import re
from nd2reader.common import read_chunk, read_array, read_metadata, parse_date, get_from_dict_if_exists
import xmltodict
import six
import numpy as np
class RawMetadata(object):
"""RawMetadata class parses and stores the raw metadata that is read from the binary file in dict format.
def __init__(self, fh, label_map):
self._fh = fh
self._label_map = label_map
self._metadata_parsed = None
def __dict__(self):
"""Returns the parsed metadata in dictionary form.
dict: the parsed metadata
return self.get_parsed_metadata()
def get_parsed_metadata(self):
"""Returns the parsed metadata in dictionary form.
dict: the parsed metadata
if self._metadata_parsed is not None:
return self._metadata_parsed
frames_per_channel = self._parse_total_images_per_channel()
self._metadata_parsed = {
"height": self._parse_if_not_none(self.image_attributes, self._parse_height),
"width": self._parse_if_not_none(self.image_attributes, self._parse_width),
"date": self._parse_if_not_none(self.image_text_info, self._parse_date),
"fields_of_view": self._parse_fields_of_view(),
"frames": self._parse_frames(),
"z_levels": self._parse_z_levels(),
"total_images_per_channel": frames_per_channel,
"channels": self._parse_channels(),
"pixel_microns": self._parse_if_not_none(self.image_calibration, self._parse_calibration),
self._metadata_parsed['num_frames'] = len(self._metadata_parsed['frames'])
return self._metadata_parsed
def _set_default_if_not_empty(self, entry):
if len(self._metadata_parsed[entry]) == 0 and self._metadata_parsed['total_images_per_channel'] > 0:
# if the file is not empty, we always have one of this entry
self._metadata_parsed[entry] = [0]
def _parse_if_not_none(to_check, callback):
if to_check is not None:
return callback()
return None
def _parse_width_or_height(self, key):
return self.image_attributes[six.b('SLxImageAttributes')][six.b(key)]
def _parse_height(self):
return self._parse_width_or_height('uiHeight')
def _parse_width(self):
return self._parse_width_or_height('uiWidth')
def _parse_date(self):
return parse_date(self.image_text_info[six.b('SLxImageTextInfo')])
def _parse_calibration(self):
return self.image_calibration.get(six.b('SLxCalibration'), {}).get(six.b('dCalibration'))
def _parse_frames(self):
"""The number of cycles.
list: list of all the frame numbers
return self._parse_dimension(r""".*?T'?\((\d+)\).*?""")
def _parse_channels(self):
"""These are labels created by the NIS Elements user. Typically they may a short description of the filter cube
used (e.g. 'bright field', 'GFP', etc.)
list: the color channels
if self.image_metadata_sequence is None:
return []
metadata = self.image_metadata_sequence[six.b('SLxPictureMetadata')][six.b('sPicturePlanes')]
channels = self._process_channels_metadata(metadata)
return channels
def _process_channels_metadata(self, metadata):
validity = self.image_metadata[six.b('SLxExperiment')][six.b('ppNextLevelEx')][six.b('')][0][
except (KeyError, TypeError):
# If none of the channels have been deleted, there is no validity list, so we just make one
validity = [True for _ in metadata]
# Channel information is contained in dictionaries with the keys a0, where the number
# indicates the order in which the channel is stored. So by sorting the dicts alphabetically
# we get the correct order.
channels = []
for (label, chan), valid in zip(sorted(metadata[six.b('sPlaneNew')].items()), validity):
if not valid:
return channels
def _parse_fields_of_view(self):
"""The metadata contains information about fields of view, but it contains it even if some fields
of view were cropped. We can't find anything that states which fields of view are actually
in the image data, so we have to calculate it. There probably is something somewhere, since
NIS Elements can figure it out, but we haven't found it yet.
return self._parse_dimension(r""".*?XY\((\d+)\).*?""")
def _parse_z_levels(self):
"""The different levels in the Z-plane.
list: the z levels, just a sequence from 0 to n.
return self._parse_dimension(r""".*?Z\((\d+)\).*?""")
def _parse_dimension_text(self):
"""While there are metadata values that represent a lot of what we want to capture, they seem to be unreliable.
