- package consensus
- import (
- "bytes"
- "context"
- "fmt"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/example/kvstore"
- abcitypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
- abcimocks "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types/mocks"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/tmhash"
- cstypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/consensus/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/eventbus"
- tmpubsub "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/pubsub"
- tmquery "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/internal/pubsub/query"
- tmbytes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/bytes"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- tmrand "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/rand"
- tmtime "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/time"
- tmproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- /*
- ProposeSuite
- x * TestProposerSelection0 - round robin ordering, round 0
- x * TestProposerSelection2 - round robin ordering, round 2++
- x * TestEnterProposeNoValidator - timeout into prevote round
- x * TestEnterPropose - finish propose without timing out (we have the proposal)
- x * TestBadProposal - 2 vals, bad proposal (bad block state hash), should prevote and precommit nil
- x * TestOversizedBlock - block with too many txs should be rejected
- FullRoundSuite
- x * TestFullRound1 - 1 val, full successful round
- x * TestFullRoundNil - 1 val, full round of nil
- x * TestFullRound2 - 2 vals, both required for full round
- LockSuite
- x * TestStateLock_NoPOL - 2 vals, 4 rounds. one val locked, precommits nil every round except first.
- x * TestStateLock_POLUpdateLock - 4 vals, one precommits,
- other 3 polka at next round, so we unlock and precomit the polka
- x * TestStateLock_POLRelock - 4 vals, polka in round 1 and polka in round 2.
- Ensure validator updates locked round.
- x_*_TestStateLock_POLDoesNotUnlock 4 vals, one precommits, other 3 polka nil at
- next round, so we precommit nil but maintain lock
- x * TestStateLock_MissingProposalWhenPOLSeenDoesNotUpdateLock - 4 vals, 1 misses proposal but sees POL.
- x * TestStateLock_MissingProposalWhenPOLSeenDoesNotUnlock - 4 vals, 1 misses proposal but sees POL.
- x * TestStateLock_POLSafety1 - 4 vals. We shouldn't change lock based on polka at earlier round
- x * TestStateLock_POLSafety2 - 4 vals. After unlocking, we shouldn't relock based on polka at earlier round
- x_*_TestState_PrevotePOLFromPreviousRound 4 vals, prevote a proposal if a POL was seen for it in a previous round.
- * TestNetworkLock - once +1/3 precommits, network should be locked
- * TestNetworkLockPOL - once +1/3 precommits, the block with more recent polka is committed
- SlashingSuite
- x * TestStateSlashing_Prevotes - a validator prevoting twice in a round gets slashed
- x * TestStateSlashing_Precommits - a validator precomitting twice in a round gets slashed
- CatchupSuite
- * TestCatchup - if we might be behind and we've seen any 2/3 prevotes, round skip to new round, precommit, or prevote
- HaltSuite
- x * TestHalt1 - if we see +2/3 precommits after timing out into new round, we should still commit
- */
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ProposeSuite
- func TestStateProposerSelection0(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- config := configSetup(t)
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- // Wait for new round so proposer is set.
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- // Commit a block and ensure proposer for the next height is correct.
- prop := cs1.GetRoundState().Validators.GetProposer()
- pv, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- address := pv.Address()
- require.Truef(t, bytes.Equal(prop.Address, address), "expected proposer to be validator %d. Got %X", 0, prop.Address)
- // Wait for complete proposal.
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }, vss[1:]...)
- // Wait for new round so next validator is set.
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height+1, 0)
- prop = cs1.GetRoundState().Validators.GetProposer()
- pv1, err := vss[1].GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- require.True(t, bytes.Equal(prop.Address, addr), "expected proposer to be validator %d. Got %X", 1, prop.Address)
- }
- // Now let's do it all again, but starting from round 2 instead of 0
- func TestStateProposerSelection2(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config}) // test needs more work for more than 3 validators
- height := cs1.Height
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- // this time we jump in at round 2
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- var round int32 = 2
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round) // wait for the new round
- // everyone just votes nil. we get a new proposer each round
- for i := int32(0); int(i) < len(vss); i++ {
- prop := cs1.GetRoundState().Validators.GetProposer()
- pvk, err := vss[int(i+round)%len(vss)].GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pvk.Address()
- correctProposer := addr
- require.True(t, bytes.Equal(prop.Address, correctProposer),
- "expected RoundState.Validators.GetProposer() to be validator %d. Got %X",
- int(i+2)%len(vss),
- prop.Address)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vss[1:]...)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, i+round+1) // wait for the new round event each round
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- }
- }
- // a non-validator should timeout into the prevote round
- func TestStateEnterProposeNoPrivValidator(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs, _ := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 1})
- cs.SetPrivValidator(ctx, nil)
- height, round := cs.Height, cs.Round
- // Listen for propose timeout event
- timeoutCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- startTestRound(ctx, cs, height, round)
- // if we're not a validator, EnterPropose should timeout
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutCh, height, round, cs.config.TimeoutPropose.Nanoseconds())
- if cs.GetRoundState().Proposal != nil {
- t.Error("Expected to make no proposal, since no privValidator")
- }
- }
- // a validator should not timeout of the prevote round (TODO: unless the block is really big!)
- func TestStateEnterProposeYesPrivValidator(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs, _ := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 1})
- height, round := cs.Height, cs.Round
- // Listen for propose timeout event
- timeoutCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- cs.enterNewRound(ctx, height, round)
- cs.startRoutines(ctx, 3)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- // Check that Proposal, ProposalBlock, ProposalBlockParts are set.
