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Merge pull request from GHSA-f3w5-v9xx-rp8p

* add time warping lunatic attack test

* create too high and connecton refused errors and add to the light client provider

* add height check to provider

* introduce block lag

* add detection logic for processing forward lunatic attack

* add node-side verification logic

* clean up tests and formatting

* update adr's

* update testing

* fix fetching the latest block

* format

* update changelog

* implement suggestions

* modify ADR's

* format

* clean up node evidence verification
Callum Waters 3 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
16 changed files with 631 additions and 133 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +36
  3. +7
  4. +15
  5. +1
  6. +44
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  8. +24
  9. +220
  10. +169
  11. +4
  12. +8
  13. +39
  14. +2
  15. +30
  16. +1

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@ -89,3 +89,4 @@ Friendly reminder: We have a [bug bounty program](
- [blockchain/v1] [\#5701]( Handle peers without blocks (@melekes)
- [blockchain/v1] \#5711 Fix deadlock (@melekes)
- [rpc/jsonrpc/server] \#6191 Correctly unmarshal `RPCRequest` when data is `null` (@melekes)
- [light/evidence] Adds logic to handle forward lunatic attacks (@cmwaters)

+ 36
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docs/architecture/ View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* 14-08-2020: Introduce light traces (listed now as an alternative approach)
* 20-08-2020: Light client produces evidence when detected instead of passing to full node
* 16-09-2020: Post-implementation revision
* 15-03-2020: Ammends for the case of a forward lunatic attack
### Glossary of Terms
@ -106,8 +107,10 @@ This is done with:
func (c *Client) examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace(
trace []*types.LightBlock,
divergentHeader *types.SignedHeader,
source provider.Provider, now time.Time) ([]*types.LightBlock, *types.LightBlock, error)
targetBlock *types.LightBlock,
source provider.Provider,
now time.Time,
) ([]*types.LightBlock, *types.LightBlock, error)
which performs the following
@ -117,16 +120,21 @@ because witnesses cannot be added and removed after the client is initialized. B
as a sanity check. If this fails we have to drop the witness.
2. Querying and verifying the witness's headers using bisection at the same heights of all the
intermediary headers of the primary (In the above example this is A, B, C, D, F, H). If bisection fails or the witness stops responding then
we can call the witness faulty and drop it.
intermediary headers of the primary (In the above example this is A, B, C, D, F, H). If bisection fails
or the witness stops responding then we can call the witness faulty and drop it.
3. We eventually reach a verified header by the witness which is not the same as the intermediary header (In the above example this is E).
This is the point of bifurcation (This could also be the last header).
3. We eventually reach a verified header by the witness which is not the same as the intermediary header
(In the above example this is E). This is the point of bifurcation (This could also be the last header).
4. There is a unique case where the trace that is being examined against has blocks that have a greater
height than the targetBlock. This can occur as part of a forward lunatic attack where the primary has
provided a light block that has a height greater than the head of the chain (see Appendix B). In this
case, the light client will verify the sources blocks up to the targetBlock and return the block in the
trace that is directly after the targetBlock in height as the `ConflictingBlock`
This function then returns the trace of blocks from the witness node between the common header and the
divergent header of the primary as it
is likely as seen in the example to the right below that multiple headers where required in order to
verify the divergent one. This trace will
divergent header of the primary as it is likely, as seen in the example to the right, that multiple
headers where required in order to verify the divergent one. This trace will
be used later (as is also described later in this document).
@ -225,3 +233,22 @@ would be validators that currently still have something staked.
Not only this but there was a large degree of extra computation required in storing all
the currently staked validators that could possibly fall into the group of being
a phantom validator. Given this, it was removed.
## Appendix B
A unique flavor of lunatic attack is a forward lunatic attack. This is where a malicious
node provides a header with a height greater than the height of the blockchain. Thus there
are no witnesses capable of rebutting the malicious header. Such an attack will also
require an accomplice, i.e. at least one other witness to also return the same forged header.
Although such attacks can be any arbitrary height ahead, they must still remain within the
clock drift of the light clients real time. Therefore, to detect such an attack, a light
client will wait for a time
for a witness to provide the latest block it has. Given the time constraints, if the witness
is operating at the head of the blockchain, it will have a header with an earlier height but
a later timestamp. This can be used to prove that the primary has submitted a lunatic header
which violates monotonically increasing time.

+ 7
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docs/architecture/ View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- 04/09/2020: Initial Draft (Unabridged)
- 07/09/2020: First Version
- 13.03.21: Ammendment to accomodate forward lunatic attack
## Scope
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ For `LightClientAttack`
- Fetch the common signed header and val set from the common height and use skipping verification to verify the conflicting header
- Fetch the trusted signed header at the same height as the conflicting header and compare with the conflicting header to work out which type of attack it is and in doing so return the malicious validators.
- Fetch the trusted signed header at the same height as the conflicting header and compare with the conflicting header to work out which type of attack it is and in doing so return the malicious validators. NOTE: If the node doesn't have the signed header at the height of the conflicting header, it instead fetches the latest header it has and checks to see if it can prove the evidence based on a violation of header time. This is known as forward lunatic attack.
- If equivocation, return the validators that signed for the commits of both the trusted and signed header
@ -167,7 +168,11 @@ For `LightClientAttack`
- If amnesia, return no validators (since we can't know which validators are malicious). This also means that we don't currently send amnesia evidence to the application, although we will introduce more robust amnesia evidence handling in future Tendermint Core releases
- For each validator, check the look up table to make sure there already isn't evidence against this validator
- Check that the hashes of the conflicting header and the trusted header are different
- In the case of a forward lunatic attack, where the trusted header height is less than the conflicting header height, the node checks that the time of the trusted header is later than the time of conflicting header. This proves that the conflicting header breaks monotonically increasing time. If the node doesn't have a trusted header with a later time then it is unable to validate the evidence for now.
- Lastly, for each validator, check the look up table to make sure there already isn't evidence against this validator
After verification we persist the evidence with the key `height/hash` to the pending evidence database in the evidence pool with the following format:

