- package state
- import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "testing"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- abci "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
- crypto "github.com/tendermint/go-crypto"
- cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/db"
- "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/log"
- cfg "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/config"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- // setupTestCase does setup common to all test cases
- func setupTestCase(t *testing.T) (func(t *testing.T), dbm.DB, *State) {
- config := cfg.ResetTestRoot("state_")
- stateDB := dbm.NewDB("state", config.DBBackend, config.DBDir())
- state := GetState(stateDB, config.GenesisFile())
- state.SetLogger(log.TestingLogger())
- tearDown := func(t *testing.T) {}
- return tearDown, stateDB, state
- }
- func TestStateCopy(t *testing.T) {
- tearDown, _, state := setupTestCase(t)
- defer tearDown(t)
- assert := assert.New(t)
- stateCopy := state.Copy()
- assert.True(state.Equals(stateCopy),
- cmn.Fmt("exppppppected state and its copy to be identical. got %v\n expected %v\n", stateCopy, state))
- stateCopy.LastBlockHeight++
- assert.False(state.Equals(stateCopy), cmn.Fmt("expected states to be different. got same %v", state))
- }
- func TestStateSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
- tearDown, stateDB, state := setupTestCase(t)
- defer tearDown(t)
- state.LastBlockHeight++
- state.Save()
- loadedState := LoadState(stateDB)
- assert.True(state.Equals(loadedState),
- cmn.Fmt("expected state and its copy to be identical. got %v\n expected %v\n", loadedState, state))
- }
- func TestABCIResponsesSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
- tearDown, _, state := setupTestCase(t)
- defer tearDown(t)
- assert := assert.New(t)
- state.LastBlockHeight++
- // build mock responses
- block := makeBlock(2, state)
- abciResponses := NewABCIResponses(block)
- abciResponses.DeliverTx[0] = &abci.ResponseDeliverTx{Data: []byte("foo")}
- abciResponses.DeliverTx[1] = &abci.ResponseDeliverTx{Data: []byte("bar"), Log: "ok"}
- abciResponses.EndBlock = abci.ResponseEndBlock{Diffs: []*abci.Validator{
- {
- PubKey: crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519().PubKey().Bytes(),
- Power: 10,
- },
- }}
- abciResponses.txs = nil
- state.SaveABCIResponses(abciResponses)
- abciResponses2 := state.LoadABCIResponses()
- assert.Equal(abciResponses, abciResponses2,
- cmn.Fmt("ABCIResponses don't match: Got %v, Expected %v", abciResponses2, abciResponses))
- }
- func TestValidatorSimpleSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
- tearDown, _, state := setupTestCase(t)
- defer tearDown(t)
- assert := assert.New(t)
- // cant load anything for height 0
- v, err := state.LoadValidators(0)
- assert.IsType(ErrNoValSetForHeight{}, err, "expected err at height 0")
- // should be able to load for height 1
- v, err = state.LoadValidators(1)
- assert.Nil(err, "expected no err at height 1")
- assert.Equal(v.Hash(), state.Validators.Hash(), "expected validator hashes to match")
- // increment height, save; should be able to load for next height
- state.LastBlockHeight++
- state.saveValidatorsInfo()
- v, err = state.LoadValidators(state.LastBlockHeight + 1)
- assert.Nil(err, "expected no err")
- assert.Equal(v.Hash(), state.Validators.Hash(), "expected validator hashes to match")
- // increment height, save; should be able to load for next height
- state.LastBlockHeight += 10
- state.saveValidatorsInfo()
- v, err = state.LoadValidators(state.LastBlockHeight + 1)
- assert.Nil(err, "expected no err")
- assert.Equal(v.Hash(), state.Validators.Hash(), "expected validator hashes to match")
- // should be able to load for next next height
- _, err = state.LoadValidators(state.LastBlockHeight + 2)
- assert.IsType(ErrNoValSetForHeight{}, err, "expected err at unknown height")
- }
- func TestValidatorChangesSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
- tearDown, _, state := setupTestCase(t)
- defer tearDown(t)
- assert := assert.New(t)
- // change vals at these heights
- changeHeights := []int{1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 20}
- N := len(changeHeights)
- // each valset is just one validator.
- // create list of them
- pubkeys := make([]crypto.PubKey, N+1)
- pubkeys[0] = state.GenesisDoc.Validators[0].PubKey
- for i := 1; i < N+1; i++ {
- pubkeys[i] = crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519().PubKey()
- }
- // build the validator history by running SetBlockAndValidators
- // with the right validator set for each height
- highestHeight := changeHeights[N-1] + 5
- changeIndex := 0
- pubkey := pubkeys[changeIndex]
- for i := 1; i < highestHeight; i++ {
- // when we get to a change height,
- // use the next pubkey
- if changeIndex < len(changeHeights) && i == changeHeights[changeIndex] {
- changeIndex++
- pubkey = pubkeys[changeIndex]
- }
- header, parts, responses := makeHeaderPartsResponses(state, i, pubkey)
- state.SetBlockAndValidators(header, parts, responses)
- state.saveValidatorsInfo()
- }
- // make all the test cases by using the same validator until after the change
- testCases := make([]valChangeTestCase, highestHeight)
- changeIndex = 0
- pubkey = pubkeys[changeIndex]
- for i := 1; i < highestHeight+1; i++ {
- // we we get to the height after a change height
- // use the next pubkey (note our counter starts at 0 this time)
- if changeIndex < len(changeHeights) && i == changeHeights[changeIndex]+1 {
- changeIndex++
- pubkey = pubkeys[changeIndex]
- }
- testCases[i-1] = valChangeTestCase{i, pubkey}
- }
- for _, testCase := range testCases {
- v, err := state.LoadValidators(testCase.height)
- assert.Nil(err, fmt.Sprintf("expected no err at height %d", testCase.height))
- assert.Equal(v.Size(), 1, "validator set size is greater than 1: %d", v.Size())
- addr, _ := v.GetByIndex(0)
- assert.Equal(addr, testCase.vals.Address(), fmt.Sprintf("unexpected pubkey at height %d", testCase.height))
- }
- }
- func makeHeaderPartsResponses(state *State, height int,
- pubkey crypto.PubKey) (*types.Header, types.PartSetHeader, *ABCIResponses) {
- block := makeBlock(height, state)
- _, val := state.Validators.GetByIndex(0)
- abciResponses := &ABCIResponses{
- Height: height,
- }
- // if the pubkey is new, remove the old and add the new
- if !bytes.Equal(pubkey.Bytes(), val.PubKey.Bytes()) {
- abciResponses.EndBlock = abci.ResponseEndBlock{
- Diffs: []*abci.Validator{
- {val.PubKey.Bytes(), 0},
- {pubkey.Bytes(), 10},
- },
- }
- }
- return block.Header, types.PartSetHeader{}, abciResponses
- }
- type valChangeTestCase struct {
- height int
- vals crypto.PubKey
- }