- package v1
- import (
- "fmt"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- tmmath "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/math"
- tmrand "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/rand"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- type lastBlockRequestT struct {
- peerID p2p.ID
- height int64
- }
- type lastPeerErrorT struct {
- peerID p2p.ID
- err error
- }
- // reactor for FSM testing
- type testReactor struct {
- logger log.Logger
- fsm *BcReactorFSM
- numStatusRequests int
- numBlockRequests int
- lastBlockRequest lastBlockRequestT
- lastPeerError lastPeerErrorT
- stateTimerStarts map[string]int
- }
- func sendEventToFSM(fsm *BcReactorFSM, ev bReactorEvent, data bReactorEventData) error {
- return fsm.Handle(&bcReactorMessage{event: ev, data: data})
- }
- type fsmStepTestValues struct {
- currentState string
- event bReactorEvent
- data bReactorEventData
- wantErr error
- wantState string
- wantStatusReqSent bool
- wantReqIncreased bool
- wantNewBlocks []int64
- wantRemovedPeers []p2p.ID
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // helper test function for different FSM events, state and expected behavior
- func sStopFSMEv(current, expected string) fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: stopFSMEv,
- wantState: expected,
- wantErr: errNoErrorFinished}
- }
- func sUnknownFSMEv(current string) fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: 1234,
- wantState: current,
- wantErr: errInvalidEvent}
- }
- func sStartFSMEv() fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: "unknown",
- event: startFSMEv,
- wantState: "waitForPeer",
- wantStatusReqSent: true}
- }
- func sStateTimeoutEv(current, expected string, timedoutState string, wantErr error) fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: stateTimeoutEv,
- data: bReactorEventData{
- stateName: timedoutState,
- },
- wantState: expected,
- wantErr: wantErr,
- }
- }
- func sProcessedBlockEv(current, expected string, reactorError error) fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: processedBlockEv,
- data: bReactorEventData{
- err: reactorError,
- },
- wantState: expected,
- wantErr: reactorError,
- }
- }
- func sStatusEv(current, expected string, peerID p2p.ID, height int64, err error) fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: statusResponseEv,
- data: bReactorEventData{peerID: peerID, height: height},
- wantState: expected,
- wantErr: err}
- }
- func sMakeRequestsEv(current, expected string, maxPendingRequests int) fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: makeRequestsEv,
- data: bReactorEventData{maxNumRequests: maxPendingRequests},
- wantState: expected,
- wantReqIncreased: true,
- }
- }
- func sMakeRequestsEvErrored(current, expected string,
- maxPendingRequests int, err error, peersRemoved []p2p.ID) fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: makeRequestsEv,
- data: bReactorEventData{maxNumRequests: maxPendingRequests},
- wantState: expected,
- wantErr: err,
- wantRemovedPeers: peersRemoved,
- wantReqIncreased: true,
- }
- }
- func sBlockRespEv(current, expected string, peerID p2p.ID, height int64, prevBlocks []int64) fsmStepTestValues {
- txs := []types.Tx{types.Tx("foo"), types.Tx("bar")}
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: blockResponseEv,
- data: bReactorEventData{
- peerID: peerID,
- height: height,
- block: types.MakeBlock(height, txs, nil, nil),
- length: 100},
- wantState: expected,
- wantNewBlocks: append(prevBlocks, height),
- }
- }
- func sBlockRespEvErrored(current, expected string,
- peerID p2p.ID, height int64, prevBlocks []int64, wantErr error, peersRemoved []p2p.ID) fsmStepTestValues {
- txs := []types.Tx{types.Tx("foo"), types.Tx("bar")}
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: blockResponseEv,
- data: bReactorEventData{
- peerID: peerID,
- height: height,
- block: types.MakeBlock(height, txs, nil, nil),
- length: 100},
- wantState: expected,
- wantErr: wantErr,
- wantRemovedPeers: peersRemoved,
- wantNewBlocks: prevBlocks,
- }
- }
- func sPeerRemoveEv(current, expected string, peerID p2p.ID, err error, peersRemoved []p2p.ID) fsmStepTestValues {
- return fsmStepTestValues{
- currentState: current,
- event: peerRemoveEv,
- data: bReactorEventData{
- peerID: peerID,
- err: err,
- },
- wantState: expected,
- wantRemovedPeers: peersRemoved,
- }
- }
- // --------------------------------------------
- func newTestReactor(height int64) *testReactor {
- testBcR := &testReactor{logger: log.TestingLogger(), stateTimerStarts: make(map[string]int)}
- testBcR.fsm = NewFSM(height, testBcR)
- testBcR.fsm.SetLogger(testBcR.logger)
- return testBcR
- }
- func fixBlockResponseEvStep(step *fsmStepTestValues, testBcR *testReactor) {
- // There is currently no good way to know to which peer a block request was sent.
