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Unified deterministic merkle tree computation. Now we have 2 types of

trees... IAVL (nondeterministic) and Simple (deterministic)
Jae Kwon 10 years ago
4 changed files with 248 additions and 256 deletions
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merkle/simple_tree.go View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
Computes a deterministic minimal height merkle tree hash.
If the number of items is not a power of two, some leaves
will be at different levels, leaning left.
Use this for shorter deterministic trees, such as the validator list.
For larger datasets, use IAVLTree.
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* *
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* * * h6
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h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5
package merkle
import (
. ""
func HashFromTwoHashes(left []byte, right []byte) []byte {
var n int64
var err error
var hasher = sha256.New()
WriteByteSlice(hasher, left, &n, &err)
WriteByteSlice(hasher, right, &n, &err)
if err != nil {
return hasher.Sum(nil)
func HashFromHashes(hashes [][]byte) []byte {
// Recursive impl.
switch len(hashes) {
case 0:
panic("Cannot call HashFromHashes() with 0 length arg")
case 1:
return hashes[0]
left := HashFromHashes(hashes[:(len(hashes)+1)/2])
right := HashFromHashes(hashes[(len(hashes)+1)/2:])
return HashFromTwoHashes(left, right)
// Convenience for HashFromHashes.
func HashFromBinaries(items []Binary) []byte {
hashes := [][]byte{}
for _, item := range items {
hasher := sha256.New()
_, err := item.WriteTo(hasher)
if err != nil {
hash := hasher.Sum(nil)
hashes = append(hashes, hash)
return HashFromHashes(hashes)
// Convenience for HashFromHashes.
func HashFromHashables(items []Hashable) []byte {
hashes := [][]byte{}
for _, item := range items {
hash := item.Hash()
hashes = append(hashes, hash)
return HashFromHashes(hashes)
type HashTrail struct {
Hash []byte
Parent *HashTrail
Left *HashTrail
Right *HashTrail
func (ht *HashTrail) Flatten() [][]byte {
// Nonrecursive impl.
trail := [][]byte{}
for ht != nil {
if ht.Left != nil {
trail = append(trail, ht.Left.Hash)
} else if ht.Right != nil {
trail = append(trail, ht.Right.Hash)
} else {
ht = ht.Parent
return trail
// returned trails[0].Hash is the leaf hash.
// trails[0].Parent.Hash is the hash above that, etc.
func HashTrailsFromHashables(items []Hashable) (trails []*HashTrail, root *HashTrail) {
// Recursive impl.
switch len(items) {
case 0:
panic("Cannot call HashTrailsFromHashables() with 0 length arg")
case 1:
trail := &HashTrail{items[0].Hash(), nil, nil, nil}
return []*HashTrail{trail}, trail
lefts, leftRoot := HashTrailsFromHashables(items[:(len(items)+1)/2])
rights, rightRoot := HashTrailsFromHashables(items[(len(items)+1)/2:])
rootHash := HashFromTwoHashes(leftRoot.Hash, rightRoot.Hash)
root := &HashTrail{rootHash, nil, nil, nil}
leftRoot.Parent = root
leftRoot.Right = rightRoot
rightRoot.Parent = root
rightRoot.Left = leftRoot
return append(lefts, rights...), root
// Ensures that leafHash is part of rootHash.
func VerifyHashTrail(index uint, total uint, leafHash []byte, trail [][]byte, rootHash []byte) bool {
computedRoot := ComputeRootFromTrail(index, total, leafHash, trail)
if computedRoot == nil {
return false
return bytes.Equal(computedRoot, rootHash)
// Use the leafHash and trail to get the root merkle hash.
// If the length of the trail slice isn't exactly correct, the result is nil.
func ComputeRootFromTrail(index uint, total uint, leafHash []byte, trail [][]byte) []byte {
// Recursive impl.
if index >= total {
return nil
switch total {
case 0:
panic("Cannot call ComputeRootFromTrail() with 0 total")
case 1:
if len(trail) != 0 {
return nil
return leafHash
if len(trail) == 0 {
return nil
numLeft := (total + 1) / 2
if index < numLeft {
leftRoot := ComputeRootFromTrail(index, numLeft, leafHash, trail[:len(trail)-1])
if leftRoot == nil {
return nil
return HashFromTwoHashes(leftRoot, trail[len(trail)-1])
} else {
rightRoot := ComputeRootFromTrail(index-numLeft, total-numLeft, leafHash, trail[:len(trail)-1])
if rightRoot == nil {
return nil
return HashFromTwoHashes(trail[len(trail)-1], rightRoot)