+ 15
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evidence/mocks/block_store.go View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by mockery v2.5.1. DO NOT EDIT.
// Code generated by mockery v0.0.0-dev. DO NOT EDIT.
package mocks
@ -12,6 +12,20 @@ type BlockStore struct {
// Height provides a mock function with given fields:
func (_m *BlockStore) Height() int64 {
ret := _m.Called()
var r0 int64
if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func() int64); ok {
r0 = rf()
} else {
r0 = ret.Get(0).(int64)
return r0
// LoadBlockCommit provides a mock function with given fields: height
func (_m *BlockStore) LoadBlockCommit(height int64) *types.Commit {
ret := _m.Called(height)

+ 1
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evidence/services.go View File

@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ import (
type BlockStore interface {
LoadBlockMeta(height int64) *types.BlockMeta
LoadBlockCommit(height int64) *types.Commit
Height() int64

+ 44
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evidence/verify.go View File

@ -100,7 +100,21 @@ func (evpool *Pool) verify(evidence types.Evidence) error {
if evidence.Height() != ev.ConflictingBlock.Height {
trustedHeader, err = getSignedHeader(evpool.blockStore, ev.ConflictingBlock.Height)
if err != nil {
return err
// FIXME: This multi step process is a bit unergonomic. We may want to consider a more efficient process
// that doesn't require as much io and is atomic.
// If the node doesn't have a block at the height of the conflicting block, then this could be
// a forward lunatic attack. Thus the node must get the latest height it has
latestHeight := evpool.blockStore.Height()
trustedHeader, err = getSignedHeader(evpool.blockStore, latestHeight)
if err != nil {
return err
if trustedHeader.Time.Before(ev.ConflictingBlock.Time) {
return fmt.Errorf("latest block time (%v) is before conflicting block time (%v)",
trustedHeader.Time, ev.ConflictingBlock.Time,
@ -176,36 +190,47 @@ func (evpool *Pool) verify(evidence types.Evidence) error {
// the following checks:
// - the common header from the full node has at least 1/3 voting power which is also present in
// the conflicting header's commit
// - 2/3+ of the conflicting validator set correctly signed the conflicting block
// - the nodes trusted header at the same height as the conflicting header has a different hash
// CONTRACT: must run ValidateBasic() on the evidence before verifying
// must check that the evidence has not expired (i.e. is outside the maximum age threshold)
func VerifyLightClientAttack(e *types.LightClientAttackEvidence, commonHeader, trustedHeader *types.SignedHeader,
commonVals *types.ValidatorSet, now time.Time, trustPeriod time.Duration) error {
// In the case of lunatic attack we need to perform a single verification jump between the
// common header and the conflicting one
if commonHeader.Height != trustedHeader.Height {
err := light.Verify(commonHeader, commonVals, e.ConflictingBlock.SignedHeader, e.ConflictingBlock.ValidatorSet,
trustPeriod, now, 0*time.Second, light.DefaultTrustLevel)
// In the case of lunatic attack there will be a different commonHeader height. Therefore the node perform a single
// verification jump between the common header and the conflicting one
if commonHeader.Height != e.ConflictingBlock.Height {
err := commonVals.VerifyCommitLightTrusting(trustedHeader.ChainID, e.ConflictingBlock.Commit, light.DefaultTrustLevel)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("skipping verification from common to conflicting header failed: %w", err)
} else {
// in the case of equivocation and amnesia we expect some header hashes to be correctly derived
if isInvalidHeader(trustedHeader.Header, e.ConflictingBlock.Header) {
return errors.New("common height is the same as conflicting block height so expected the conflicting" +
" block to be correctly derived yet it wasn't")
// ensure that 2/3 of the validator set did vote for this block
if err := e.ConflictingBlock.ValidatorSet.VerifyCommitLight(trustedHeader.ChainID, e.ConflictingBlock.Commit.BlockID,
e.ConflictingBlock.Height, e.ConflictingBlock.Commit); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid commit from conflicting block: %w", err)
return fmt.Errorf("skipping verification of conflicting block failed: %w", err)
// In the case of equivocation and amnesia we expect all header hashes to be correctly derived
} else if isInvalidHeader(trustedHeader.Header, e.ConflictingBlock.Header) {
return errors.New("common height is the same as conflicting block height so expected the conflicting" +
" block to be correctly derived yet it wasn't")
// Verify that the 2/3+ commits from the conflicting validator set were for the conflicting header
if err := e.ConflictingBlock.ValidatorSet.VerifyCommitLight(trustedHeader.ChainID, e.ConflictingBlock.Commit.BlockID,
e.ConflictingBlock.Height, e.ConflictingBlock.Commit); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid commit from conflicting block: %w", err)
// Assert the correct amount of voting power of the validator set
if evTotal, valsTotal := e.TotalVotingPower, commonVals.TotalVotingPower(); evTotal != valsTotal {
return fmt.Errorf("total voting power from the evidence and our validator set does not match (%d != %d)",
evTotal, valsTotal)
if bytes.Equal(trustedHeader.Hash(), e.ConflictingBlock.Hash()) {
// check in the case of a forward lunatic attack that monotonically increasing time has been violated
if e.ConflictingBlock.Height > trustedHeader.Height && e.ConflictingBlock.Time.After(trustedHeader.Time) {
return fmt.Errorf("conflicting block doesn't violate monotonically increasing time (%v is after %v)",
e.ConflictingBlock.Time, trustedHeader.Time,
// In all other cases check that the hashes of the conflicting header and the trusted header are different
} else if bytes.Equal(trustedHeader.Hash(), e.ConflictingBlock.Hash()) {
return fmt.Errorf("trusted header hash matches the evidence's conflicting header hash: %X",

