- package types
- import (
- "bytes"
- "context"
- "encoding/binary"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "sort"
- "strings"
- "time"
- abci "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/abci/types"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/merkle"
- "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/crypto/tmhash"
- tmjson "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/json"
- tmrand "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/libs/rand"
- tmproto "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proto/tendermint/types"
- )
- // Evidence represents any provable malicious activity by a validator.
- // Verification logic for each evidence is part of the evidence module.
- type Evidence interface {
- ABCI() []abci.Evidence // forms individual evidence to be sent to the application
- Bytes() []byte // bytes which comprise the evidence
- Hash() []byte // hash of the evidence
- Height() int64 // height of the infraction
- String() string // string format of the evidence
- Time() time.Time // time of the infraction
- ValidateBasic() error // basic consistency check
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // DuplicateVoteEvidence contains evidence of a single validator signing two conflicting votes.
- type DuplicateVoteEvidence struct {
- VoteA *Vote `json:"vote_a"`
- VoteB *Vote `json:"vote_b"`
- // abci specific information
- TotalVotingPower int64
- ValidatorPower int64
- Timestamp time.Time
- }
- var _ Evidence = &DuplicateVoteEvidence{}
- // NewDuplicateVoteEvidence creates DuplicateVoteEvidence with right ordering given
- // two conflicting votes. If either of the votes is nil, the val set is nil or the voter is
- // not in the val set, an error is returned
- func NewDuplicateVoteEvidence(vote1, vote2 *Vote, blockTime time.Time, valSet *ValidatorSet,
- ) (*DuplicateVoteEvidence, error) {
- var voteA, voteB *Vote
- if vote1 == nil || vote2 == nil {
- return nil, errors.New("missing vote")
- }
- if valSet == nil {
- return nil, errors.New("missing validator set")
- }
- idx, val := valSet.GetByAddress(vote1.ValidatorAddress)
- if idx == -1 {
- return nil, errors.New("validator not in validator set")
- }
- if strings.Compare(vote1.BlockID.Key(), vote2.BlockID.Key()) == -1 {
- voteA = vote1
- voteB = vote2
- } else {
- voteA = vote2
- voteB = vote1
- }
- return &DuplicateVoteEvidence{
- VoteA: voteA,
- VoteB: voteB,
- TotalVotingPower: valSet.TotalVotingPower(),
- ValidatorPower: val.VotingPower,
- Timestamp: blockTime,
- }, nil
- }
- // ABCI returns the application relevant representation of the evidence
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) ABCI() []abci.Evidence {
- return []abci.Evidence{{
- Type: abci.EvidenceType_DUPLICATE_VOTE,
- Validator: abci.Validator{
- Address: dve.VoteA.ValidatorAddress,
- Power: dve.ValidatorPower,
- },
- Height: dve.VoteA.Height,
- Time: dve.Timestamp,
- TotalVotingPower: dve.TotalVotingPower,
- }}
- }
- // Bytes returns the proto-encoded evidence as a byte array.
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) Bytes() []byte {
- pbe := dve.ToProto()
- bz, err := pbe.Marshal()
- if err != nil {
- panic("marshaling duplicate vote evidence to bytes: " + err.Error())
- }
- return bz
- }
- // Hash returns the hash of the evidence.
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) Hash() []byte {
- return tmhash.Sum(dve.Bytes())
- }
- // Height returns the height of the infraction
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) Height() int64 {
- return dve.VoteA.Height
- }
- // String returns a string representation of the evidence.
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("DuplicateVoteEvidence{VoteA: %v, VoteB: %v}", dve.VoteA, dve.VoteB)
- }
- // Time returns the time of the infraction
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) Time() time.Time {
- return dve.Timestamp
- }
- // ValidateBasic performs basic validation.
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) ValidateBasic() error {
- if dve == nil {
- return errors.New("empty duplicate vote evidence")
- }
- if dve.VoteA == nil || dve.VoteB == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("one or both of the votes are empty %v, %v", dve.VoteA, dve.VoteB)
- }
- if err := dve.VoteA.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid VoteA: %w", err)
- }
- if err := dve.VoteB.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid VoteB: %w", err)
- }
- // Enforce Votes are lexicographically sorted on blockID
- if strings.Compare(dve.VoteA.BlockID.Key(), dve.VoteB.BlockID.Key()) >= 0 {
- return errors.New("duplicate votes in invalid order")
- }
- return nil
- }
- // ValidateABCI validates the ABCI component of the evidence by checking the
- // timestamp, validator power and total voting power.