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merkle/simple_tree_test.go View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package merkle
import (
. ""
type testItem []byte
func (tI testItem) Hash() []byte {
return []byte(tI)
func TestMerkleTrails(t *testing.T) {
numItems := uint(100)
items := make([]Hashable, numItems)
for i := uint(0); i < numItems; i++ {
items[i] = testItem(RandBytes(32))
root := HashFromHashables(items)
trails, rootTrail := HashTrailsFromHashables(items)
// Assert that HashFromHashables and HashTrailsFromHashables are compatible.
if !bytes.Equal(root, rootTrail.Hash) {
t.Errorf("Root mismatch:\n%X vs\n%X", root, rootTrail.Hash)
// For each item, check the trail.
for i, item := range items {
itemHash := item.Hash()
flatTrail := trails[i].Flatten()
// Verify success
ok := VerifyHashTrail(uint(i), numItems, itemHash, flatTrail, root)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Verification failed for index %v.", i)
// Wrong item index should make it fail
ok = VerifyHashTrail(uint(i)+1, numItems, itemHash, flatTrail, root)
if ok {
t.Errorf("Expected verification to fail for wrong index %v.", i)
// Trail too long should make it fail
trail2 := append(flatTrail, RandBytes(32))
ok = VerifyHashTrail(uint(i), numItems, itemHash, trail2, root)
if ok {
t.Errorf("Expected verification to fail for wrong trail length.")
// Trail too short should make it fail
trail2 = flatTrail[:len(flatTrail)-1]
ok = VerifyHashTrail(uint(i), numItems, itemHash, trail2, root)
if ok {
t.Errorf("Expected verification to fail for wrong trail length.")
// Mutating the itemHash should make it fail.
itemHash2 := make([]byte, len(itemHash))
copy(itemHash2, itemHash)
itemHash2[0] += byte(0x01)
ok = VerifyHashTrail(uint(i), numItems, itemHash2, flatTrail, root)
if ok {
t.Errorf("Expected verification to fail for mutated leaf hash")

+ 1
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merkle/util.go View File