- rs := cs.GetRoundState()
- if rs.Proposal == nil {
- t.Error("rs.Proposal should be set")
- }
- if rs.ProposalBlock == nil {
- t.Error("rs.ProposalBlock should be set")
- }
- if rs.ProposalBlockParts.Total() == 0 {
- t.Error("rs.ProposalBlockParts should be set")
- }
- // if we're a validator, enterPropose should not timeout
- ensureNoNewTimeout(t, timeoutCh, cs.config.TimeoutPropose.Nanoseconds())
- }
- func TestStateBadProposal(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 2})
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- vs2 := vss[1]
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- voteCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryVote)
- propBlock, _, err := cs1.createProposalBlock(ctx) // changeProposer(t, cs1, vs2)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- // make the second validator the proposer by incrementing round
- round++
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- // make the block bad by tampering with statehash
- stateHash := propBlock.AppHash
- if len(stateHash) == 0 {
- stateHash = make([]byte, 32)
- }
- stateHash[0] = (stateHash[0] + 1) % 255
- propBlock.AppHash = stateHash
- propBlockParts, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{Hash: propBlock.Hash(), PartSetHeader: propBlockParts.Header()}
- proposal := types.NewProposal(vs2.Height, round, -1, blockID, propBlock.Header.Time)
- p := proposal.ToProto()
- err = vs2.SignProposal(ctx, config.ChainID(), p)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- proposal.Signature = p.Signature
- // set the proposal block
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, proposal, propBlock, propBlockParts, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- // start the machine
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- // wait for proposal
- ensureProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round, blockID)
- // wait for prevote
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- // add bad prevote from vs2 and wait for it
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // wait for precommit
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, -1, vss[0], nil, nil)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2)
- }
- func TestStateOversizedBlock(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 2})
- cs1.state.ConsensusParams.Block.MaxBytes = 2000
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- vs2 := vss[1]
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- timeoutProposeCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- voteCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryVote)
- propBlock, _, err := cs1.createProposalBlock(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- propBlock.Data.Txs = []types.Tx{tmrand.Bytes(2001)}
- propBlock.Header.DataHash = propBlock.Data.Hash()
- // make the second validator the proposer by incrementing round
- round++
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- propBlockParts, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{Hash: propBlock.Hash(), PartSetHeader: propBlockParts.Header()}
- proposal := types.NewProposal(height, round, -1, blockID, propBlock.Header.Time)
- p := proposal.ToProto()
- err = vs2.SignProposal(ctx, config.ChainID(), p)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- proposal.Signature = p.Signature
- totalBytes := 0
- for i := 0; i < int(propBlockParts.Total()); i++ {
- part := propBlockParts.GetPart(i)
- totalBytes += len(part.Bytes)
- }
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, proposal, propBlock, propBlockParts, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- // start the machine
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- t.Log("Block Sizes", "Limit", cs1.state.ConsensusParams.Block.MaxBytes, "Current", totalBytes)
- // c1 should log an error with the block part message as it exceeds the consensus params. The
- // block is not added to cs.ProposalBlock so the node timeouts.
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutProposeCh, height, round, cs1.config.Propose(round).Nanoseconds())
- // and then should send nil prevote and precommit regardless of whether other validators prevote and
- // precommit on it
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, -1, vss[0], nil, nil)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2)
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FullRoundSuite
- // propose, prevote, and precommit a block
- func TestStateFullRound1(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 1})
- height, round := cs.Height, cs.Round
- voteCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryVote)
- propCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- // Maybe it would be better to call explicitly startRoutines(4)
- startTestRound(ctx, cs, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- propBlock := ensureNewProposal(t, propCh, height, round)
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, propBlock.Hash) // wait for prevote
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round) // wait for precommit
- // we're going to roll right into new height
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height+1, 0)
- validateLastPrecommit(ctx, t, cs, vss[0], propBlock.Hash)
- }
- // nil is proposed, so prevote and precommit nil
- func TestStateFullRoundNil(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs, _ := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 1})
- height, round := cs.Height, cs.Round
- voteCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs.eventBus, types.EventQueryVote)
- cs.enterPrevote(ctx, height, round)
- cs.startRoutines(ctx, 4)
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil) // prevote
- ensurePrecommitMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil) // precommit
- }
- // run through propose, prevote, precommit commit with two validators
- // where the first validator has to wait for votes from the second
- func TestStateFullRound2(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 2})
- vs2 := vss[1]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- voteCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryVote)
- newBlockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewBlock)
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round) // prevote
- // we should be stuck in limbo waiting for more prevotes
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- blockID := types.BlockID{Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header()}
- // prevote arrives from vs2:
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round) // prevote
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round) // precommit
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, 0, 0, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- // we should be stuck in limbo waiting for more precommits
- // precommit arrives from vs2:
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // wait to finish commit, propose in next height
- ensureNewBlock(t, newBlockCh, height)
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // LockSuite
- // two validators, 4 rounds.
- // two vals take turns proposing. val1 locks on first one, precommits nil on everything else
- func TestStateLock_NoPOL(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 2})
- vs2 := vss[1]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- timeoutProposeCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- voteCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryVote)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- /*
- Round1 (cs1, B) // B B // B B2
- */
- // start round and wait for prevote
- cs1.enterNewRound(ctx, height, round)
- cs1.startRoutines(ctx, 0)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- roundState := cs1.GetRoundState()
- initialBlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: roundState.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: roundState.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round) // prevote
- // we should now be stuck in limbo forever, waiting for more prevotes
- // prevote arrives from vs2:
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), initialBlockID, vs2)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round) // prevote
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], initialBlockID.Hash)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], initialBlockID.Hash, initialBlockID.Hash)
- // we should now be stuck in limbo forever, waiting for more precommits
- // lets add one for a different block
- hash := make([]byte, len(initialBlockID.Hash))
- copy(hash, initialBlockID.Hash)
- hash[0] = (hash[0] + 1) % 255
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{
- Hash: hash,
- PartSetHeader: initialBlockID.PartSetHeader,
- }, vs2)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round) // precommit
- // (note we're entering precommit for a second time this round)
- // but with invalid args. then we enterPrecommitWait, and the timeout to new round
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- ///
- round++ // moving to the next round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- t.Log("#### ONTO ROUND 1")
- /*
- Round2 (cs1, B) // B B2
- */
- incrementRound(vs2)
- // now we're on a new round and not the proposer, so wait for timeout
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutProposeCh, height, round, cs1.config.Propose(round).Nanoseconds())
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- require.Nil(t, rs.ProposalBlock, "Expected proposal block to be nil")
- // we should have prevoted nil since we did not see a proposal in the round.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], nil)
- // add a conflicting prevote from the other validator
- partSet, err := rs.LockedBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- conflictingBlockID := types.BlockID{Hash: hash, PartSetHeader: partSet.Header()}
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), conflictingBlockID, vs2)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // now we're going to enter prevote again, but with invalid args
- // and then prevote wait, which should timeout. then wait for precommit
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Prevote(round).Nanoseconds())
- // the proposed block should still be locked block.
