- package types
- import (
- tmtime "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types/time"
- )
- func MakeCommit(blockID BlockID, height int64, round int,
- voteSet *VoteSet, validators []PrivValidator) (*Commit, error) {
- // all sign
- for i := 0; i < len(validators); i++ {
- addr := validators[i].GetPubKey().Address()
- vote := &Vote{
- ValidatorAddress: addr,
- ValidatorIndex: i,
- Height: height,
- Round: round,
- Type: PrecommitType,
- BlockID: blockID,
- Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
- }
- _, err := signAddVote(validators[i], vote, voteSet)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- return voteSet.MakeCommit(), nil
- }
- func signAddVote(privVal PrivValidator, vote *Vote, voteSet *VoteSet) (signed bool, err error) {
- err = privVal.SignVote(voteSet.ChainID(), vote)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return voteSet.AddVote(vote)
- }
- func MakeVote(height int64, blockID BlockID, valSet *ValidatorSet, privVal PrivValidator, chainID string) (*Vote, error) {
- addr := privVal.GetPubKey().Address()
- idx, _ := valSet.GetByAddress(addr)
- vote := &Vote{
- ValidatorAddress: addr,
- ValidatorIndex: idx,
- Height: height,
- Round: 0,
- Timestamp: tmtime.Now(),
- Type: PrecommitType,
- BlockID: blockID,
- }
- if err := privVal.SignVote(chainID, vote); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return vote, nil
- }
- // MakeBlock returns a new block with an empty header, except what can be
- // computed from itself.
- // It populates the same set of fields validated by ValidateBasic.
- func MakeBlock(height int64, txs []Tx, lastCommit *Commit, evidence []Evidence) *Block {
- block := &Block{
- Header: Header{
- Height: height,
- NumTxs: int64(len(txs)),
- },
- Data: Data{
- Txs: txs,
- },
- Evidence: EvidenceData{Evidence: evidence},
- LastCommit: lastCommit,
- }
- block.fillHeader()
- return block
- }