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) ValidateABCI(
- val *Validator,
- valSet *ValidatorSet,
- evidenceTime time.Time,
- ) error {
- if dve.Timestamp != evidenceTime {
- return fmt.Errorf(
- "evidence has a different time to the block it is associated with (%v != %v)",
- dve.Timestamp, evidenceTime)
- }
- if val.VotingPower != dve.ValidatorPower {
- return fmt.Errorf("validator power from evidence and our validator set does not match (%d != %d)",
- dve.ValidatorPower, val.VotingPower)
- }
- if valSet.TotalVotingPower() != dve.TotalVotingPower {
- return fmt.Errorf("total voting power from the evidence and our validator set does not match (%d != %d)",
- dve.TotalVotingPower, valSet.TotalVotingPower())
- }
- return nil
- }
- // GenerateABCI populates the ABCI component of the evidence. This includes the
- // validator power, timestamp and total voting power.
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) GenerateABCI(
- val *Validator,
- valSet *ValidatorSet,
- evidenceTime time.Time,
- ) {
- dve.ValidatorPower = val.VotingPower
- dve.TotalVotingPower = valSet.TotalVotingPower()
- dve.Timestamp = evidenceTime
- }
- // ToProto encodes DuplicateVoteEvidence to protobuf
- func (dve *DuplicateVoteEvidence) ToProto() *tmproto.DuplicateVoteEvidence {
- voteB := dve.VoteB.ToProto()
- voteA := dve.VoteA.ToProto()
- tp := tmproto.DuplicateVoteEvidence{
- VoteA: voteA,
- VoteB: voteB,
- TotalVotingPower: dve.TotalVotingPower,
- ValidatorPower: dve.ValidatorPower,
- Timestamp: dve.Timestamp,
- }
- return &tp
- }
- // DuplicateVoteEvidenceFromProto decodes protobuf into DuplicateVoteEvidence
- func DuplicateVoteEvidenceFromProto(pb *tmproto.DuplicateVoteEvidence) (*DuplicateVoteEvidence, error) {
- if pb == nil {
- return nil, errors.New("nil duplicate vote evidence")
- }
- vA, err := VoteFromProto(pb.VoteA)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- vB, err := VoteFromProto(pb.VoteB)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- dve := &DuplicateVoteEvidence{
- VoteA: vA,
- VoteB: vB,
- TotalVotingPower: pb.TotalVotingPower,
- ValidatorPower: pb.ValidatorPower,
- Timestamp: pb.Timestamp,
- }
- return dve, dve.ValidateBasic()
- }
- //------------------------------------ LIGHT EVIDENCE --------------------------------------
- // LightClientAttackEvidence is a generalized evidence that captures all forms of known attacks on
- // a light client such that a full node can verify, propose and commit the evidence on-chain for
- // punishment of the malicious validators. There are three forms of attacks: Lunatic, Equivocation
- // and Amnesia. These attacks are exhaustive. You can find a more detailed overview of this at
- // tendermint/docs/architecture/adr-047-handling-evidence-from-light-client.md
- //
- // CommonHeight is used to indicate the type of attack. If the height is different to the conflicting block
- // height, then nodes will treat this as of the Lunatic form, else it is of the Equivocation form.
