- // Copyright 2017 Tendermint. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- package trust
- import (
- "encoding/json"
- "math"
- "sync"
- "time"
- cmn "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/common"
- dbm "github.com/tendermint/tmlibs/db"
- )
- const defaultStorePeriodicSaveInterval = 1 * time.Minute
- // TrustMetricStore - Manages all trust metrics for peers
- type TrustMetricStore struct {
- cmn.BaseService
- // Maps a Peer.Key to that peer's TrustMetric
- peerMetrics map[string]*TrustMetric
- // Mutex that protects the map and history data file
- mtx sync.Mutex
- // The db where peer trust metric history data will be stored
- db dbm.DB
- // This configuration will be used when creating new TrustMetrics
- config TrustMetricConfig
- }
- // NewTrustMetricStore returns a store that saves data to the DB
- // and uses the config when creating new trust metrics
- func NewTrustMetricStore(db dbm.DB, tmc TrustMetricConfig) *TrustMetricStore {
- tms := &TrustMetricStore{
- peerMetrics: make(map[string]*TrustMetric),
- db: db,
- config: tmc,
- }
- tms.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "TrustMetricStore", tms)
- return tms
- }
- // OnStart implements Service
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) OnStart() error {
- tms.BaseService.OnStart()
- tms.mtx.Lock()
- defer tms.mtx.Unlock()
- tms.loadFromDB()
- go tms.saveRoutine()
- return nil
- }
- // OnStop implements Service
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) OnStop() {
- tms.BaseService.OnStop()
- tms.mtx.Lock()
- defer tms.mtx.Unlock()
- // Stop all trust metric go-routines
- for _, tm := range tms.peerMetrics {
- tm.Stop()
- }
- // Make the final trust history data save
- tms.saveToDB()
- }
- // Size returns the number of entries in the trust metric store
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) Size() int {
- tms.mtx.Lock()
- defer tms.mtx.Unlock()
- return tms.size()
- }
- // GetPeerTrustMetric returns a trust metric by peer key
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) GetPeerTrustMetric(key string) *TrustMetric {
- tms.mtx.Lock()
- defer tms.mtx.Unlock()
- tm, ok := tms.peerMetrics[key]
- if !ok {
- // If the metric is not available, we will create it
- tm = NewMetricWithConfig(tms.config)
- // The metric needs to be in the map
- tms.peerMetrics[key] = tm
- }
- return tm
- }
- // PeerDisconnected pauses the trust metric associated with the peer identified by the key
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) PeerDisconnected(key string) {
- tms.mtx.Lock()
- defer tms.mtx.Unlock()
- // If the Peer that disconnected has a metric, pause it
- if tm, ok := tms.peerMetrics[key]; ok {
- tm.Pause()
- }
- }
- // Saves the history data for all peers to the store DB.
- // This public method acquires the trust metric store lock
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) SaveToDB() {
- tms.mtx.Lock()
- defer tms.mtx.Unlock()
- tms.saveToDB()
- }
- /* Private methods */
- // size returns the number of entries in the store without acquiring the mutex
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) size() int {
- return len(tms.peerMetrics)
- }
- /* Loading & Saving */
- /* Both loadFromDB and savetoDB assume the mutex has been acquired */
- var trustMetricKey = []byte("trustMetricStore")
- // Loads the history data for all peers from the store DB
- // cmn.Panics if file is corrupt
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) loadFromDB() bool {
- // Obtain the history data we have so far
- bytes := tms.db.Get(trustMetricKey)
- if bytes == nil {
- return false
- }
- peers := make(map[string]MetricHistoryJSON, 0)
- err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &peers)
- if err != nil {
- cmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Could not unmarshal Trust Metric Store DB data: %v", err))
- }
- // If history data exists in the file,
- // load it into trust metric
- for key, p := range peers {
- tm := NewMetricWithConfig(tms.config)
- tm.Init(p)
- // Load the peer trust metric into the store
- tms.peerMetrics[key] = tm
- }
- return true
- }
- // Saves the history data for all peers to the store DB
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) saveToDB() {