@ -1,230 +1,10 @@
package merkle
import (
. ""
func HashFromTwoHashes(left []byte, right []byte) []byte {
var n int64
var err error
var hasher = sha256.New()
WriteByteSlice(hasher, left, &n, &err)
WriteByteSlice(hasher, right, &n, &err)
if err != nil {
return hasher.Sum(nil)
Computes a deterministic minimal height merkle tree hash.
If the number of items is not a power of two, some leaves
will be at different levels.
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/ \
/ \
* *
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
* h2 * *
/ \ / \ / \
h0 h1 h3 h4 h5 h6
func HashFromHashes(hashes [][]byte) []byte {
switch len(hashes) {
case 0:
return nil
case 1:
return hashes[0]
left := HashFromHashes(hashes[:len(hashes)/2])
right := HashFromHashes(hashes[len(hashes)/2:])
return HashFromTwoHashes(left, right)
// Convenience for HashFromHashes.
func HashFromBinaries(items []Binary) []byte {
hashes := [][]byte{}
for _, item := range items {
hasher := sha256.New()
_, err := item.WriteTo(hasher)
if err != nil {
hash := hasher.Sum(nil)
hashes = append(hashes, hash)
return HashFromHashes(hashes)
// Convenience for HashFromHashes.
func HashFromHashables(items []Hashable) []byte {
hashes := [][]byte{}
for _, item := range items {
hash := item.Hash()
hashes = append(hashes, hash)
return HashFromHashes(hashes)
Calculates an array of hashes, useful for deriving hash trails.
/ \
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/ \
/ \
3 11
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
1 5 9 13
/ \ / \ / \ / \
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7
(diagram and idea borrowed from libswift)
The hashes provided get assigned to even indices.
The derived merkle hashes get assigned to odd indices.
If "hashes" is not of length power of 2, it is padded
with blank (zeroed) hashes.
func HashTreeFromHashes(hashes [][]byte) [][]byte {
// Make length of "hashes" a power of 2
hashesLen := uint32(len(hashes))
fullLen := uint32(1)
for {
if fullLen >= hashesLen {
} else {
fullLen <<= 1
blank := make([]byte, len(hashes[0]))
for i := hashesLen; i < fullLen; i++ {
hashes = append(hashes, blank)
// The result is twice the length minus one.
res := make([][]byte, len(hashes)*2-1)
for i, hash := range hashes {
res[i*2] = hash
// Fill all the hashes recursively.
fillTreeRoot(res, 0, len(res)-1)
return res
// Fill in the blanks.
func fillTreeRoot(res [][]byte, start, end int) []byte {
if start == end {
return res[start]
} else {
mid := (start + end) / 2
left := fillTreeRoot(res, start, mid-1)
right := fillTreeRoot(res, mid+1, end)
root := HashFromTwoHashes(left, right)
res[mid] = root
return root
// Convenience for HashTreeFromHashes.
func HashTreeFromHashables(items []Hashable) [][]byte {
hashes := [][]byte{}
for _, item := range items {
hash := item.Hash()
hashes = append(hashes, hash)
return HashTreeFromHashes(hashes)
Given the original index of an item,
(e.g. for h5 in the diagram above, the index is 5, not 10)
returns a trail of hashes, which along with the index can be
used to calculate the merkle root.
See VerifyHashTrailForIndex()
func HashTrailForIndex(hashTree [][]byte, index int) [][]byte {
trail := [][]byte{}
index *= 2
// We start from the leaf layer and work our way up.
// Notice the indices in the diagram:
// 0 2 4 ... offset 0, stride 2
// 1 5 9 ... offset 1, stride 4
// 3 11 19 ... offset 3, stride 8
// 7 23 39 ... offset 7, stride 16 etc.
offset := 0
stride := 2
for {
// Calculate sibling of index.
var next int
if ((index-offset)/stride)%2 == 0 {
next = index + stride
} else {
next = index - stride
if next >= len(hashTree) {
// Insert sibling hash to trail.
trail = append(trail, hashTree[next])
index = (index + next) / 2
offset += stride / 2
stride *= 2
return trail
// Ensures that leafHash is part of rootHash.
func VerifyHashTrailForIndex(index int, leafHash []byte, trail [][]byte, rootHash []byte) bool {
index *= 2
offset := 0
stride := 2
tempHash := make([]byte, len(leafHash))
copy(tempHash, leafHash)
for i := 0; i < len(trail); i++ {
var next int
if ((index-offset)/stride)%2 == 0 {
next = index + stride
tempHash = HashFromTwoHashes(tempHash, trail[i])
} else {
next = index - stride
tempHash = HashFromTwoHashes(trail[i], tempHash)
index = (index + next) / 2
offset += stride / 2
stride *= 2
return bytes.Equal(rootHash, tempHash)
// Prints the in-memory children recursively.
func PrintIAVLNode(node *IAVLNode) {
fmt.Println("==== NODE")
if node != nil {

+ 0
- 35
merkle/util_test.go View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
package merkle
import (
. ""
// TODO: Actually test. All this does is help debug.
// consensus/part_set tests some of this functionality.
func TestHashTreeMerkleTrail(t *testing.T) {
numHashes := 5
// Make some fake "hashes".
hashes := make([][]byte, numHashes)
for i := 0; i < numHashes; i++ {
hashes[i] = RandBytes(32)
t.Logf("hash %v\t%X\n", i, hashes[i])
hashTree := HashTreeFromHashes(hashes)
for i := 0; i < len(hashTree); i++ {
t.Logf("tree %v\t%X\n", i, hashTree[i])
for i := 0; i < numHashes; i++ {
t.Logf("trail %v\n", i)
trail := HashTrailForIndex(hashTree, i)
for j := 0; j < len(trail); j++ {
t.Logf("index: %v, hash: %X\n", j, trail[j])
