@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func TestStateProposerSelection0(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh , height , round )
rs := cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vss [ 1 : ] ... )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vss [ 1 : ] ... )
// Wait for new round so next validator is set.
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height + 1 , 0 )
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func TestStateProposerSelection2(t *testing.T) {
rs := cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vss [ 1 : ] ... )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vss [ 1 : ] ... )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , i + round + 1 ) // wait for the new round event each round
incrementRound ( vss [ 1 : ] ... )
@ -214,16 +214,17 @@ func TestStateBadProposal(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh , height , round )
// wait for prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , nil )
// add bad prevote from vs2 and wait for it
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
// wait for precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , nil )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
@ -254,10 +255,10 @@ func TestStateFullRound1(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewProposal ( propCh , height , round )
propBlockHash := cs . GetRoundState ( ) . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // wait for prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // wait for prevote
validatePrevote ( t , cs , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit) // wait for precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType ) // wait for precommit
// we're going to roll right into new height
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height + 1 , 0 )
@ -275,8 +276,8 @@ func TestStateFullRoundNil(t *testing.T) {
cs . enterPrevote ( height , round )
cs . startRoutines ( 4 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit) // precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType ) // precommit
// should prevote and precommit nil
validatePrevoteAndPrecommit ( t , cs , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , nil )
@ -295,25 +296,25 @@ func TestStateFullRound2(t *testing.T) {
// start round and wait for propose and prevote
startTestRound ( cs1 , height , round )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // prevote
// we should be stuck in limbo waiting for more prevotes
rs := cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
propBlockHash , propPartsHeader := rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( )
// prevote arrives from vs2:
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, propBlockHash , propPartsHeader , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // prevote
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlockHash , propPartsHeader , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit) //precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType ) //precommit
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 0 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash , propBlockHash )
// we should be stuck in limbo waiting for more precommits
// precommit arrives from vs2:
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, propBlockHash , propPartsHeader , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , propBlockHash , propPartsHeader , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// wait to finish commit, propose in next height
ensureNewBlock ( newBlockCh , height )
@ -352,14 +353,14 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
theBlockHash := roundState . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
thePartSetHeader := roundState . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // prevote
// we should now be stuck in limbo forever, waiting for more prevotes
// prevote arrives from vs2:
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, theBlockHash , thePartSetHeader , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // prevote
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , theBlockHash , thePartSetHeader , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit) // precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType ) // precommit
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , round , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash , theBlockHash )
@ -368,8 +369,8 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
hash := make ( [ ] byte , len ( theBlockHash ) )
copy ( hash , theBlockHash )
hash [ 0 ] = byte ( ( hash [ 0 ] + 1 ) % 255 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, hash , thePartSetHeader , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit) // precommit
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , hash , thePartSetHeader , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType ) // precommit
// (note we're entering precommit for a second time this round)
// but with invalid args. then we enterPrecommitWait, and the timeout to new round
@ -396,26 +397,26 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
// wait to finish prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
// we should have prevoted our locked block
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , rs . LockedBlock . Hash ( ) )
// add a conflicting prevote from the other validator
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, hash , rs . LockedBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , hash , rs . LockedBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
// now we're going to enter prevote again, but with invalid args
// and then prevote wait, which should timeout. then wait for precommit
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrevote . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit) // precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType ) // precommit
// the proposed block should still be locked and our precommit added
// we should precommit nil and be locked on the proposal
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , theBlockHash )
// add conflicting precommit from vs2
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, hash , rs . LockedBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , hash , rs . LockedBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// (note we're entering precommit for a second time this round, but with invalid args
// then we enterPrecommitWait and timeout into NewRound
@ -438,19 +439,19 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Expected proposal block to be locked block. Got %v, Expected %v" , rs . ProposalBlock , rs . LockedBlock ) )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // prevote
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , rs . LockedBlock . Hash ( ) )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, hash , rs . ProposalBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , hash , rs . ProposalBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrevote . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit) // precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType ) // precommit