+ 30
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evidence/verify_test.go View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ func TestVerifyLightClientAttack_Lunatic(t *testing.T) {
commonHeader := makeHeaderRandom(4)
commonHeader.Time = defaultEvidenceTime
trustedHeader := makeHeaderRandom(10)
trustedHeader.Time = defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Hour)
conflictingHeader := makeHeaderRandom(10)
conflictingHeader.Time = defaultEvidenceTime.Add(1 * time.Hour)
@ -89,6 +90,30 @@ func TestVerifyLightClientAttack_Lunatic(t *testing.T) {
assert.Error(t, err)
ev.TotalVotingPower = 20
forwardConflictingHeader := makeHeaderRandom(11)
forwardConflictingHeader.Time = defaultEvidenceTime.Add(30 * time.Minute)
forwardConflictingHeader.ValidatorsHash = conflictingVals.Hash()
forwardBlockID := makeBlockID(forwardConflictingHeader.Hash(), 1000, []byte("partshash"))
forwardVoteSet := types.NewVoteSet(evidenceChainID, 11, 1, tmproto.SignedMsgType(2), conflictingVals)
forwardCommit, err := types.MakeCommit(forwardBlockID, 11, 1, forwardVoteSet, conflictingPrivVals, defaultEvidenceTime)
require.NoError(t, err)
forwardLunaticEv := &types.LightClientAttackEvidence{
ConflictingBlock: &types.LightBlock{
SignedHeader: &types.SignedHeader{
Header: forwardConflictingHeader,
Commit: forwardCommit,
ValidatorSet: conflictingVals,
CommonHeight: 4,
TotalVotingPower: 20,
ByzantineValidators: commonVals.Validators,
Timestamp: defaultEvidenceTime,
err = evidence.VerifyLightClientAttack(forwardLunaticEv, commonSignedHeader, trustedSignedHeader, commonVals,
defaultEvidenceTime.Add(2*time.Hour), 3*time.Hour)
assert.NoError(t, err)
state := sm.State{
LastBlockTime: defaultEvidenceTime.Add(2 * time.Hour),
LastBlockHeight: 11,
@ -100,8 +125,10 @@ func TestVerifyLightClientAttack_Lunatic(t *testing.T) {
blockStore := &mocks.BlockStore{}
blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", int64(4)).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *commonHeader})
blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", int64(10)).Return(&types.BlockMeta{Header: *trustedHeader})
blockStore.On("LoadBlockMeta", int64(11)).Return(nil)
blockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", int64(4)).Return(commit)
blockStore.On("LoadBlockCommit", int64(10)).Return(trustedCommit)
pool, err := evidence.NewPool(log.TestingLogger(), dbm.NewMemDB(), stateStore, blockStore)
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -125,6 +152,9 @@ func TestVerifyLightClientAttack_Lunatic(t *testing.T) {
err = pool.CheckEvidence(evList)
assert.Error(t, err)
evList = types.EvidenceList{forwardLunaticEv}
err = pool.CheckEvidence(evList)
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestVerifyLightClientAttack_Equivocation(t *testing.T) {

+ 24
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light/client.go View File

@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ const (
// -
// -
defaultMaxClockDrift = 10 * time.Second
// 10s is sufficient for most networks.
defaultMaxBlockLag = 10 * time.Second
// Option sets a parameter for the light client.
@ -92,13 +95,27 @@ func Logger(l log.Logger) Option {
// MaxClockDrift defines how much new header's time can drift into
// the future. Default: 10s.
// the future relative to the light clients local time. Default: 10s.
func MaxClockDrift(d time.Duration) Option {
return func(c *Client) {
c.maxClockDrift = d
// MaxBlockLag represents the maximum time difference between the realtime
// that a block is received and the timestamp of that block.
// One can approximate it to the maximum block production time
// As an example, say the light client received block B at a time
// 12:05 (this is the real time) and the time on the block
// was 12:00. Then the lag here is 5 minutes.
// Default: 10s
func MaxBlockLag(d time.Duration) Option {
return func(c *Client) {
c.maxBlockLag = d
// Client represents a light client, connected to a single chain, which gets
// light blocks from a primary provider, verifies them either sequentially or by
// skipping some and stores them in a trusted store (usually, a local FS).
@ -110,6 +127,7 @@ type Client struct {
verificationMode mode
trustLevel tmmath.Fraction
maxClockDrift time.Duration
maxBlockLag time.Duration
// Mutex for locking during changes of the light clients providers
providerMutex tmsync.Mutex
@ -197,6 +215,7 @@ func NewClientFromTrustedStore(
verificationMode: skipping,
trustLevel: DefaultTrustLevel,
maxClockDrift: defaultMaxClockDrift,
maxBlockLag: defaultMaxBlockLag,
primary: primary,
witnesses: witnesses,
trustedStore: trustedStore,
@ -952,13 +971,15 @@ func (c *Client) lightBlockFromPrimary(ctx context.Context, height int64) (*type
case provider.ErrNoResponse, provider.ErrLightBlockNotFound:
// we find a new witness to replace the primary
c.logger.Debug("error from light block request from primary, replacing...", "error", err, "primary", c.primary)
c.logger.Debug("error from light block request from primary, replacing...",
"error", err, "height", height, "primary", c.primary)
return c.findNewPrimary(ctx, height, false)
// The light client has most likely received either provider.ErrUnreliableProvider or provider.ErrBadLightBlock
// These errors mean that the light client should drop the primary and try with another provider instead
c.logger.Error("error from light block request from primary, removing...", "error", err, "primary", c.primary)
c.logger.Error("error from light block request from primary, removing...",
"error", err, "height", height, "primary", c.primary)
return c.findNewPrimary(ctx, height, true)