- // we should precommit nil and be locked on the proposal.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, initialBlockID.Hash)
- // add conflicting precommit from vs2
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), conflictingBlockID, vs2)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // (note we're entering precommit for a second time this round, but with invalid args
- // then we enterPrecommitWait and timeout into NewRound
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- round++ // entering new round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- t.Log("#### ONTO ROUND 2")
- /*
- Round3 (vs2, _) // B, B2
- */
- incrementRound(vs2)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs = cs1.GetRoundState()
- // now we're on a new round and are the proposer
- require.True(t, bytes.Equal(rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), rs.LockedBlock.Hash()),
- "Expected proposal block to be locked block. Got %v, Expected %v",
- rs.ProposalBlock,
- rs.LockedBlock)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round) // prevote
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], rs.LockedBlock.Hash())
- partSet, err = rs.ProposalBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- newBlockID := types.BlockID{Hash: hash, PartSetHeader: partSet.Header()}
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), newBlockID, vs2)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Prevote(round).Nanoseconds())
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round) // precommit
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, initialBlockID.Hash) // precommit nil but be locked on proposal
- signAddVotes(
- ctx,
- t,
- cs1,
- tmproto.PrecommitType,
- config.ChainID(),
- newBlockID,
- vs2) // NOTE: conflicting precommits at same height
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- // cs1 is locked on a block at this point, so we must generate a new consensus
- // state to force a new proposal block to be generated.
- cs2, _ := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 2})
- // before we time out into new round, set next proposal block
- prop, propBlock := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs2, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round+1)
- require.NotNil(t, propBlock, "Failed to create proposal block with vs2")
- require.NotNil(t, prop, "Failed to create proposal block with vs2")
- propBlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: partSet.Header(),
- }
- incrementRound(vs2)
- round++ // entering new round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- t.Log("#### ONTO ROUND 3")
- /*
- Round4 (vs2, C) // B C // B C
- */
- // now we're on a new round and not the proposer
- // so set the proposal block
- bps3, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop, propBlock, bps3, "")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- // prevote for nil since we did not see a proposal for our locked block in the round.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, 3, vss[0], nil)
- // prevote for proposed block
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), propBlockID, vs2)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Prevote(round).Nanoseconds())
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, initialBlockID.Hash) // precommit nil but locked on proposal
- signAddVotes(
- ctx,
- t,
- cs1,
- tmproto.PrecommitType,
- config.ChainID(),
- propBlockID,
- vs2) // NOTE: conflicting precommits at same height
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- }
- // TestStateLock_POLUpdateLock tests that a validator updates its locked
- // block if the following conditions are met within a round:
- // 1. The validator received a valid proposal for the block
- // 2. The validator received prevotes representing greater than 2/3 of the voting
- // power on the network for the block.
- func TestStateLock_POLUpdateLock(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- logger := log.NewNopLogger()
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, logger: logger})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- lockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryLock)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- /*
- Round 0:
- cs1 creates a proposal for block B.
- Send a prevote for B from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validators to cs1.
- This ensures that cs1 will lock on B in this round but not precommit it.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 0")
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- initialBlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), initialBlockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // check that the validator generates a Lock event.
- ensureLock(t, lockCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], initialBlockID.Hash, initialBlockID.Hash)
- // add precommits from the rest of the validators.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout to new round.
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 1:
- Create a block, D and send a proposal for it to cs1
- Send a prevote for D from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validtors to cs1.
- Check that cs1 is now locked on the new block, D and no longer on the old block.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 1")
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++
- // Generate a new proposal block.
- cs2 := newState(ctx, t, logger, cs1.state, vs2, kvstore.NewApplication())
- require.NoError(t, err)
- propR1, propBlockR1 := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs2, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round)
- propBlockR1Parts, err := propBlockR1.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- propBlockR1Hash := propBlockR1.Hash()
- r1BlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlockR1Hash,
- PartSetHeader: propBlockR1Parts.Header(),
- }
- require.NotEqual(t, propBlockR1Hash, initialBlockID.Hash)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, propR1, propBlockR1, propBlockR1Parts, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- // ensure that the validator receives the proposal.
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- // Prevote our nil since the proposal does not match our locked block.
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- // Add prevotes from the remainder of the validators for the new locked block.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), r1BlockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // Check that we lock on a new block.
- ensureLock(t, lockCh, height, round)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // We should now be locked on the new block and prevote it since we saw a sufficient amount
- // prevote for the block.
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], propBlockR1Hash, propBlockR1Hash)
- }
- // TestStateLock_POLRelock tests that a validator updates its locked round if
- // it receives votes representing over 2/3 of the voting power on the network
- // for a block that it is already locked in.
- func TestStateLock_POLRelock(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- config := configSetup(t)
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- lockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryLock)
- relockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryRelock)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- /*
- Round 0:
- cs1 creates a proposal for block B.
- Send a prevote for B from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validators to cs1.
- This ensures that cs1 will lock on B in this round but not precommit it.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 0")
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- theBlock := rs.ProposalBlock
- theBlockParts := rs.ProposalBlockParts
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // check that the validator generates a Lock event.
- ensureLock(t, lockCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- // add precommits from the rest of the validators.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout to new round.
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 1:
- Create a proposal for block B, the same block from round 1.
- Send a prevote for B from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validtors to cs1.
- Check that cs1 updates its 'locked round' value to the current round.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 1")
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++
- propR1 := types.NewProposal(height, round, cs1.ValidRound, blockID, theBlock.Header.Time)
- p := propR1.ToProto()
- err = vs2.SignProposal(ctx, cs1.state.ChainID, p)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- propR1.Signature = p.Signature
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, propR1, theBlock, theBlockParts, "")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- // ensure that the validator receives the proposal.
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- // Prevote our locked block since it matches the propsal seen in this round.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash)
- // Add prevotes from the remainder of the validators for the locked block.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // Check that we relock.
- ensureRelock(t, relockCh, height, round)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // We should now be locked on the same block but with an updated locked round.
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- }
- // TestStateLock_PrevoteNilWhenLockedAndMissProposal tests that a validator prevotes nil
- // if it is locked on a block and misses the proposal in a round.
- func TestStateLock_PrevoteNilWhenLockedAndMissProposal(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- config := configSetup(t)
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(context.Background())
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- lockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryLock)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- /*
- Round 0:
- cs1 creates a proposal for block B.
- Send a prevote for B from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validators to cs1.
- This ensures that cs1 will lock on B in this round but not precommit it.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 0")
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // check that the validator generates a Lock event.
- ensureLock(t, lockCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- // add precommits from the rest of the validators.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout to new round.
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 1:
- Send a prevote for nil from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validtors to cs1.
- Check that cs1 prevotes nil instead of its locked block, but ensure
- that it maintains its locked block.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 1")
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- // Prevote our nil.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], nil)
- // Add prevotes from the remainder of the validators nil.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // We should now be locked on the same block but with an updated locked round.