Sometimes certain elements don't exist, or change their data type randomly. However, the human-readable text
is always there and in the same exact format, so we just parse that instead.
dimension_text = six.b("")
if self.image_text_info is None:
return dimension_text
textinfo = self.image_text_info[six.b('SLxImageTextInfo')].values()
for line in textinfo:
entry = self._parse_dimension_text_line(line)
if entry is not None:
return entry
return dimension_text
def _parse_dimension_text_line(line):
if six.b("Dimensions:") in line:
entries = line.split(six.b("\r\n"))
for entry in entries:
if entry.startswith(six.b("Dimensions:")):
return entry
return None
def _parse_dimension(self, pattern):
dimension_text = self._parse_dimension_text()
if dimension_text is None:
return []
if six.PY3:
dimension_text = dimension_text.decode("utf8")
match = re.match(pattern, dimension_text)
if not match:
return []
count = int(
return list(range(count))
def _parse_total_images_per_channel(self):
"""The total number of images per channel.
Warning: this may be inaccurate as it includes 'gap' images.
if self.image_attributes is None:
return 0
return self.image_attributes[six.b('SLxImageAttributes')][six.b('uiSequenceCount')]
def _parse_roi_metadata(self):
"""Parse the raw ROI metadata.
if self.roi_metadata is None or not six.b('RoiMetadata_v1') in self.roi_metadata:
raw_roi_data = self.roi_metadata[six.b('RoiMetadata_v1')]
if not six.b('m_vectGlobal_Size') in raw_roi_data:
number_of_rois = raw_roi_data[six.b('m_vectGlobal_Size')]
roi_objects = []
for i in range(number_of_rois):
current_roi = raw_roi_data[six.b('m_vectGlobal_%d' % i)]
self._metadata_parsed['rois'] = roi_objects
def _parse_roi(self, raw_roi_dict):
"""Extract the vector animation parameters from the ROI.
This includes the position and size at the given timepoints.
raw_roi_dict: dictionary of raw roi metadata
dict: the parsed ROI metadata
number_of_timepoints = raw_roi_dict[six.b('m_vectAnimParams_Size')]
roi_dict = {
"timepoints": [],
"positions": [],
"sizes": [],
"shape": self._parse_roi_shape(raw_roi_dict[six.b('m_sInfo')][six.b('m_uiShapeType')]),
"type": self._parse_roi_type(raw_roi_dict[six.b('m_sInfo')][six.b('m_uiInterpType')])
for i in range(number_of_timepoints):
roi_dict = self._parse_vect_anim(roi_dict, raw_roi_dict[six.b('m_vectAnimParams_%d' % i)])
# convert to NumPy arrays
roi_dict["timepoints"] = np.array(roi_dict["timepoints"], dtype=np.float)
roi_dict["positions"] = np.array(roi_dict["positions"], dtype=np.float)
roi_dict["sizes"] = np.array(roi_dict["sizes"], dtype=np.float)
return roi_dict
def _parse_roi_shape(shape):
if shape == 3:
return 'rectangle'
elif shape == 9:
return 'circle'
return None
def _parse_roi_type(type_no):
if type_no == 4:
return 'stimulation'
elif type_no == 3:
return 'reference'
elif type_no == 2:
return 'background'
return None
def _parse_vect_anim(self, roi_dict, animation_dict):
Parses a ROI vector animation object and adds it to the global list of timepoints and positions.
roi_dict: the raw roi dictionary
animation_dict: the raw animation dictionary
dict: the parsed metadata
image_width = self._metadata_parsed["width"] * self._metadata_parsed["pixel_microns"]
image_height = self._metadata_parsed["height"] * self._metadata_parsed["pixel_microns"]
# positions are taken from the center of the image as a fraction of the half width/height of the image
position = np.array((0.5 * image_width * (1 + animation_dict[six.b('m_dCenterX')]),
0.5 * image_height * (1 + animation_dict[six.b('m_dCenterY')]),
size_dict = animation_dict[six.b('m_sBoxShape')]
# sizes are fractions of the half width/height of the image
roi_dict["sizes"].append((size_dict[six.b('m_dSizeX')] * 0.25 * image_width,
size_dict[six.b('m_dSizeY')] * 0.25 * image_height,
return roi_dict
def _parse_experiment_metadata(self):
"""Parse the metadata of the ND experiment
if self.image_metadata is None or six.b('SLxExperiment') not in self.image_metadata:
raw_data = self.image_metadata[six.b('SLxExperiment')]
experimental_data = {
'description': 'unknown',
'loops': []
if six.b('wsApplicationDesc') in raw_data:
experimental_data['description'] = raw_data[six.b('wsApplicationDesc')].decode('utf8')
if six.b('uLoopPars') in raw_data:
experimental_data['loops'] = self._parse_loop_data(raw_data[six.b('uLoopPars')])
self._metadata_parsed['experiment'] = experimental_data
def _get_loops_from_data(loop_data):
loops = [loop_data]
if six.b('uiPeriodCount') in loop_data and loop_data[six.b('uiPeriodCount')] > 0:
# special ND experiment
if six.b('pPeriod') not in loop_data:
return []
# take the first dictionary element, it contains all loop data
loops = loop_data[six.b('pPeriod')][list(loop_data[six.b('pPeriod')].keys())[0]]
return loops
def _parse_loop_data(self, loop_data):