+ 220
- 67
light/detector.go View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
// The detector component of the light client detect and handles attacks on the light client.
// The detector component of the light client detects and handles attacks on the light client.
// More info here:
// tendermint/docs/architecture/
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
// It takes the target verified header and compares it with the headers of a set of
// witness providers that the light client is connected to. If a conflicting header
// is returned it verifies and examines the conflicting header against the verified
// trace that was produced from the primary. If successful it produces two sets of evidence
// trace that was produced from the primary. If successful, it produces two sets of evidence
// and sends them to the opposite provider before halting.
// If there are no conflictinge headers, the light client deems the verified target header
@ -64,56 +64,14 @@ func (c *Client) detectDivergence(ctx context.Context, primaryTrace []*types.Lig
// need to find the point that the headers diverge and examine this for any evidence of an attack.
// We combine these actions together, verifying the witnesses headers and outputting the trace
// which captures the bifurcation point and if successful provides the information to create
supportingWitness := c.witnesses[e.WitnessIndex]
witnessTrace, primaryBlock, err := c.examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace(
// which captures the bifurcation point and if successful provides the information to create valid evidence.
err := c.handleConflictingHeaders(ctx, primaryTrace, e.Block, e.WitnessIndex, now)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Info("error validating witness's divergent header", "witness", supportingWitness, "err", err)
witnessesToRemove = append(witnessesToRemove, e.WitnessIndex)
// return information of the attack
return err
// We are suspecting that the primary is faulty, hence we hold the witness as the source of truth
// and generate evidence against the primary that we can send to the witness
primaryEv := newLightClientAttackEvidence(primaryBlock, witnessTrace[len(witnessTrace)-1], witnessTrace[0])
c.logger.Error("ATTEMPTED ATTACK DETECTED. Sending evidence againt primary by witness", "ev", primaryEv,
"primary", c.primary, "witness", supportingWitness)
c.sendEvidence(ctx, primaryEv, supportingWitness)
if primaryBlock.Commit.Round != witnessTrace[len(witnessTrace)-1].Commit.Round {
c.logger.Info("The light client has detected, and prevented, an attempted amnesia attack." +
" We think this attack is pretty unlikely, so if you see it, that's interesting to us." +
" Can you let us know by opening an issue through")
// This may not be valid because the witness itself is at fault. So now we reverse it, examining the
// trace provided by the witness and holding the primary as the source of truth. Note: primary may not
// respond but this is okay as we will halt anyway.
primaryTrace, witnessBlock, err := c.examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace(
if err != nil {
c.logger.Info("Error validating primary's divergent header", "primary", c.primary, "err", err)
return ErrLightClientAttack
// We now use the primary trace to create evidence against the witness and send it to the primary
witnessEv := newLightClientAttackEvidence(witnessBlock, primaryTrace[len(primaryTrace)-1], primaryTrace[0])
c.logger.Error("Sending evidence against witness by primary", "ev", witnessEv,
"primary", c.primary, "witness", supportingWitness)
c.sendEvidence(ctx, witnessEv, c.primary)
// We return the error and don't process anymore witnesses
return ErrLightClientAttack
// if attempt to generate conflicting headers failed then remove witness
witnessesToRemove = append(witnessesToRemove, e.WitnessIndex)
case errBadWitness:
c.logger.Info("witness returned an error during header comparison, removing...",
@ -135,7 +93,7 @@ func (c *Client) detectDivergence(ctx context.Context, primaryTrace []*types.Lig
return nil
// 2. ELse all witnesses have either not responded, don't have the block or sent invalid blocks.
// 2. Else all witnesses have either not responded, don't have the block or sent invalid blocks.
return ErrFailedHeaderCrossReferencing
@ -151,16 +109,76 @@ func (c *Client) compareNewHeaderWithWitness(ctx context.Context, errc chan erro
lightBlock, err := witness.LightBlock(ctx, h.Height)
switch err {
// no error means we move on to checking the hash of the two headers
case nil:
// the witness hasn't been helpful in comparing headers, we mark the response and continue
// comparing with the rest of the witnesses
case provider.ErrNoResponse, provider.ErrLightBlockNotFound:
errc <- err
// the witness' head of the blockchain is lower than the height of the primary. This could be one of
// two things:
// 1) The witness is lagging behind
// 2) The primary may be performing a lunatic attack with a height and time in the future
case provider.ErrHeightTooHigh:
// The light client now asks for the latest header that the witness has
var isTargetHeight bool
isTargetHeight, lightBlock, err = c.getTargetBlockOrLatest(ctx, h.Height, witness)
if err != nil {
errc <- err
// if the witness caught up and has returned a block of the target height then we can
// break from this switch case and continue to verify the hashes
if isTargetHeight {