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, blockID.Hash)
- }
- // TestStateLock_PrevoteNilWhenLockedAndMissProposal tests that a validator prevotes nil
- // if it is locked on a block and misses the proposal in a round.
- func TestStateLock_PrevoteNilWhenLockedAndDifferentProposal(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- logger := log.NewNopLogger()
- config := configSetup(t)
- /*
- All of the assertions in this test occur on the `cs1` validator.
- The test sends signed votes from the other validators to cs1 and
- cs1's state is then examined to verify that it now matches the expected
- state.
- */
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, logger: logger})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(context.Background())
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- lockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryLock)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- /*
- Round 0:
- cs1 creates a proposal for block B.
- Send a prevote for B from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validators to cs1.
- This ensures that cs1 will lock on B in this round but not precommit it.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 0")
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // check that the validator generates a Lock event.
- ensureLock(t, lockCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- // add precommits from the rest of the validators.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout to new round.
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 1:
- Create a proposal for a new block.
- Send a prevote for nil from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validtors to cs1.
- Check that cs1 prevotes nil instead of its locked block, but ensure
- that it maintains its locked block.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 1")
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++
- cs2 := newState(ctx, t, logger, cs1.state, vs2, kvstore.NewApplication())
- propR1, propBlockR1 := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs2, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round)
- propBlockR1Parts, err := propBlockR1.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- propBlockR1Hash := propBlockR1.Hash()
- require.NotEqual(t, propBlockR1Hash, blockID.Hash)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, propR1, propBlockR1, propBlockR1Parts, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- // Prevote our nil.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], nil)
- // Add prevotes from the remainder of the validators for nil.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // We should now be locked on the same block but prevote nil.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, blockID.Hash)
- }
- // TestStateLock_POLDoesNotUnlock tests that a validator maintains its locked block
- // despite receiving +2/3 nil prevotes and nil precommits from other validators.
- // Tendermint used to 'unlock' its locked block when greater than 2/3 prevotes
- // for a nil block were seen. This behavior has been removed and this test ensures
- // that it has been completely removed.
- func TestStateLock_POLDoesNotUnlock(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- logger := log.NewNopLogger()
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- /*
- All of the assertions in this test occur on the `cs1` validator.
- The test sends signed votes from the other validators to cs1 and
- cs1's state is then examined to verify that it now matches the expected
- state.
- */
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, logger: logger})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- lockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryLock)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(context.Background())
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- /*
- Round 0:
- Create a block, B
- Send a prevote for B from each of the validators to `cs1`.
- Send a precommit for B from one of the validtors to `cs1`.
- This ensures that cs1 will lock on B in this round.
- */
- t.Log("#### ONTO ROUND 0")
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, blockID.Hash)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // the validator should have locked a block in this round.
- ensureLock(t, lockCh, height, round)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our should be for this locked block.
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- // Add precommits from the other validators.
- // We only issue 1/2 Precommits for the block in this round.
- // This ensures that the validator being tested does not commit the block.
- // We do not want the validator to commit the block because we want the test
- // test to proceeds to the next consensus round.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs4)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs3)
- // timeout to new round
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 1:
- Send a prevote for nil from >2/3 of the validators to `cs1`.
- Check that cs1 maintains its lock on B but precommits nil.
- Send a precommit for nil from >2/3 of the validators to `cs1`.
- */
- t.Log("#### ONTO ROUND 1")
- round++
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- cs2 := newState(ctx, t, logger, cs1.state, vs2, kvstore.NewApplication())
- prop, propBlock := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs2, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round)
- propBlockParts, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- require.NotEqual(t, propBlock.Hash(), blockID.Hash)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop, propBlock, propBlockParts, "")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- // Prevote for nil since the proposed block does not match our locked block.
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- // add >2/3 prevotes for nil from all other validators
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // verify that we haven't update our locked block since the first round
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, blockID.Hash)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 2:
- The validator cs1 saw >2/3 precommits for nil in the previous round.
- Send the validator >2/3 prevotes for nil and ensure that it did not
- unlock its block at the end of the previous round.
- */
- t.Log("#### ONTO ROUND 2")
- round++
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- cs3 := newState(ctx, t, logger, cs1.state, vs2, kvstore.NewApplication())
- prop, propBlock = decideProposal(ctx, t, cs3, vs3, vs3.Height, vs3.Round)
- propBlockParts, err = propBlock.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop, propBlock, propBlockParts, "")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- // Prevote for nil since the proposal does not match our locked block.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], nil)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // verify that we haven't update our locked block since the first round
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, blockID.Hash)
- }
- // TestStateLock_MissingProposalWhenPOLSeenDoesNotUnlock tests that observing
- // a two thirds majority for a block does not cause a validator to upate its lock on the
- // new block if a proposal was not seen for that block.
- func TestStateLock_MissingProposalWhenPOLSeenDoesNotUpdateLock(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- logger := log.NewNopLogger()
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, logger: logger})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- /*
- Round 0:
- cs1 creates a proposal for block B.
- Send a prevote for B from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validators to cs1.
- This ensures that cs1 will lock on B in this round but not precommit it.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 0")
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- firstBlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round) // prevote
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), firstBlockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round) // our precommit
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], firstBlockID.Hash, firstBlockID.Hash)
- // add precommits from the rest
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout to new round
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 1:
- Create a new block, D but do not send it to cs1.
- Send a prevote for D from each of the validators to cs1.
- Check that cs1 does not update its locked block to this missed block D.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 1")
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++
- cs2 := newState(ctx, t, logger, cs1.state, vs2, kvstore.NewApplication())
- require.NoError(t, err)
- prop, propBlock := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs2, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round)
- require.NotNil(t, propBlock, "Failed to create proposal block with vs2")
- require.NotNil(t, prop, "Failed to create proposal block with vs2")
- partSet, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- secondBlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: partSet.Header(),
- }
- require.NotEqual(t, secondBlockID.Hash, firstBlockID.Hash)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- // prevote for nil since the proposal was not seen.
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- // now lets add prevotes from everyone else for the new block
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), secondBlockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, firstBlockID.Hash)
- }
- // TestStateLock_DoesNotLockOnOldProposal tests that observing
- // a two thirds majority for a block does not cause a validator to lock on the
- // block if a proposal was not seen for that block in the current round, but
- // was seen in a previous round.
- func TestStateLock_DoesNotLockOnOldProposal(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- config := configSetup(t)
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(context.Background())
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- /*
- Round 0:
- cs1 creates a proposal for block B.
- Send a prevote for nil from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validators to cs1.