- tms.Logger.Debug("Saving TrustHistory to DB", "size", tms.size())
- peers := make(map[string]MetricHistoryJSON, 0)
- for key, tm := range tms.peerMetrics {
- // Add an entry for the peer identified by key
- peers[key] = tm.HistoryJSON()
- }
- // Write all the data back to the DB
- bytes, err := json.Marshal(peers)
- if err != nil {
- tms.Logger.Error("Failed to encode the TrustHistory", "err", err)
- return
- }
- tms.db.SetSync(trustMetricKey, bytes)
- }
- // Periodically saves the trust history data to the DB
- func (tms *TrustMetricStore) saveRoutine() {
- t := time.NewTicker(defaultStorePeriodicSaveInterval)
- defer t.Stop()
- loop:
- for {
- select {
- case <-t.C:
- tms.SaveToDB()
- case <-tms.Quit:
- break loop
- }
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const (
- // The weight applied to the derivative when current behavior is >= previous behavior
- defaultDerivativeGamma1 = 0
- // The weight applied to the derivative when current behavior is less than previous behavior
- defaultDerivativeGamma2 = 1.0
- // The weight applied to history data values when calculating the history value
- defaultHistoryDataWeight = 0.8
- )
- // TrustMetric - keeps track of peer reliability
- // See tendermint/docs/architecture/adr-006-trust-metric.md for details
- type TrustMetric struct {
- // Mutex that protects the metric from concurrent access
- mtx sync.Mutex
- // Determines the percentage given to current behavior
- proportionalWeight float64
- // Determines the percentage given to prior behavior
- integralWeight float64
- // Count of how many time intervals this metric has been tracking
- numIntervals int
- // Size of the time interval window for this trust metric
- maxIntervals int
- // The time duration for a single time interval
- intervalLen time.Duration
- // Stores the trust history data for this metric
- history []float64
- // Weights applied to the history data when calculating the history value
- historyWeights []float64
- // The sum of the history weights used when calculating the history value
- historyWeightSum float64
- // The current number of history data elements
- historySize int
- // The maximum number of history data elements
- historyMaxSize int
- // The calculated history value for the current time interval
- historyValue float64
- // The number of recorded good and bad events for the current time interval
- bad, good float64
- // While true, history data is not modified
- paused bool
- // Signal channel for stopping the trust metric go-routine
- stop chan struct{}
- }
- // MetricHistoryJSON - history data necessary to save the trust metric
- type MetricHistoryJSON struct {
- NumIntervals int `json:"intervals"`
- History []float64 `json:"history"`
- }
- // Returns a snapshot of the trust metric history data
- func (tm *TrustMetric) HistoryJSON() MetricHistoryJSON {
- tm.mtx.Lock()
- defer tm.mtx.Unlock()
- return MetricHistoryJSON{
- NumIntervals: tm.numIntervals,
- History: tm.history,
- }
- }
- // Instantiates a trust metric by loading the history data for a single peer.
- // This is called only once and only right after creation, which is why the
- // lock is not held while accessing the trust metric struct members
- func (tm *TrustMetric) Init(hist MetricHistoryJSON) {
- // Restore the number of time intervals we have previously tracked
- if hist.NumIntervals > tm.maxIntervals {
- hist.NumIntervals = tm.maxIntervals
- }
- tm.numIntervals = hist.NumIntervals
- // Restore the history and its current size
- if len(hist.History) > tm.historyMaxSize {
- // Keep the history no larger than historyMaxSize
- last := len(hist.History) - tm.historyMaxSize
- hist.History = hist.History[last:]
- }
- tm.history = hist.History
- tm.historySize = len(tm.history)
- // Create the history weight values and weight sum
- for i := 1; i <= tm.numIntervals; i++ {
- x := math.Pow(defaultHistoryDataWeight, float64(i)) // Optimistic weight
- tm.historyWeights = append(tm.historyWeights, x)
- }
- for _, v := range tm.historyWeights {
- tm.historyWeightSum += v
- }
- // Calculate the history value based on the loaded history data
- tm.historyValue = tm.calcHistoryValue()
- }
- // Pause tells the metric to pause recording data over time intervals.