// witness' last header is below the primary's header. We check the times to see if the blocks
// have conflicting times
if !lightBlock.Time.Before(h.Time) {
errc <- errConflictingHeaders{Block: lightBlock, WitnessIndex: witnessIndex}
// the witness is behind. We wait for a period WAITING = 2 * DRIFT + LAG.
// This should give the witness ample time if it is a participating member
// of consensus to produce a block that has a time that is after the primary's
// block time. If not the witness is too far behind and the light client removes it
time.Sleep(2*c.maxClockDrift + c.maxBlockLag)
isTargetHeight, lightBlock, err = c.getTargetBlockOrLatest(ctx, h.Height, witness)
if err != nil {
errc <- errBadWitness{Reason: err, WitnessIndex: witnessIndex}
if isTargetHeight {
// the witness still doesn't have a block at the height of the primary.
// Check if there is a conflicting time
if !lightBlock.Time.Before(h.Time) {
errc <- errConflictingHeaders{Block: lightBlock, WitnessIndex: witnessIndex}
// Following this request response procedure, the witness has been unable to produce a block
// that can somehow conflict with the primary's block. We thus conclude that the witness
// is too far behind and thus we return a no response error.
// NOTE: If the clock drift / lag has been miscalibrated it is feasible that the light client has
// drifted too far ahead for any witness to be able provide a comparable block and thus may allow
// for a malicious primary to attack it
errc <- provider.ErrNoResponse
// all other errors (i.e. invalid block or unreliable provider) we mark the witness as bad
// and remove it
// all other errors (i.e. invalid block, closed connection or unreliable provider) we mark the
// witness as bad and remove it
errc <- errBadWitness{Reason: err, WitnessIndex: witnessIndex}
@ -181,6 +199,67 @@ func (c *Client) sendEvidence(ctx context.Context, ev *types.LightClientAttackEv
// handleConflictingHeaders handles the primary style of attack, which is where a primary and witness have
// two headers of the same height but with different hashes
func (c *Client) handleConflictingHeaders(
ctx context.Context,
primaryTrace []*types.LightBlock,
challendingBlock *types.LightBlock,
witnessIndex int,
now time.Time,
) error {
supportingWitness := c.witnesses[witnessIndex]
witnessTrace, primaryBlock, err := c.examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace(
if err != nil {
c.logger.Info("error validating witness's divergent header", "witness", supportingWitness, "err", err)
return nil
// We are suspecting that the primary is faulty, hence we hold the witness as the source of truth
// and generate evidence against the primary that we can send to the witness
commonBlock, trustedBlock := witnessTrace[0], witnessTrace[len(witnessTrace)-1]
evidenceAgainstPrimary := newLightClientAttackEvidence(primaryBlock, trustedBlock, commonBlock)
c.logger.Error("ATTEMPTED ATTACK DETECTED. Sending evidence againt primary by witness", "ev", evidenceAgainstPrimary,
"primary", c.primary, "witness", supportingWitness)
c.sendEvidence(ctx, evidenceAgainstPrimary, supportingWitness)
if primaryBlock.Commit.Round != witnessTrace[len(witnessTrace)-1].Commit.Round {
c.logger.Info("The light client has detected, and prevented, an attempted amnesia attack." +
" We think this attack is pretty unlikely, so if you see it, that's interesting to us." +
" Can you let us know by opening an issue through")
// This may not be valid because the witness itself is at fault. So now we reverse it, examining the
// trace provided by the witness and holding the primary as the source of truth. Note: primary may not
// respond but this is okay as we will halt anyway.
primaryTrace, witnessBlock, err := c.examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace(
if err != nil {
c.logger.Info("Error validating primary's divergent header", "primary", c.primary, "err", err)
return ErrLightClientAttack
// We now use the primary trace to create evidence against the witness and send it to the primary
commonBlock, trustedBlock = primaryTrace[0], primaryTrace[len(primaryTrace)-1]
evidenceAgainstWitness := newLightClientAttackEvidence(witnessBlock, trustedBlock, commonBlock)
c.logger.Error("Sending evidence against witness by primary", "ev", evidenceAgainstWitness,
"primary", c.primary, "witness", supportingWitness)
c.sendEvidence(ctx, evidenceAgainstWitness, c.primary)
// We return the error and don't process anymore witnesses
return ErrLightClientAttack
// examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace takes a trace from one provider and a divergent header that
// it has received from another and preforms verifySkipping at the heights of each of the intermediate
// headers in the trace until it reaches the divergentHeader. 1 of 2 things can happen.
@ -189,22 +268,66 @@ func (c *Client) sendEvidence(ctx context.Context, ev *types.LightClientAttackEv
// is the bifurcation point and the light client can create evidence from it
// 2. The source stops responding, doesn't have the block or sends an invalid header in which case we
// return the error and remove the witness
// 1. Trace can not be empty len(trace) > 0
// 2. The last block in the trace can not be of a lower height than the target block
// trace[len(trace)-1].Height >= targetBlock.Height
// 3. The
func (c *Client) examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace(
