- package p2p
- import (
- "net"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- )
- // IPeerSet has a (immutable) subset of the methods of PeerSet.
- type IPeerSet interface {
- Has(key string) bool
- Get(key string) *Peer
- List() []*Peer
- Size() int
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var (
- maxPeersPerIPRange = [4]int{11, 7, 5, 3} // ...
- )
- // PeerSet is a special structure for keeping a table of peers.
- // Iteration over the peers is super fast and thread-safe.
- // We also track how many peers per ip range and avoid too many
- type PeerSet struct {
- mtx sync.Mutex
- lookup map[string]*peerSetItem
- list []*Peer
- connectedIPs *nestedCounter
- }
- type peerSetItem struct {
- peer *Peer
- index int
- }
- func NewPeerSet() *PeerSet {
- return &PeerSet{
- lookup: make(map[string]*peerSetItem),
- list: make([]*Peer, 0, 256),
- connectedIPs: NewNestedCounter(),
- }
- }
- // Returns false if peer with key (uuid) is already in set
- // or if we have too many peers from the peer's ip range
- func (ps *PeerSet) Add(peer *Peer) error {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- if ps.lookup[peer.Key] != nil {
- return ErrSwitchDuplicatePeer
- }
- // ensure we havent maxed out connections for the peer's ip range yet
- // and update the ip range counters
- if !ps.updateIPRangeCounts(peer.Host) {
- return ErrSwitchMaxPeersPerIPRange
- }
- index := len(ps.list)
- // Appending is safe even with other goroutines
- // iterating over the ps.list slice.
- ps.list = append(ps.list, peer)
- ps.lookup[peer.Key] = &peerSetItem{peer, index}
- return nil
- }
- func (ps *PeerSet) Has(peerKey string) bool {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- _, ok := ps.lookup[peerKey]
- return ok
- }
- func (ps *PeerSet) Get(peerKey string) *Peer {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- item, ok := ps.lookup[peerKey]
- if ok {
- return item.peer
- } else {
- return nil
- }
- }
- func (ps *PeerSet) Remove(peer *Peer) {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- item := ps.lookup[peer.Key]
- if item == nil {
- return
- }
- index := item.index
- // Copy the list but without the last element.
- // (we must copy because we're mutating the list)
- newList := make([]*Peer, len(ps.list)-1)
- copy(newList, ps.list)
- // If it's the last peer, that's an easy special case.
- if index == len(ps.list)-1 {
- ps.list = newList
- delete(ps.lookup, peer.Key)
- return
- }
- // Move the last item from ps.list to "index" in list.
- lastPeer := ps.list[len(ps.list)-1]
- lastPeerKey := lastPeer.Key
- lastPeerItem := ps.lookup[lastPeerKey]
- newList[index] = lastPeer
- lastPeerItem.index = index
- ps.list = newList
- delete(ps.lookup, peer.Key)
- }
- func (ps *PeerSet) Size() int {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- return len(ps.list)
- }
- // threadsafe list of peers.
- func (ps *PeerSet) List() []*Peer {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- return ps.list
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // track the number of ips we're connected to for each ip address range
- // forms an ip address hierarchy tree with counts
- // the struct itself is not thread safe and should always only be accessed with the ps.mtx locked
- type nestedCounter struct {
- count int
- children map[string]*nestedCounter
- }
- func NewNestedCounter() *nestedCounter {
- nc := new(nestedCounter)
- nc.children = make(map[string]*nestedCounter)
- return nc
- }
- // Check if we have too many ips in the ip range of the incoming connection
- // Thread safe
- func (ps *PeerSet) HasMaxForIPRange(conn net.Conn) (ok bool) {
- ps.mtx.Lock()
- defer ps.mtx.Unlock()
- ip, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(conn.RemoteAddr().String())
- spl := strings.Split(ip, ".")
- c := ps.connectedIPs
- for i, ipByte := range spl {
- if c, ok = c.children[ipByte]; !ok {
- return false
- }
- if c.count == maxPeersPerIPRange[i] {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- // Update counts for this address' ip range
- // Returns false if we already have enough connections
- // Not thread safe (only called by ps.Add())
- func (ps *PeerSet) updateIPRangeCounts(address string) bool {
- spl := strings.Split(address, ".")
- c := ps.connectedIPs
- return updateNestedCountRecursive(c, spl, 0)
- }
- // recursively descend the ip hierarchy, checking if we have
- // max peers for each range and updating if not
- func updateNestedCountRecursive(c *nestedCounter, ipBytes []string, index int) bool {
- if index == len(ipBytes) {
- return true
- }
- ipByte := ipBytes[index]
- if c2, ok := c.children[ipByte]; !ok {
- c2 = NewNestedCounter()
- c.children[ipByte] = c2
- c = c2
- } else {
- c = c2
- if c.count == maxPeersPerIPRange[index] {
- return false
- }
- }
- if !updateNestedCountRecursive(c, ipBytes, index+1) {
- return false
- }
- c.count += 1
- return true
- }