- package v1
- import (
- "sort"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/log"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/p2p"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
- )
- // BlockPool keeps track of the fast sync peers, block requests and block responses.
- type BlockPool struct {
- logger log.Logger
- // Set of peers that have sent status responses, with height bigger than pool.Height
- peers map[p2p.ID]*BpPeer
- // Set of block heights and the corresponding peers from where a block response is expected or has been received.
- blocks map[int64]p2p.ID
- plannedRequests map[int64]struct{} // list of blocks to be assigned peers for blockRequest
- nextRequestHeight int64 // next height to be added to plannedRequests
- Height int64 // height of next block to execute
- MaxPeerHeight int64 // maximum height of all peers
- toBcR bcReactor
- }
- // NewBlockPool creates a new BlockPool.
- func NewBlockPool(height int64, toBcR bcReactor) *BlockPool {
- return &BlockPool{
- Height: height,
- MaxPeerHeight: 0,
- peers: make(map[p2p.ID]*BpPeer),
- blocks: make(map[int64]p2p.ID),
- plannedRequests: make(map[int64]struct{}),
- nextRequestHeight: height,
- toBcR: toBcR,
- }
- }
- // SetLogger sets the logger of the pool.
- func (pool *BlockPool) SetLogger(l log.Logger) {
- pool.logger = l
- }
- // ReachedMaxHeight check if the pool has reached the maximum peer height.
- func (pool *BlockPool) ReachedMaxHeight() bool {
- return pool.Height >= pool.MaxPeerHeight
- }
- func (pool *BlockPool) rescheduleRequest(peerID p2p.ID, height int64) {
- pool.logger.Info("reschedule requests made to peer for height ", "peerID", peerID, "height", height)
- pool.plannedRequests[height] = struct{}{}
- delete(pool.blocks, height)
- pool.peers[peerID].RemoveBlock(height)
- }
- // Updates the pool's max height. If no peers are left MaxPeerHeight is set to 0.
- func (pool *BlockPool) updateMaxPeerHeight() {
- var newMax int64
- for _, peer := range pool.peers {
- peerHeight := peer.Height
- if peerHeight > newMax {
- newMax = peerHeight
- }
- }
- pool.MaxPeerHeight = newMax
- }
- // UpdatePeer adds a new peer or updates an existing peer with a new base and height.
- // If a peer is short it is not added.
- func (pool *BlockPool) UpdatePeer(peerID p2p.ID, base int64, height int64) error {
- peer := pool.peers[peerID]
- if peer == nil {
- if height < pool.Height {
- pool.logger.Info("Peer height too small",
- "peer", peerID, "height", height, "fsm_height", pool.Height)
- return errPeerTooShort
- }
- // Add new peer.
- peer = NewBpPeer(peerID, base, height, pool.toBcR.sendPeerError, nil)
- peer.SetLogger(pool.logger.With("peer", peerID))
- pool.peers[peerID] = peer
- pool.logger.Info("added peer", "peerID", peerID, "base", base, "height", height, "num_peers", len(pool.peers))
- } else {
- // Check if peer is lowering its height. This is not allowed.
- if height < peer.Height {
- pool.RemovePeer(peerID, errPeerLowersItsHeight)
- return errPeerLowersItsHeight
- }
- // Update existing peer.
- peer.Base = base
- peer.Height = height
- }
- // Update the pool's MaxPeerHeight if needed.
- pool.updateMaxPeerHeight()
- return nil
- }
- // SetNoBlock records that the peer does not have a block for height and
- // schedules a new request for that height from another peer.
- func (pool *BlockPool) SetNoBlock(peerID p2p.ID, height int64) {
- peer := pool.peers[peerID]
- if peer == nil {
- return
- }
- peer.SetNoBlock(height)
- pool.rescheduleRequest(peerID, height)
- }
- // Cleans and deletes the peer. Recomputes the max peer height.
- func (pool *BlockPool) deletePeer(peer *BpPeer) {
- if peer == nil {
- return
- }
- peer.Cleanup()
- delete(pool.peers, peer.ID)
- if peer.Height == pool.MaxPeerHeight {
- pool.updateMaxPeerHeight()
- }
- }
- // RemovePeer removes the blocks and requests from the peer, reschedules them and deletes the peer.
- func (pool *BlockPool) RemovePeer(peerID p2p.ID, err error) {
- peer := pool.peers[peerID]
- if peer == nil {
- return
- }
- pool.logger.Info("removing peer", "peerID", peerID, "error", err)
- // Reschedule the block requests made to the peer, or received and not processed yet.