- This ensures that cs1 will not lock on B.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 0")
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- firstBlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // The proposed block should not have been locked.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, -1, vss[0], nil, nil)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout to new round
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 1:
- No proposal new proposal is created.
- Send a prevote for B, the block from round 0, from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validators to cs1.
- cs1 saw a POL for the block it saw in round 0. We ensure that it does not
- lock on this block, since it did not see a proposal for it in this round.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 1")
- round++
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], nil) // All validators prevote for the old block.
- // All validators prevote for the old block.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), firstBlockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // Make sure that cs1 did not lock on the block since it did not receive a proposal for it.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, -1, vss[0], nil, nil)
- }
- // 4 vals
- // a polka at round 1 but we miss it
- // then a polka at round 2 that we lock on
- // then we see the polka from round 1 but shouldn't unlock
- func TestStateLock_POLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- logger := log.NewNopLogger()
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, logger: logger})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- timeoutProposeCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, cs1.Height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- propBlock := rs.ProposalBlock
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, propBlock.Hash())
- partSet, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{Hash: propBlock.Hash(), PartSetHeader: partSet.Header()}
- // the others sign a polka but we don't see it
- prevotes := signVotes(ctx, t, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(),
- blockID,
- vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // we do see them precommit nil
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // cs1 precommit nil
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- t.Log("### ONTO ROUND 1")
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++ // moving to the next round
- cs2 := newState(ctx, t, logger, cs1.state, vs2, kvstore.NewApplication())
- prop, propBlock := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs2, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round)
- propBlockParts, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- r2BlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: propBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- //XXX: this isnt guaranteed to get there before the timeoutPropose ...
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop, propBlock, propBlockParts, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- /*Round2
- // we timeout and prevote our lock
- // a polka happened but we didn't see it!
- */
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs = cs1.GetRoundState()
- require.Nil(t, rs.LockedBlock, "we should not be locked!")
- t.Logf("new prop hash %v", fmt.Sprintf("%X", propBlock.Hash()))
- // go to prevote, prevote for proposal block
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, r2BlockID.Hash)
- // now we see the others prevote for it, so we should lock on it
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), r2BlockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // we should have precommitted
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], r2BlockID.Hash, r2BlockID.Hash)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++ // moving to the next round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- t.Log("### ONTO ROUND 2")
- /*Round3
- we see the polka from round 1 but we shouldn't unlock!
- */
- // timeout of propose
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutProposeCh, height, round, cs1.config.Propose(round).Nanoseconds())
- // finish prevote
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- newStepCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRoundStep)
- // before prevotes from the previous round are added
- // add prevotes from the earlier round
- addVotes(cs1, prevotes...)
- ensureNoNewRoundStep(t, newStepCh)
- }
- // 4 vals.
- // polka P0 at R0, P1 at R1, and P2 at R2,
- // we lock on P0 at R0, don't see P1, and unlock using P2 at R2
- // then we should make sure we don't lock using P1
- // What we want:
- // dont see P0, lock on P1 at R1, dont unlock using P0 at R2
- func TestStateLock_POLSafety2(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // the block for R0: gets polkad but we miss it
- // (even though we signed it, shhh)
- _, propBlock0 := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs1, vss[0], height, round)
- propBlockHash0 := propBlock0.Hash()
- propBlockParts0, err := propBlock0.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- propBlockID0 := types.BlockID{Hash: propBlockHash0, PartSetHeader: propBlockParts0.Header()}
- // the others sign a polka but we don't see it
- prevotes := signVotes(ctx, t, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), propBlockID0, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // the block for round 1
- prop1, propBlock1 := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs1, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round+1)
- propBlockParts1, err := propBlock1.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- propBlockID1 := types.BlockID{Hash: propBlock1.Hash(), PartSetHeader: propBlockParts1.Header()}
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++ // moving to the next round
- t.Log("### ONTO Round 1")
- // jump in at round 1
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop1, propBlock1, propBlockParts1, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, propBlockID1.Hash)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), propBlockID1, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], propBlockID1.Hash, propBlockID1.Hash)
- // add precommits from the rest
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs4)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), propBlockID1, vs3)
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout of precommit wait to new round
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- round++ // moving to the next round
- // in round 2 we see the polkad block from round 0
- newProp := types.NewProposal(height, round, 0, propBlockID0, propBlock0.Header.Time)
- p := newProp.ToProto()
- err = vs3.SignProposal(ctx, config.ChainID(), p)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- newProp.Signature = p.Signature
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, newProp, propBlock0, propBlockParts0, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- // Add the pol votes
- addVotes(cs1, prevotes...)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- t.Log("### ONTO Round 2")
- /*Round2
- // now we see the polka from round 1, but we shouldnt unlock
- */
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], nil)
- }
- // TestState_PrevotePOLFromPreviousRound tests that a validator will prevote
- // for a block if it is locked on a different block but saw a POL for the block
- // it is not locked on in a previous round.
- func TestState_PrevotePOLFromPreviousRound(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- config := configSetup(t)
- logger := log.NewNopLogger()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, logger: logger})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(context.Background())
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- lockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryLock)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- /*
- Round 0:
- cs1 creates a proposal for block B.
- Send a prevote for B from each of the validators to cs1.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validators to cs1.
- This ensures that cs1 will lock on B in this round but not precommit it.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 0")
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- r0BlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), r0BlockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // check that the validator generates a Lock event.
- ensureLock(t, lockCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], r0BlockID.Hash, r0BlockID.Hash)
- // add precommits from the rest of the validators.
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout to new round.
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Round 1:
- Create a block, D but do not send a proposal for it to cs1.
- Send a prevote for D from each of the validators to cs1 so that cs1 sees a POL.
- Send a precommit for nil from all of the validtors to cs1.
- cs1 has now seen greater than 2/3 of the voting power prevote D in this round
- but cs1 did not see the proposal for D in this round so it will not prevote or precommit it.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 1")
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++
- // Generate a new proposal block.
- cs2 := newState(ctx, t, logger, cs1.state, vs2, kvstore.NewApplication())
- cs2.ValidRound = 1
- propR1, propBlockR1 := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs2, vs2, vs2.Height, round)
- t.Log(propR1.POLRound)
- propBlockR1Parts, err := propBlockR1.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- r1BlockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlockR1.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: propBlockR1Parts.Header(),
- }
- require.NotEqual(t, r1BlockID.Hash, r0BlockID.Hash)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), r1BlockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], nil)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // timeout to new round.
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- /*
- Create a new proposal for D, the same block from Round 1.
