- package p2p
- import (
- "fmt"
- "net"
- "time"
- "github.com/tendermint/go-crypto"
- cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
- "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/log"
- tmconn "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p/conn"
- )
- // Peer is an interface representing a peer connected on a reactor.
- type Peer interface {
- cmn.Service
- ID() ID // peer's cryptographic ID
- IsOutbound() bool // did we dial the peer
- IsPersistent() bool // do we redial this peer when we disconnect
- NodeInfo() NodeInfo // peer's info
- Status() tmconn.ConnectionStatus
- Send(byte, []byte) bool
- TrySend(byte, []byte) bool
- Set(string, interface{})
- Get(string) interface{}
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // peerConn contains the raw connection and its config.
- type peerConn struct {
- outbound bool
- persistent bool
- config *PeerConfig
- conn net.Conn // source connection
- }
- // ID only exists for SecretConnection.
- // NOTE: Will panic if conn is not *SecretConnection.
- func (pc peerConn) ID() ID {
- return PubKeyToID(pc.conn.(*tmconn.SecretConnection).RemotePubKey())
- }
- // peer implements Peer.
- //
- // Before using a peer, you will need to perform a handshake on connection.
- type peer struct {
- cmn.BaseService
- // raw peerConn and the multiplex connection
- peerConn
- mconn *tmconn.MConnection
- // peer's node info and the channel it knows about
- // channels = nodeInfo.Channels
- // cached to avoid copying nodeInfo in hasChannel
- nodeInfo NodeInfo
- channels []byte
- // User data
- Data *cmn.CMap
- }
- func newPeer(pc peerConn, nodeInfo NodeInfo,
- reactorsByCh map[byte]Reactor, chDescs []*tmconn.ChannelDescriptor,
- onPeerError func(Peer, interface{})) *peer {
- p := &peer{
- peerConn: pc,
- nodeInfo: nodeInfo,
- channels: nodeInfo.Channels,
- Data: cmn.NewCMap(),
- }
- p.mconn = createMConnection(pc.conn, p, reactorsByCh, chDescs, onPeerError, pc.config.MConfig)
- p.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "Peer", p)
- return p
- }
- // PeerConfig is a Peer configuration.
- type PeerConfig struct {
- AuthEnc bool `mapstructure:"auth_enc"` // authenticated encryption
- // times are in seconds
- HandshakeTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"handshake_timeout"`
- DialTimeout time.Duration `mapstructure:"dial_timeout"`
- MConfig *tmconn.MConnConfig `mapstructure:"connection"`
- Fuzz bool `mapstructure:"fuzz"` // fuzz connection (for testing)
- FuzzConfig *FuzzConnConfig `mapstructure:"fuzz_config"`
- }
- // DefaultPeerConfig returns the default config.
- func DefaultPeerConfig() *PeerConfig {
- return &PeerConfig{
- AuthEnc: true,
- HandshakeTimeout: 20, // * time.Second,
- DialTimeout: 3, // * time.Second,
- MConfig: tmconn.DefaultMConnConfig(),
- Fuzz: false,
- FuzzConfig: DefaultFuzzConnConfig(),
- }
- }
- func newOutboundPeerConn(addr *NetAddress, config *PeerConfig, persistent bool, ourNodePrivKey crypto.PrivKey) (peerConn, error) {
- var pc peerConn
- conn, err := dial(addr, config)
- if err != nil {
- return pc, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "Error creating peer")
- }
- pc, err = newPeerConn(conn, config, true, persistent, ourNodePrivKey)
- if err != nil {
- if err2 := conn.Close(); err2 != nil {
- return pc, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, err2.Error())
- }
- return pc, err
- }
- // ensure dialed ID matches connection ID
- if config.AuthEnc && addr.ID != pc.ID() {
- if err2 := conn.Close(); err2 != nil {
- return pc, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, err2.Error())
- }
- return pc, ErrSwitchAuthenticationFailure{addr, pc.ID()}
- }
- return pc, nil
- }
- func newInboundPeerConn(conn net.Conn, config *PeerConfig, ourNodePrivKey crypto.PrivKey) (peerConn, error) {
- // TODO: issue PoW challenge
- return newPeerConn(conn, config, false, false, ourNodePrivKey)
- }
- func newPeerConn(rawConn net.Conn,
- config *PeerConfig, outbound, persistent bool,
- ourNodePrivKey crypto.PrivKey) (pc peerConn, err error) {
- conn := rawConn
- // Fuzz connection
- if config.Fuzz {
- // so we have time to do peer handshakes and get set up
- conn = FuzzConnAfterFromConfig(conn, 10*time.Second, config.FuzzConfig)
- }
- if config.AuthEnc {
- // Set deadline for secret handshake
- if err := conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(config.HandshakeTimeout * time.Second)); err != nil {
- return pc, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "Error setting deadline while encrypting connection")
- }
- // Encrypt connection
- conn, err = tmconn.MakeSecretConnection(conn, ourNodePrivKey)
- if err != nil {
- return pc, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "Error creating peer")
- }
- }
- // Only the information we already have
- return peerConn{
- config: config,
- outbound: outbound,
- persistent: persistent,
- conn: conn,
- }, nil
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // Implements cmn.Service
- // SetLogger implements BaseService.
- func (p *peer) SetLogger(l log.Logger) {
- p.Logger = l
- p.mconn.SetLogger(l)
- }
- // OnStart implements BaseService.
- func (p *peer) OnStart() error {
- if err := p.BaseService.OnStart(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- err := p.mconn.Start()
- return err
- }
- // OnStop implements BaseService.
