@ -67,23 +67,23 @@ func TestStateProposerSelection0(t *testing.T) {
startTestRound ( cs1 , height , round )
// wait for new round so proposer is set
<- newRoundCh
// Wait for new round so proposer is set.
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
// lets c ommit a block and ensure proposer for the next height is correct
// C ommit a block and ensure proposer for the next height is correct.
prop := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Validators . GetProposer ( )
if ! bytes . Equal ( prop . Address , cs1 . privValidator . GetAddress ( ) ) {
t . Fatalf ( "expected proposer to be validator %d. Got %X" , 0 , prop . Address )
// wait for complete proposal
<- proposalCh
// Wait for complete proposal.
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh )
rs := cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vss [ 1 : ] ... )
// wait for new round so next validator is set
<- newRoundCh
// Wait for new round so next validator is set.
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
prop = cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Validators . GetProposer ( )
if ! bytes . Equal ( prop . Address , vss [ 1 ] . GetAddress ( ) ) {
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func TestStateProposerSelection2(t *testing.T) {
incrementRound ( vss [ 1 : ] ... )
startTestRound ( cs1 , cs1 . Height , 2 )
<- newRoundCh // wait for the new round
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh ) // wait for the new round
// everyone just votes nil. we get a new proposer each round
for i := 0 ; i < len ( vss ) ; i ++ {
@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ func TestStateProposerSelection2(t *testing.T) {
rs := cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , nil , rs . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vss [ 1 : ] ... )
<- newRoundCh // wait for the new round event each round
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh ) // wait for the new round event each round
incrementRound ( vss [ 1 : ] ... )
@ -133,13 +132,7 @@ func TestStateEnterProposeNoPrivValidator(t *testing.T) {
startTestRound ( cs , height , round )
// if we're not a validator, EnterPropose should timeout
ticker := time . NewTicker ( ensureProposeTimeout ( cs . config . TimeoutPropose ) )
select {
case <- timeoutCh :
case <- ticker . C :
panic ( "Expected EnterPropose to timeout" )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutCh , cs . config . TimeoutPropose . Nanoseconds ( ) )
if cs . GetRoundState ( ) . Proposal != nil {
t . Error ( "Expected to make no proposal, since no privValidator" )
@ -159,7 +152,7 @@ func TestStateEnterProposeYesPrivValidator(t *testing.T) {
cs . enterNewRound ( height , round )
cs . startRoutines ( 3 )
<- proposalCh
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh )
// Check that Proposal, ProposalBlock, ProposalBlockParts are set.
rs := cs . GetRoundState ( )
@ -174,13 +167,7 @@ func TestStateEnterProposeYesPrivValidator(t *testing.T) {
// if we're a validator, enterPropose should not timeout
ticker := time . NewTicker ( ensureProposeTimeout ( cs . config . TimeoutPropose ) )
select {
case <- timeoutCh :
panic ( "Expected EnterPropose not to timeout" )
case <- ticker . C :
ensureNoNewTimeout ( timeoutCh , cs . config . TimeoutPropose . Nanoseconds ( ) )
func TestStateBadProposal ( t * testing . T ) {
@ -221,19 +208,19 @@ func TestStateBadProposal(t *testing.T) {
startTestRound ( cs1 , height , round )
// wait for proposal
<- proposalCh
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh )
// wait for prevote
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , round , vss [ 0 ] , nil )
// add bad prevote from vs2 and wait for it
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
// wait for precommit
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , nil )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
@ -261,19 +248,19 @@ func TestStateFullRound1(t *testing.T) {
startTestRound ( cs , height , round )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
// grab proposal
re := <- propCh
propBlockHash := re . ( types . EventDataRoundState ) . RoundState . ( * cstypes . RoundState ) . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
<- voteCh // wait for prevote
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // wait for prevote
validatePrevote ( t , cs , round , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash )
<- voteCh // wait for precommit
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // wait for precommit
// we're going to roll right into new height
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
validateLastPrecommit ( t , cs , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash )
@ -288,8 +275,8 @@ func TestStateFullRoundNil(t *testing.T) {
cs . enterPrevote ( height , round )
cs . startRoutines ( 4 )
<- voteCh // prevote
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // prevote
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // precommit
// should prevote and precommit nil
