- #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
- # Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org)
- # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
- # set (s)hellcheck exceptions
- # shellcheck disable=1091,2010,2016,2034,2039,2059,2086,2091,2129,2143,2154,2181,2183,2188
- START=30
- if [ -n "$(type -t extra_command)" ]
- then
- extra_command "suspend" "Suspend adblock processing"
- extra_command "resume" "Resume adblock processing"
- extra_command "query" "<domain> Query active blocklists and backups for a specific domain"
- extra_command "report" "[[<cli>|<mail>|<gen>|<json>] [<count>] [<search>]] Print DNS statistics with an optional search parameter"
- extra_command "list" "[<add>|<add_sha>|<add_utc>|<add_eng>|<add_stb>|<remove>|<remove_sha>|<remove_utc>|<remove_eng>|<remove_stb>] <source(s)> List/Edit available sources"
- extra_command "timer" "[<add> <tasks> <hour> [<minute>] [<weekday>]]|[<remove> <line no.>] List/Edit cron update intervals"
- extra_command "version" "Print version information"
- else
- EXTRA_COMMANDS="status suspend resume query report list timer version"
- EXTRA_HELP=" status Service status
- suspend Suspend adblock processing
- resume Resume adblock processing
- query <domain> Query active blocklists and backups for a specific domain
- report [[<cli>|<mail>|<gen>|<json>] [<count>] [<search>]] Print DNS statistics with an optional search parameter
- list [<add>|<add_sha>|<add_utc>|<add_eng>|<add_stb>|<remove>|<remove_sha>|<remove_utc>|<remove_eng>|<remove_stb>] <source(s)> List/Edit available sources
- timer [<add> <tasks> <hour> [<minute>] [<weekday>]]|[<remove> <line no.>] List/Edit cron update intervals
- version Print version information"
- fi
- adb_init="/etc/init.d/adblock"
- adb_script="/usr/bin/adblock.sh"
- adb_pidfile="/var/run/adblock.pid"
- if [ -s "${adb_pidfile}" ] && { [ "${action}" = "start" ] || [ "${action}" = "stop" ] || \
- [ "${action}" = "restart" ] || [ "${action}" = "reload" ] || [ "${action}" = "report" ] || \
- [ "${action}" = "suspend" ] || [ "${action}" = "resume" ] || [ "${action}" = "query" ] || \
- { [ "${action}" = "list" ] && [ -n "${1}" ]; }; }
- then
- exit 0
- fi
- version()
- {
- rc_procd "${adb_script}" version
- }
- boot()
- {
- [ -s "${adb_pidfile}" ] && > "${adb_pidfile}"
- rc_procd start_service
- }
- start_service()
- {
- if [ "$("${adb_init}" enabled; printf "%u" ${?})" -eq 0 ]
- then
- if [ "${action}" = "boot" ]
- then
- if [ -n "$(uci_get adblock global adb_trigger)" ]
- then
- return 0
- fi
- fi
- procd_open_instance "adblock"
- procd_set_param command "${adb_script}" "${@}"
- procd_set_param pidfile "${adb_pidfile}"
- procd_set_param nice "$(uci_get adblock global adb_nice "0")"
- procd_set_param stdout 1
- procd_set_param stderr 1
- procd_close_instance
- fi
- }
- reload_service()
- {
- rc_procd start_service reload
- }
- stop_service()
- {
- rc_procd "${adb_script}" stop
- }
- restart()
- {
- rc_procd start_service restart
- }
- suspend()
- {
- rc_procd start_service suspend
- }
- resume()
- {
- rc_procd start_service resume
- }
- query()
- {
- rc_procd "${adb_script}" query "${1}"
- }
- report()
- {
- rc_procd "${adb_script}" report "${1:-"cli"}" "${2}" "${3}"
- }
- list()
- {
- local src_archive src_file src_enabled enabled name sha_list utc_list action="${1}"
- if [ "${action%_*}" = "add" ] || [ "${action%_*}" = "remove" ]
- then
- shift
- for name in "${@}"
- do
- case "${action}" in
- "add")
- if [ -z "$(uci_get adblock global adb_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_add_list adblock global adb_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock source '${name}' added to config"
- fi
- ;;
- "remove")