- // So in some cases where it does not matter, before we simulate a block response
- // we cheat and look where it is expected from.
- if step.event == blockResponseEv {
- height := step.data.height
- peerID, ok := testBcR.fsm.pool.blocks[height]
- if ok {
- step.data.peerID = peerID
- }
- }
- }
- type testFields struct {
- name string
- startingHeight int64
- maxRequestsPerPeer int
- maxPendingRequests int
- steps []fsmStepTestValues
- }
- func executeFSMTests(t *testing.T, tests []testFields, matchRespToReq bool) {
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- // Create test reactor
- testBcR := newTestReactor(tt.startingHeight)
- if tt.maxRequestsPerPeer != 0 {
- maxRequestsPerPeer = tt.maxRequestsPerPeer
- }
- for _, step := range tt.steps {
- step := step
- assert.Equal(t, step.currentState, testBcR.fsm.state.name)
- var heightBefore int64
- if step.event == processedBlockEv && step.data.err == errBlockVerificationFailure {
- heightBefore = testBcR.fsm.pool.Height
- }
- oldNumStatusRequests := testBcR.numStatusRequests
- oldNumBlockRequests := testBcR.numBlockRequests
- if matchRespToReq {
- fixBlockResponseEvStep(&step, testBcR)
- }
- fsmErr := sendEventToFSM(testBcR.fsm, step.event, step.data)
- assert.Equal(t, step.wantErr, fsmErr)
- if step.wantStatusReqSent {
- assert.Equal(t, oldNumStatusRequests+1, testBcR.numStatusRequests)
- } else {
- assert.Equal(t, oldNumStatusRequests, testBcR.numStatusRequests)
- }
- if step.wantReqIncreased {
- assert.True(t, oldNumBlockRequests < testBcR.numBlockRequests)
- } else {
- assert.Equal(t, oldNumBlockRequests, testBcR.numBlockRequests)
- }
- for _, height := range step.wantNewBlocks {
- _, err := testBcR.fsm.pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(height)
- assert.Nil(t, err)
- }
- if step.event == processedBlockEv && step.data.err == errBlockVerificationFailure {
- heightAfter := testBcR.fsm.pool.Height
- assert.Equal(t, heightBefore, heightAfter)
- firstAfter, err1 := testBcR.fsm.pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(testBcR.fsm.pool.Height)
- secondAfter, err2 := testBcR.fsm.pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(testBcR.fsm.pool.Height + 1)
- assert.NotNil(t, err1)
- assert.NotNil(t, err2)
- assert.Nil(t, firstAfter)
- assert.Nil(t, secondAfter)
- }
- assert.Equal(t, step.wantState, testBcR.fsm.state.name)
- if step.wantState == "finished" {
- assert.True(t, testBcR.fsm.isCaughtUp())
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- func TestFSMBasic(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- {
- name: "one block, one peer - TS2",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 2,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 2, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 1, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 2, []int64{1}),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "finished", nil),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "multi block, multi peer - TS2",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 2,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 4, nil),
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 4, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 1, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 2, []int64{1}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, []int64{1, 2}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 4, []int64{1, 2, 3}),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "finished", nil),
- },
- },
- }
- executeFSMTests(t, tests, true)
- }
- func TestFSMBlockVerificationFailure(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- {
- name: "block verification failure - TS2 variant",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1 and get blocks 1-3 from it
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 1, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 2, []int64{1}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, []int64{1, 2}),
- // add P2
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, nil),
- // process block failure, should remove P1 and all blocks
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", errBlockVerificationFailure),
- // get blocks 1-3 from P2
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 1, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 2, []int64{1}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, []int64{1, 2}),
- // finish after processing blocks 1 and 2
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "finished", nil),
- },
- },
- }
- executeFSMTests(t, tests, false)
- }
- func TestFSMBadBlockFromPeer(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- {
- name: "block we haven't asked for",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1 and ask for blocks 1-3
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 300, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- // blockResponseEv for height 100 should cause an error
- sBlockRespEvErrored("waitForBlock", "waitForPeer",
- "P1", 100, []int64{}, errMissingBlock, []p2p.ID{}),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "block we already have",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1 and get block 1
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 100, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock",
- "P1", 1, []int64{}),
- // Get block 1 again. Since peer is removed together with block 1,
- // the blocks present in the pool should be {}
- sBlockRespEvErrored("waitForBlock", "waitForPeer",
- "P1", 1, []int64{}, errDuplicateBlock, []p2p.ID{"P1"}),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "block from unknown peer",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1 and get block 1
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- // get block 1 from unknown peer P2
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sBlockRespEvErrored("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock",
