- package store
- import (
- "fmt"
- "strconv"
- "sync"
- "github.com/pkg/errors"
- db "github.com/tendermint/tm-db"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/tm-db"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- /*
- BlockStore is a simple low level store for blocks.
- There are three types of information stored:
- - BlockMeta: Meta information about each block
- - Block part: Parts of each block, aggregated w/ PartSet
- - Commit: The commit part of each block, for gossiping precommit votes
- Currently the precommit signatures are duplicated in the Block parts as
- well as the Commit. In the future this may change, perhaps by moving
- the Commit data outside the Block. (TODO)
- The store can be assumed to contain all contiguous blocks between base and height (inclusive).
- // NOTE: BlockStore methods will panic if they encounter errors
- // deserializing loaded data, indicating probable corruption on disk.
- */
- type BlockStore struct {
- db dbm.DB
- mtx sync.RWMutex
- base int64
- height int64
- }
- // NewBlockStore returns a new BlockStore with the given DB,
- // initialized to the last height that was committed to the DB.
- func NewBlockStore(db dbm.DB) *BlockStore {
- bsjson := LoadBlockStoreStateJSON(db)
- return &BlockStore{
- base: bsjson.Base,
- height: bsjson.Height,
- db: db,
- }
- }
- // Base returns the first known contiguous block height, or 0 for empty block stores.
- func (bs *BlockStore) Base() int64 {
- bs.mtx.RLock()
- defer bs.mtx.RUnlock()
- return bs.base
- }
- // Height returns the last known contiguous block height, or 0 for empty block stores.
- func (bs *BlockStore) Height() int64 {
- bs.mtx.RLock()
- defer bs.mtx.RUnlock()
- return bs.height
- }
- // Size returns the number of blocks in the block store.
- func (bs *BlockStore) Size() int64 {
- bs.mtx.RLock()
- defer bs.mtx.RUnlock()
- if bs.height == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- return bs.height - bs.base + 1
- }
- // LoadBlock returns the block with the given height.
- // If no block is found for that height, it returns nil.
- func (bs *BlockStore) LoadBlock(height int64) *types.Block {
- var blockMeta = bs.LoadBlockMeta(height)
- if blockMeta == nil {
- return nil
- }
- var block = new(types.Block)
- buf := []byte{}
- for i := 0; i < blockMeta.BlockID.PartsHeader.Total; i++ {
- part := bs.LoadBlockPart(height, i)
- buf = append(buf, part.Bytes...)
- }
- err := cdc.UnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(buf, block)
- if err != nil {
- // NOTE: The existence of meta should imply the existence of the
- // block. So, make sure meta is only saved after blocks are saved.
- panic(errors.Wrap(err, "Error reading block"))
- }
- return block
- }
- // LoadBlockByHash returns the block with the given hash.
- // If no block is found for that hash, it returns nil.
- // Panics if it fails to parse height associated with the given hash.
- func (bs *BlockStore) LoadBlockByHash(hash []byte) *types.Block {
- bz, err := bs.db.Get(calcBlockHashKey(hash))
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- if len(bz) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- s := string(bz)
- height, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64)
- if err != nil {
- panic(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to extract height from %s", s))
- }
- return bs.LoadBlock(height)
- }
- // LoadBlockPart returns the Part at the given index
- // from the block at the given height.
- // If no part is found for the given height and index, it returns nil.
- func (bs *BlockStore) LoadBlockPart(height int64, index int) *types.Part {
- var part = new(types.Part)
- bz, err := bs.db.Get(calcBlockPartKey(height, index))
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- if len(bz) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- err = cdc.UnmarshalBinaryBare(bz, part)
- if err != nil {
- panic(errors.Wrap(err, "Error reading block part"))
- }
- return part
- }
- // LoadBlockMeta returns the BlockMeta for the given height.
- // If no block is found for the given height, it returns nil.
- func (bs *BlockStore) LoadBlockMeta(height int64) *types.BlockMeta {
- var blockMeta = new(types.BlockMeta)
- bz, err := bs.db.Get(calcBlockMetaKey(height))
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- if len(bz) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- err = cdc.UnmarshalBinaryBare(bz, blockMeta)
- if err != nil {
- panic(errors.Wrap(err, "Error reading block meta"))
- }
- return blockMeta
- }
- // LoadBlockCommit returns the Commit for the given height.
