prevent nil addr
Error: runtime error: invalid memoryaddress or nil pointer dereference\nStack:
goroutine 549 [running]:\nruntime/debug.Stack(0x0, 0x0,
+0x53\npanic(0xbe1500, 0xc820012080)\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:443
0xc820149f00, 0xc8218163f0, 0xc82184e000, 0x5b,
0xc82184e000, 0x5b,
+0x1177\ncreated by*MConnection).OnStart\n\t/go/src/
8 years ago |
- package p2p
- import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "math/rand"
- "reflect"
- "time"
- wire ""
- cmn ""
- )
- const (
- // PexChannel is a channel for PEX messages
- PexChannel = byte(0x00)
- // period to ensure peers connected
- defaultEnsurePeersPeriod = 30 * time.Second
- minNumOutboundPeers = 10
- maxPexMessageSize = 1048576 // 1MB
- // maximum pex messages one peer can send to us during `msgCountByPeerFlushInterval`
- defaultMaxMsgCountByPeer = 1000
- msgCountByPeerFlushInterval = 1 * time.Hour
- )
- // PEXReactor handles PEX (peer exchange) and ensures that an
- // adequate number of peers are connected to the switch.
- //
- // It uses `AddrBook` (address book) to store `NetAddress`es of the peers.
- //
- // ## Preventing abuse
- //
- // For now, it just limits the number of messages from one peer to
- // `defaultMaxMsgCountByPeer` messages per `msgCountByPeerFlushInterval` (1000
- // msg/hour).
- //
- // NOTE [2017-01-17]:
- // Limiting is fine for now. Maybe down the road we want to keep track of the
- // quality of peer messages so if peerA keeps telling us about peers we can't
- // connect to then maybe we should care less about peerA. But I don't think
- // that kind of complexity is priority right now.
- type PEXReactor struct {
- BaseReactor
- book *AddrBook
- config *PEXReactorConfig
- ensurePeersPeriod time.Duration
- // tracks message count by peer, so we can prevent abuse
- msgCountByPeer *cmn.CMap
- maxMsgCountByPeer uint16
- }
- // PEXReactorConfig holds reactor specific configuration data.
- type PEXReactorConfig struct {
- // Seeds is a list of addresses reactor may use if it can't connect to peers
- // in the addrbook.
- Seeds []string
- }
- // NewPEXReactor creates new PEX reactor.
- func NewPEXReactor(b *AddrBook, config *PEXReactorConfig) *PEXReactor {
- r := &PEXReactor{
- book: b,
- config: config,
- ensurePeersPeriod: defaultEnsurePeersPeriod,
- msgCountByPeer: cmn.NewCMap(),
- maxMsgCountByPeer: defaultMaxMsgCountByPeer,
- }
- r.BaseReactor = *NewBaseReactor("PEXReactor", r)
- return r
- }
- // OnStart implements BaseService
- func (r *PEXReactor) OnStart() error {
- if err := r.BaseReactor.OnStart(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- err :=
- if err != nil && err != cmn.ErrAlreadyStarted {
- return err
- }
- go r.ensurePeersRoutine()
- go r.flushMsgCountByPeer()
- return nil
- }
- // OnStop implements BaseService
- func (r *PEXReactor) OnStop() {
- r.BaseReactor.OnStop()
- }
- // GetChannels implements Reactor
- func (r *PEXReactor) GetChannels() []*ChannelDescriptor {
- return []*ChannelDescriptor{
- {
- ID: PexChannel,
- Priority: 1,
- SendQueueCapacity: 10,
- },
- }
- }
- // AddPeer implements Reactor by adding peer to the address book (if inbound)
- // or by requesting more addresses (if outbound).
- func (r *PEXReactor) AddPeer(p Peer) {
- if p.IsOutbound() {
- // For outbound peers, the address is already in the books.
- // Either it was added in DialPeersAsync or when we
- // received the peer's address in r.Receive
- if {
- r.RequestPEX(p)
- }
- } else {
- // For inbound connections, the peer is its own source
- addr := p.NodeInfo().NetAddress()
-, addr)
- }
- }
- // RemovePeer implements Reactor.