- "P2", 1, []int64{}, errBadDataFromPeer, []p2p.ID{"P2"}),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "block from wrong peer",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1, make requests for blocks 1-3 to P1
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- // add P2
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, nil),
- // receive block 1 from P2
- sBlockRespEvErrored("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock",
- "P2", 1, []int64{}, errBadDataFromPeer, []p2p.ID{"P2"}),
- },
- },
- }
- executeFSMTests(t, tests, false)
- }
- func TestFSMBlockAtCurrentHeightDoesNotArriveInTime(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- {
- name: "block at current height undelivered - TS5",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1, get blocks 1 and 2, process block 1
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock",
- "P1", 1, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock",
- "P1", 2, []int64{1}),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil),
- // add P2
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, nil),
- // timeout on block 3, P1 should be removed
- sStateTimeoutEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", errNoPeerResponseForCurrentHeights),
- // make requests and finish by receiving blocks 2 and 3 from P2
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 2, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, []int64{2}),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "finished", nil),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "block at current height undelivered, at maxPeerHeight after peer removal - TS3",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1, request blocks 1-3 from P1
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- // add P2 (tallest)
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 30, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- // receive blocks 1-3 from P1
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 1, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 2, []int64{1}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, []int64{1, 2}),
- // process blocks at heights 1 and 2
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil),
- // timeout on block at height 4
- sStateTimeoutEv("waitForBlock", "finished", "waitForBlock", nil),
- },
- },
- }
- executeFSMTests(t, tests, true)
- }
- func TestFSMPeerRelatedEvents(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- {
- name: "peer remove event with no blocks",
- startingHeight: 1,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1, P2, P3
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, nil),
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P3", 3, nil),
- // switch removes P2
- sPeerRemoveEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", errSwitchRemovesPeer, []p2p.ID{"P2"}),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "only peer removed while in waitForBlock state",
- startingHeight: 100,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 200, nil),
- // switch removes P1
- sPeerRemoveEv("waitForBlock", "waitForPeer", "P1", errSwitchRemovesPeer, []p2p.ID{"P1"}),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "highest peer removed while in waitForBlock state, node reaches maxPeerHeight - TS4 ",
- startingHeight: 100,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1 and make requests
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 101, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- // add P2
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 200, nil),
- // get blocks 100 and 101 from P1 and process block at height 100
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 100, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 101, []int64{100}),
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil),
- // switch removes peer P1, should be finished
- sPeerRemoveEv("waitForBlock", "finished", "P2", errSwitchRemovesPeer, []p2p.ID{"P2"}),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "highest peer lowers its height in waitForBlock state, node reaches maxPeerHeight - TS4",
- startingHeight: 100,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1 and make requests
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 101, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- // add P2
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 200, nil),
- // get blocks 100 and 101 from P1
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 100, []int64{}),
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P1", 101, []int64{100}),
- // processed block at heights 100
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil),
- // P2 becomes short
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "finished", "P2", 100, errPeerLowersItsHeight),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "new short peer while in waitForPeer state",
- startingHeight: 100,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForPeer", "P1", 3, errPeerTooShort),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "new short peer while in waitForBlock state",
- startingHeight: 100,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 200, nil),
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, errPeerTooShort),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "only peer updated with low height while in waitForBlock state",
- startingHeight: 100,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 200, nil),
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForPeer", "P1", 3, errPeerLowersItsHeight),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "peer does not exist in the switch",
- startingHeight: 9999999,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- // add P1
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 20000000, nil),
- // send request for block 9999999
- // Note: For this block request the "switch missing the peer" error is simulated,
- // see implementation of bcReactor interface, sendBlockRequest(), in this file.