- type LightClientAttackEvidence struct {
- ConflictingBlock *LightBlock
- CommonHeight int64
- // abci specific information
- ByzantineValidators []*Validator // validators in the validator set that misbehaved in creating the conflicting block
- TotalVotingPower int64 // total voting power of the validator set at the common height
- Timestamp time.Time // timestamp of the block at the common height
- }
- var _ Evidence = &LightClientAttackEvidence{}
- // ABCI forms an array of abci evidence for each byzantine validator
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) ABCI() []abci.Evidence {
- abciEv := make([]abci.Evidence, len(l.ByzantineValidators))
- for idx, val := range l.ByzantineValidators {
- abciEv[idx] = abci.Evidence{
- Type: abci.EvidenceType_LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK,
- Validator: TM2PB.Validator(val),
- Height: l.Height(),
- Time: l.Timestamp,
- TotalVotingPower: l.TotalVotingPower,
- }
- }
- return abciEv
- }
- // Bytes returns the proto-encoded evidence as a byte array
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) Bytes() []byte {
- pbe, err := l.ToProto()
- if err != nil {
- panic("converting light client attack evidence to proto: " + err.Error())
- }
- bz, err := pbe.Marshal()
- if err != nil {
- panic("marshaling light client attack evidence to bytes: " + err.Error())
- }
- return bz
- }
- // GetByzantineValidators finds out what style of attack LightClientAttackEvidence was and then works out who
- // the malicious validators were and returns them. This is used both for forming the ByzantineValidators
- // field and for validating that it is correct. Validators are ordered based on validator power
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) GetByzantineValidators(commonVals *ValidatorSet,
- trusted *SignedHeader) []*Validator {
- var validators []*Validator
- // First check if the header is invalid. This means that it is a lunatic attack and therefore we take the
- // validators who are in the commonVals and voted for the lunatic header
- if l.ConflictingHeaderIsInvalid(trusted.Header) {
- for _, commitSig := range l.ConflictingBlock.Commit.Signatures {
- if !commitSig.ForBlock() {
- continue
- }
- _, val := commonVals.GetByAddress(commitSig.ValidatorAddress)
- if val == nil {
- // validator wasn't in the common validator set
- continue
- }
- validators = append(validators, val)
- }
- sort.Sort(ValidatorsByVotingPower(validators))
- return validators
- } else if trusted.Commit.Round == l.ConflictingBlock.Commit.Round {
- // This is an equivocation attack as both commits are in the same round. We then find the validators
- // from the conflicting light block validator set that voted in both headers.
- // Validator hashes are the same therefore the indexing order of validators are the same and thus we
- // only need a single loop to find the validators that voted twice.
- for i := 0; i < len(l.ConflictingBlock.Commit.Signatures); i++ {
- sigA := l.ConflictingBlock.Commit.Signatures[i]
- if !sigA.ForBlock() {
- continue
- }
- sigB := trusted.Commit.Signatures[i]
- if !sigB.ForBlock() {
- continue
- }
- _, val := l.ConflictingBlock.ValidatorSet.GetByAddress(sigA.ValidatorAddress)
- validators = append(validators, val)
- }
- sort.Sort(ValidatorsByVotingPower(validators))
- return validators
- }
- // if the rounds are different then this is an amnesia attack. Unfortunately, given the nature of the attack,
- // we aren't able yet to deduce which are malicious validators and which are not hence we return an
- // empty validator set.
- return validators
- }
- // ConflictingHeaderIsInvalid takes a trusted header and matches it againt a conflicting header
- // to determine whether the conflicting header was the product of a valid state transition
- // or not. If it is then all the deterministic fields of the header should be the same.
- // If not, it is an invalid header and constitutes a lunatic attack.
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) ConflictingHeaderIsInvalid(trustedHeader *Header) bool {
- return !bytes.Equal(trustedHeader.ValidatorsHash, l.ConflictingBlock.ValidatorsHash) ||
- !bytes.Equal(trustedHeader.NextValidatorsHash, l.ConflictingBlock.NextValidatorsHash) ||
- !bytes.Equal(trustedHeader.ConsensusHash, l.ConflictingBlock.ConsensusHash) ||
- !bytes.Equal(trustedHeader.AppHash, l.ConflictingBlock.AppHash) ||
- !bytes.Equal(trustedHeader.LastResultsHash, l.ConflictingBlock.LastResultsHash)
- }
- // Hash returns the hash of the header and the commonHeight. This is designed to cause hash collisions
- // with evidence that have the same conflicting header and common height but different permutations
- // of validator commit signatures. The reason for this is that we don't want to allow several
- // permutations of the same evidence to be committed on chain. Ideally we commit the header with the
- // most commit signatures (captures the most byzantine validators) but anything greater than 1/3 is
- // sufficient.