validatePrevoteAndPrecommit ( t , cs , round , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , nil )
@ -308,7 +295,7 @@ func TestStateFullRound2(t *testing.T) {
// start round and wait for propose and prevote
startTestRound ( cs1 , height , round )
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // prevote
// we should be stuck in limbo waiting for more prevotes
rs := cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
@ -316,9 +303,9 @@ func TestStateFullRound2(t *testing.T) {
// prevote arrives from vs2:
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , propBlockHash , propPartsHeader , vs2 )
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
<- voteCh //precommit
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) //precommit
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 0 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash , propBlockHash )
@ -327,10 +314,10 @@ func TestStateFullRound2(t *testing.T) {
// precommit arrives from vs2:
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , propBlockHash , propPartsHeader , vs2 )
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
// wait to finish commit, propose in next height
<- newBlockCh
ensureNewBlock ( newBlockCh )
@ -363,14 +350,14 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
rs := re . ( types . EventDataRoundState ) . RoundState . ( * cstypes . RoundState )
theBlockHash := rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // prevote
// we should now be stuck in limbo forever, waiting for more prevotes
// prevote arrives from vs2:
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , cs1 . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , cs1 . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // prevote
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // precommit
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 0 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash , theBlockHash )
@ -382,15 +369,15 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
copy ( hash , theBlockHash )
hash [ 0 ] = byte ( ( hash [ 0 ] + 1 ) % 255 )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , hash , rs . ProposalBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // precommit
// (note we're entering precommit for a second time this round)
// but with invalid args. then we enterPrecommitWait, and the timeout to new round
<- timeoutWaitCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
t . Log ( "#### ONTO ROUND 1" )
/ *
Round2 ( cs1 , B ) // B B2
@ -407,20 +394,20 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
// wait to finish prevote
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
// we should have prevoted our locked block
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 1 , vss [ 0 ] , rs . LockedBlock . Hash ( ) )
// add a conflicting prevote from the other validator
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , hash , rs . LockedBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
// now we're going to enter prevote again, but with invalid args
// and then prevote wait, which should timeout. then wait for precommit
<- timeoutWaitCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrevote . Nanoseconds ( ) )
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // precommit
// the proposed block should still be locked and our precommit added
// we should precommit nil and be locked on the proposal
@ -429,13 +416,13 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
// add conflicting precommit from vs2
// NOTE: in practice we should never get to a point where there are precommits for different blocks at the same round
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , hash , rs . LockedBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
// (note we're entering precommit for a second time this round, but with invalid args
// then we enterPrecommitWait and timeout into NewRound
<- timeoutWaitCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
t . Log ( "#### ONTO ROUND 2" )
/ *
Round3 ( vs2 , _ ) // B, B2
@ -451,22 +438,22 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
panic ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Expected proposal block to be locked block. Got %v, Expected %v" , rs . ProposalBlock , rs . LockedBlock ) )
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // prevote
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 2 , vss [ 0 ] , rs . LockedBlock . Hash ( ) )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , hash , rs . ProposalBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
<- timeoutWaitCh // prevote wait
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrevote . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // precommit
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 2 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , theBlockHash ) // precommit nil but be locked on proposal
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , hash , rs . ProposalBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 ) // NOTE: conflicting precommits at same height