- func (r *PEXReactor) RemovePeer(p Peer, reason interface{}) {
- // If we aren't keeping track of local temp data for each peer here, then we
- // don't have to do anything.
- }
- // Receive implements Reactor by handling incoming PEX messages.
- func (r *PEXReactor) Receive(chID byte, src Peer, msgBytes []byte) {
- srcAddrStr := src.NodeInfo().RemoteAddr
- srcAddr, err := NewNetAddressString(srcAddrStr)
- if err != nil {
- // this should never happen. TODO: cancel conn
- r.Logger.Error("Error in Receive: invalid peer address", "addr", srcAddrStr, "err", err)
- return
- }
- r.IncrementMsgCountForPeer(srcAddrStr)
- if r.ReachedMaxMsgCountForPeer(srcAddrStr) {
- r.Logger.Error("Maximum number of messages reached for peer", "peer", srcAddrStr)
- // TODO remove src from peers?
- return
- }
- _, msg, err := DecodeMessage(msgBytes)
- if err != nil {
- r.Logger.Error("Error decoding message", "err", err)
- return
- }
- r.Logger.Debug("Received message", "src", src, "chId", chID, "msg", msg)
- switch msg := msg.(type) {
- case *pexRequestMessage:
- // src requested some peers.
- // NOTE: we might send an empty selection
- r.SendAddrs(src,
- case *pexAddrsMessage:
- // We received some peer addresses from src.
- // TODO: (We don't want to get spammed with bad peers)
- for _, netAddr := range msg.Addrs {
- if netAddr != nil {
-, srcAddr)
- }
- }
- default:
- r.Logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown message type %v", reflect.TypeOf(msg)))
- }
- }
- // RequestPEX asks peer for more addresses.
- func (r *PEXReactor) RequestPEX(p Peer) {
- p.Send(PexChannel, struct{ PexMessage }{&pexRequestMessage{}})
- }
- // SendAddrs sends addrs to the peer.
- func (r *PEXReactor) SendAddrs(p Peer, netAddrs []*NetAddress) {
- p.Send(PexChannel, struct{ PexMessage }{&pexAddrsMessage{Addrs: netAddrs}})
- }
- // SetEnsurePeersPeriod sets period to ensure peers connected.
- func (r *PEXReactor) SetEnsurePeersPeriod(d time.Duration) {
- r.ensurePeersPeriod = d
- }
- // SetMaxMsgCountByPeer sets maximum messages one peer can send to us during 'msgCountByPeerFlushInterval'.
- func (r *PEXReactor) SetMaxMsgCountByPeer(v uint16) {
- r.maxMsgCountByPeer = v
- }
- // ReachedMaxMsgCountForPeer returns true if we received too many
- // messages from peer with address `addr`.
- // NOTE: assumes the value in the CMap is non-nil
- func (r *PEXReactor) ReachedMaxMsgCountForPeer(addr string) bool {
- return r.msgCountByPeer.Get(addr).(uint16) >= r.maxMsgCountByPeer
- }
- // Increment or initialize the msg count for the peer in the CMap
- func (r *PEXReactor) IncrementMsgCountForPeer(addr string) {
- var count uint16
- countI := r.msgCountByPeer.Get(addr)
- if countI != nil {
- count = countI.(uint16)
- }
- count++
- r.msgCountByPeer.Set(addr, count)
- }
- // Ensures that sufficient peers are connected. (continuous)
- func (r *PEXReactor) ensurePeersRoutine() {
- // Randomize when routine starts
- ensurePeersPeriodMs := r.ensurePeersPeriod.Nanoseconds() / 1e6
- time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Int63n(ensurePeersPeriodMs)) * time.Millisecond)
- // fire once immediately.
- r.ensurePeers()
- // fire periodically
- ticker := time.NewTicker(r.ensurePeersPeriod)
- for {
- select {
- case <-ticker.C:
- r.ensurePeers()
- case <-r.Quit:
- ticker.Stop()
- return
- }
- }
- }
- // ensurePeers ensures that sufficient peers are connected. (once)
- //
- // Old bucket / New bucket are arbitrary categories to denote whether an
- // address is vetted or not, and this needs to be determined over time via a
- // heuristic that we haven't perfected yet, or, perhaps is manually edited by
- // the node operator. It should not be used to compute what addresses are
- // already connected or not.
