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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from nd2reader.model import Image, ImageSet
from nd2reader.parser import Nd2Parser
import six
class Nd2(Nd2Parser):
Allows easy access to NIS Elements .nd2 image files.
def __init__(self, filename):
super(Nd2, self).__init__(filename)
self._filename = filename
def __repr__(self):
return "\n".join(["<ND2 %s>" % self._filename,
"Created: %s" % self._absolute_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
"Image size: %sx%s (HxW)" % (self.height, self.width),
"Image cycles: %s" % len(self.time_indexes),
"Channels: %s" % ", ".join(["'%s'" % str(channel) for channel in self.channels]),
"Fields of View: %s" % len(self.fields_of_view),
"Z-Levels: %s" % len(self.z_levels)
def __len__(self):
This should be the total number of images in the ND2, but it may be inaccurate. If the ND2 contains a
different number of images in a cycle (i.e. there are "gap" images) it will be higher than reality.
:rtype: int
return self._image_count * self._channel_count
def __getitem__(self, item):
Allows slicing ND2s.
>>> nd2 = Nd2("my_images.nd2")
>>> image = nd2[16] # gets 17th frame
>>> for image in nd2[100:200]: # iterate over the 100th to 200th images
>>> do_something(
>>> for image in nd2[::-1]: # iterate backwards
>>> do_something(
>>> for image in nd2[37:422:17]: # do something super weird if you really want to
>>> do_something(
:type item: int or slice
:rtype: nd2reader.model.Image() or generator
if isinstance(item, int):
channel_offset = item % len(self.channels)
fov = self._calculate_field_of_view(item)
channel = self._calculate_channel(item)
z_level = self._calculate_z_level(item)
timestamp, raw_image_data = self._get_raw_image_data(item, channel_offset)
image = Image(timestamp, raw_image_data, fov, channel, z_level, self.height, self.width)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
return image
elif isinstance(item, slice):
return self._slice(item.start, item.stop, item.step)
raise IndexError
def _slice(self, start, stop, step):
Allows for iteration over a selection of the entire dataset.
:type start: int
:type stop: int
:type step: int
:rtype: nd2reader.model.Image() or None
start = start if start is not None else 0
step = step if step is not None else 1
stop = stop if stop is not None else len(self)
# This weird thing with the step allows you to iterate backwards over the images
for i in range(start, stop)[::step]:
yield self[i]
def image_sets(self):
Iterates over groups of related images. This is useful if your ND2 contains multiple fields of view.
A typical use case might be that you have, say, four areas of interest that you're monitoring, and every
minute you take a bright field and GFP image of each one. For each cycle, this method would produce four
ImageSet objects, each containing one bright field and one GFP image.
:return: model.ImageSet()
for time_index in self.time_indexes:
image_set = ImageSet()
for fov in self.fields_of_view:
for channel_name in self.channels:
for z_level in self.z_levels:
image = self.get_image(time_index, fov, channel_name, z_level)
if image is not None:
yield image_set
def height(self):
:return: height of each image, in pixels
:rtype: int
return self.metadata[six.b('ImageAttributes')][six.b('SLxImageAttributes')][six.b('uiHeight')]
def width(self):
:return: width of each image, in pixels
:rtype: int
return self.metadata[six.b('ImageAttributes')][six.b('SLxImageAttributes')][six.b('uiWidth')]
def _calculate_field_of_view(self, frame_number):
images_per_cycle = len(self.z_levels) * len(self.channels)
return int((frame_number - (frame_number % images_per_cycle)) / images_per_cycle) % len(self.fields_of_view)
def _calculate_channel(self, frame_number):
return self._channels[frame_number % len(self.channels)]
def _calculate_z_level(self, frame_number):
return self.z_levels[int(((frame_number - (frame_number % len(self.channels))) / len(self.channels)) % len(self.z_levels))]
def get_image(self, time_index, field_of_view, channel_name, z_level):
Returns an Image if data exists for the given parameters, otherwise returns None. In general, you should avoid
using this method unless you're very familiar with the structure of ND2 files. If you have a use case that
cannot be met by the `__iter__` or `image_sets` methods above, please create an issue on Github.
:param time_index: the frame number
:type time_index: int
:param field_of_view: the label for the place in the XY-plane where this image was taken.
:type field_of_view: int
:param channel_name: the name of the color of this image
:type channel_name: str
:param z_level: the label for the location in the Z-plane where this image was taken.
:type z_level: int
:rtype: nd2reader.model.Image() or None
image_group_number = self._calculate_image_group_number(time_index, field_of_view, z_level)
timestamp, raw_image_data = self._get_raw_image_data(image_group_number, self._channel_offset[channel_name])
image = Image(timestamp, raw_image_data, field_of_view, channel_name, z_level, self.height, self.width)
except TypeError:
return None
return image