ctx context.Context,
trace []*types.LightBlock,
divergentHeader *types.SignedHeader,
source provider.Provider, now time.Time) ([]*types.LightBlock, *types.LightBlock, error) {
targetBlock *types.LightBlock,
source provider.Provider, now time.Time,
) ([]*types.LightBlock, *types.LightBlock, error) {
var (
previouslyVerifiedBlock, sourceBlock *types.LightBlock
sourceTrace []*types.LightBlock
err error
var previouslyVerifiedBlock *types.LightBlock
if targetBlock.Height < trace[0].Height {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("target block has a height lower than the trusted height (%d < %d)",
targetBlock.Height, trace[0].Height)
for idx, traceBlock := range trace {
// The first block in the trace MUST be the same to the light block that the source produces
// else we cannot continue with verification.
sourceBlock, err := source.LightBlock(ctx, traceBlock.Height)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// this case only happens in a forward lunatic attack. We treat the block with the
// height directly after the targetBlock as the divergent block
if traceBlock.Height > targetBlock.Height {
// sanity check that the time of the traceBlock is indeed less than that of the targetBlock. If the trace
// was correctly verified we should expect monotonically increasing time. This means that if the block at
// the end of the trace has a lesser time than the target block then all blocks in the trace should have a
// lesser time
if traceBlock.Time.After(targetBlock.Time) {
return nil, nil,
errors.New("sanity check failed: expected traceblock to have a lesser time than the target block")
// before sending back the divergent block and trace we need to ensure we have verified
// the final gap between the previouslyVerifiedBlock and the targetBlock
if previouslyVerifiedBlock.Height != targetBlock.Height {
sourceTrace, err = c.verifySkipping(ctx, source, previouslyVerifiedBlock, targetBlock, now)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("verifySkipping of conflicting header failed: %w", err)
return sourceTrace, traceBlock, nil
// get the corresponding block from the source to verify and match up against the traceBlock
if traceBlock.Height == targetBlock.Height {
sourceBlock = targetBlock
} else {
sourceBlock, err = source.LightBlock(ctx, traceBlock.Height)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to examine trace: %w", err)
// The first block in the trace MUST be the same to the light block that the source produces
// else we cannot continue with verification.
if idx == 0 {
if shash, thash := sourceBlock.Hash(), traceBlock.Hash(); !bytes.Equal(shash, thash) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("trusted block is different to the source's first block (%X = %X)",
@ -216,25 +339,55 @@ func (c *Client) examineConflictingHeaderAgainstTrace(
// we check that the source provider can verify a block at the same height of the
// intermediate height
trace, err := c.verifySkipping(ctx, source, previouslyVerifiedBlock, sourceBlock, now)
sourceTrace, err = c.verifySkipping(ctx, source, previouslyVerifiedBlock, sourceBlock, now)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("verifySkipping of conflicting header failed: %w", err)
// check if the headers verified by the source has diverged from the trace
if shash, thash := sourceBlock.Hash(), traceBlock.Hash(); !bytes.Equal(shash, thash) {
// Bifurcation point found!
return trace, traceBlock, nil
return sourceTrace, traceBlock, nil
// headers are still the same. update the previouslyVerifiedBlock
previouslyVerifiedBlock = sourceBlock
// We have reached the end of the trace without observing a divergence. The last header is thus different
// from the divergent header that the source originally sent us, then we return an error.
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("source provided different header to the original header it provided (%X != %X)",
previouslyVerifiedBlock.Hash(), divergentHeader.Hash())
// We have reached the end of the trace. This should never happen. This can only happen if one of the stated
// prerequisites to this function were not met. Namely that either trace[len(trace)-1].Height < targetBlock.Height
// or that trace[i].Hash() != targetBlock.Hash()
return nil, nil, errNoDivergence
// getTargetBlockOrLatest gets the latest height, if it is greater than the target height then it queries
// the target heght else it returns the latest. returns true if it successfully managed to acquire the target
// height.
func (c *Client) getTargetBlockOrLatest(
ctx context.Context,
height int64,
witness provider.Provider,
) (bool, *types.LightBlock, error) {
lightBlock, err := witness.LightBlock(ctx, 0)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if lightBlock.Height == height {
// the witness has caught up to the height of the provider's signed header. We
// can resume with checking the hashes.
return true, lightBlock, nil
if lightBlock.Height > height {
// the witness has caught up. We recursively call the function again. However in order
// to avoud a wild goose chase where the witness sends us one header below and one header
// above the height we set a timeout to the context
lightBlock, err := witness.LightBlock(ctx, height)
return true, lightBlock, err
return false, lightBlock, nil
// newLightClientAttackEvidence determines the type of attack and then forms the evidence filling out