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , theBlockHash ) // precommit nil but be locked on proposal
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, hash , rs . ProposalBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 ) // NOTE: conflicting precommits at same height
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , hash , rs . ProposalBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 ) // NOTE: conflicting precommits at same height
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
@ -477,20 +478,20 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh , height , round )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // prevote
// prevote for locked block (not proposal)
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 3 , vss [ 0 ] , cs1 . LockedBlock . Hash ( ) )
// prevote for proposed block
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrevote . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , theBlockHash ) // precommit nil but locked on proposal
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 ) // NOTE: conflicting precommits at same height
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 ) // NOTE: conflicting precommits at same height
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// 4 vals, one precommits, other 3 polka at next round, so we unlock and precomit the polka
@ -524,17 +525,17 @@ func TestStateLockPOLRelock(t *testing.T) {
theBlockHash := rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
theBlockParts := rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote) // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e ) // prevote
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, theBlockHash , theBlockParts , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , theBlockHash , theBlockParts , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit) // our precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType ) // our precommit
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , round , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash , theBlockHash )
// add precommits from the rest
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, theBlockHash , theBlockParts , vs3 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , theBlockHash , theBlockParts , vs3 )
// before we timeout to the new round set the new proposal
prop , propBlock := decideProposal ( cs1 , vs2 , vs2 . Height , vs2 . Round + 1 )
@ -566,17 +567,17 @@ func TestStateLockPOLRelock(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh , height , round )
// go to prevote, prevote for locked block (not proposal), move on
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash )
// now lets add prevotes from everyone else for the new block
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, propBlockHash , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlockHash , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// we should have unlocked and locked on the new block
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash , propBlockHash )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, propBlockHash , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , propBlockHash , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 )
ensureNewBlockHeader ( newBlockCh , height , propBlockHash )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height + 1 , 0 )
@ -613,20 +614,20 @@ func TestStateLockPOLUnlock(t *testing.T) {
theBlockHash := rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
theBlockParts := rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, theBlockHash , theBlockParts , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , theBlockHash , theBlockParts , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , round , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash , theBlockHash )
rs = cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
// add precommits from the rest
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, theBlockHash , theBlockParts , vs3 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , theBlockHash , theBlockParts , vs3 )
// before we time out into new round, set next proposal block
prop , propBlock := decideProposal ( cs1 , vs2 , vs2 . Height , vs2 . Round + 1 )
@ -655,21 +656,20 @@ func TestStateLockPOLUnlock(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh , height , round )
// go to prevote, prevote for locked block (not proposal)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , lockedBlockHash )
// now lets add prevotes from everyone else for nil (a polka!)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
// the polka makes us unlock and precommit nil
ensureNewUnlock ( unlockCh , height , round )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// we should have unlocked and committed nil
// NOTE: since we don't relock on nil, the lock round is 0
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , nil )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , round + 1 )
@ -698,19 +698,19 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
rs := cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
propBlock := rs . ProposalBlock
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlock . Hash ( ) )
// the others sign a polka but we don't see it
prevotes := signVotes ( types . VoteType Prevote, propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
prevotes := signVotes ( types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
t . Logf ( "old prop hash %v" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%X" , propBlock . Hash ( ) ) )
// we do see them precommit nil
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
// cs1 precommit nil
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
t . Log ( "### ONTO ROUND 1" )
@ -743,17 +743,17 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
t . Logf ( "new prop hash %v" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%X" , propBlockHash ) )
// go to prevote, prevote for proposal block
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash )
// now we see the others prevote for it, so we should lock on it
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, propBlockHash , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlockHash , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// we should have precommitted
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash , propBlockHash )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutProposeCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPropose . Nanoseconds ( ) )
// finish prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
// we should prevote what we're locked on
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash )
@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety2(t *testing.T) {
propBlockParts0 := propBlock0 . MakePartSet ( partSize )
// the others sign a polka but we don't see it
prevotes := signVotes ( types . VoteType Prevote, propBlockHash0 , propBlockParts0 . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
prevotes := signVotes ( types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlockHash0 , propBlockParts0 . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
