- # ADR 047: Handling evidence from light client
- ## Changelog
- * 18-02-2020: Initial draft
- * 24-02-2020: Second version
- * 13-04-2020: Add PotentialAmnesiaEvidence and a few remarks
- * 31-07-2020: Remove PhantomValidatorEvidence
- * 14-08-2020: Introduce light traces (listed now as an alternative approach)
- * 20-08-2020: Light client produces evidence when detected instead of passing to full node
- * 16-09-2020: Post-implementation revision
- * 15-03-2020: Ammends for the case of a forward lunatic attack
- ### Glossary of Terms
- - a `LightBlock` is the unit of data that a light client receives, verifies and stores.
- It is composed of a validator set, commit and header all at the same height.
- - a **Trace** is seen as an array of light blocks across a range of heights that were
- created as a result of skipping verification.
- - a **Provider** is a full node that a light client is connected to and serves the light
- client signed headers and validator sets.
- - `VerifySkipping` (sometimes known as bisection or verify non-adjacent) is a method the
- light client uses to verify a target header from a trusted header. The process involves verifying
- intermediate headers in between the two by making sure that 1/3 of the validators that signed
- the trusted header also signed the untrusted one.
- - **Light Bifurcation Point**: If the light client was to run `VerifySkipping` with two providers
- (i.e. a primary and a witness), the bifurcation point is the height that the headers
- from each of these providers are different yet valid. This signals that one of the providers
- may be trying to fool the light client.
- ## Context
- The bisection method of header verification used by the light client exposes
- itself to a potential attack if any block within the light clients trusted period has
- a malicious group of validators with power that exceeds the light clients trust level
- (default is 1/3). To improve light client (and overall network) security, the light
- client has a detector component that compares the verified header provided by the
- primary against witness headers. This ADR outlines the process of mitigating attacks
- on the light client by using witness nodes to cross reference with.
- ## Alternative Approaches
- A previously discussed approach to handling evidence was to pass all the data that the
- light client had witnessed when it had observed diverging headers for the full node to
- process.This was known as a light trace and had the following structure:
- ```go
- type ConflictingHeadersTrace struct {
- Headers []*types.SignedHeader
- }
- ```
- This approach has the advantage of not requiring as much processing on the light
- client side in the event that an attack happens. Although, this is not a significant
- difference as the light client would in any case have to validate all the headers
- from both witness and primary. Using traces would consume a large amount of bandwidth
- and adds a DDOS vector to the full node.
- ## Decision
- The light client will be divided into two components: a `Verifier` (either sequential or
- skipping) and a `Detector` (see [Informal's Detector](https://github.com/informalsystems/tendermint-rs/blob/master/docs/spec/lightclient/detection/detection.md))
- . The detector will take the trace of headers from the primary and check it against all
- witnesses. For a witness with a diverging header, the detector will first verify the header
- by bisecting through all the heights defined by the trace that the primary provided. If valid,
- the light client will trawl through both traces and find the point of bifurcation where it
- can proceed to extract any evidence (as is discussed in detail later).
- Upon successfully detecting the evidence, the light client will send it to both primary and
- witness before halting. It will not send evidence to other peers nor continue to verify the
- primary's header against any other header.
- ## Detailed Design
- The verification process of the light client will start from a trusted header and use a bisectional
- algorithm to verify up to a header at a given height. This becomes the verified header (does not
- mean that it is trusted yet). All headers that were verified in between are cached and known as
- intermediary headers and the entire array is sometimes referred to as a trace.
- The light client's detector then takes all the headers and runs the detect function.
- ```golang
- func (c *Client) detectDivergence(primaryTrace []*types.LightBlock, now time.Time) error
- ```
- The function takes the last header it received, the target header and compares it against all the witnesses
- it has through the following function:
- ```golang
- func (c *Client) compareNewHeaderWithWitness(errc chan error, h *types.SignedHeader,
- witness provider.Provider, witnessIndex int)
- ```
- The err channel is used to send back all the outcomes so that they can be processed in parallel.
- Invalid headers result in dropping the witness, lack of response or not having the headers is ignored
- just as headers that have the same hash. Headers, however,
- of a different hash then trigger the detection process between the primary and that particular witness.
- This begins with verification of the witness's header via skipping verification which is run in tande
- with locating the Light Bifurcation Point
- ![](../imgs/light-client-detector.png)
- This is done with:
- ```golang
- func (c *Client) examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace(
- trace []*types.LightBlock,
- targetBlock *types.LightBlock,
- source provider.Provider,
- now time.Time,
- ) ([]*types.LightBlock, *types.LightBlock, error)
- ```
- which performs the following
- 1. Checking that the trusted header is the same. Currently, they should not theoretically be different
- because witnesses cannot be added and removed after the client is initialized. But we do this any way
- as a sanity check. If this fails we have to drop the witness.
- 2. Querying and verifying the witness's headers using bisection at the same heights of all the
- intermediary headers of the primary (In the above example this is A, B, C, D, F, H). If bisection fails
- or the witness stops responding then we can call the witness faulty and drop it.
- 3. We eventually reach a verified header by the witness which is not the same as the intermediary header
- (In the above example this is E). This is the point of bifurcation (This could also be the last header).