+ 169
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light/detector_test.go View File

@ -170,6 +170,139 @@ func TestLightClientAttackEvidence_Equivocation(t *testing.T) {
func TestLightClientAttackEvidence_ForwardLunatic(t *testing.T) {
// primary performs a lunatic attack but changes the time of the header to
// something in the future relative to the blockchain
var (
latestHeight = int64(10)
valSize = 5
forgedHeight = int64(12)
proofHeight = int64(11)
primaryHeaders = make(map[int64]*types.SignedHeader, forgedHeight)
primaryValidators = make(map[int64]*types.ValidatorSet, forgedHeight)
witnessHeaders, witnessValidators, chainKeys := genMockNodeWithKeys(chainID, latestHeight, valSize, 2, bTime)
// primary has the exact same headers except it forges one extra header in the future using keys from 2/5ths of
// the validators
for h := range witnessHeaders {
primaryHeaders[h] = witnessHeaders[h]
primaryValidators[h] = witnessValidators[h]
forgedKeys := chainKeys[latestHeight].ChangeKeys(3) // we change 3 out of the 5 validators (still 2/5 remain)
primaryValidators[forgedHeight] = forgedKeys.ToValidators(2, 0)
primaryHeaders[forgedHeight] = forgedKeys.GenSignedHeader(
bTime.Add(time.Duration(latestHeight+1)*time.Minute), // 11 mins
0, len(forgedKeys),
witness := mockp.New(chainID, witnessHeaders, witnessValidators)
primary := mockp.New(chainID, primaryHeaders, primaryValidators)
laggingWitness := witness.Copy("laggingWitness")
// In order to perform the attack, the primary needs at least one accomplice as a witness to also
// send the forged block
accomplice := primary
c, err := light.NewClient(
Period: 4 * time.Hour,
Height: 1,
Hash: primaryHeaders[1].Hash(),
[]provider.Provider{witness, accomplice},
require.NoError(t, err)
// two seconds later, the supporting withness should receive the header that can be used
// to prove that there was an attack
go func() {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
vals := chainKeys[latestHeight].ToValidators(2, 0)
newLb := &types.LightBlock{
SignedHeader: chainKeys[latestHeight].GenSignedHeader(
bTime.Add(time.Duration(proofHeight+1)*time.Minute), // 12 mins
0, len(chainKeys),
ValidatorSet: vals,
// Now assert that verification returns an error. We craft the light clients time to be a little ahead of the chain
// to allow a window for the attack to manifest itself.
_, err = c.Update(ctx, bTime.Add(time.Duration(forgedHeight)*time.Minute))
if assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Equal(t, light.ErrLightClientAttack, err)
// Check evidence was sent to the witness against the full node
evAgainstPrimary := &types.LightClientAttackEvidence{
ConflictingBlock: &types.LightBlock{
SignedHeader: primaryHeaders[forgedHeight],
ValidatorSet: primaryValidators[forgedHeight],
CommonHeight: latestHeight,
assert.True(t, witness.HasEvidence(evAgainstPrimary))
// We attempt the same call but now the supporting witness has a block which should
// immediately conflict in time with the primary
_, err = c.VerifyLightBlockAtHeight(ctx, forgedHeight, bTime.Add(time.Duration(forgedHeight)*time.Minute))
if assert.Error(t, err) {
assert.Equal(t, light.ErrLightClientAttack, err)
assert.True(t, witness.HasEvidence(evAgainstPrimary))
// Lastly we test the unfortunate case where the light clients supporting witness doesn't update
// in enough time
c, err = light.NewClient(
Period: 4 * time.Hour,
Height: 1,
Hash: primaryHeaders[1].Hash(),
[]provider.Provider{laggingWitness, accomplice},
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = c.Update(ctx, bTime.Add(time.Duration(forgedHeight)*time.Minute))
assert.NoError(t, err)
// 1. Different nodes therefore a divergent header is produced.
// => light client returns an error upon creation because primary and witness
// have a different view.
@ -255,3 +388,39 @@ func TestClientDivergentTraces3(t *testing.T) {
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(c.Witnesses()))
// 4. Witness has a divergent header but can not produce a valid trace to back it up.
// It should be ignored
func TestClientDivergentTraces4(t *testing.T) {
_, primaryHeaders, primaryVals := genMockNode(chainID, 10, 5, 2, bTime)
primary := mockp.New(chainID, primaryHeaders, primaryVals)
firstBlock, err := primary.LightBlock(ctx, 1)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, mockHeaders, mockVals := genMockNode(chainID, 10, 5, 2, bTime)
witness := primary.Copy("witness")
SignedHeader: mockHeaders[10],
ValidatorSet: mockVals[10],
c, err := light.NewClient(
Height: 1,
Hash: firstBlock.Hash(),
Period: 4 * time.Hour,
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = c.VerifyLightBlockAtHeight(ctx, 10, bTime.Add(1*time.Hour))
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(c.Witnesses()))