// the block for round 1
prop1 , propBlock1 := decideProposal ( cs1 , vs2 , vs2 . Height , vs2 . Round + 1 )
@ -834,18 +834,18 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety2(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh , height , round )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash1 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, propBlockHash1 , propBlockParts1 . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlockHash1 , propBlockParts1 . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash1 , propBlockHash1 )
// add precommits from the rest
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, propBlockHash1 , propBlockParts1 . Header ( ) , vs3 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , propBlockHash1 , propBlockParts1 . Header ( ) , vs3 )
incrementRound ( vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety2(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh , height , round )
ensureNoNewUnlock ( unlockCh )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash1 )
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ func TestWaitingTimeoutOnNilPolka(t *testing.T) {
startTestRound ( cs1 , height , round )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , round )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , round + 1 )
@ -915,10 +915,10 @@ func TestWaitingTimeoutProposeOnNewRound(t *testing.T) {
startTestRound ( cs1 , height , round )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , round )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
incrementRound ( vss [ 1 : ] ... )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
round = round + 1 // moving to the next round
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , round )
@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ func TestWaitingTimeoutProposeOnNewRound(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPropose . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , nil )
@ -948,15 +948,15 @@ func TestRoundSkipOnNilPolkaFromHigherRound(t *testing.T) {
startTestRound ( cs1 , height , round )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , round )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
incrementRound ( vss [ 1 : ] ... )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
round = round + 1 // moving to the next round
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , round )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , nil )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
@ -982,11 +982,11 @@ func TestWaitTimeoutProposeOnNilPolkaForTheCurrentRound(t *testing.T) {
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh , height , round )
incrementRound ( vss [ 1 : ] ... )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutProposeCh , height , round , cs1 . config . TimeoutPropose . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , nil )
@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ func TestStateSlashingPrevotes(t *testing.T) {
// add one for a different block should cause us to go into prevote wait
hash := rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
hash [ 0 ] = byte ( hash [ 0 ] + 1 ) % 255
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, hash , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , hash , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- timeoutWaitCh
@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ func TestStateSlashingPrevotes(t *testing.T) {
// away and ignore more prevotes (and thus fail to slash!)
// add the conflicting vote
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
// XXX: Check for existence of Dupeout info
@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ func TestStateSlashingPrecommits(t *testing.T) {
<- voteCh // prevote
// add prevote from vs2
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- voteCh // precommit
@ -1055,13 +1055,13 @@ func TestStateSlashingPrecommits(t *testing.T) {
// add one for a different block should cause us to go into prevote wait
hash := rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
hash [ 0 ] = byte ( hash [ 0 ] + 1 ) % 255
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, hash , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , hash , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
// NOTE: we have to send the vote for different block first so we don't just go into precommit round right
// away and ignore more prevotes (and thus fail to slash!)
// add precommit from vs2
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
// XXX: Check for existence of Dupeout info
@ -1096,19 +1096,19 @@ func TestStateHalt1(t *testing.T) {
propBlock := rs . ProposalBlock
propBlockParts := propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Prevote, propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrevoteTyp e , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Precommit)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrecommitType )
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . Hash ( ) )
// add precommits from the rest
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 ) // didnt receive proposal
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteType Precommit, propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs3 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 ) // didnt receive proposal
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . PrecommitType , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs3 )
// we receive this later, but vs3 might receive it earlier and with ours will go to commit!
precommit4 := signVote ( vs4 , types . VoteType Precommit, propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlockParts . Header ( ) )
precommit4 := signVote ( vs4 , types . PrecommitType , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlockParts . Header ( ) )
incrementRound ( vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ func TestStateHalt1(t *testing.T) {
* /
// go to prevote, prevote for locked block
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . VoteType Prevote)
ensureVote ( voteCh , height , round , types . PrevoteTyp e )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , rs . LockedBlock . Hash ( ) )
// now we receive the precommit from the previous round
@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ func TestStateOutputVoteStats(t *testing.T) {
// create dummy peer
peer := p2pdummy . NewPeer ( )
vote := signVote ( vss [ 1 ] , types . VoteType Precommit, [ ] byte ( "test" ) , types . PartSetHeader { } )
vote := signVote ( vss [ 1 ] , types . PrecommitType , [ ] byte ( "test" ) , types . PartSetHeader { } )
voteMessage := & VoteMessage { vote }
cs . handleMsg ( msgInfo { voteMessage , peer . ID ( ) } )
@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ func TestStateOutputVoteStats(t *testing.T) {
// sending the vote for the bigger height
incrementHeight ( vss [ 1 ] )
vote = signVote ( vss [ 1 ] , types . VoteType Precommit, [ ] byte ( "test" ) , types . PartSetHeader { } )
vote = signVote ( vss [ 1 ] , types . PrecommitType , [ ] byte ( "test" ) , types . PartSetHeader { } )
cs . handleMsg ( msgInfo { & VoteMessage { vote } , peer . ID ( ) } )