- cs1 already saw greater than 2/3 of the voting power on the network vote for
- D in a previous round, so it should prevote D once it receives a proposal for it.
- cs1 does not need to receive prevotes from other validators before the proposal
- in this round. It will still prevote the block.
- Send cs1 prevotes for nil and check that it still prevotes its locked block
- and not the block that it prevoted.
- */
- t.Log("### Starting Round 2")
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++
- propR2 := types.NewProposal(height, round, 1, r1BlockID, propBlockR1.Header.Time)
- p := propR2.ToProto()
- err = vs3.SignProposal(ctx, cs1.state.ChainID, p)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- propR2.Signature = p.Signature
- // cs1 receives a proposal for D, the block that received a POL in round 1.
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, propR2, propBlockR1, propBlockR1Parts, "")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- // We should now prevote this block, despite being locked on the block from
- // round 0.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], r1BlockID.Hash)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // cs1 did not receive a POL within this round, so it should remain locked
- // on the block from round 0.
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, r0BlockID.Hash)
- }
- // 4 vals.
- // polka P0 at R0 for B0. We lock B0 on P0 at R0.
- // What we want:
- // P0 proposes B0 at R3.
- func TestProposeValidBlock(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- timeoutProposeCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, cs1.Height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- propBlock := rs.ProposalBlock
- partSet, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: partSet.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, blockID.Hash)
- // the others sign a polka
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // we should have precommitted the proposed block in this round.
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++ // moving to the next round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- t.Log("### ONTO ROUND 1")
- // timeout of propose
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutProposeCh, height, round, cs1.config.Propose(round).Nanoseconds())
- // We did not see a valid proposal within this round, so prevote nil.
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // we should have precommitted nil during this round because we received
- // >2/3 precommits for nil from the other validators.
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 0, vss[0], nil, blockID.Hash)
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round += 2 // increment by multiple rounds
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- t.Log("### ONTO ROUND 3")
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- round++ // moving to the next round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs = cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.True(t, bytes.Equal(rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), blockID.Hash))
- assert.True(t, bytes.Equal(rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(), rs.ValidBlock.Hash()))
- assert.True(t, rs.Proposal.POLRound == rs.ValidRound)
- assert.True(t, bytes.Equal(rs.Proposal.BlockID.Hash, rs.ValidBlock.Hash()))
- }
- // What we want:
- // P0 miss to lock B but set valid block to B after receiving delayed prevote.
- func TestSetValidBlockOnDelayedPrevote(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- validBlockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryValidBlock)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, cs1.Height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- propBlock := rs.ProposalBlock
- partSet, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: partSet.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, blockID.Hash)
- // vs2 send prevote for propBlock
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2)
- // vs3 send prevote nil
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs3)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Prevote(round).Nanoseconds())
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // we should have precommitted
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, -1, vss[0], nil, nil)
- rs = cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.True(t, rs.ValidBlock == nil)
- assert.True(t, rs.ValidBlockParts == nil)
- assert.True(t, rs.ValidRound == -1)
- // vs2 send (delayed) prevote for propBlock
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs4)
- ensureNewValidBlock(t, validBlockCh, height, round)
- rs = cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.True(t, bytes.Equal(rs.ValidBlock.Hash(), blockID.Hash))
- assert.True(t, rs.ValidBlockParts.Header().Equals(blockID.PartSetHeader))
- assert.True(t, rs.ValidRound == round)
- }
- // What we want:
- // P0 miss to lock B as Proposal Block is missing, but set valid block to B after
- // receiving delayed Block Proposal.
- func TestSetValidBlockOnDelayedProposal(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- timeoutProposeCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- validBlockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryValidBlock)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- round++ // move to round in which P0 is not proposer
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, cs1.Height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutProposeCh, height, round, cs1.config.Propose(round).Nanoseconds())
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- prop, propBlock := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs1, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round+1)
- partSet, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: partSet.Header(),
- }
- // vs2, vs3 and vs4 send prevote for propBlock
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensureNewValidBlock(t, validBlockCh, height, round)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Prevote(round).Nanoseconds())
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, -1, vss[0], nil, nil)
- partSet, err = propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop, propBlock, partSet, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.True(t, bytes.Equal(rs.ValidBlock.Hash(), blockID.Hash))
- assert.True(t, rs.ValidBlockParts.Header().Equals(blockID.PartSetHeader))
- assert.True(t, rs.ValidRound == round)
- }
- func TestProcessProposalAccept(t *testing.T) {
- for _, testCase := range []struct {
- name string
- accept bool
- expectedNilPrevote bool
- }{
- {
- name: "accepted block is prevoted",
- accept: true,
- expectedNilPrevote: false,
- },
- {
- name: "rejected block is not prevoted",
- accept: false,
- expectedNilPrevote: true,
- },
- } {
- t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- m := abcimocks.NewBaseMock()
- m.On("ProcessProposal", mock.Anything).Return(abcitypes.ResponseProcessProposal{Accept: testCase.accept})
- cs1, _ := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, application: m})
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, cs1.Height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- var prevoteHash tmbytes.HexBytes
- if !testCase.expectedNilPrevote {
- prevoteHash = rs.ProposalBlock.Hash()
- }
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, prevoteHash)
- })
- }
- }
- // 4 vals, 3 Nil Precommits at P0
- // What we want:
- // P0 waits for timeoutPrecommit before starting next round
- func TestWaitingTimeoutOnNilPolka(t *testing.T) {
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- config := configSetup(t)
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- // start round
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round+1)
- }
- // 4 vals, 3 Prevotes for nil from the higher round.
- // What we want:
- // P0 waits for timeoutPropose in the next round before entering prevote
- func TestWaitingTimeoutProposeOnNewRound(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++ // moving to the next round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.True(t, rs.Step == cstypes.RoundStepPropose) // P0 does not prevote before timeoutPropose expires
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Propose(round).Nanoseconds())
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- }
- // 4 vals, 3 Precommits for nil from the higher round.
- // What we want:
- // P0 jump to higher round, precommit and start precommit wait
- func TestRoundSkipOnNilPolkaFromHigherRound(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- round++ // moving to the next round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, -1, vss[0], nil, nil)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- round++ // moving to the next round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- }
- // 4 vals, 3 Prevotes for nil in the current round.
- // What we want:
- // P0 wait for timeoutPropose to expire before sending prevote.