- // This commit consists of the +2/3 and other Precommit-votes for block at `height`,
- // and it comes from the block.LastCommit for `height+1`.
- // If no commit is found for the given height, it returns nil.
- func (bs *BlockStore) LoadBlockCommit(height int64) *types.Commit {
- var commit = new(types.Commit)
- bz, err := bs.db.Get(calcBlockCommitKey(height))
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- if len(bz) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- err = cdc.UnmarshalBinaryBare(bz, commit)
- if err != nil {
- panic(errors.Wrap(err, "Error reading block commit"))
- }
- return commit
- }
- // LoadSeenCommit returns the locally seen Commit for the given height.
- // This is useful when we've seen a commit, but there has not yet been
- // a new block at `height + 1` that includes this commit in its block.LastCommit.
- func (bs *BlockStore) LoadSeenCommit(height int64) *types.Commit {
- var commit = new(types.Commit)
- bz, err := bs.db.Get(calcSeenCommitKey(height))
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- if len(bz) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- err = cdc.UnmarshalBinaryBare(bz, commit)
- if err != nil {
- panic(errors.Wrap(err, "Error reading block seen commit"))
- }
- return commit
- }
- // PruneBlocks removes block up to (but not including) a height. It returns number of blocks pruned.
- func (bs *BlockStore) PruneBlocks(height int64) (uint64, error) {
- if height <= 0 {
- return 0, fmt.Errorf("height must be greater than 0")
- }
- bs.mtx.RLock()
- if height > bs.height {
- bs.mtx.RUnlock()
- return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot prune beyond the latest height %v", bs.height)
- }
- base := bs.base
- bs.mtx.RUnlock()
- if height < base {
- return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot prune to height %v, it is lower than base height %v",
- height, base)
- }
- pruned := uint64(0)
- batch := bs.db.NewBatch()
- defer batch.Close()
- flush := func(batch db.Batch, base int64) error {
- // We can't trust batches to be atomic, so update base first to make sure noone
- // tries to access missing blocks.
- bs.mtx.Lock()
- bs.base = base
- bs.mtx.Unlock()
- bs.saveState()
- err := batch.WriteSync()
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to prune up to height %v: %w", base, err)
- }
- batch.Close()
- return nil
- }
- for h := base; h < height; h++ {
- meta := bs.LoadBlockMeta(h)
- if meta == nil { // assume already deleted
- continue
- }
- batch.Delete(calcBlockMetaKey(h))
- batch.Delete(calcBlockHashKey(meta.BlockID.Hash))
- batch.Delete(calcBlockCommitKey(h))
- batch.Delete(calcSeenCommitKey(h))
- for p := 0; p < meta.BlockID.PartsHeader.Total; p++ {
- batch.Delete(calcBlockPartKey(h, p))
- }
- pruned++
- // flush every 1000 blocks to avoid batches becoming too large
- if pruned%1000 == 0 && pruned > 0 {
- err := flush(batch, h)
- if err != nil {
- return 0, err
- }
- batch = bs.db.NewBatch()
- defer batch.Close()
- }
- }
- err := flush(batch, height)
- if err != nil {
- return 0, err
- }
- return pruned, nil
- }
- // SaveBlock persists the given block, blockParts, and seenCommit to the underlying db.
- // blockParts: Must be parts of the block
- // seenCommit: The +2/3 precommits that were seen which committed at height.
- // If all the nodes restart after committing a block,
- // we need this to reload the precommits to catch-up nodes to the
- // most recent height. Otherwise they'd stall at H-1.