+ 4
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light/errors.go View File

@ -100,3 +100,7 @@ type errBadWitness struct {
func (e errBadWitness) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Witness %d returned error: %s", e.WitnessIndex, e.Reason.Error())
var errNoDivergence = errors.New(
"sanity check failed: no divergence between the original trace and the provider's new trace",

+ 8
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light/provider/errors.go View File

@ -6,12 +6,19 @@ import (
var (
// ErrHeightTooHigh is returned when the height is higher than the last
// block that the provider has. The light client will not remove the provider
ErrHeightTooHigh = errors.New("height requested is too high")
// ErrLightBlockNotFound is returned when a provider can't find the
// requested header. The light client will not remove the provider
// requested header (i.e. it has been pruned).
// The light client will not remove the provider
ErrLightBlockNotFound = errors.New("light block not found")
// ErrNoResponse is returned if the provider doesn't respond to the
// request in a given time. The light client will not remove the provider
ErrNoResponse = errors.New("client failed to respond")
// ErrConnectionClosed is returned if the provider closes the connection.
// In this case we remove the provider.
ErrConnectionClosed = errors.New("client closed connection")
// ErrBadLightBlock is returned when a provider returns an invalid

+ 39
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light/provider/http/http.go View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package http
import (
@ -117,6 +116,12 @@ func (p *http) LightBlock(ctx context.Context, height int64) (*types.LightBlock,
return nil, err
if height != 0 && sh.Height != height {
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{
Reason: fmt.Errorf("height %d responded doesn't match height %d requested", sh.Height, height),
vs, err := p.validatorSet(ctx, &sh.Height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -189,17 +194,13 @@ func (p *http) validatorSet(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*types.Validato
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{Reason: e}
case *rpctypes.RPCError:
// check if the error indicates that the peer doesn't have the block
if strings.Contains(e.Data, ctypes.ErrHeightNotAvailable.Error()) ||
strings.Contains(e.Data, ctypes.ErrHeightExceedsChainHead.Error()) {
return nil, provider.ErrLightBlockNotFound
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{Reason: e}
// process the rpc error and return the corresponding error to the light client
return nil, p.parseRPCError(e)
// If we don't know the error then by default we return a bad light block error and
// If we don't know the error then by default we return an unreliable provider error and
// terminate the connection with the peer.
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{Reason: e}
return nil, provider.ErrUnreliableProvider{Reason: e.Error()}
// update the total and increment the page index so we can fetch the
@ -236,19 +237,13 @@ func (p *http) signedHeader(ctx context.Context, height *int64) (*types.SignedHe
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{Reason: e}
case *rpctypes.RPCError:
// check if the error indicates that the peer doesn't have the block
if strings.Contains(e.Data, ctypes.ErrHeightNotAvailable.Error()) ||
strings.Contains(e.Data, ctypes.ErrHeightExceedsChainHead.Error()) {
return nil, p.noBlock()
// for every other error, the provider returns a bad block
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{Reason: errors.New(e.Data)}
// process the rpc error and return the corresponding error to the light client
return nil, p.parseRPCError(e)
// If we don't know the error then by default we return a bad light block error and
// If we don't know the error then by default we return an unreliable provider error and
// terminate the connection with the peer.
return nil, provider.ErrBadLightBlock{Reason: e}
return nil, provider.ErrUnreliableProvider{Reason: e.Error()}
return nil, p.noResponse()
@ -264,14 +259,37 @@ func (p *http) noResponse() error {
return provider.ErrNoResponse
func (p *http) noBlock() error {
func (p *http) noBlock(e error) error {
if p.noBlockCount > p.noBlockThreshold {
return provider.ErrUnreliableProvider{
Reason: fmt.Sprintf("failed to provide a block after %d attempts", p.noBlockCount),
return provider.ErrLightBlockNotFound
return e
// parseRPCError process the error and return the corresponding error to the light clent
// NOTE: When an error is sent over the wire it gets "flattened" hence we are unable to use error
// checking functions like errors.Is() to unwrap the error.
func (p *http) parseRPCError(e *rpctypes.RPCError) error {
switch {
// 1) check if the error indicates that the peer doesn't have the block
case strings.Contains(e.Data, ctypes.ErrHeightNotAvailable.Error()):
return p.noBlock(provider.ErrLightBlockNotFound)
// 2) check if the height requested is too high
case strings.Contains(e.Data, ctypes.ErrHeightExceedsChainHead.Error()):
return p.noBlock(provider.ErrHeightTooHigh)
// 3) check if the provider closed the connection
case strings.Contains(e.Data, "connection refused"):
return provider.ErrConnectionClosed
// 4) else return a generic error
return provider.ErrBadLightBlock{Reason: e}
func validateHeight(height int64) (*int64, error) {

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light/provider/http/http_test.go View File

@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ func TestProvider(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, lower, lb.Height)
// // fetching missing heights (both future and pruned) should return appropriate errors
// fetching missing heights (both future and pruned) should return appropriate errors
lb, err = p.LightBlock(context.Background(), 1000)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Nil(t, lb)
assert.Equal(t, provider.ErrLightBlockNotFound, err)
assert.Equal(t, provider.ErrHeightTooHigh, err)
_, err = p.LightBlock(context.Background(), 1)
require.Error(t, err)

+ 30
- 7
light/provider/mock/mock.go View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ type Mock struct {
headers map[int64]*types.SignedHeader
vals map[int64]*types.ValidatorSet
evidenceToReport map[string]types.Evidence // hash => evidence
latestHeight int64
var _ provider.Provider = (*Mock)(nil)
@ -22,11 +23,18 @@ var _ provider.Provider = (*Mock)(nil)
// New creates a mock provider with the given set of headers and validator
// sets.
func New(id string, headers map[int64]*types.SignedHeader, vals map[int64]*types.ValidatorSet) *Mock {
height := int64(0)
for h := range headers {
if h > height {
height = h
return &Mock{
id: id,
headers: headers,
vals: vals,
evidenceToReport: make(map[string]types.Evidence),
latestHeight: height,
@ -46,15 +54,15 @@ func (p *Mock) String() string {
func (p *Mock) LightBlock(_ context.Context, height int64) (*types.LightBlock, error) {
var lb *types.LightBlock
if height == 0 && len(p.headers) > 0 {
sh := p.headers[int64(len(p.headers))]
vals := p.vals[int64(len(p.vals))]
lb = &types.LightBlock{
SignedHeader: sh,
ValidatorSet: vals,
if height > p.latestHeight {
return nil, provider.ErrHeightTooHigh
if height == 0 && len(p.headers) > 0 {
height = p.latestHeight
if _, ok := p.headers[height]; ok {
sh := p.headers[height]
vals := p.vals[height]
@ -84,3 +92,18 @@ func (p *Mock) HasEvidence(ev types.Evidence) bool {
_, ok := p.evidenceToReport[string(ev.Hash())]
return ok
func (p *Mock) AddLightBlock(lb *types.LightBlock) {
if err := lb.ValidateBasic(lb.ChainID); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to add light block, err: %v", err))
p.headers[lb.Height] = lb.SignedHeader
p.vals[lb.Height] = lb.ValidatorSet
if lb.Height > p.latestHeight {
p.latestHeight = lb.Height
func (p *Mock) Copy(id string) *Mock {
return New(id, p.headers, p.vals)

+ 1
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rpc/core/env.go View File

@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ func getHeight(latestHeight int64, heightPtr *int64) (int64, error) {
base := env.BlockStore.Base()
if height < base {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%w (requested height: %d, base height: %d)", ctypes.ErrHeightExceedsChainHead, height, base)
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%w (requested height: %d, base height: %d)", ctypes.ErrHeightNotAvailable, height, base)
return height, nil