- func TestWaitTimeoutProposeOnNilPolkaForTheCurrentRound(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, int32(1)
- timeoutProposeCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round in which PO is not proposer
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutProposeCh, height, round, cs1.config.Propose(round).Nanoseconds())
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, nil)
- }
- // What we want:
- // P0 emit NewValidBlock event upon receiving 2/3+ Precommit for B but hasn't received block B yet
- func TestEmitNewValidBlockEventOnCommitWithoutBlock(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, int32(1)
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- validBlockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryValidBlock)
- _, propBlock := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs1, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round)
- partSet, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: partSet.Header(),
- }
- // start round in which PO is not proposer
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- // vs2, vs3 and vs4 send precommit for propBlock
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensureNewValidBlock(t, validBlockCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.True(t, rs.Step == cstypes.RoundStepCommit)
- assert.True(t, rs.ProposalBlock == nil)
- assert.True(t, rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header().Equals(blockID.PartSetHeader))
- }
- // What we want:
- // P0 receives 2/3+ Precommit for B for round 0, while being in round 1. It emits NewValidBlock event.
- // After receiving block, it executes block and moves to the next height.
- func TestCommitFromPreviousRound(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, int32(1)
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- validBlockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryValidBlock)
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- prop, propBlock := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs1, vs2, vs2.Height, vs2.Round)
- partSet, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: partSet.Header(),
- }
- // start round in which PO is not proposer
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- // vs2, vs3 and vs4 send precommit for propBlock for the previous round
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensureNewValidBlock(t, validBlockCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.True(t, rs.Step == cstypes.RoundStepCommit)
- assert.True(t, rs.CommitRound == vs2.Round)
- assert.True(t, rs.ProposalBlock == nil)
- assert.True(t, rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header().Equals(blockID.PartSetHeader))
- partSet, err = propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop, propBlock, partSet, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height+1, 0)
- }
- type fakeTxNotifier struct {
- ch chan struct{}
- }
- func (n *fakeTxNotifier) TxsAvailable() <-chan struct{} {
- return n.ch
- }
- func (n *fakeTxNotifier) Notify() {
- n.ch <- struct{}{}
- }
- // 2 vals precommit votes for a block but node times out waiting for the third. Move to next round
- // and third precommit arrives which leads to the commit of that header and the correct
- // start of the next round
- func TestStartNextHeightCorrectlyAfterTimeout(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- config.Consensus.SkipTimeoutCommit = false
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- cs1.txNotifier = &fakeTxNotifier{ch: make(chan struct{})}
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- timeoutProposeCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutPropose)
- precommitTimeoutCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- newBlockHeader := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewBlockHeader)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, blockID.Hash)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- // add precommits
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs3)
- // wait till timeout occurs
- ensureNewTimeout(t, precommitTimeoutCh, height, round, cs1.config.TimeoutPrecommit.Nanoseconds())
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round+1)
- // majority is now reached
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs4)
- ensureNewBlockHeader(t, newBlockHeader, height, blockID.Hash)
- cs1.txNotifier.(*fakeTxNotifier).Notify()
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutProposeCh, height+1, round, cs1.config.Propose(round).Nanoseconds())
- rs = cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.False(
- t,
- rs.TriggeredTimeoutPrecommit,
- "triggeredTimeoutPrecommit should be false at the beginning of each round")
- }
- func TestResetTimeoutPrecommitUponNewHeight(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- config.Consensus.SkipTimeoutCommit = false
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- newBlockHeader := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewBlockHeader)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: rs.ProposalBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: rs.ProposalBlockParts.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, blockID.Hash)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], blockID.Hash, blockID.Hash)
- // add precommits
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs3)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs4)
- ensureNewBlockHeader(t, newBlockHeader, height, blockID.Hash)
- prop, propBlock := decideProposal(ctx, t, cs1, vs2, height+1, 0)
- propBlockParts, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- err = cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, prop, propBlock, propBlockParts, "some peer")
- require.NoError(t, err)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height+1, 0)
- rs = cs1.GetRoundState()
- assert.False(
- t,
- rs.TriggeredTimeoutPrecommit,
- "triggeredTimeoutPrecommit should be false at the beginning of each height")
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // CatchupSuite
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // HaltSuite
- // 4 vals.
- // we receive a final precommit after going into next round, but others might have gone to commit already!
- func TestStateHalt1(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- partSize := types.BlockPartSizeBytes
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- timeoutWaitCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryTimeoutWait)
- newRoundCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewRound)
- newBlockCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryNewBlock)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- // start round and wait for propose and prevote
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- ensureNewProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round)
- rs := cs1.GetRoundState()
- propBlock := rs.ProposalBlock
- partSet, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(partSize)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: propBlock.Hash(),
- PartSetHeader: partSet.Header(),
- }
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- // the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, round, vss[0], propBlock.Hash(), propBlock.Hash())
- // add precommits from the rest
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), types.BlockID{}, vs2) // didnt receive proposal
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs3)
- // we receive this later, but vs3 might receive it earlier and with ours will go to commit!
- precommit4 := signVote(ctx, t, vs4, tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID)
- incrementRound(vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // timeout to new round
- ensureNewTimeout(t, timeoutWaitCh, height, round, cs1.config.Precommit(round).Nanoseconds())
- round++ // moving to the next round
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height, round)
- t.Log("### ONTO ROUND 1")
- /*Round2
- // we timeout and prevote
- // a polka happened but we didn't see it!
- */
- // prevote for nil since we did not receive a proposal in this round.
- ensurePrevoteMatch(t, voteCh, height, round, rs.LockedBlock.Hash())
- // now we receive the precommit from the previous round
- addVotes(cs1, precommit4)
- // receiving that precommit should take us straight to commit
- ensureNewBlock(t, newBlockCh, height)
- ensureNewRound(t, newRoundCh, height+1, 0)
- }
- func TestStateOutputsBlockPartsStats(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- // create dummy peer
- cs, _ := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 1})
- require.NoError(t, err)
- // 1) new block part
- parts := types.NewPartSetFromData(tmrand.Bytes(100), 10)
- msg := &BlockPartMessage{
- Height: 1,
- Round: 0,
- Part: parts.GetPart(0),
- }
- cs.ProposalBlockParts = types.NewPartSetFromHeader(parts.Header())
- cs.handleMsg(ctx, msgInfo{msg, peerID, tmtime.Now()})
- statsMessage := <-cs.statsMsgQueue
- require.Equal(t, msg, statsMessage.Msg, "")
- require.Equal(t, peerID, statsMessage.PeerID, "")
- // sending the same part from different peer
- cs.handleMsg(ctx, msgInfo{msg, "peer2", tmtime.Now()})
- // sending the part with the same height, but different round
- msg.Round = 1
- cs.handleMsg(ctx, msgInfo{msg, peerID, tmtime.Now()})
- // sending the part from the smaller height
- msg.Height = 0
- cs.handleMsg(ctx, msgInfo{msg, peerID, tmtime.Now()})
- // sending the part from the bigger height
- msg.Height = 3
- cs.handleMsg(ctx, msgInfo{msg, peerID, tmtime.Now()})
- select {
- case <-cs.statsMsgQueue:
- t.Errorf("should not output stats message after receiving the known block part!")
