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enhancements made in response to PR full review comments

caffix 7 years ago
2 changed files with 61 additions and 37 deletions
  1. +59
  2. +2

+ 59
- 30
p2p/trust/trustmetric.go View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import (
dbm ""
const defaultStorePeriodicSaveInterval = 1 * time.Minute
// TrustMetricStore - Manages all trust metrics for peers
type TrustMetricStore struct {
@ -28,6 +30,9 @@ type TrustMetricStore struct {
// This configuration will be used when creating new TrustMetrics
config TrustMetricConfig
// This channel is used to stop the store go-routine
stop chan int
// NewTrustMetricStore returns a store that saves data to the DB
@ -37,6 +42,7 @@ func NewTrustMetricStore(db dbm.DB, tmc TrustMetricConfig) *TrustMetricStore {
peerMetrics: make(map[string]*TrustMetric),
db: db,
config: tmc,
stop: make(chan int, 2),
tms.BaseService = *cmn.NewBaseService(nil, "TrustMetricStore", tms)
@ -51,19 +57,24 @@ func (tms *TrustMetricStore) OnStart() error {
defer tms.mtx.Unlock()
go tms.periodicSave()
return nil
// OnStop implements Service
func (tms *TrustMetricStore) OnStop() {
// Stop the store periodic save go-routine
tms.stop <- 1
defer tms.mtx.Unlock()
// Stop all trust metric goroutines
// Stop all trust metric go-routines
for _, tm := range tms.peerMetrics {
// Make the final trust history data save
@ -85,10 +96,8 @@ func (tms *TrustMetricStore) GetPeerTrustMetric(key string) *TrustMetric {
if !ok {
// If the metric is not available, we will create it
tm = NewMetricWithConfig(tms.config)
if tm != nil {
// The metric needs to be in the map
tms.peerMetrics[key] = tm
// The metric needs to be in the map
tms.peerMetrics[key] = tm
return tm
@ -133,7 +142,7 @@ func (tms *TrustMetricStore) loadFromDB() bool {
peers := make(map[string]peerHistoryJSON, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &peers)
if err != nil {
cmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Could not unmarchal Trust Metric Store DB data: %v", err))
cmn.PanicCrisis(cmn.Fmt("Could not unmarshal Trust Metric Store DB data: %v", err))
// If history data exists in the file,
@ -183,6 +192,23 @@ func (tms *TrustMetricStore) saveToDB() {
tms.db.SetSync(trustMetricKey, bytes)
// Periodically saves the trust history data to the DB
func (tms *TrustMetricStore) periodicSave() {
t := time.NewTicker(defaultStorePeriodicSaveInterval)
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-t.C:
case <-tms.stop:
break loop
// The number of event updates that can be sent on a single metric before blocking
@ -341,7 +367,7 @@ func NewMetricWithConfig(tmc TrustMetricConfig) *TrustMetric {
// The maximum number of time intervals is the tracking window / interval length
tm.maxIntervals = int(config.TrackingWindow / tm.intervalLen)
// The history size will be determined by the maximum number of time intervals
tm.historyMaxSize = intervalToHistoryIndex(tm.maxIntervals) + 1
tm.historyMaxSize = intervalToHistoryOffset(tm.maxIntervals) + 1
// This metric has a perfect history so far
tm.historyValue = 1.0
// Setup the channels
@ -397,20 +423,6 @@ func (tm *TrustMetric) weightedDerivative() float64 {
return weight * d
// Map the interval value down to an actual history index
func intervalToHistoryIndex(interval int) int {
return int(math.Floor(math.Log(float64(interval)) / math.Log(2)))
// Retrieves the actual history data value that represents the requested time interval
func (tm *TrustMetric) fadedMemoryValue(interval int) float64 {
if interval == 0 {
// Base case
return tm.history[0]
return tm.history[intervalToHistoryIndex(interval)]
// Performs the update for our Faded Memories process, which allows the
// trust metric tracking window to be large while maintaining a small
// number of history data values
@ -419,18 +431,32 @@ func (tm *TrustMetric) updateFadedMemory() {
first := tm.historySize - 1
// Keep the most recent history element
faded := tm.history[:1]
for i := 1; i < tm.historySize; i++ {
for count, i := 1, first-1; count < tm.historySize; count, i = count+1, i-1 {
// The older the data is, the more we spread it out
x := math.Pow(2, float64(i))
x := math.Pow(2, float64(count))
// Two history data values are merged into a single value
ftv := ((tm.history[i] * (x - 1)) + tm.history[i-1]) / x
faded = append(faded, ftv)
tm.history[i] = ((tm.history[i] * (x - 1)) + tm.history[i+1]) / x
// Map the interval value down to an offset from the beginning of history
func intervalToHistoryOffset(interval int) int {
return int(math.Floor(math.Log(float64(interval)) / math.Log(2)))
// Retrieves the actual history data value that represents the requested time interval
func (tm *TrustMetric) fadedMemoryValue(interval int) float64 {
first := tm.historySize - 1
if interval == 0 {
// Base case
return tm.history[first]
tm.history = faded
offset := intervalToHistoryOffset(interval)
return tm.history[first-offset]
// Calculates the integral (history) component of the trust value
@ -513,13 +539,16 @@ loop:
if !tm.paused {
// Add the current trust value to the history data
newHist := tm.calcTrustValue()
tm.history = append([]float64{newHist}, tm.history...)
tm.history = append(tm.history, newHist)
// Update history and interval counters
if tm.historySize < tm.historyMaxSize {
} else {
tm.history = tm.history[:tm.historyMaxSize]
last := len(tm.history) - tm.historyMaxSize
// Keep the history no larger than historyMaxSize
tm.history = tm.history[last:]
if tm.numIntervals < tm.maxIntervals {

+ 2
- 7
p2p/trust/trustmetric_test.go View File

@ -15,16 +15,11 @@ import (
func getTempDir(prefix string) string {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", prefix)
func TestTrustMetricStoreSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "trust_test")
if err != nil {
return dir
func TestTrustMetricStoreSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
dir := getTempDir("trustMetricStoreTest")
defer os.Remove(dir)
historyDB := dbm.NewDB("trusthistory", "goleveldb", dir)
