signature []byte
# Validation
Here we go through every element of a block and describe the rules for validation.
Blocks which do not satisfy these rules are considered invalid.
In the following, `block` refers to the block under consideration,
`prevBlock` refers to the `block` at the previous height,
`state` refers to an object that keeps track of the validator set
and the consensus parameters as they are updated by the application,
and `app` refers to the responses returned by the application during the
execution of the `prevBlock`.
We abuse notation by using something that looks like Go, supplemented with English.
## Header
A Header is valid if its corresponding fields are valid.
### Version
Arbitrary string.
### ChainID
Arbitrary constant string.
### Height
block.Header.Height > 0
block.Header.Height == prevBlock.Header.Height + 1
### Time
The median of the timestamps of the valid votes in the block.LastCommit.
Corresponds to the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
Increments with every new block.
### NumTxs
block.Header.NumTxs == len(block.Txs)
Number of transactions included in the block.
### TxHash
block.Header.TxHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(block.Txs)
Simple Merkle root of the transactions in the block.
### LastCommitHash
block.Header.LastCommitHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(block.LastCommit)
Simple Merkle root of the votes included in the block.
These are the votes that committed the previous block.
### TotalTxs
block.Header.TotalTxs == prevBlock.Header.TotalTxs + block.header.NumTxs
The cumulative sum of all transactions included in this blockchain.
### LastBlockID
parts := MakeBlockParts(block, state.ConsensusParams.BlockGossip.BlockPartSize)
block.HeaderLastBlockID == BlockID{
Previous block's BlockID. Note it depends on the ConsensusParams,
which are held in the `state` and may be updated by the application.
### ResultsHash
block.ResultsHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(app.Results)
Simple Merkle root of the results of the transactions in the previous block.
### AppHash
block.AppHash == app.AppHash
Arbitrary byte array returned by the application after executing and commiting the previous block.
### ValidatorsHash
block.ValidatorsHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(state.Validators)
Simple Merkle root of the current validator set that is committing the block.
This can be used to validate the `LastCommit` included in the next block.
May be updated by the applicatoin.
### ConsensusParamsHash
block.ValidatorsHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(state.ConsensusParams)
Simple Merkle root of the consensus parameters.
May be updated by the application.
### Proposer
Original proposer of the block.
### EvidenceHash
block.EvidenceHash == SimpleMerkleRoot(block.Evidence)
Simple Merkle root of the evidence of Byzantine behaviour included in this block.
## Txs
Arbitrary length array of arbitrary length byte-arrays.
## LastCommit
if block.Header.Height == 1 {
len(b.LastCommit) == 0
The first height is an exception - it requires the LastCommit to be empty.
Otherwise, we require:
len(block.LastCommit) == len(state.LastValidators)
talliedVotingPower := 0
for i, vote := range block.LastCommit{
if vote == nil{
vote.Type == 2
vote.Height == block.LastCommit.Height()
vote.Round == block.LastCommit.Round()
vote.BlockID == block.LastBlockID
pubkey, votingPower := state.LastValidators.Get(i)
VerifyVoteSignature(block.ChainID, vote, pubkey)
talliedVotingPower += votingPower
talliedVotingPower > state.LastValidators.TotalVotingPower()
Includes one (possibly nil) vote for every current validator.
Non-nil votes must be Precommits.
All votes must be for the same height and round.
All votes must be for the previous block.
All votes must have a valid signature from the corresponding validator.
The sum total of the voting power of the validators that voted
must be greater than the total voting power of the complete validator set.
## Evidence
Every piece of evidence contains two conflicting votes from a single validator that
was active at the height indicated in the votes.
The votes must not be too old.