- case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
- }
- }
- func TestStateOutputVoteStats(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 2})
- // create dummy peer
- require.NoError(t, err)
- randBytes := tmrand.Bytes(tmhash.Size)
- blockID := types.BlockID{
- Hash: randBytes,
- }
- vote := signVote(ctx, t, vss[1], tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID)
- voteMessage := &VoteMessage{vote}
- cs.handleMsg(ctx, msgInfo{voteMessage, peerID, tmtime.Now()})
- statsMessage := <-cs.statsMsgQueue
- require.Equal(t, voteMessage, statsMessage.Msg, "")
- require.Equal(t, peerID, statsMessage.PeerID, "")
- // sending the same part from different peer
- cs.handleMsg(ctx, msgInfo{&VoteMessage{vote}, "peer2", tmtime.Now()})
- // sending the vote for the bigger height
- incrementHeight(vss[1])
- vote = signVote(ctx, t, vss[1], tmproto.PrecommitType, config.ChainID(), blockID)
- cs.handleMsg(ctx, msgInfo{&VoteMessage{vote}, peerID, tmtime.Now()})
- select {
- case <-cs.statsMsgQueue:
- t.Errorf("should not output stats message after receiving the known vote or vote from bigger height")
- case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
- }
- }
- func TestSignSameVoteTwice(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- _, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config, validators: 2})
- randBytes := tmrand.Bytes(tmhash.Size)
- vote := signVote(
- ctx,
- t,
- vss[1],
- tmproto.PrecommitType,
- config.ChainID(),
- types.BlockID{
- Hash: randBytes,
- PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{Total: 10, Hash: randBytes},
- },
- )
- vote2 := signVote(
- ctx,
- t,
- vss[1],
- tmproto.PrecommitType,
- config.ChainID(),
- types.BlockID{
- Hash: randBytes,
- PartSetHeader: types.PartSetHeader{Total: 10, Hash: randBytes},
- },
- )
- require.Equal(t, vote, vote2)
- }
- // TestStateTimestamp_ProposalNotMatch tests that a validator does not prevote a
- // proposed block if the timestamp in the block does not matche the timestamp in the
- // corresponding proposal message.
- func TestStateTimestamp_ProposalNotMatch(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- propBlock, _, err := cs1.createProposalBlock(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- round++
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- propBlockParts, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{Hash: propBlock.Hash(), PartSetHeader: propBlockParts.Header()}
- // Create a proposal with a timestamp that does not match the timestamp of the block.
- proposal := types.NewProposal(vs2.Height, round, -1, blockID, propBlock.Header.Time.Add(time.Millisecond))
- p := proposal.ToProto()
- err = vs2.SignProposal(ctx, config.ChainID(), p)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- proposal.Signature = p.Signature
- require.NoError(t, cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, proposal, propBlock, propBlockParts, "some peer"))
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round, blockID)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // ensure that the validator prevotes nil.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], nil)
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, -1, vss[0], nil, nil)
- }
- // TestStateTimestamp_ProposalMatch tests that a validator prevotes a
- // proposed block if the timestamp in the block matches the timestamp in the
- // corresponding proposal message.
- func TestStateTimestamp_ProposalMatch(t *testing.T) {
- config := configSetup(t)
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- defer cancel()
- cs1, vss := makeState(ctx, t, makeStateArgs{config: config})
- height, round := cs1.Height, cs1.Round
- vs2, vs3, vs4 := vss[1], vss[2], vss[3]
- proposalCh := subscribe(ctx, t, cs1.eventBus, types.EventQueryCompleteProposal)
- pv1, err := cs1.privValidator.GetPubKey(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- addr := pv1.Address()
- voteCh := subscribeToVoter(ctx, t, cs1, addr)
- propBlock, _, err := cs1.createProposalBlock(ctx)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- round++
- incrementRound(vss[1:]...)
- propBlockParts, err := propBlock.MakePartSet(types.BlockPartSizeBytes)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- blockID := types.BlockID{Hash: propBlock.Hash(), PartSetHeader: propBlockParts.Header()}
- // Create a proposal with a timestamp that matches the timestamp of the block.
- proposal := types.NewProposal(vs2.Height, round, -1, blockID, propBlock.Header.Time)
- p := proposal.ToProto()
- err = vs2.SignProposal(ctx, config.ChainID(), p)
- require.NoError(t, err)
- proposal.Signature = p.Signature
- require.NoError(t, cs1.SetProposalAndBlock(ctx, proposal, propBlock, propBlockParts, "some peer"))
- startTestRound(ctx, cs1, height, round)
- ensureProposal(t, proposalCh, height, round, blockID)
- signAddVotes(ctx, t, cs1, tmproto.PrevoteType, config.ChainID(), blockID, vs2, vs3, vs4)
- // ensure that the validator prevotes the block.
- ensurePrevote(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrevote(ctx, t, cs1, round, vss[0], propBlock.Hash())
- ensurePrecommit(t, voteCh, height, round)
- validatePrecommit(ctx, t, cs1, round, 1, vss[0], propBlock.Hash(), propBlock.Hash())
- }
- // subscribe subscribes test client to the given query and returns a channel with cap = 1.
- func subscribe(
- ctx context.Context,
- t *testing.T,
- eventBus *eventbus.EventBus,
- q *tmquery.Query,
- ) <-chan tmpubsub.Message {
- t.Helper()
- sub, err := eventBus.SubscribeWithArgs(ctx, tmpubsub.SubscribeArgs{
- ClientID: testSubscriber,
- Query: q,
- })
- require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Failed to subscribe %q to %v: %v", testSubscriber, q, err)
- ch := make(chan tmpubsub.Message)
- go func() {
- for {
- next, err := sub.Next(ctx)
- if err != nil {
- if ctx.Err() != nil {
- return
- }
- t.Errorf("Subscription for %v unexpectedly terminated: %v", q, err)
- return
- }
- select {
- case ch <- next:
- case <-ctx.Done():
- return
- }
- }
- }()
- return ch
- }