- sMakeRequestsEvErrored("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock",
- maxNumRequests, nil, []p2p.ID{"P1"}),
- },
- },
- }
- executeFSMTests(t, tests, true)
- }
- func TestFSMStopFSM(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- {
- name: "stopFSMEv in unknown",
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStopFSMEv("unknown", "finished"),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "stopFSMEv in waitForPeer",
- startingHeight: 1,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStopFSMEv("waitForPeer", "finished"),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "stopFSMEv in waitForBlock",
- startingHeight: 1,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sStopFSMEv("waitForBlock", "finished"),
- },
- },
- }
- executeFSMTests(t, tests, false)
- }
- func TestFSMUnknownElements(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- {
- name: "unknown event for state unknown",
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sUnknownFSMEv("unknown"),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "unknown event for state waitForPeer",
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sUnknownFSMEv("waitForPeer"),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "unknown event for state waitForBlock",
- startingHeight: 1,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sUnknownFSMEv("waitForBlock"),
- },
- },
- }
- executeFSMTests(t, tests, false)
- }
- func TestFSMPeerStateTimeoutEvent(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- {
- name: "timeout event for state waitForPeer while in state waitForPeer - TS1",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStateTimeoutEv("waitForPeer", "finished", "waitForPeer", errNoTallerPeer),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "timeout event for state waitForPeer while in a state != waitForPeer",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStateTimeoutEv("waitForPeer", "waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", errTimeoutEventWrongState),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "timeout event for state waitForBlock while in state waitForBlock ",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sStateTimeoutEv("waitForBlock", "waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", errNoPeerResponseForCurrentHeights),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "timeout event for state waitForBlock while in a state != waitForBlock",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sStateTimeoutEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "waitForPeer", errTimeoutEventWrongState),
- },
- },
- {
- name: "timeout event for state waitForBlock with multiple peers",
- startingHeight: 1,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: 3,
- steps: []fsmStepTestValues{
- sStartFSMEv(),
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", "P1", 3, nil),
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "P2", 3, nil),
- sStateTimeoutEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", errNoPeerResponseForCurrentHeights),
- },
- },
- }
- executeFSMTests(t, tests, false)
- }
- func makeCorrectTransitionSequence(startingHeight int64, numBlocks int64, numPeers int, randomPeerHeights bool,
- maxRequestsPerPeer int, maxPendingRequests int) testFields {
- // Generate numPeers peers with random or numBlocks heights according to the randomPeerHeights flag.
- peerHeights := make([]int64, numPeers)
- for i := 0; i < numPeers; i++ {
- if i == 0 {
- peerHeights[0] = numBlocks
- continue
- }
- if randomPeerHeights {
- peerHeights[i] = int64(tmmath.MaxInt(tmrand.Intn(int(numBlocks)), int(startingHeight)+1))
- } else {
- peerHeights[i] = numBlocks
- }
- }
- // Approximate the slice capacity to save time for appends.
- testSteps := make([]fsmStepTestValues, 0, 3*numBlocks+int64(numPeers))
- testName := fmt.Sprintf("%v-blocks %v-startingHeight %v-peers %v-maxRequestsPerPeer %v-maxNumRequests",
- numBlocks, startingHeight, numPeers, maxRequestsPerPeer, maxPendingRequests)
- // Add startFSMEv step.
- testSteps = append(testSteps, sStartFSMEv())
- // For each peer, add statusResponseEv step.
- for i := 0; i < numPeers; i++ {
- peerName := fmt.Sprintf("P%d", i)
- if i == 0 {
- testSteps = append(
- testSteps,
- sStatusEv("waitForPeer", "waitForBlock", p2p.ID(peerName), peerHeights[i], nil))
- } else {
- testSteps = append(testSteps,
- sStatusEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", p2p.ID(peerName), peerHeights[i], nil))
- }
- }
- height := startingHeight
- numBlocksReceived := 0
- prevBlocks := make([]int64, 0, maxPendingRequests)
- forLoop:
- for i := 0; i < int(numBlocks); i++ {
- // Add the makeRequestEv step periodically.
- if i%maxRequestsPerPeer == 0 {
- testSteps = append(
- testSteps,
- sMakeRequestsEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", maxNumRequests),
- )
- }
- // Add the blockRespEv step
- testSteps = append(
- testSteps,
- sBlockRespEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock",
- "P0", height, prevBlocks))
- prevBlocks = append(prevBlocks, height)
- height++
- numBlocksReceived++
- // Add the processedBlockEv step periodically.
- if numBlocksReceived >= maxRequestsPerPeer || height >= numBlocks {
- for j := int(height) - numBlocksReceived; j < int(height); j++ {
- if j >= int(numBlocks) {
- // This is the last block that is processed, we should be in "finished" state.