- // Note that some of the requests may be removed further down.
- for h := range pool.peers[peerID].blocks {
- pool.rescheduleRequest(peerID, h)
- }
- oldMaxPeerHeight := pool.MaxPeerHeight
- // Delete the peer. This operation may result in the pool's MaxPeerHeight being lowered.
- pool.deletePeer(peer)
- // Check if the pool's MaxPeerHeight has been lowered.
- // This may happen if the tallest peer has been removed.
- if oldMaxPeerHeight > pool.MaxPeerHeight {
- // Remove any planned requests for heights over the new MaxPeerHeight.
- for h := range pool.plannedRequests {
- if h > pool.MaxPeerHeight {
- delete(pool.plannedRequests, h)
- }
- }
- // Adjust the nextRequestHeight to the new max plus one.
- if pool.nextRequestHeight > pool.MaxPeerHeight {
- pool.nextRequestHeight = pool.MaxPeerHeight + 1
- }
- }
- }
- func (pool *BlockPool) removeShortPeers() {
- for _, peer := range pool.peers {
- if peer.Height < pool.Height {
- pool.RemovePeer(peer.ID, nil)
- }
- }
- }
- func (pool *BlockPool) removeBadPeers() {
- pool.removeShortPeers()
- for _, peer := range pool.peers {
- if err := peer.CheckRate(); err != nil {
- pool.RemovePeer(peer.ID, err)
- pool.toBcR.sendPeerError(err, peer.ID)
- }
- }
- }
- // MakeNextRequests creates more requests if the block pool is running low.
- func (pool *BlockPool) MakeNextRequests(maxNumRequests int) {
- heights := pool.makeRequestBatch(maxNumRequests)
- if len(heights) != 0 {
- pool.logger.Info("makeNextRequests will make following requests",
- "number", len(heights), "heights", heights)
- }
- for _, height := range heights {
- h := int64(height)
- if !pool.sendRequest(h) {
- // If a good peer was not found for sending the request at height h then return,
- // as it shouldn't be possible to find a peer for h+1.
- return
- }
- delete(pool.plannedRequests, h)
- }
- }
- // Makes a batch of requests sorted by height such that the block pool has up to maxNumRequests entries.
- func (pool *BlockPool) makeRequestBatch(maxNumRequests int) []int {
- pool.removeBadPeers()
- // At this point pool.requests may include heights for requests to be redone due to removal of peers:
- // - peers timed out or were removed by switch
- // - FSM timed out on waiting to advance the block execution due to missing blocks at h or h+1
- // Determine the number of requests needed by subtracting the number of requests already made from the maximum
- // allowed
- numNeeded := maxNumRequests - len(pool.blocks)
- for len(pool.plannedRequests) < numNeeded {
- if pool.nextRequestHeight > pool.MaxPeerHeight {
- break
- }
- pool.plannedRequests[pool.nextRequestHeight] = struct{}{}
- pool.nextRequestHeight++
- }
- heights := make([]int, 0, len(pool.plannedRequests))
- for k := range pool.plannedRequests {
- heights = append(heights, int(k))
- }
- sort.Ints(heights)
- return heights
- }
- func (pool *BlockPool) sendRequest(height int64) bool {
- for _, peer := range pool.peers {
- if peer.NumPendingBlockRequests >= maxRequestsPerPeer {
- continue
- }
- if peer.Base > height || peer.Height < height || peer.NoBlock(height) {
- continue
- }
- err := pool.toBcR.sendBlockRequest(peer.ID, height)
- if err == errNilPeerForBlockRequest {
- // Switch does not have this peer, remove it and continue to look for another peer.
- pool.logger.Error("switch does not have peer..removing peer selected for height", "peer",
- peer.ID, "height", height)
- pool.RemovePeer(peer.ID, err)
- continue
- }
- if err == errSendQueueFull {
- pool.logger.Error("peer queue is full", "peer", peer.ID, "height", height)
- continue
- }
- pool.logger.Info("assigned request to peer", "peer", peer.ID, "height", height)
- pool.blocks[height] = peer.ID
- peer.RequestSent(height)
- return true
- }
- pool.logger.Error("could not find peer to send request for block at height", "height", height)
- return false
- }
- // AddBlock validates that the block comes from the peer it was expected from and stores it in the 'blocks' map.