- 4. There is a unique case where the trace that is being examined against has blocks that have a greater
- height than the targetBlock. This can occur as part of a forward lunatic attack where the primary has
- provided a light block that has a height greater than the head of the chain (see Appendix B). In this
- case, the light client will verify the sources blocks up to the targetBlock and return the block in the
- trace that is directly after the targetBlock in height as the `ConflictingBlock`
- This function then returns the trace of blocks from the witness node between the common header and the
- divergent header of the primary as it is likely, as seen in the example to the right, that multiple
- headers where required in order to verify the divergent one. This trace will
- be used later (as is also described later in this document).
- ![](../imgs/bifurcation-point.png)
- Now, that an attack has been detected, the light client must form evidence to prove it. There are
- three types of attacks that either the primary or witness could have done to try fool the light client
- into verifying the wrong header: Lunatic, Equivocation and Amnesia. As the consequence is the same and
- the data required to prove it is also very similar, we bundle these attack styles together in a single
- evidence:
- ```golang
- type LightClientAttackEvidence struct {
- ConflictingBlock *LightBlock
- CommonHeight int64
- }
- ```
- The light client takes the stance of first suspecting the primary. Given the bifurcation point found
- above, it takes the two divergent headers and compares whether the one from the primary is valid with
- respect to the one from the witness. This is done by calling `isInvalidHeader()` which looks to see if
- any one of the deterministically derived header fields differ from one another. This could be one of
- `ValidatorsHash`, `NextValidatorsHash`, `ConsensusHash`, `AppHash`, and `LastResultsHash`.
- In this case we know it's a Lunatic attack and to help the witness verify it we send the height
- of the common header which is 1 in the example above or C in the example above that. If all these
- hashes are the same then we can infer that it is either Equivocation or Amnesia. In this case we send
- the height of the diverged headers because we know that the validator sets are the same, hence the
- malicious nodes are still bonded at that height. In the example above, this is height 10 and the
- example above that it is the height at E.
- The light client now has the evidence and broadcasts it to the witness.
- However, it could have been that the header the light client used from the witness against the primary
- was forged, so before halting the light client swaps the process and thus suspects the witness and
- uses the primary to create evidence. It calls `examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace` this time using
- the witness trace found earlier.
- If the primary was malicious it is likely that it will not respond but if it is innocent then the
- light client will produce the same evidence but this time the conflicting
- block will come from the witness node instead of the primary. The evidence is then formed and sent to
- the primary node.
- This then ends the process and the verify function that was called at the start returns the error to
- the user.
- For a detailed overview of how each of these three attacks can be conducted please refer to the
- [fork accountability spec](https://github.com/tendermint/spec/blob/master/spec/consensus/light-client/accountability.md).
- ## Full Node Verification
- When a full node receives evidence from the light client it will need to verify
- it for itself before gossiping it to peers and trying to commit it on chain. This process is outlined
- in [ADR-059](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/docs/architecture/adr-059-evidence-composition-and-lifecycle.md).
- ## Status
- Implemented
- ## Consequences
- ### Positive
- * Light client has increased security against Lunatic, Equivocation and Amnesia attacks.
- * Do not need intermediate data structures to encapsulate the malicious behavior
- * Generalized evidence makes the code simpler
- ### Negative
- * Breaking change on the light client from versions 0.33.8 and below. Previous
- versions will still send `ConflictingHeadersEvidence` but it won't be recognized
- by the full node. Light clients will however still refuse the header and shut down.
- * Amnesia attacks although detected, will not be able to be punished as it is not
- clear from the current information which nodes behaved maliciously.
- * Evidence module must handle both individual and grouped evidence.
- ### Neutral
- ## References
- * [Fork accountability spec](https://github.com/tendermint/spec/blob/master/spec/consensus/light-client/accountability.md)
- * [ADR 056: Light client amnesia attacks](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/docs/architecture/adr-056-light-client-amnesia-attacks.md)
- * [ADR-059: Evidence Composition and Lifecycle](https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/master/docs/architecture/adr-059-evidence-composition-and-lifecycle.md)
- * [Informal's Light Client Detector](https://github.com/informalsystems/tendermint-rs/blob/master/docs/spec/lightclient/detection/detection.md)
- ## Appendix A
- PhantomValidatorEvidence was used to capture when a validator that was still staked
- (i.e. within the bonded period) but was not in the current validator set had voted for a block.
- In later discussions it was argued that although possible to keep phantom validator
- evidence, any case a phantom validator that could have the capacity to be involved
- in fooling a light client would have to be aided by 1/3+ lunatic validators.
- It would also be very unlikely that the new validators injected by the lunatic attack
- would be validators that currently still have something staked.
- Not only this but there was a large degree of extra computation required in storing all
- the currently staked validators that could possibly fall into the group of being
- a phantom validator. Given this, it was removed.
- ## Appendix B
- A unique flavor of lunatic attack is a forward lunatic attack. This is where a malicious
- node provides a header with a height greater than the height of the blockchain. Thus there
- are no witnesses capable of rebutting the malicious header. Such an attack will also
- require an accomplice, i.e. at least one other witness to also return the same forged header.
- Although such attacks can be any arbitrary height ahead, they must still remain within the
- clock drift of the light clients real time. Therefore, to detect such an attack, a light
- client will wait for a time
- ```
- ```
- for a witness to provide the latest block it has. Given the time constraints, if the witness
- is operating at the head of the blockchain, it will have a header with an earlier height but
- a later timestamp. This can be used to prove that the primary has submitted a lunatic header
- which violates monotonically increasing time.