- func (bs *BlockStore) SaveBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet, seenCommit *types.Commit) {
- if block == nil {
- panic("BlockStore can only save a non-nil block")
- }
- height := block.Height
- hash := block.Hash()
- if g, w := height, bs.Height()+1; bs.Base() > 0 && g != w {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("BlockStore can only save contiguous blocks. Wanted %v, got %v", w, g))
- }
- if !blockParts.IsComplete() {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("BlockStore can only save complete block part sets"))
- }
- // Save block meta
- blockMeta := types.NewBlockMeta(block, blockParts)
- metaBytes := cdc.MustMarshalBinaryBare(blockMeta)
- bs.db.Set(calcBlockMetaKey(height), metaBytes)
- bs.db.Set(calcBlockHashKey(hash), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", height)))
- // Save block parts
- for i := 0; i < blockParts.Total(); i++ {
- part := blockParts.GetPart(i)
- bs.saveBlockPart(height, i, part)
- }
- // Save block commit (duplicate and separate from the Block)
- blockCommitBytes := cdc.MustMarshalBinaryBare(block.LastCommit)
- bs.db.Set(calcBlockCommitKey(height-1), blockCommitBytes)
- // Save seen commit (seen +2/3 precommits for block)
- // NOTE: we can delete this at a later height
- seenCommitBytes := cdc.MustMarshalBinaryBare(seenCommit)
- bs.db.Set(calcSeenCommitKey(height), seenCommitBytes)
- // Done!
- bs.mtx.Lock()
- bs.height = height
- if bs.base == 0 {
- bs.base = height
- }
- bs.mtx.Unlock()
- // Save new BlockStoreStateJSON descriptor
- bs.saveState()
- // Flush
- bs.db.SetSync(nil, nil)
- }
- func (bs *BlockStore) saveBlockPart(height int64, index int, part *types.Part) {
- partBytes := cdc.MustMarshalBinaryBare(part)
- bs.db.Set(calcBlockPartKey(height, index), partBytes)
- }
- func (bs *BlockStore) saveState() {
- bs.mtx.RLock()
- bsJSON := BlockStoreStateJSON{
- Base: bs.base,
- Height: bs.height,
- }
- bs.mtx.RUnlock()
- bsJSON.Save(bs.db)
- }
- // SaveSeenCommit saves a seen commit, used by e.g. the state sync reactor when bootstrapping node.
- func (bs *BlockStore) SaveSeenCommit(height int64, seenCommit *types.Commit) error {
- seenCommitBytes := cdc.MustMarshalBinaryBare(seenCommit)
- return bs.db.Set(calcSeenCommitKey(height), seenCommitBytes)
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- func calcBlockMetaKey(height int64) []byte {
- return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("H:%v", height))
- }
- func calcBlockPartKey(height int64, partIndex int) []byte {
- return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("P:%v:%v", height, partIndex))
- }
- func calcBlockCommitKey(height int64) []byte {
- return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("C:%v", height))
- }
- func calcSeenCommitKey(height int64) []byte {
- return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("SC:%v", height))
- }
- func calcBlockHashKey(hash []byte) []byte {
- return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("BH:%x", hash))
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var blockStoreKey = []byte("blockStore")
- // BlockStoreStateJSON is the block store state JSON structure.
- type BlockStoreStateJSON struct {
- Base int64 `json:"base"`
- Height int64 `json:"height"`
- }
- // Save persists the blockStore state to the database as JSON.
- func (bsj BlockStoreStateJSON) Save(db dbm.DB) {
- bytes, err := cdc.MarshalJSON(bsj)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not marshal state bytes: %v", err))
- }
- db.SetSync(blockStoreKey, bytes)
- }
- // LoadBlockStoreStateJSON returns the BlockStoreStateJSON as loaded from disk.
- // If no BlockStoreStateJSON was previously persisted, it returns the zero value.
- func LoadBlockStoreStateJSON(db dbm.DB) BlockStoreStateJSON {
- bytes, err := db.Get(blockStoreKey)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- if len(bytes) == 0 {
- return BlockStoreStateJSON{
- Base: 0,
- Height: 0,
- }
- }
- bsj := BlockStoreStateJSON{}
- err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON(bytes, &bsj)
- if err != nil {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not unmarshal bytes: %X", bytes))
- }
- // Backwards compatibility with persisted data from before Base existed.
- if bsj.Height > 0 && bsj.Base == 0 {
- bsj.Base = 1
- }
- return bsj
- }