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
<- timeoutWaitCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
// before we time out into new round, set next proposal block
prop , propBlock := decideProposal ( cs1 , vs2 , vs2 . Height , vs2 . Round + 1 )
@ -476,7 +463,7 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
incrementRound ( vs2 )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
t . Log ( "#### ONTO ROUND 3" )
/ *
Round4 ( vs2 , C ) // B C // B C
@ -488,22 +475,22 @@ func TestStateLockNoPOL(t *testing.T) {
t . Fatal ( err )
<- proposalCh
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh )
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // prevote
// prevote for locked block (not proposal)
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , cs1 . LockedBlock . Hash ( ) )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 )
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
<- timeoutWaitCh
<- voteCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrevote . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 2 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , theBlockHash ) // precommit nil but locked on proposal
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize ) . Header ( ) , vs2 ) // NOTE: conflicting precommits at same height
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
// 4 vals, one precommits, other 3 polka at next round, so we unlock and precomit the polka
@ -531,18 +518,18 @@ func TestStateLockPOLRelock(t *testing.T) {
// start round and wait for propose and prevote
startTestRound ( cs1 , cs1 . Height , 0 )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
re := <- proposalCh
rs := re . ( types . EventDataRoundState ) . RoundState . ( * cstypes . RoundState )
theBlockHash := rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // prevote
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , cs1 . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , cs1 . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
// prevotes
discardFromChan ( voteCh , 3 )
<- voteCh // our precommit
ensureNewVote ( voteCh ) // our precommit
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 0 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash , theBlockHash )
@ -560,14 +547,14 @@ func TestStateLockPOLRelock(t *testing.T) {
incrementRound ( vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
// timeout to new round
<- timeoutWaitCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
//XXX: this isnt guaranteed to get there before the timeoutPropose ...
if err := cs1 . SetProposalAndBlock ( prop , propBlock , propBlockParts , "some peer" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
t . Log ( "### ONTO ROUND 1" )
/ *
@ -585,7 +572,7 @@ func TestStateLockPOLRelock(t *testing.T) {
// go to prevote, prevote for locked block (not proposal), move on
<- voteCh
ensureNewVote ( voteCh )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash )
// now lets add prevotes from everyone else for the new block
@ -625,6 +612,8 @@ func TestStateLockPOLRelock(t *testing.T) {
func TestStateLockPOLUnlock ( t * testing . T ) {
cs1 , vss := randConsensusState ( 4 )
vs2 , vs3 , vs4 := vss [ 1 ] , vss [ 2 ] , vss [ 3 ]
h := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Height
r := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Round
partSize := types . BlockPartSizeBytes
@ -644,20 +633,20 @@ func TestStateLockPOLUnlock(t *testing.T) {
* /
// start round and wait for propose and prevote
startTestRound ( cs1 , cs1 . Height , 0 )
<- newRoundCh
startTestRound ( cs1 , h , r )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
re := <- proposalCh
rs := re . ( types . EventDataRoundState ) . RoundState . ( * cstypes . RoundState )
theBlockHash := rs . ProposalBlock . Hash ( )
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r , types . VoteTypePrevote )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , cs1 . ProposalBlock . Hash ( ) , cs1 . ProposalBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
<- voteCh //precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r , types . VoteTypePrecommit )
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 0 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash , theBlockHash )
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , r , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , theBlockHash , theBlockHash )
rs = cs1 . GetRoundState ( )
@ -681,7 +670,7 @@ func TestStateLockPOLUnlock(t *testing.T) {
t . Fatal ( err )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
t . Log ( "#### ONTO ROUND 1" )
/ *
Round2 ( vs2 , C ) // B nil nil nil // nil nil nil _
@ -698,21 +687,21 @@ func TestStateLockPOLUnlock(t *testing.T) {
// go to prevote, prevote for locked block (not proposal)
<- voteCh
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r + 1 , types . VoteTypePrevote )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , lockedBlockHash )
// now lets add prevotes from everyone else for nil (a polka!)
