- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import struct
- import array
- import six
- from pims import Frame
- import numpy as np
- from nd2reader.common import get_version, read_chunk
- from nd2reader.exceptions import InvalidVersionError, NoImageError
- from nd2reader.label_map import LabelMap
- from nd2reader.raw_metadata import RawMetadata
- class Parser(object):
- """Parses ND2 files and creates a Metadata and driver object.
- """
- CHUNK_HEADER = 0xabeceda
- supported_file_versions = {(3, None): True}
- def __init__(self, fh):
- self._fh = fh
- self._label_map = None
- self._raw_metadata = None
- self.metadata = None
- # First check the file version
- self._check_version_supported()
- # Parse the metadata
- self._parse_metadata()
- def calculate_image_properties(self, index):
- """Calculate FOV, channels and z_levels
- Args:
- index(int): the index (which is simply the order in which the image was acquired)
- Returns:
- tuple: tuple of the field of view, the channel and the z level
- """
- field_of_view = self._calculate_field_of_view(index)
- channel = self._calculate_channel(index)
- z_level = self._calculate_z_level(index)
- return field_of_view, channel, z_level
- def get_image(self, index):
- """
- Creates an Image object and adds its metadata, based on the index (which is simply the order in which the image
- was acquired). May return None if the ND2 contains multiple channels and not all were taken in each cycle (for
- example, if you take bright field images every minute, and GFP images every five minutes, there will be some
- indexes that do not contain an image. The reason for this is complicated, but suffice it to say that we hope to
- eliminate this possibility in future releases. For now, you'll need to check if your image is None if you're
- doing anything out of the ordinary.
- Args:
- index(int): the index (which is simply the order in which the image was acquired)
- Returns:
- Frame: the image
- """
- field_of_view, channel, z_level = self.calculate_image_properties(index)
- channel_offset = index % len(self.metadata["channels"])
- image_group_number = int(index / len(self.metadata["channels"]))
- frame_number = self._calculate_frame_number(image_group_number, field_of_view, z_level)
- try:
- timestamp, image = self._get_raw_image_data(image_group_number, channel_offset, self.metadata["height"],
- self.metadata["width"])
- except (TypeError, NoImageError):
- return Frame([], frame_no=frame_number, metadata=self._get_frame_metadata())
- else:
- return image
- def get_image_by_attributes(self, frame_number, field_of_view, channel_name, z_level, height, width):
- """Gets an image based on its attributes alone
- Args:
- frame_number: the frame number
- field_of_view: the field of view
- channel_name: the color channel name
- z_level: the z level
- height: the height of the image
- width: the width of the image
- Returns:
- Frame: the requested image
- """
- image_group_number = self._calculate_image_group_number(frame_number, field_of_view, z_level)
- try:
- timestamp, raw_image_data = self._get_raw_image_data(image_group_number, self._channel_offset[channel_name],
- height, width)
- except (TypeError, NoImageError):
- return Frame([], frame_no=frame_number, metadata=self._get_frame_metadata())
- else:
- return raw_image_data
- @staticmethod
- def get_dtype_from_metadata():
- """Determine the data type from the metadata.
- For now, always use float64 to prevent unexpected overflow errors when manipulating the data (calculating sums/
- means/etc.)
- """
- return np.float64
- def _check_version_supported(self):
- """Checks if the ND2 file version is supported by this reader.
- Returns:
- bool: True on supported
- Raises:
- InvalidVersionError: Raises an error if the version is unsupported
- """
- major_version, minor_version = get_version(self._fh)
- supported = self.supported_file_versions.get((major_version, minor_version)) or \
- self.supported_file_versions.get((major_version, None))
- if not supported:
- raise InvalidVersionError("No parser is available for that version.")
- return supported
- def _parse_metadata(self):
- """Reads all metadata and instantiates the Metadata object.
- """
- # Retrieve raw metadata from the label mapping
- self._label_map = self._build_label_map()
- self._raw_metadata = RawMetadata(self._fh, self._label_map)
- self.metadata = self._raw_metadata.__dict__
- def _build_label_map(self):
- """
- Every label ends with an exclamation point, however, we can't directly search for those to find all the labels
- as some of the bytes contain the value 33, which is the ASCII code for "!". So we iteratively find each label,
- grab the subsequent data (always 16 bytes long), advance to the next label and repeat.
