- package v1
- import (
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- type testPeer struct {
- id p2p.ID
- base int64
- height int64
- }
- type testBcR struct {
- logger log.Logger
- }
- type testValues struct {
- numRequestsSent int
- }
- var testResults testValues
- func resetPoolTestResults() {
- testResults.numRequestsSent = 0
- }
- func (testR *testBcR) sendPeerError(err error, peerID p2p.ID) {
- }
- func (testR *testBcR) sendStatusRequest() {
- }
- func (testR *testBcR) sendBlockRequest(peerID p2p.ID, height int64) error {
- testResults.numRequestsSent++
- return nil
- }
- func (testR *testBcR) resetStateTimer(name string, timer **time.Timer, timeout time.Duration) {
- }
- func (testR *testBcR) switchToConsensus() {
- }
- func newTestBcR() *testBcR {
- testBcR := &testBcR{logger: log.TestingLogger()}
- return testBcR
- }
- type tPBlocks struct {
- id p2p.ID
- create bool
- }
- // Makes a block pool with specified current height, list of peers, block requests and block responses
- func makeBlockPool(bcr *testBcR, height int64, peers []BpPeer, blocks map[int64]tPBlocks) *BlockPool {
- bPool := NewBlockPool(height, bcr)
- bPool.SetLogger(bcr.logger)
- txs := []types.Tx{types.Tx("foo"), types.Tx("bar")}
- var maxH int64
- for _, p := range peers {
- if p.Height > maxH {
- maxH = p.Height
- }
- bPool.peers[p.ID] = NewBpPeer(p.ID, p.Base, p.Height, bcr.sendPeerError, nil)
- bPool.peers[p.ID].SetLogger(bcr.logger)
- }
- bPool.MaxPeerHeight = maxH
- for h, p := range blocks {
- bPool.blocks[h] = p.id
- bPool.peers[p.id].RequestSent(h)
- if p.create {
- // simulate that a block at height h has been received
- _ = bPool.peers[p.id].AddBlock(types.MakeBlock(h, txs, nil, nil), 100)
- }
- }
- return bPool
- }
- func assertPeerSetsEquivalent(t *testing.T, set1 map[p2p.ID]*BpPeer, set2 map[p2p.ID]*BpPeer) {
- assert.Equal(t, len(set1), len(set2))
- for peerID, peer1 := range set1 {
- peer2 := set2[peerID]
- assert.NotNil(t, peer2)
- assert.Equal(t, peer1.NumPendingBlockRequests, peer2.NumPendingBlockRequests)
- assert.Equal(t, peer1.Height, peer2.Height)
- assert.Equal(t, peer1.Base, peer2.Base)
- assert.Equal(t, len(peer1.blocks), len(peer2.blocks))
- for h, block1 := range peer1.blocks {
- block2 := peer2.blocks[h]
- // block1 and block2 could be nil if a request was made but no block was received
- assert.Equal(t, block1, block2)
- }
- }
- }
- func assertBlockPoolEquivalent(t *testing.T, poolWanted, pool *BlockPool) {
- assert.Equal(t, poolWanted.blocks, pool.blocks)
- assertPeerSetsEquivalent(t, poolWanted.peers, pool.peers)
- assert.Equal(t, poolWanted.MaxPeerHeight, pool.MaxPeerHeight)
- assert.Equal(t, poolWanted.Height, pool.Height)
- }
- func TestBlockPoolUpdatePeer(t *testing.T) {
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- args testPeer
- poolWanted *BlockPool
- errWanted error
- }{
- {
- name: "add a first short peer",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: testPeer{"P1", 0, 50},
- errWanted: errPeerTooShort,
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "add a first good peer",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: testPeer{"P1", 0, 101},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 101}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "add a first good peer with base",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: testPeer{"P1", 10, 101},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Base: 10, Height: 101}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "increase the height of P1 from 120 to 123",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: testPeer{"P1", 0, 123},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 123}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "decrease the height of P1 from 120 to 110",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: testPeer{"P1", 0, 110},
- errWanted: errPeerLowersItsHeight,
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "decrease the height of P1 from 105 to 102 with blocks",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 105}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{
- 100: {"P1", true}, 101: {"P1", true}, 102: {"P1", true}}),
- args: testPeer{"P1", 0, 102},
- errWanted: errPeerLowersItsHeight,
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- pool := tt.pool
- err := pool.UpdatePeer(tt.args.id, tt.args.base, tt.args.height)
- assert.Equal(t, tt.errWanted, err)
- assert.Equal(t, tt.poolWanted.blocks, tt.pool.blocks)
- assertPeerSetsEquivalent(t, tt.poolWanted.peers, tt.pool.peers)