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
// the polka makes us unlock and precommit nil
<- unlockCh
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureNewUnlock ( unlockCh )
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r + 1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit )
// we should have unlocked and committed nil
// NOTE: since we don't relock on nil, the lock round is 0
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 1 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , nil )
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , r + 1 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , nil , nil )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
// 4 vals
@ -722,6 +711,8 @@ func TestStateLockPOLUnlock(t *testing.T) {
func TestStateLockPOLSafety1 ( t * testing . T ) {
cs1 , vss := randConsensusState ( 4 )
vs2 , vs3 , vs4 := vss [ 1 ] , vss [ 2 ] , vss [ 3 ]
h := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Height
r := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Round
partSize := types . BlockPartSizeBytes
@ -733,12 +724,12 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
// start round and wait for propose and prevote
startTestRound ( cs1 , cs1 . Height , 0 )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
re := <- proposalCh
rs := re . ( types . EventDataRoundState ) . RoundState . ( * cstypes . RoundState )
propBlock := rs . ProposalBlock
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r , types . VoteTypePrevote )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , propBlock . Hash ( ) )
@ -747,6 +738,8 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
// before we time out into new round, set next proposer
// and next proposal block
//TODO: Should we remove this?
/ *
_ , v1 := cs1 . Validators . GetByAddress ( vss [ 0 ] . Address )
v1 . VotingPower = 1
@ -759,6 +752,11 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
// we do see them precommit nil
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r , types . VoteTypePrecommit )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
t . Log ( "### ONTO ROUND 1" )
prop , propBlock := decideProposal ( cs1 , vs2 , vs2 . Height , vs2 . Round + 1 )
propBlockHash := propBlock . Hash ( )
propBlockParts := propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize )
@ -769,9 +767,6 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
if err := cs1 . SetProposalAndBlock ( prop , propBlock , propBlockParts , "some peer" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
<- newRoundCh
t . Log ( "### ONTO ROUND 1" )
/ * Round2
// we timeout and prevote our lock
// a polka happened but we didn't see it!
@ -792,24 +787,24 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
t . Logf ( "new prop hash %v" , fmt . Sprintf ( "%X" , propBlockHash ) )
// go to prevote, prevote for proposal block
<- voteCh
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r + 1 , types . VoteTypePrevote )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 1 , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash )
// now we see the others prevote for it, so we should lock on it
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , propBlockHash , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r + 1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit )
// we should have precommitted
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 1 , 1 , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash , propBlockHash )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 )
<- timeoutWaitCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
incrementRound ( vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
t . Log ( "### ONTO ROUND 2" )
/ * Round3
@ -817,10 +812,10 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
* /
// timeout of propose
<- timeoutProposeCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutProposeCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPropose . Nanoseconds ( ) )
// finish prevote
<- voteCh
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r + 2 , types . VoteTypePrevote )
// we should prevote what we're locked on
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 2 , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash )
@ -845,6 +840,8 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety1(t *testing.T) {
func TestStateLockPOLSafety2 ( t * testing . T ) {
cs1 , vss := randConsensusState ( 4 )
vs2 , vs3 , vs4 := vss [ 1 ] , vss [ 2 ] , vss [ 3 ]
h := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Height
r := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Round
partSize := types . BlockPartSizeBytes