- // TODO: We should change the hash to include the commit, header, total voting power, byzantine
- // validators and timestamp
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) Hash() []byte {
- buf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
- n := binary.PutVarint(buf, l.CommonHeight)
- bz := make([]byte, tmhash.Size+n)
- copy(bz[:tmhash.Size-1], l.ConflictingBlock.Hash().Bytes())
- copy(bz[tmhash.Size:], buf)
- return tmhash.Sum(bz)
- }
- // Height returns the last height at which the primary provider and witness provider had the same header.
- // We use this as the height of the infraction rather than the actual conflicting header because we know
- // that the malicious validators were bonded at this height which is important for evidence expiry
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) Height() int64 {
- return l.CommonHeight
- }
- // String returns a string representation of LightClientAttackEvidence
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`LightClientAttackEvidence{
- ConflictingBlock: %v,
- CommonHeight: %d,
- ByzatineValidators: %v,
- TotalVotingPower: %d,
- Timestamp: %v}#%X`,
- l.ConflictingBlock.String(), l.CommonHeight, l.ByzantineValidators,
- l.TotalVotingPower, l.Timestamp, l.Hash())
- }
- // Time returns the time of the common block where the infraction leveraged off.
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) Time() time.Time {
- return l.Timestamp
- }
- // ValidateBasic performs basic validation such that the evidence is consistent and can now be used for verification.
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) ValidateBasic() error {
- if l.ConflictingBlock == nil {
- return errors.New("conflicting block is nil")
- }
- // this check needs to be done before we can run validate basic
- if l.ConflictingBlock.Header == nil {
- return errors.New("conflicting block missing header")
- }
- if l.TotalVotingPower <= 0 {
- return errors.New("negative or zero total voting power")
- }
- if l.CommonHeight <= 0 {
- return errors.New("negative or zero common height")
- }
- // check that common height isn't ahead of the height of the conflicting block. It
- // is possible that they are the same height if the light node witnesses either an
- // amnesia or a equivocation attack.
- if l.CommonHeight > l.ConflictingBlock.Height {
- return fmt.Errorf("common height is ahead of the conflicting block height (%d > %d)",
- l.CommonHeight, l.ConflictingBlock.Height)
- }
- if err := l.ConflictingBlock.ValidateBasic(l.ConflictingBlock.ChainID); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid conflicting light block: %w", err)
- }
- return nil
- }
- // ValidateABCI validates the ABCI component of the evidence by checking the
- // timestamp, byzantine validators and total voting power all match. ABCI
- // components are validated separately because they can be re generated if
- // invalid.
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) ValidateABCI(
- commonVals *ValidatorSet,
- trustedHeader *SignedHeader,
- evidenceTime time.Time,
- ) error {
- if evTotal, valsTotal := l.TotalVotingPower, commonVals.TotalVotingPower(); evTotal != valsTotal {
- return fmt.Errorf("total voting power from the evidence and our validator set does not match (%d != %d)",
- evTotal, valsTotal)
- }
- if l.Timestamp != evidenceTime {
- return fmt.Errorf(
- "evidence has a different time to the block it is associated with (%v != %v)",
- l.Timestamp, evidenceTime)
- }
- // Find out what type of attack this was and thus extract the malicious
- // validators. Note, in the case of an Amnesia attack we don't have any
- // malicious validators.
- validators := l.GetByzantineValidators(commonVals, trustedHeader)
- // Ensure this matches the validators that are listed in the evidence. They
- // should be ordered based on power.