- testSteps = append(
- testSteps,
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "finished", nil))
- break forLoop
- }
- testSteps = append(
- testSteps,
- sProcessedBlockEv("waitForBlock", "waitForBlock", nil))
- }
- numBlocksReceived = 0
- prevBlocks = make([]int64, 0, maxPendingRequests)
- }
- }
- return testFields{
- name: testName,
- startingHeight: startingHeight,
- maxRequestsPerPeer: maxRequestsPerPeer,
- maxPendingRequests: maxPendingRequests,
- steps: testSteps,
- }
- }
- const (
- maxStartingHeightTest = 100
- maxRequestsPerPeerTest = 20
- maxTotalPendingRequestsTest = 600
- maxNumPeersTest = 1000
- maxNumBlocksInChainTest = 10000 // should be smaller than 9999999
- )
- func makeCorrectTransitionSequenceWithRandomParameters() testFields {
- // Generate a starting height for fast sync.
- startingHeight := int64(tmrand.Intn(maxStartingHeightTest) + 1)
- // Generate the number of requests per peer.
- maxRequestsPerPeer := tmrand.Intn(maxRequestsPerPeerTest) + 1
- // Generate the maximum number of total pending requests, >= maxRequestsPerPeer.
- maxPendingRequests := tmrand.Intn(maxTotalPendingRequestsTest-maxRequestsPerPeer) + maxRequestsPerPeer
- // Generate the number of blocks to be synced.
- numBlocks := int64(tmrand.Intn(maxNumBlocksInChainTest)) + startingHeight
- // Generate a number of peers.
- numPeers := tmrand.Intn(maxNumPeersTest) + 1
- return makeCorrectTransitionSequence(startingHeight, numBlocks, numPeers, true, maxRequestsPerPeer, maxPendingRequests)
- }
- func shouldApplyProcessedBlockEvStep(step *fsmStepTestValues, testBcR *testReactor) bool {
- if step.event == processedBlockEv {
- _, err := testBcR.fsm.pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(testBcR.fsm.pool.Height)
- if err == errMissingBlock {
- return false
- }
- _, err = testBcR.fsm.pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(testBcR.fsm.pool.Height + 1)
- if err == errMissingBlock {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }
- func TestFSMCorrectTransitionSequences(t *testing.T) {
- tests := []testFields{
- makeCorrectTransitionSequence(1, 100, 10, true, 10, 40),
- makeCorrectTransitionSequenceWithRandomParameters(),
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- tt := tt
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- // Create test reactor
- testBcR := newTestReactor(tt.startingHeight)
- if tt.maxRequestsPerPeer != 0 {
- maxRequestsPerPeer = tt.maxRequestsPerPeer
- }
- for _, step := range tt.steps {
- step := step
- assert.Equal(t, step.currentState, testBcR.fsm.state.name)
- oldNumStatusRequests := testBcR.numStatusRequests
- fixBlockResponseEvStep(&step, testBcR)
- if !shouldApplyProcessedBlockEvStep(&step, testBcR) {
- continue
- }
- fsmErr := sendEventToFSM(testBcR.fsm, step.event, step.data)
- assert.Equal(t, step.wantErr, fsmErr)
- if step.wantStatusReqSent {
- assert.Equal(t, oldNumStatusRequests+1, testBcR.numStatusRequests)
- } else {
- assert.Equal(t, oldNumStatusRequests, testBcR.numStatusRequests)
- }
- assert.Equal(t, step.wantState, testBcR.fsm.state.name)
- if step.wantState == "finished" {
- assert.True(t, testBcR.fsm.isCaughtUp())
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------------------
- // implements the bcRNotifier
- func (testR *testReactor) sendPeerError(err error, peerID p2p.ID) {
- testR.logger.Info("Reactor received sendPeerError call from FSM", "peer", peerID, "err", err)
- testR.lastPeerError.peerID = peerID
- testR.lastPeerError.err = err
- }
- func (testR *testReactor) sendStatusRequest() {
- testR.logger.Info("Reactor received sendStatusRequest call from FSM")
- testR.numStatusRequests++
- }
- func (testR *testReactor) sendBlockRequest(peerID p2p.ID, height int64) error {
- testR.logger.Info("Reactor received sendBlockRequest call from FSM", "peer", peerID, "height", height)
- testR.numBlockRequests++
- testR.lastBlockRequest.peerID = peerID
- testR.lastBlockRequest.height = height
- if height == 9999999 {
- // simulate switch does not have peer
- return errNilPeerForBlockRequest
- }
- return nil
- }
- func (testR *testReactor) resetStateTimer(name string, timer **time.Timer, timeout time.Duration) {
- testR.logger.Info("Reactor received resetStateTimer call from FSM", "state", name, "timeout", timeout)
- if _, ok := testR.stateTimerStarts[name]; !ok {
- testR.stateTimerStarts[name] = 1
- } else {
- testR.stateTimerStarts[name]++
- }
- }
- func (testR *testReactor) switchToConsensus() {
- }
- // ----------------------------------------