@ -876,20 +873,19 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety2(t *testing.T) {
t . Log ( "### ONTO Round 1" )
// jump in at round 1
height := cs1 . Height
startTestRound ( cs1 , height , 1 )
<- newRoundCh
startTestRound ( cs1 , h , r + 1 )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
if err := cs1 . SetProposalAndBlock ( prop1 , propBlock1 , propBlockParts1 , "some peer" ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
<- proposalCh
ensureNewProposal ( proposalCh )
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r + 1 , types . VoteTypePrevote )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , propBlockHash1 , propBlockParts1 . Header ( ) , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r + 1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit )
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 1 , 1 , vss [ 0 ] , propBlockHash1 , propBlockHash1 )
@ -900,10 +896,10 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety2(t *testing.T) {
incrementRound ( vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
// timeout of precommit wait to new round
<- timeoutWaitCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
// in round 2 we see the polkad block from round 0
newProp := types . NewProposal ( height , 2 , propBlockParts0 . Header ( ) , 0 , propBlockID1 )
newProp := types . NewProposal ( h , 2 , propBlockParts0 . Header ( ) , 0 , propBlockID1 )
if err := vs3 . SignProposal ( config . ChainID ( ) , newProp ) ; err != nil {
t . Fatal ( err )
@ -914,7 +910,7 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety2(t *testing.T) {
// Add the pol votes
addVotes ( cs1 , prevotes ... )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
t . Log ( "### ONTO Round 2" )
/ * Round2
// now we see the polka from round 1, but we shouldnt unlock
@ -936,6 +932,26 @@ func TestStateLockPOLSafety2(t *testing.T) {
// 4 vals, 3 Nil Precommits at P0
// What we want:
// P0 waits for timeoutPrecommit before starting next round
func TestWaitingTimeoutOnNilPolka ( t * testing . T ) {
cs1 , vss := randConsensusState ( 4 )
vs2 , vs3 , vs4 := vss [ 1 ] , vss [ 2 ] , vss [ 3 ]
timeoutWaitCh := subscribe ( cs1 . eventBus , types . EventQueryTimeoutWait )
newRoundCh := subscribe ( cs1 . eventBus , types . EventQueryNewRound )
// start round
startTestRound ( cs1 , cs1 . Height , 0 )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrecommit , nil , types . PartSetHeader { } , vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
// SlashingSuite
// TODO: Slashing
@ -1024,7 +1040,8 @@ func TestStateSlashingPrecommits(t *testing.T) {
func TestStateHalt1 ( t * testing . T ) {
cs1 , vss := randConsensusState ( 4 )
vs2 , vs3 , vs4 := vss [ 1 ] , vss [ 2 ] , vss [ 3 ]
h := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Height
r := cs1 . GetRoundState ( ) . Round
partSize := types . BlockPartSizeBytes
proposalCh := subscribe ( cs1 . eventBus , types . EventQueryCompleteProposal )
@ -1035,16 +1052,16 @@ func TestStateHalt1(t *testing.T) {
// start round and wait for propose and prevote
startTestRound ( cs1 , cs1 . Height , 0 )
<- newRoundCh
ensureNewRound ( newRoundCh )
re := <- proposalCh
rs := re . ( types . EventDataRoundState ) . RoundState . ( * cstypes . RoundState )
propBlock := rs . ProposalBlock
propBlockParts := propBlock . MakePartSet ( partSize )
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r , types . VoteTypePrevote )
signAddVotes ( cs1 , types . VoteTypePrevote , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlockParts . Header ( ) , vs3 , vs4 )
<- voteCh // precommit
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r , types . VoteTypePrecommit )
// the proposed block should now be locked and our precommit added
validatePrecommit ( t , cs1 , 0 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , propBlock . Hash ( ) , propBlock . Hash ( ) )
@ -1058,7 +1075,7 @@ func TestStateHalt1(t *testing.T) {
incrementRound ( vs2 , vs3 , vs4 )
// timeout to new round
<- timeoutWaitCh
ensureNewTimeout ( timeoutWaitCh , cs1 . config . TimeoutPrecommit . Nanoseconds ( ) )
re = <- newRoundCh
rs = re . ( types . EventDataRoundState ) . RoundState . ( * cstypes . RoundState )
@ -1069,14 +1086,14 @@ func TestStateHalt1(t *testing.T) {
* /
// go to prevote, prevote for locked block
<- voteCh // prevote
ensureVote ( voteCh , h , r + 1 , types . VoteTypePrevote )
validatePrevote ( t , cs1 , 0 , vss [ 0 ] , rs . LockedBlock . Hash ( ) )
// now we receive the precommit from the previous round
addVotes ( cs1 , precommit4 )
// receiving that precommit should take us straight to commit
<- newBlockCh
ensureNewBlock ( newBlockCh )
re = <- newRoundCh
rs = re . ( types . EventDataRoundState ) . RoundState . ( * cstypes . RoundState )