- if validators == nil && l.ByzantineValidators != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf(
- "expected nil validators from an amnesia light client attack but got %d",
- len(l.ByzantineValidators),
- )
- }
- if exp, got := len(validators), len(l.ByzantineValidators); exp != got {
- return fmt.Errorf("expected %d byzantine validators from evidence but got %d", exp, got)
- }
- for idx, val := range validators {
- if !bytes.Equal(l.ByzantineValidators[idx].Address, val.Address) {
- return fmt.Errorf(
- "evidence contained an unexpected byzantine validator address; expected: %v, got: %v",
- val.Address, l.ByzantineValidators[idx].Address,
- )
- }
- if l.ByzantineValidators[idx].VotingPower != val.VotingPower {
- return fmt.Errorf(
- "evidence contained unexpected byzantine validator power; expected %d, got %d",
- val.VotingPower, l.ByzantineValidators[idx].VotingPower,
- )
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // GenerateABCI populates the ABCI component of the evidence: the timestamp,
- // total voting power and byantine validators
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) GenerateABCI(
- commonVals *ValidatorSet,
- trustedHeader *SignedHeader,
- evidenceTime time.Time,
- ) {
- l.Timestamp = evidenceTime
- l.TotalVotingPower = commonVals.TotalVotingPower()
- l.ByzantineValidators = l.GetByzantineValidators(commonVals, trustedHeader)
- }
- // ToProto encodes LightClientAttackEvidence to protobuf
- func (l *LightClientAttackEvidence) ToProto() (*tmproto.LightClientAttackEvidence, error) {
- conflictingBlock, err := l.ConflictingBlock.ToProto()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- byzVals := make([]*tmproto.Validator, len(l.ByzantineValidators))
- for idx, val := range l.ByzantineValidators {
- valpb, err := val.ToProto()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- byzVals[idx] = valpb
- }
- return &tmproto.LightClientAttackEvidence{
- ConflictingBlock: conflictingBlock,
- CommonHeight: l.CommonHeight,
- ByzantineValidators: byzVals,
- TotalVotingPower: l.TotalVotingPower,
- Timestamp: l.Timestamp,
- }, nil
- }
- // LightClientAttackEvidenceFromProto decodes protobuf
- func LightClientAttackEvidenceFromProto(lpb *tmproto.LightClientAttackEvidence) (*LightClientAttackEvidence, error) {
- if lpb == nil {
- return nil, errors.New("empty light client attack evidence")
- }
- conflictingBlock, err := LightBlockFromProto(lpb.ConflictingBlock)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- byzVals := make([]*Validator, len(lpb.ByzantineValidators))
- for idx, valpb := range lpb.ByzantineValidators {
- val, err := ValidatorFromProto(valpb)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- byzVals[idx] = val
- }
- l := &LightClientAttackEvidence{
- ConflictingBlock: conflictingBlock,
- CommonHeight: lpb.CommonHeight,
- ByzantineValidators: byzVals,
- TotalVotingPower: lpb.TotalVotingPower,
- Timestamp: lpb.Timestamp,
- }
- return l, l.ValidateBasic()
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // EvidenceList is a list of Evidence. Evidences is not a word.
- type EvidenceList []Evidence
- // Hash returns the simple merkle root hash of the EvidenceList.
- func (evl EvidenceList) Hash() []byte {
- // These allocations are required because Evidence is not of type Bytes, and
- // golang slices can't be typed cast. This shouldn't be a performance problem since
- // the Evidence size is capped.
- evidenceBzs := make([][]byte, len(evl))
- for i := 0; i < len(evl); i++ {
- // TODO: We should change this to the hash. Using bytes contains some unexported data that
- // may cause different hashes
- evidenceBzs[i] = evl[i].Bytes()
- }
- return merkle.HashFromByteSlices(evidenceBzs)
- }
- func (evl EvidenceList) String() string {
- s := ""
- for _, e := range evl {
- s += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t\t", e)
- }
- return s
- }
- // Has returns true if the evidence is in the EvidenceList.