- if [ -n "$(uci_get adblock global adb_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_remove_list adblock global adb_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock source '${name}' removed from config"
- fi
- ;;
- "add_sha")
- if [ -z "$(uci_get adblock global adb_sha_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_add_list adblock global adb_sha_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock shallalist '${name}' added to config"
- fi
- ;;
- "remove_sha")
- if [ -n "$(uci_get adblock global adb_sha_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_remove_list adblock global adb_sha_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock shallalist '${name}' removed from config"
- fi
- ;;
- "add_utc")
- if [ -z "$(uci_get adblock global adb_utc_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_add_list adblock global adb_utc_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock utcapitole '${name}' added to config"
- fi
- ;;
- "remove_utc")
- if [ -n "$(uci_get adblock global adb_utc_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_remove_list adblock global adb_utc_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock utcapitole '${name}' removed from config"
- fi
- ;;
- "add_eng")
- if [ -z "$(uci_get adblock global adb_eng_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_add_list adblock global adb_eng_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock energized '${name}' added to config"
- fi
- ;;
- "remove_eng")
- if [ -n "$(uci_get adblock global adb_eng_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_remove_list adblock global adb_eng_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock energized '${name}' removed from config"
- fi
- ;;
- "add_stb")
- if [ -z "$(uci_get adblock global adb_stb_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_add_list adblock global adb_stb_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock stevenblack '${name}' added to config"
- fi
- ;;
- "remove_stb")
- if [ -n "$(uci_get adblock global adb_stb_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ]
- then
- uci_remove_list adblock global adb_stb_sources "${name}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock stevenblack '${name}' removed from config"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ -n "$(uci -q changes adblock)" ]
- then
- uci_commit adblock
- "${adb_init}" start
- fi
- else
- src_archive="$(uci_get adblock global adb_srcarc "/etc/adblock/adblock.sources.gz")"
- src_file="$(uci_get adblock global adb_srcfile "/tmp/adb_sources.json")"
- src_enabled="$(uci -q show adblock.global.adb_sources)"
- if [ -r "${src_archive}" ]
- then
- zcat "${src_archive}" > "${src_file}"
- else
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock source archive '${src_archive}' not found"
- fi
- if [ -r "${src_file}" ]
- then
- src_enabled="${src_enabled#*=}"
- src_enabled="${src_enabled//\'}"
- printf "%s\n" "::: Available adblock sources"
- printf "%s\n" ":::"
- printf "%-25s%-10s%-7s%-21s%s\n" " Name" "Enabled" "Size" "Focus" "Info URL"
- printf "%s\n" " -------------------------------------------------------------------"
- json_load_file "${src_file}"
- json_get_keys keylist
- for key in ${keylist}
- do
- json_select "${key}"
- json_get_var size "size"
- json_get_var focus "focus"
- json_get_var descurl "descurl"
- json_get_var url "url"
- json_get_var rule "rule"
- if [ -n "${url}" ] && [ -n "${rule}" ]
- then
- if [ -n "$(printf "%s" "${src_enabled}" | grep -Fo "${key}")" ]
- then
- enabled="x"
- else
- enabled=" "
- fi
- src_enabled="${src_enabled/${key}}"
- printf " + %-21s%-10s%-7s%-21s%s\n" "${key:0:20}" "${enabled}" "${size:0:3}" "${focus:0:20}" "${descurl:0:50}"
- else
- src_enabled="${src_enabled} ${key}"
- fi
- json_select ..