- assert.Equal(t, tt.poolWanted.MaxPeerHeight, tt.pool.MaxPeerHeight)
- })
- }
- }
- func TestBlockPoolRemovePeer(t *testing.T) {
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- type args struct {
- peerID p2p.ID
- err error
- }
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- args args
- poolWanted *BlockPool
- }{
- {
- name: "attempt to delete non-existing peer",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: args{"P99", nil},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "delete the only peer without blocks",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: args{"P1", nil},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "delete the shortest of two peers without blocks",
- pool: makeBlockPool(
- testBcR,
- 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 120}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: args{"P1", nil},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P2", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "delete the tallest of two peers without blocks",
- pool: makeBlockPool(
- testBcR,
- 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 120}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: args{"P2", nil},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "delete the only peer with block requests sent and blocks received",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{100: {"P1", true}, 101: {"P1", false}}),
- args: args{"P1", nil},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "delete the shortest of two peers with block requests sent and blocks received",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}, {ID: "P2", Height: 200}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{100: {"P1", true}, 101: {"P1", false}}),
- args: args{"P1", nil},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P2", Height: 200}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "delete the tallest of two peers with block requests sent and blocks received",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}, {ID: "P2", Height: 110}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{100: {"P1", true}, 101: {"P1", false}}),
- args: args{"P1", nil},
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P2", Height: 110}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- tt.pool.RemovePeer(tt.args.peerID, tt.args.err)
- assertBlockPoolEquivalent(t, tt.poolWanted, tt.pool)
- })
- }
- }
- func TestBlockPoolRemoveShortPeers(t *testing.T) {
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- poolWanted *BlockPool
- }{
- {
- name: "no short peers",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 110}, {ID: "P3", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 110}, {ID: "P3", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "one short peer",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 90}, {ID: "P3", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P3", Height: 120}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "all short peers",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 90}, {ID: "P2", Height: 91}, {ID: "P3", Height: 92}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- pool := tt.pool
- pool.removeShortPeers()
- assertBlockPoolEquivalent(t, tt.poolWanted, tt.pool)
- })
- }
- }
- func TestBlockPoolSendRequestBatch(t *testing.T) {
- type testPeerResult struct {
- id p2p.ID
- numPendingBlockRequests int
- }
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- maxRequestsPerPeer int
- expRequests map[int64]bool
- expRequestsSent int
- expPeerResults []testPeerResult
- }{
- {
- name: "one peer - send up to maxRequestsPerPeer block requests",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 2,
- expRequests: map[int64]bool{10: true, 11: true},
- expRequestsSent: 2,
- expPeerResults: []testPeerResult{{id: "P1", numPendingBlockRequests: 2}},
- },
- {
- name: "multiple peers - stops at gap between height and base",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10, []BpPeer{
- {ID: "P1", Base: 1, Height: 12},
- {ID: "P2", Base: 15, Height: 100},
- }, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 10,
- expRequests: map[int64]bool{10: true, 11: true, 12: true},
- expRequestsSent: 3,
- expPeerResults: []testPeerResult{
- {id: "P1", numPendingBlockRequests: 3},
- {id: "P2", numPendingBlockRequests: 0},
- },
- },
- {
- name: "n peers - send n*maxRequestsPerPeer block requests",
- pool: makeBlockPool(
- testBcR,
- 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 2,
- expRequests: map[int64]bool{10: true, 11: true},