- func (evl EvidenceList) Has(evidence Evidence) bool {
- for _, ev := range evl {
- if bytes.Equal(evidence.Hash(), ev.Hash()) {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- //------------------------------------------ PROTO --------------------------------------
- // EvidenceToProto is a generalized function for encoding evidence that conforms to the
- // evidence interface to protobuf
- func EvidenceToProto(evidence Evidence) (*tmproto.Evidence, error) {
- if evidence == nil {
- return nil, errors.New("nil evidence")
- }
- switch evi := evidence.(type) {
- case *DuplicateVoteEvidence:
- pbev := evi.ToProto()
- return &tmproto.Evidence{
- Sum: &tmproto.Evidence_DuplicateVoteEvidence{
- DuplicateVoteEvidence: pbev,
- },
- }, nil
- case *LightClientAttackEvidence:
- pbev, err := evi.ToProto()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &tmproto.Evidence{
- Sum: &tmproto.Evidence_LightClientAttackEvidence{
- LightClientAttackEvidence: pbev,
- },
- }, nil
- default:
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("toproto: evidence is not recognized: %T", evi)
- }
- }
- // EvidenceFromProto is a generalized function for decoding protobuf into the
- // evidence interface
- func EvidenceFromProto(evidence *tmproto.Evidence) (Evidence, error) {
- if evidence == nil {
- return nil, errors.New("nil evidence")
- }
- switch evi := evidence.Sum.(type) {
- case *tmproto.Evidence_DuplicateVoteEvidence:
- return DuplicateVoteEvidenceFromProto(evi.DuplicateVoteEvidence)
- case *tmproto.Evidence_LightClientAttackEvidence:
- return LightClientAttackEvidenceFromProto(evi.LightClientAttackEvidence)
- default:
- return nil, errors.New("evidence is not recognized")
- }
- }
- func init() {
- tmjson.RegisterType(&DuplicateVoteEvidence{}, "tendermint/DuplicateVoteEvidence")
- tmjson.RegisterType(&LightClientAttackEvidence{}, "tendermint/LightClientAttackEvidence")
- }
- //-------------------------------------------- ERRORS --------------------------------------
- // ErrInvalidEvidence wraps a piece of evidence and the error denoting how or why it is invalid.
- type ErrInvalidEvidence struct {
- Evidence Evidence
- Reason error
- }
- // NewErrInvalidEvidence returns a new EvidenceInvalid with the given err.
- func NewErrInvalidEvidence(ev Evidence, err error) *ErrInvalidEvidence {
- return &ErrInvalidEvidence{ev, err}
- }
- // Error returns a string representation of the error.
- func (err *ErrInvalidEvidence) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid evidence: %v. Evidence: %v", err.Reason, err.Evidence)
- }
- // ErrEvidenceOverflow is for when there the amount of evidence exceeds the max bytes.
- type ErrEvidenceOverflow struct {
- Max int64
- Got int64
- }
- // NewErrEvidenceOverflow returns a new ErrEvidenceOverflow where got > max.
- func NewErrEvidenceOverflow(max, got int64) *ErrEvidenceOverflow {
- return &ErrEvidenceOverflow{max, got}
- }
- // Error returns a string representation of the error.
- func (err *ErrEvidenceOverflow) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Too much evidence: Max %d, got %d", err.Max, err.Got)
- }
- //-------------------------------------------- MOCKING --------------------------------------
- // unstable - use only for testing
- // assumes the round to be 0 and the validator index to be 0
- func NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidence(ctx context.Context, height int64, time time.Time, chainID string) (*DuplicateVoteEvidence, error) {
- val := NewMockPV()
- return NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator(ctx, height, time, val, chainID)
- }
- // assumes voting power to be 10 and validator to be the only one in the set
- func NewMockDuplicateVoteEvidenceWithValidator(ctx context.Context, height int64, time time.Time, pv PrivValidator, chainID string) (*DuplicateVoteEvidence, error) {
- pubKey, err := pv.GetPubKey(ctx)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- val := NewValidator(pubKey, 10)
- voteA := makeMockVote(height, 0, 0, pubKey.Address(), randBlockID(), time)
- vA := voteA.ToProto()
- _ = pv.SignVote(ctx, chainID, vA)
- voteA.Signature = vA.Signature
- voteB := makeMockVote(height, 0, 0, pubKey.Address(), randBlockID(), time)
- vB := voteB.ToProto()
- _ = pv.SignVote(ctx, chainID, vB)
- voteB.Signature = vB.Signature
- ev, err := NewDuplicateVoteEvidence(voteA, voteB, time, NewValidatorSet([]*Validator{val}))
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("constructing mock duplicate vote evidence: %w", err)
- }
- return ev, nil
- }
- func makeMockVote(height int64, round, index int32, addr Address,
- blockID BlockID, time time.Time) *Vote {
- return &Vote{
- Type: tmproto.SignedMsgType(2),
- Height: height,
- Round: round,
- BlockID: blockID,
- Timestamp: time,
- ValidatorAddress: addr,
- ValidatorIndex: index,
- }
- }
- func randBlockID() BlockID {
- return BlockID{
- Hash: tmrand.Bytes(tmhash.Size),
- PartSetHeader: PartSetHeader{
- Total: 1,
- Hash: tmrand.Bytes(tmhash.Size),
- },
- }
- }