- // All method calls that indicate events will unpause the metric
- func (tm *TrustMetric) Pause() {
- tm.mtx.Lock()
- defer tm.mtx.Unlock()
- // Pause the metric for now
- tm.paused = true
- }
- // Stop tells the metric to stop recording data over time intervals
- func (tm *TrustMetric) Stop() {
- tm.stop <- struct{}{}
- }
- // BadEvents indicates that an undesirable event(s) took place
- func (tm *TrustMetric) BadEvents(num int) {
- tm.mtx.Lock()
- defer tm.mtx.Unlock()
- tm.unpause()
- tm.bad += float64(num)
- }
- // GoodEvents indicates that a desirable event(s) took place
- func (tm *TrustMetric) GoodEvents(num int) {
- tm.mtx.Lock()
- defer tm.mtx.Unlock()
- tm.unpause()
- tm.good += float64(num)
- }
- // TrustValue gets the dependable trust value; always between 0 and 1
- func (tm *TrustMetric) TrustValue() float64 {
- tm.mtx.Lock()
- defer tm.mtx.Unlock()
- return tm.calcTrustValue()
- }
- // TrustScore gets a score based on the trust value always between 0 and 100
- func (tm *TrustMetric) TrustScore() int {
- score := tm.TrustValue() * 100
- return int(math.Floor(score))
- }
- // NextTimeInterval saves current time interval data and prepares for the following interval
- func (tm *TrustMetric) NextTimeInterval() {
- tm.mtx.Lock()
- defer tm.mtx.Unlock()
- if tm.paused {
- // Do not prepare for the next time interval while paused
- return
- }
- // Add the current trust value to the history data
- newHist := tm.calcTrustValue()
- tm.history = append(tm.history, newHist)
- // Update history and interval counters
- if tm.historySize < tm.historyMaxSize {
- tm.historySize++
- } else {
- // Keep the history no larger than historyMaxSize
- last := len(tm.history) - tm.historyMaxSize
- tm.history = tm.history[last:]
- }
- if tm.numIntervals < tm.maxIntervals {
- tm.numIntervals++
- // Add the optimistic weight for the new time interval
- wk := math.Pow(defaultHistoryDataWeight, float64(tm.numIntervals))
- tm.historyWeights = append(tm.historyWeights, wk)
- tm.historyWeightSum += wk
- }
- // Update the history data using Faded Memories
- tm.updateFadedMemory()
- // Calculate the history value for the upcoming time interval
- tm.historyValue = tm.calcHistoryValue()
- tm.good = 0
- tm.bad = 0
- }
- // Copy returns a new trust metric with members containing the same values
- func (tm *TrustMetric) Copy() *TrustMetric {
- if tm == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return &TrustMetric{
- proportionalWeight: tm.proportionalWeight,
- integralWeight: tm.integralWeight,
- numIntervals: tm.numIntervals,
- maxIntervals: tm.maxIntervals,
- intervalLen: tm.intervalLen,
- history: tm.history,
- historyWeights: tm.historyWeights,
- historyWeightSum: tm.historyWeightSum,
- historySize: tm.historySize,
- historyMaxSize: tm.historyMaxSize,
- historyValue: tm.historyValue,
- good: tm.good,
- bad: tm.bad,
- paused: tm.paused,
- stop: make(chan struct{}),
- }
- }
- // TrustMetricConfig - Configures the weight functions and time intervals for the metric
- type TrustMetricConfig struct {
- // Determines the percentage given to current behavior
- ProportionalWeight float64
- // Determines the percentage given to prior behavior
- IntegralWeight float64
- // The window of time that the trust metric will track events across.
- // This can be set to cover many days without issue
- TrackingWindow time.Duration
- // Each interval should be short for adapability.
- // Less than 30 seconds is too sensitive,
- // and greater than 5 minutes will make the metric numb
- IntervalLength time.Duration
- }
- // DefaultConfig returns a config with values that have been tested and produce desirable results
- func DefaultConfig() TrustMetricConfig {
- return TrustMetricConfig{
- ProportionalWeight: 0.4,
- IntegralWeight: 0.6,
- TrackingWindow: (time.Minute * 60 * 24) * 14, // 14 days.