"""Parse the experimental loop data
loop_data: dictionary of experiment loops
list: list of the parsed loops
loops = self._get_loops_from_data(loop_data)
# take into account the absolute time in ms
time_offset = 0
parsed_loops = []
for loop in loops:
# duration of this loop
duration = get_from_dict_if_exists('dDuration', loop) or 0
# uiLoopType == 6 is a stimulation loop
is_stimulation = get_from_dict_if_exists('uiLoopType', loop) == 6
interval = self._determine_sampling_interval(duration, loop)
parsed_loop = {
'start': time_offset,
'duration': duration,
'stimulation': is_stimulation,
'sampling_interval': interval
# increase the time offset
time_offset += duration
return parsed_loops
def _determine_sampling_interval(duration, loop):
"""Determines the loop sampling interval in milliseconds
duration: loop duration in milliseconds
loop: loop dictionary
float: the sampling interval in milliseconds
interval = get_from_dict_if_exists('dPeriod', loop)
if interval is None or interval <= 0:
# Use a fallback if it is still not found
interval = get_from_dict_if_exists('dAvgPeriodDiff', loop)
if interval is None or interval <= 0:
# In some cases, both keys are not saved. Then try to calculate it.
interval = RawMetadata._guess_sampling_from_loops(duration, loop)
return interval
def _guess_sampling_from_loops(duration, loop):
""" In some cases, both keys are not saved. Then try to calculate it.
duration: the total duration of the loop
loop: the raw loop data
float: the guessed sampling interval in milliseconds
number_of_loops = get_from_dict_if_exists('uiCount', loop)
number_of_loops = number_of_loops if number_of_loops is not None and number_of_loops > 0 else 1
interval = duration / number_of_loops
return interval
def image_text_info(self):
"""Textual image information
dict: containing the textual image info
return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_text_info), 1)
def image_metadata_sequence(self):
"""Image metadata of the sequence
dict: containing the metadata
return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_metadata_sequence), 1)
def image_calibration(self):
"""The amount of pixels per micron.
dict: pixels per micron
return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_calibration), 1)
def image_attributes(self):
"""Image attributes
dict: containing the image attributes
return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_attributes), 1)
def x_data(self):
"""X data
dict: x_data
return read_array(self._fh, 'double', self._label_map.x_data)
def y_data(self):
"""Y data
dict: y_data
return read_array(self._fh, 'double', self._label_map.y_data)
def z_data(self):
"""Z data
dict: z_data
return read_array(self._fh, 'double', self._label_map.z_data)
def roi_metadata(self):
"""Contains information about the defined ROIs: shape, position and type (reference/background/stimulation).
dict: ROI metadata dictionary
return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.roi_metadata), 1)
def pfs_status(self):
"""Perfect focus system (PFS) status
dict: Perfect focus system (PFS) status
return read_array(self._fh, 'int', self._label_map.pfs_status)
def pfs_offset(self):
"""Perfect focus system (PFS) offset
dict: Perfect focus system (PFS) offset
return read_array(self._fh, 'int', self._label_map.pfs_offset)
def camera_exposure_time(self):
"""Exposure time information
dict: Camera exposure time
return read_array(self._fh, 'double', self._label_map.camera_exposure_time)
def lut_data(self):
"""LUT information
dict: LUT information
return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.lut_data))
def grabber_settings(self):
"""Grabber settings
dict: Acquisition settings
return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.grabber_settings))
def custom_data(self):
"""Custom user data
dict: custom user data
return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.custom_data))
def app_info(self):
"""NIS elements application info
dict: (Version) information of the NIS Elements application
return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.app_info))
def camera_temp(self):
"""Camera temperature
float: the temperature
camera_temp = read_array(self._fh, 'double', self._label_map.camera_temp)
if camera_temp:
for temp in map(lambda x: round(x * 100.0, 2), camera_temp):
yield temp
def acquisition_times(self):
"""Acquisition times
float: the acquisition time
acquisition_times = read_array(self._fh, 'double', self._label_map.acquisition_times)
if acquisition_times:
for acquisition_time in map(lambda x: x / 1000.0, acquisition_times):
yield acquisition_time
def image_metadata(self):
"""Image metadata
dict: Extra image metadata
if self._label_map.image_metadata:
return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_metadata), 1)