- Returns:
- LabelMap: the computed label map
- """
- self._fh.seek(-8, 2)
- chunk_map_start_location = struct.unpack("Q", self._fh.read(8))[0]
- self._fh.seek(chunk_map_start_location)
- raw_text = self._fh.read(-1)
- return LabelMap(raw_text)
- def _calculate_field_of_view(self, index):
- """Determines what field of view was being imaged for a given image.
- Args:
- index(int): the index (which is simply the order in which the image was acquired)
- Returns:
- int: the field of view
- """
- images_per_cycle = len(self.metadata["z_levels"]) * len(self.metadata["channels"])
- return int((index - (index % images_per_cycle)) / images_per_cycle) % len(self.metadata["fields_of_view"])
- def _calculate_channel(self, index):
- """Determines what channel a particular image is.
- Args:
- index(int): the index (which is simply the order in which the image was acquired)
- Returns:
- string: the name of the color channel
- """
- return self.metadata["channels"][index % len(self.metadata["channels"])]
- def _calculate_z_level(self, index):
- """Determines the plane in the z-axis a given image was taken in.
- In the future, this will be replaced with the actual offset in micrometers.
- Args:
- index(int): the index (which is simply the order in which the image was acquired)
- Returns:
- The z level
- """
- return self.metadata["z_levels"][int(
- ((index - (index % len(self.metadata["channels"]))) / len(self.metadata["channels"])) % len(
- self.metadata["z_levels"]))]
- def _calculate_image_group_number(self, frame_number, fov, z_level):
- """
- Images are grouped together if they share the same time index, field of view, and z-level.
- Args:
- frame_number: the time index
- fov: the field of view number
- z_level: the z level number
- Returns:
- int: the image group number
- """
- return frame_number * len(self.metadata["fields_of_view"]) * len(self.metadata["z_levels"]) + (
- fov * len(self.metadata["z_levels"]) + z_level)
- def _calculate_frame_number(self, image_group_number, field_of_view, z_level):
- """
- Images are in the same frame if they share the same group number and field of view and are taken sequentially.
- Args:
- image_group_number: the image group number (see _calculate_image_group_number)
- field_of_view: the field of view number
- z_level: the z level number
- Returns:
- """
- return (image_group_number - (field_of_view * len(self.metadata["z_levels"]) + z_level)) / (
- len(self.metadata["fields_of_view"]) * len(self.metadata["z_levels"]))
- @property
- def _channel_offset(self):
- """
- Image data is interleaved for each image set. That is, if there are four images in a set, the first image
- will consist of pixels 1, 5, 9, etc, the second will be pixels 2, 6, 10, and so forth.
- Returns:
- dict: the channel offset for each channel
- """
- return {channel: n for n, channel in enumerate(self.metadata["channels"])}
- def _get_raw_image_data(self, image_group_number, channel_offset, height, width):
- """Reads the raw bytes and the timestamp of an image.
- Args:
- image_group_number: the image group number (see _calculate_image_group_number)
- channel_offset: the number of the color channel
- height: the height of the image
- width: the width of the image
- Returns:
- """
- chunk = self._label_map.get_image_data_location(image_group_number)
- data = read_chunk(self._fh, chunk)
- # All images in the same image group share the same timestamp! So if you have complicated image data,
- # your timestamps may not be entirely accurate. Practically speaking though, they'll only be off by a few
- # seconds unless you're doing something super weird.
- timestamp = struct.unpack("d", data[:8])[0]
- image_group_data = array.array("H", data)
- image_data_start = 4 + channel_offset
- # The images for the various channels are interleaved within the same array. For example, the second image
- # of a four image group will be composed of bytes 2, 6, 10, etc. If you understand why someone would design
- # a data structure that way, please send the author of this library a message.
- number_of_true_channels = int((len(image_group_data) - 4) / (height * width))
- image_data = np.reshape(image_group_data[image_data_start::number_of_true_channels], (height, width))
- # Skip images that are all zeros! This is important, since NIS Elements creates blank "gap" images if you
- # don't have the same number of images each cycle. We discovered this because we only took GFP images every
- # other cycle to reduce phototoxicity, but NIS Elements still allocated memory as if we were going to take
- # them every cycle.
- if np.any(image_data):
- return timestamp, Frame(image_data, metadata=self._get_frame_metadata())
- raise NoImageError
- def _get_frame_metadata(self):
- """Get the metadata for one frame
- Returns:
- dict: a dictionary containing the parsed metadata
- """
- return self.metadata