- //
- // TODO Basically, we need to work harder on our good-peer/bad-peer marking.
- // What we're currently doing in terms of marking good/bad peers is just a
- // placeholder. It should not be the case that an address becomes old/vetted
- // upon a single successful connection.
- func (r *PEXReactor) ensurePeers() {
- numOutPeers, numInPeers, numDialing := r.Switch.NumPeers()
- numToDial := minNumOutboundPeers - (numOutPeers + numDialing)
- r.Logger.Info("Ensure peers", "numOutPeers", numOutPeers, "numDialing", numDialing, "numToDial", numToDial)
- if numToDial <= 0 {
- return
- }
- // bias to prefer more vetted peers when we have fewer connections.
- // not perfect, but somewhate ensures that we prioritize connecting to more-vetted
- // NOTE: range here is [10, 90]. Too high ?
- newBias := cmn.MinInt(numOutPeers, 8)*10 + 10
- toDial := make(map[ID]*NetAddress)
- // Try maxAttempts times to pick numToDial addresses to dial
- maxAttempts := numToDial * 3
- for i := 0; i < maxAttempts && len(toDial) < numToDial; i++ {
- try :=
- if try == nil {
- continue
- }
- if _, selected := toDial[try.ID]; selected {
- continue
- }
- if dialling := r.Switch.IsDialing(try.ID); dialling {
- continue
- }
- if connected := r.Switch.Peers().Has(try.ID); connected {
- continue
- }
- r.Logger.Info("Will dial address", "addr", try)
- toDial[try.ID] = try
- }
- // Dial picked addresses
- for _, item := range toDial {
- go func(picked *NetAddress) {
- _, err := r.Switch.DialPeerWithAddress(picked, false)
- if err != nil {
- }
- }(item)
- }
- // If we need more addresses, pick a random peer and ask for more.
- if {
- peers := r.Switch.Peers().List()
- peersCount := len(peers)
- if peersCount > 0 {
- peer := peers[rand.Int()%peersCount] // nolint: gas
- r.Logger.Info("We need more addresses. Sending pexRequest to random peer", "peer", peer)
- r.RequestPEX(peer)
- }
- }
- // If we are not connected to nor dialing anybody, fallback to dialing seeds.
- if numOutPeers+numInPeers+numDialing+len(toDial) == 0 {
- r.Logger.Info("No addresses to dial nor connected peers. Will dial seeds", "seeds", r.config.Seeds)
- r.Switch.DialPeersAsync(, r.config.Seeds, false)
- }
- }
- func (r *PEXReactor) flushMsgCountByPeer() {
- ticker := time.NewTicker(msgCountByPeerFlushInterval)
- for {
- select {
- case <-ticker.C:
- r.msgCountByPeer.Clear()
- case <-r.Quit:
- ticker.Stop()
- return
- }
- }
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Messages
- const (
- msgTypeRequest = byte(0x01)
- msgTypeAddrs = byte(0x02)
- )
- // PexMessage is a primary type for PEX messages. Underneath, it could contain
- // either pexRequestMessage, or pexAddrsMessage messages.
- type PexMessage interface{}
- var _ = wire.RegisterInterface(
- struct{ PexMessage }{},
- wire.ConcreteType{&pexRequestMessage{}, msgTypeRequest},
- wire.ConcreteType{&pexAddrsMessage{}, msgTypeAddrs},
- )
- // DecodeMessage implements interface registered above.
- func DecodeMessage(bz []byte) (msgType byte, msg PexMessage, err error) {
- msgType = bz[0]
- n := new(int)
- r := bytes.NewReader(bz)
- msg = wire.ReadBinary(struct{ PexMessage }{}, r, maxPexMessageSize, n, &err).(struct{ PexMessage }).PexMessage
- return
- }
- /*
- A pexRequestMessage requests additional peer addresses.
- */
- type pexRequestMessage struct {
- }
- func (m *pexRequestMessage) String() string {
- return "[pexRequest]"
- }
- /*
- A message with announced peer addresses.
- */
- type pexAddrsMessage struct {
- Addrs []*NetAddress
- }
- func (m *pexAddrsMessage) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("[pexAddrs %v]", m.Addrs)
- }