- IntervalLength: 1 * time.Minute,
- }
- }
- // NewMetric returns a trust metric with the default configuration
- func NewMetric() *TrustMetric {
- return NewMetricWithConfig(DefaultConfig())
- }
- // NewMetricWithConfig returns a trust metric with a custom configuration
- func NewMetricWithConfig(tmc TrustMetricConfig) *TrustMetric {
- tm := new(TrustMetric)
- config := customConfig(tmc)
- // Setup using the configuration values
- tm.proportionalWeight = config.ProportionalWeight
- tm.integralWeight = config.IntegralWeight
- tm.intervalLen = config.IntervalLength
- // The maximum number of time intervals is the tracking window / interval length
- tm.maxIntervals = int(config.TrackingWindow / tm.intervalLen)
- // The history size will be determined by the maximum number of time intervals
- tm.historyMaxSize = intervalToHistoryOffset(tm.maxIntervals) + 1
- // This metric has a perfect history so far
- tm.historyValue = 1.0
- // Setup the stop channel
- tm.stop = make(chan struct{})
- go tm.processRequests()
- return tm
- }
- /* Private methods */
- // Ensures that all configuration elements have valid values
- func customConfig(tmc TrustMetricConfig) TrustMetricConfig {
- config := DefaultConfig()
- // Check the config for set values, and setup appropriately
- if tmc.ProportionalWeight > 0 {
- config.ProportionalWeight = tmc.ProportionalWeight
- }
- if tmc.IntegralWeight > 0 {
- config.IntegralWeight = tmc.IntegralWeight
- }
- if tmc.IntervalLength > time.Duration(0) {
- config.IntervalLength = tmc.IntervalLength
- }
- if tmc.TrackingWindow > time.Duration(0) &&
- tmc.TrackingWindow >= config.IntervalLength {
- config.TrackingWindow = tmc.TrackingWindow
- }
- return config
- }
- // Wakes the trust metric up if it is currently paused
- // This method needs to be called with the mutex locked
- func (tm *TrustMetric) unpause() {
- // Check if this is the first experience with
- // what we are tracking since being paused
- if tm.paused {
- tm.good = 0
- tm.bad = 0
- // New events cause us to unpause the metric
- tm.paused = false
- }
- }
- // Calculates the derivative component
- func (tm *TrustMetric) derivativeValue() float64 {
- return tm.proportionalValue() - tm.historyValue
- }
- // Strengthens the derivative component when the change is negative
- func (tm *TrustMetric) weightedDerivative() float64 {
- var weight float64 = defaultDerivativeGamma1
- d := tm.derivativeValue()
- if d < 0 {
- weight = defaultDerivativeGamma2
- }
- return weight * d
- }
- // Performs the update for our Faded Memories process, which allows the
- // trust metric tracking window to be large while maintaining a small
- // number of history data values
- func (tm *TrustMetric) updateFadedMemory() {
- if tm.historySize < 2 {
- return
- }
- end := tm.historySize - 1
- // Keep the most recent history element
- for count := 1; count < tm.historySize; count++ {
- i := end - count
- // The older the data is, the more we spread it out
- x := math.Pow(2, float64(count))
- // Two history data values are merged into a single value
- tm.history[i] = ((tm.history[i] * (x - 1)) + tm.history[i+1]) / x
- }
- }
- // Map the interval value down to an offset from the beginning of history
- func intervalToHistoryOffset(interval int) int {
- // The system maintains 2^m interval values in the form of m history
- // data values. Therefore, we access the ith interval by obtaining
- // the history data index = the floor of log2(i)
- return int(math.Floor(math.Log2(float64(interval))))
- }
- // Retrieves the actual history data value that represents the requested time interval
- func (tm *TrustMetric) fadedMemoryValue(interval int) float64 {
- first := tm.historySize - 1
- if interval == 0 {
- // Base case
- return tm.history[first]
- }
- offset := intervalToHistoryOffset(interval)
- return tm.history[first-offset]
- }
- // Calculates the integral (history) component of the trust value
- func (tm *TrustMetric) calcHistoryValue() float64 {
- var hv float64
- for i := 0; i < tm.numIntervals; i++ {
- hv += tm.fadedMemoryValue(i) * tm.historyWeights[i]
- }
- return hv / tm.historyWeightSum
- }
- // Calculates the current score for good/bad experiences
- func (tm *TrustMetric) proportionalValue() float64 {
- value := 1.0
- total := tm.good + tm.bad
- if total > 0 {
- value = tm.good / total
- }
- return value
- }
- // Calculates the trust value for the request processing
- func (tm *TrustMetric) calcTrustValue() float64 {
- weightedP := tm.proportionalWeight * tm.proportionalValue()
- weightedI := tm.integralWeight * tm.historyValue
- weightedD := tm.weightedDerivative()
- tv := weightedP + weightedI + weightedD
- // Do not return a negative value.
- if tv < 0 {
- tv = 0
- }
- return tv
- }
- // This method is for a goroutine that handles all requests on the metric
- func (tm *TrustMetric) processRequests() {
- t := time.NewTicker(tm.intervalLen)
- defer t.Stop()
- loop:
- for {
- select {
- case <-t.C:
- tm.NextTimeInterval()
- case <-tm.stop:
- // Stop all further tracking for this metric
- break loop
- }
- }
- }