LILiK / 9gag-lilik
JavaScript 0 0

A LILiK chrome extension for the well known 9gag website

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

zolfa / Zauth
Python 0 0

Helpers to authenticate and programmatically use external websites.

Updated 11 months ago

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

This repository describes the attempt at resuscitation of a ReadyNAS NV+v2.

Updated 2 years ago

Tesi magistrale

Updated 4 years ago

zolfa / pyjod
Python 0 0

Implementazione open-source del protocollo di Strong Customer Authentication di Poste Italiane, (, lato client.

Updated 2 years ago

zolfa / lab-kerr
PostScript 0 0

Updated 4 years ago


Updated 3 years ago

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Easy CA management

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

A pure Python implementation of the lxc_container ansible module

Updated 4 years ago

Playbooks to a new Lilik

Updated 3 years ago

Updated 4 years ago

Updated 3 years ago