- func (pool *BlockPool) AddBlock(peerID p2p.ID, block *types.Block, blockSize int) error {
- peer, ok := pool.peers[peerID]
- if !ok {
- pool.logger.Error("block from unknown peer", "height", block.Height, "peer", peerID)
- return errBadDataFromPeer
- }
- if wantPeerID, ok := pool.blocks[block.Height]; ok && wantPeerID != peerID {
- pool.logger.Error("block received from wrong peer", "height", block.Height,
- "peer", peerID, "expected_peer", wantPeerID)
- return errBadDataFromPeer
- }
- return peer.AddBlock(block, blockSize)
- }
- // BlockData stores the peer responsible to deliver a block and the actual block if delivered.
- type BlockData struct {
- block *types.Block
- peer *BpPeer
- }
- // BlockAndPeerAtHeight retrieves the block and delivery peer at specified height.
- // Returns errMissingBlock if a block was not found
- func (pool *BlockPool) BlockAndPeerAtHeight(height int64) (bData *BlockData, err error) {
- peerID := pool.blocks[height]
- peer := pool.peers[peerID]
- if peer == nil {
- return nil, errMissingBlock
- }
- block, err := peer.BlockAtHeight(height)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &BlockData{peer: peer, block: block}, nil
- }
- // FirstTwoBlocksAndPeers returns the blocks and the delivery peers at pool's height H and H+1.
- func (pool *BlockPool) FirstTwoBlocksAndPeers() (first, second *BlockData, err error) {
- first, err = pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(pool.Height)
- second, err2 := pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(pool.Height + 1)
- if err == nil {
- err = err2
- }
- return
- }
- // InvalidateFirstTwoBlocks removes the peers that sent us the first two blocks, blocks are removed by RemovePeer().
- func (pool *BlockPool) InvalidateFirstTwoBlocks(err error) {
- first, err1 := pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(pool.Height)
- second, err2 := pool.BlockAndPeerAtHeight(pool.Height + 1)
- if err1 == nil {
- pool.RemovePeer(first.peer.ID, err)
- }
- if err2 == nil {
- pool.RemovePeer(second.peer.ID, err)
- }
- }
- // ProcessedCurrentHeightBlock performs cleanup after a block is processed. It removes block at pool height and
- // the peers that are now short.
- func (pool *BlockPool) ProcessedCurrentHeightBlock() {
- peerID, peerOk := pool.blocks[pool.Height]
- if peerOk {
- pool.peers[peerID].RemoveBlock(pool.Height)
- }
- delete(pool.blocks, pool.Height)
- pool.logger.Debug("removed block at height", "height", pool.Height)
- pool.Height++
- pool.removeShortPeers()
- }
- // RemovePeerAtCurrentHeights checks if a block at pool's height H exists and if not, it removes the
- // delivery peer and returns. If a block at height H exists then the check and peer removal is done for H+1.
- // This function is called when the FSM is not able to make progress for some time.
- // This happens if either the block H or H+1 have not been delivered.
- func (pool *BlockPool) RemovePeerAtCurrentHeights(err error) {
- peerID := pool.blocks[pool.Height]
- peer, ok := pool.peers[peerID]
- if ok {
- if _, err := peer.BlockAtHeight(pool.Height); err != nil {
- pool.logger.Info("remove peer that hasn't sent block at pool.Height",
- "peer", peerID, "height", pool.Height)
- pool.RemovePeer(peerID, err)
- return
- }
- }
- peerID = pool.blocks[pool.Height+1]
- peer, ok = pool.peers[peerID]
- if ok {
- if _, err := peer.BlockAtHeight(pool.Height + 1); err != nil {
- pool.logger.Info("remove peer that hasn't sent block at pool.Height+1",
- "peer", peerID, "height", pool.Height+1)
- pool.RemovePeer(peerID, err)
- return
- }
- }
- }
- // Cleanup performs pool and peer cleanup
- func (pool *BlockPool) Cleanup() {
- for id, peer := range pool.peers {
- peer.Cleanup()
- delete(pool.peers, id)
- }
- pool.plannedRequests = make(map[int64]struct{})
- pool.blocks = make(map[int64]p2p.ID)
- pool.nextRequestHeight = 0
- pool.Height = 0
- pool.MaxPeerHeight = 0
- }
- // NumPeers returns the number of peers in the pool
- func (pool *BlockPool) NumPeers() int {
- return len(pool.peers)
- }
- // NeedsBlocks returns true if more blocks are required.
- func (pool *BlockPool) NeedsBlocks() bool {
- return len(pool.blocks) < maxNumRequests
- }