- done
- sha_list="$(uci_get adblock global adb_sha_sources "-")"
- utc_list="$(uci_get adblock global adb_utc_sources "-")"
- eng_list="$(uci_get adblock global adb_eng_sources "-")"
- stb_list="$(uci_get adblock global adb_stb_sources "-")"
- printf "%s\n" " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- printf " * %s\n" "Configured shallalist categories: ${sha_list// /, }"
- printf " * %s\n" "Configured utcapitole categories: ${utc_list// /, }"
- printf " * %s\n" "Configured energized variants: ${eng_list// /, }"
- printf " * %s\n" "Configured stevenblack variants: ${stb_list// /, }"
- if [ -n "${src_enabled// }" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- printf "%s\n" " Sources without valid configuration"
- printf "%s\n" " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- for key in ${src_enabled}
- do
- printf " - %s\n" "${key:0:20}"
- done
- fi
- else
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock source file '${src_file}' not found"
- fi
- fi
- }
- status()
- {
- status_service
- }
- status_service()
- {
- local key keylist value idxval values rtfile
- rtfile="$(uci_get adblock global adb_rtfile "/tmp/adb_runtime.json")"
- json_load_file "${rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- json_get_keys keylist
- if [ -n "${keylist}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" "::: adblock runtime information"
- for key in ${keylist}
- do
- json_get_var value "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "${key%_*}" = "active" ]
- then
- printf " + %-15s : " "${key}"
- json_select "${key}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- values=""
- index=1
- while json_get_type type "${index}" && [ "${type}" = "object" ]
- do
- json_get_values idxval "${index}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "${index}" = "1" ]
- then
- values="${idxval}"
- else
- values="${values}, ${idxval}"
- fi
- index=$((index+1))
- done
- values="$(printf "%s" "${values}" | awk '{NR=1;max=98;if(length($0)>max+1)while($0){if(NR==1){print substr($0,1,max)}else{printf"%-22s%s\n","",substr($0,1,max)}{$0=substr($0,max+1);NR=NR+1}}else print}')"
- printf "%s\n" "${values:-"-"}"
- json_select ".."
- else
- printf " + %-15s : %s\n" "${key}" "${value:-"-"}"
- fi
- done
- else
- printf "%s\n" "::: no adblock runtime information available"
- fi
- }
- timer()
- {
- local cron_file cron_content cron_lineno action="${1:-"list"}" cron_tasks="${2}" hour="${3}" minute="${4:-0}" weekday="${5:-"*"}"
- cron_file="/etc/crontabs/root"
- if [ -s "${cron_file}" ] && [ "${action}" = "list" ]
- then
- awk '{print NR "> " $0}' "${cron_file}"
- elif [ "${action}" = "add" ]
- then
- hour="${hour//[[:alpha:]]/}"
- minute="${minute//[[:alpha:]]/}"
- if [ -n "${cron_tasks}" ] && [ -n "${hour}" ] && [ -n "${minute}" ] && [ -n "${weekday}" ] && \
- [ "${hour}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${hour}" -le 23 ] && \
- [ "${minute}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${minute}" -le 59 ]
- then
- printf "%02d %02d %s\n" "${minute}" "${hour}" "* * ${weekday} ${adb_init} ${cron_tasks}" >> "${cron_file}"
- /etc/init.d/cron restart
- fi
- elif [ -s "${cron_file}" ] && [ "${action}" = "remove" ]
- then
- cron_tasks="${cron_tasks//[[:alpha:]]/}"
- cron_lineno="$(awk 'END{print NR}' "${cron_file}")"
- cron_content="$(awk '{print $0}' "${cron_file}")"
- if [ "${cron_tasks:-"0"}" -le "${cron_lineno:-"1"}" ] && [ -n "${cron_content}" ]
- then
- printf "%s\n" "${cron_content}" | awk "NR!~/^${cron_tasks}$/" > "${cron_file}"
- /etc/init.d/cron restart
- fi
- fi
- }
- service_triggers()
- {
- local iface delay
- iface="$(uci_get adblock global adb_trigger)"
- delay="$(uci_get adblock global adb_triggerdelay "5")"
- PROCD_RELOAD_DELAY=$((delay*1000))
- if [ -z "${iface}" ]
- then
- . "/lib/functions/network.sh"
- network_find_wan iface
- if [ -n "${iface}" ]
- then
- uci_set adblock global adb_trigger "${iface}"
- uci_commit "adblock"
- fi
- fi
- if [ -n "${iface}" ]
- then
- procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*.up" "${iface}" "${adb_init}" "start"
- fi
- procd_add_reload_trigger "adblock"
- }