- expRequestsSent: 4,
- expPeerResults: []testPeerResult{
- {id: "P1", numPendingBlockRequests: 2},
- {id: "P2", numPendingBlockRequests: 2}},
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- resetPoolTestResults()
- var pool = tt.pool
- maxRequestsPerPeer = tt.maxRequestsPerPeer
- pool.MakeNextRequests(10)
- assert.Equal(t, tt.expRequestsSent, testResults.numRequestsSent)
- for _, tPeer := range tt.expPeerResults {
- var peer = pool.peers[tPeer.id]
- assert.NotNil(t, peer)
- assert.Equal(t, tPeer.numPendingBlockRequests, peer.NumPendingBlockRequests)
- }
- })
- }
- }
- func TestBlockPoolAddBlock(t *testing.T) {
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- txs := []types.Tx{types.Tx("foo"), types.Tx("bar")}
- type args struct {
- peerID p2p.ID
- block *types.Block
- blockSize int
- }
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- args args
- poolWanted *BlockPool
- errWanted error
- }{
- {name: "block from unknown peer",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- args: args{
- peerID: "P2",
- block: types.MakeBlock(int64(10), txs, nil, nil),
- blockSize: 100,
- },
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- errWanted: errBadDataFromPeer,
- },
- {name: "unexpected block 11 from known peer - waiting for 10",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", false}}),
- args: args{
- peerID: "P1",
- block: types.MakeBlock(int64(11), txs, nil, nil),
- blockSize: 100,
- },
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", false}}),
- errWanted: errMissingBlock,
- },
- {name: "unexpected block 10 from known peer - already have 10",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", true}, 11: {"P1", false}}),
- args: args{
- peerID: "P1",
- block: types.MakeBlock(int64(10), txs, nil, nil),
- blockSize: 100,
- },
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", true}, 11: {"P1", false}}),
- errWanted: errDuplicateBlock,
- },
- {name: "unexpected block 10 from known peer P2 - expected 10 to come from P1",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", false}}),
- args: args{
- peerID: "P2",
- block: types.MakeBlock(int64(10), txs, nil, nil),
- blockSize: 100,
- },
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", false}}),
- errWanted: errBadDataFromPeer,
- },
- {name: "expected block from known peer",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", false}}),
- args: args{
- peerID: "P1",
- block: types.MakeBlock(int64(10), txs, nil, nil),
- blockSize: 100,
- },
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", true}}),
- errWanted: nil,
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- err := tt.pool.AddBlock(tt.args.peerID, tt.args.block, tt.args.blockSize)
- assert.Equal(t, tt.errWanted, err)
- assertBlockPoolEquivalent(t, tt.poolWanted, tt.pool)
- })
- }
- }
- func TestBlockPoolFirstTwoBlocksAndPeers(t *testing.T) {
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- firstWanted int64
- secondWanted int64
- errWanted error
- }{
- {
- name: "both blocks missing",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{15: {"P1", true}, 16: {"P2", true}}),
- errWanted: errMissingBlock,
- },
- {
- name: "second block missing",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 15,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{15: {"P1", true}, 18: {"P2", true}}),
- firstWanted: 15,
- errWanted: errMissingBlock,
- },
- {
- name: "first block missing",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 15,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{16: {"P2", true}, 18: {"P2", true}}),
- secondWanted: 16,
- errWanted: errMissingBlock,
- },
- {
- name: "both blocks present",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", true}, 11: {"P2", true}}),
- firstWanted: 10,
- secondWanted: 11,
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- pool := tt.pool
- gotFirst, gotSecond, err := pool.FirstTwoBlocksAndPeers()
- assert.Equal(t, tt.errWanted, err)
- if tt.firstWanted != 0 {
- peer := pool.blocks[tt.firstWanted]
- block := pool.peers[peer].blocks[tt.firstWanted]
- assert.Equal(t, block, gotFirst.block,
- "BlockPool.FirstTwoBlocksAndPeers() gotFirst = %v, want %v",
- tt.firstWanted, gotFirst.block.Height)
- }
- if tt.secondWanted != 0 {
- peer := pool.blocks[tt.secondWanted]
- block := pool.peers[peer].blocks[tt.secondWanted]
- assert.Equal(t, block, gotSecond.block,
- "BlockPool.FirstTwoBlocksAndPeers() gotFirst = %v, want %v",
- tt.secondWanted, gotSecond.block.Height)
- }
- })
- }
- }
- func TestBlockPoolInvalidateFirstTwoBlocks(t *testing.T) {
