- /*
- Computes a deterministic minimal height merkle tree hash.
- If the number of items is not a power of two, some leaves
- will be at different levels. Tries to keep both sides of
- the tree the same size, but the left may be one greater.
- Use this for short deterministic trees, such as the validator list.
- For larger datasets, use IAVLTree.
- *
- / \
- / \
- / \
- / \
- * *
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- * * * h6
- / \ / \ / \
- h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5
- */
- package merkle
- import (
- "bytes"
- "crypto/sha256"
- . "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/binary"
- )
- func HashFromTwoHashes(left []byte, right []byte) []byte {
- var n int64
- var err error
- var hasher = sha256.New()
- WriteByteSlice(hasher, left, &n, &err)
- WriteByteSlice(hasher, right, &n, &err)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return hasher.Sum(nil)
- }
- func HashFromHashes(hashes [][]byte) []byte {
- // Recursive impl.
- switch len(hashes) {
- case 0:
- return nil
- case 1:
- return hashes[0]
- default:
- left := HashFromHashes(hashes[:(len(hashes)+1)/2])
- right := HashFromHashes(hashes[(len(hashes)+1)/2:])
- return HashFromTwoHashes(left, right)
- }
- }
- // Convenience for HashFromHashes.
- func HashFromBinaries(items []Binary) []byte {
- hashes := [][]byte{}
- for _, item := range items {
- hasher := sha256.New()
- _, err := item.WriteTo(hasher)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- hash := hasher.Sum(nil)
- hashes = append(hashes, hash)
- }
- return HashFromHashes(hashes)
- }
- // Convenience for HashFromHashes.
- func HashFromHashables(items []Hashable) []byte {
- hashes := [][]byte{}
- for _, item := range items {
- hash := item.Hash()
- hashes = append(hashes, hash)
- }
- return HashFromHashes(hashes)
- }
- type HashTrail struct {
- Hash []byte
- Parent *HashTrail
- Left *HashTrail
- Right *HashTrail
- }
- func (ht *HashTrail) Flatten() [][]byte {
- // Nonrecursive impl.
- trail := [][]byte{}
- for ht != nil {
- if ht.Left != nil {
- trail = append(trail, ht.Left.Hash)
- } else if ht.Right != nil {
- trail = append(trail, ht.Right.Hash)
- } else {
- break
- }
- ht = ht.Parent
- }
- return trail
- }
- // returned trails[0].Hash is the leaf hash.
- // trails[0].Parent.Hash is the hash above that, etc.
- func HashTrailsFromHashables(items []Hashable) (trails []*HashTrail, root *HashTrail) {
- // Recursive impl.
- switch len(items) {
- case 0:
- return nil, nil
- case 1:
- trail := &HashTrail{items[0].Hash(), nil, nil, nil}
- return []*HashTrail{trail}, trail
- default:
- lefts, leftRoot := HashTrailsFromHashables(items[:(len(items)+1)/2])
- rights, rightRoot := HashTrailsFromHashables(items[(len(items)+1)/2:])
- rootHash := HashFromTwoHashes(leftRoot.Hash, rightRoot.Hash)
- root := &HashTrail{rootHash, nil, nil, nil}
- leftRoot.Parent = root
- leftRoot.Right = rightRoot
- rightRoot.Parent = root
- rightRoot.Left = leftRoot
- return append(lefts, rights...), root
- }
- }
- // Ensures that leafHash is part of rootHash.
- func VerifyHashTrail(index uint, total uint, leafHash []byte, trail [][]byte, rootHash []byte) bool {
- computedRoot := ComputeRootFromTrail(index, total, leafHash, trail)
- if computedRoot == nil {
- return false
- }
- return bytes.Equal(computedRoot, rootHash)
- }
- // Use the leafHash and trail to get the root merkle hash.
- // If the length of the trail slice isn't exactly correct, the result is nil.
- func ComputeRootFromTrail(index uint, total uint, leafHash []byte, trail [][]byte) []byte {
- // Recursive impl.
- if index >= total {
- return nil
- }
- switch total {
- case 0:
- panic("Cannot call ComputeRootFromTrail() with 0 total")
- case 1:
- if len(trail) != 0 {
- return nil
- }
- return leafHash
- default:
- if len(trail) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- numLeft := (total + 1) / 2
- if index < numLeft {
- leftRoot := ComputeRootFromTrail(index, numLeft, leafHash, trail[:len(trail)-1])
- if leftRoot == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return HashFromTwoHashes(leftRoot, trail[len(trail)-1])
- } else {
- rightRoot := ComputeRootFromTrail(index-numLeft, total-numLeft, leafHash, trail[:len(trail)-1])
- if rightRoot == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return HashFromTwoHashes(trail[len(trail)-1], rightRoot)
- }
- }
- }