import unittest import warnings from nd2reader.legacy import Nd2 from nd2reader.reader import ND2Reader from nd2reader.artificial import ArtificialND2 class TestLegacy(unittest.TestCase): def test_init(self): with ArtificialND2('test_data/legacy.nd2'): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # Cause all warnings to always be triggered. warnings.simplefilter("always") with Nd2('test_data/legacy.nd2') as reader: self.assertIsInstance(reader.reader, ND2Reader) self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[0].category, DeprecationWarning)) self.assertEquals(str(w[0].message), "The 'Nd2' class is deprecated, please consider using the new" + " ND2Reader interface which uses pims.") def test_misc(self): with ArtificialND2('test_data/legacy.nd2'): with Nd2('test_data/legacy.nd2') as reader: representation = "\n".join(["" % reader.reader.filename, "Created: Unknown", "Image size: %sx%s (HxW)" % (reader.height, reader.width), "Frames: %s" % len(reader.frames), "Channels: %s" % ", ".join(["%s" % str(channel) for channel in reader.channels]), "Fields of View: %s" % len(reader.fields_of_view), "Z-Levels: %s" % len(reader.z_levels) ]) self.assertEquals(representation, str(reader)) # not implemented yet self.assertEquals(reader.pixel_microns, None) self.assertEquals(len(reader), 1)