- func (p *peer) OnStop() {
- p.BaseService.OnStop()
- p.mconn.Stop() // stop everything and close the conn
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // Implements Peer
- // ID returns the peer's ID - the hex encoded hash of its pubkey.
- func (p *peer) ID() ID {
- return p.nodeInfo.ID()
- }
- // IsOutbound returns true if the connection is outbound, false otherwise.
- func (p *peer) IsOutbound() bool {
- return p.peerConn.outbound
- }
- // IsPersistent returns true if the peer is persitent, false otherwise.
- func (p *peer) IsPersistent() bool {
- return p.peerConn.persistent
- }
- // NodeInfo returns a copy of the peer's NodeInfo.
- func (p *peer) NodeInfo() NodeInfo {
- return p.nodeInfo
- }
- // Status returns the peer's ConnectionStatus.
- func (p *peer) Status() tmconn.ConnectionStatus {
- return p.mconn.Status()
- }
- // Send msg bytes to the channel identified by chID byte. Returns false if the
- // send queue is full after timeout, specified by MConnection.
- func (p *peer) Send(chID byte, msgBytes []byte) bool {
- if !p.IsRunning() {
- // see Switch#Broadcast, where we fetch the list of peers and loop over
- // them - while we're looping, one peer may be removed and stopped.
- return false
- } else if !p.hasChannel(chID) {
- return false
- }
- return p.mconn.Send(chID, msgBytes)
- }
- // TrySend msg bytes to the channel identified by chID byte. Immediately returns
- // false if the send queue is full.
- func (p *peer) TrySend(chID byte, msgBytes []byte) bool {
- if !p.IsRunning() {
- return false
- } else if !p.hasChannel(chID) {
- return false
- }
- return p.mconn.TrySend(chID, msgBytes)
- }
- // Get the data for a given key.
- func (p *peer) Get(key string) interface{} {
- return p.Data.Get(key)
- }
- // Set sets the data for the given key.
- func (p *peer) Set(key string, data interface{}) {
- p.Data.Set(key, data)
- }
- // hasChannel returns true if the peer reported
- // knowing about the given chID.
- func (p *peer) hasChannel(chID byte) bool {
- for _, ch := range p.channels {
- if ch == chID {
- return true
- }
- }
- // NOTE: probably will want to remove this
- // but could be helpful while the feature is new
- p.Logger.Debug("Unknown channel for peer", "channel", chID, "channels", p.channels)
- return false
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------
- // methods used by the Switch
- // CloseConn should be called by the Switch if the peer was created but never started.
- func (pc *peerConn) CloseConn() {
- pc.conn.Close() // nolint: errcheck
- }
- // HandshakeTimeout performs the Tendermint P2P handshake between a given node and the peer
- // by exchanging their NodeInfo. It sets the received nodeInfo on the peer.
- // NOTE: blocking
- func (pc *peerConn) HandshakeTimeout(ourNodeInfo NodeInfo, timeout time.Duration) (peerNodeInfo NodeInfo, err error) {
- // Set deadline for handshake so we don't block forever on conn.ReadFull
- if err := pc.conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(timeout)); err != nil {
- return peerNodeInfo, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "Error setting deadline")
- }
- var trs, _ = cmn.Parallel(
- func(_ int) (val interface{}, err error, abort bool) {
- _, err = cdc.MarshalBinaryWriter(pc.conn, ourNodeInfo)
- return
- },
- func(_ int) (val interface{}, err error, abort bool) {
- _, err = cdc.UnmarshalBinaryReader(pc.conn, &peerNodeInfo, int64(MaxNodeInfoSize()))
- return
- },
- )
- if err := trs.FirstError(); err != nil {
- return peerNodeInfo, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "Error during handshake")
- }
- // Remove deadline
- if err := pc.conn.SetDeadline(time.Time{}); err != nil {
- return peerNodeInfo, cmn.ErrorWrap(err, "Error removing deadline")
- }
- return peerNodeInfo, nil
- }
- // Addr returns peer's remote network address.
- func (p *peer) Addr() net.Addr {
- return p.peerConn.conn.RemoteAddr()
- }
- // CanSend returns true if the send queue is not full, false otherwise.
- func (p *peer) CanSend(chID byte) bool {
- if !p.IsRunning() {
- return false
- }
- return p.mconn.CanSend(chID)
- }
- // String representation.
- func (p *peer) String() string {
- if p.outbound {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Peer{%v %v out}", p.mconn, p.ID())
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("Peer{%v %v in}", p.mconn, p.ID())
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // helper funcs
- func dial(addr *NetAddress, config *PeerConfig) (net.Conn, error) {
- conn, err := addr.DialTimeout(config.DialTimeout * time.Second)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return conn, nil
- }
- func createMConnection(conn net.Conn, p *peer, reactorsByCh map[byte]Reactor, chDescs []*tmconn.ChannelDescriptor,
- onPeerError func(Peer, interface{}), config *tmconn.MConnConfig) *tmconn.MConnection {
- onReceive := func(chID byte, msgBytes []byte) {
- reactor := reactorsByCh[chID]
- if reactor == nil {
- onPeerError(p, fmt.Errorf("Unknown channel %X", chID))
- }
- reactor.Receive(chID, p, msgBytes)
- }
- onError := func(r interface{}) {
- onPeerError(p, r)
- }
- return tmconn.NewMConnectionWithConfig(conn, chDescs, onReceive, onError, config)
- }