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- poolWanted *BlockPool
- }{
- {
- name: "both blocks missing",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{15: {"P1", true}, 16: {"P2", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{15: {"P1", true}, 16: {"P2", true}}),
- },
- {
- name: "second block missing",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 15,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{15: {"P1", true}, 18: {"P2", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 15,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{18: {"P2", true}}),
- },
- {
- name: "first block missing",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 15,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{18: {"P1", true}, 16: {"P2", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 15,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{18: {"P1", true}}),
- },
- {
- name: "both blocks present",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 100}, {ID: "P2", Height: 100}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{10: {"P1", true}, 11: {"P2", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 10,
- []BpPeer{},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- tt.pool.InvalidateFirstTwoBlocks(errNoPeerResponse)
- assertBlockPoolEquivalent(t, tt.poolWanted, tt.pool)
- })
- }
- }
- func TestProcessedCurrentHeightBlock(t *testing.T) {
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- poolWanted *BlockPool
- }{
- {
- name: "one peer",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{100: {"P1", true}, 101: {"P1", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 101, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{101: {"P1", true}}),
- },
- {
- name: "multiple peers",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}, {ID: "P2", Height: 120}, {ID: "P3", Height: 130}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{
- 100: {"P1", true}, 104: {"P1", true}, 105: {"P1", false},
- 101: {"P2", true}, 103: {"P2", false},
- 102: {"P3", true}, 106: {"P3", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 101,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}, {ID: "P2", Height: 120}, {ID: "P3", Height: 130}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{
- 104: {"P1", true}, 105: {"P1", false},
- 101: {"P2", true}, 103: {"P2", false},
- 102: {"P3", true}, 106: {"P3", true}}),
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- tt.pool.ProcessedCurrentHeightBlock()
- assertBlockPoolEquivalent(t, tt.poolWanted, tt.pool)
- })
- }
- }
- func TestRemovePeerAtCurrentHeight(t *testing.T) {
- testBcR := newTestBcR()
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- pool *BlockPool
- poolWanted *BlockPool
- }{
- {
- name: "one peer, remove peer for block at H",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{100: {"P1", false}, 101: {"P1", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "one peer, remove peer for block at H+1",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{100: {"P1", true}, 101: {"P1", false}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100, []BpPeer{}, map[int64]tPBlocks{}),
- },
- {
- name: "multiple peers, remove peer for block at H",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}, {ID: "P2", Height: 120}, {ID: "P3", Height: 130}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{
- 100: {"P1", false}, 104: {"P1", true}, 105: {"P1", false},
- 101: {"P2", true}, 103: {"P2", false},
- 102: {"P3", true}, 106: {"P3", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P2", Height: 120}, {ID: "P3", Height: 130}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{
- 101: {"P2", true}, 103: {"P2", false},
- 102: {"P3", true}, 106: {"P3", true}}),
- },
- {
- name: "multiple peers, remove peer for block at H+1",
- pool: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}, {ID: "P2", Height: 120}, {ID: "P3", Height: 130}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{
- 100: {"P1", true}, 104: {"P1", true}, 105: {"P1", false},
- 101: {"P2", false}, 103: {"P2", false},
- 102: {"P3", true}, 106: {"P3", true}}),
- poolWanted: makeBlockPool(testBcR, 100,
- []BpPeer{{ID: "P1", Height: 120}, {ID: "P3", Height: 130}},
- map[int64]tPBlocks{
- 100: {"P1", true}, 104: {"P1", true}, 105: {"P1", false},
- 102: {"P3", true}, 106: {"P3", true}}),
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- tt.pool.RemovePeerAtCurrentHeights(errNoPeerResponse)
- assertBlockPoolEquivalent(t, tt.poolWanted, tt.pool)
- })
- }
- }