- # nd2reader
- ### About
- `nd2reader` is a pure-Python package that reads images produced by NIS Elements 4.0+. It has only been definitively tested on NIS Elements 4.30.02 Build 1053. Support for older versions is being actively worked on.
- .nd2 files contain images and metadata, which can be split along multiple dimensions: time, fields of view (xy-plane), focus (z-plane), and filter channel.
- `nd2reader` loads images as Numpy arrays, which makes it trivial to use with the image analysis packages such as `scikit-image` and `OpenCV`.
- ### Installation
- If you don't already have the packages `numpy`, `six` and `xmltodict`, they will be installed automatically:
- `pip3 install nd2reader` for Python 3.x
- `pip install nd2reader` for Python 2.x
- `nd2reader` is an order of magnitude faster in Python 3. I recommend using it unless you have no other choice.
- ### ND2s
- A quick summary of ND2 metadata can be obtained as shown below.
- ```python
- >>> import nd2reader
- >>> nd2 = nd2reader.Nd2("/path/to/my_images.nd2")
- >>> nd2
- <ND2 /path/to/my_images.nd2>
- Created: 2014-11-11 15:59:19
- Image size: 1280x800 (HxW)
- Image cycles: 636
- Channels: 'brightfield', 'GFP'
- Fields of View: 8
- Z-Levels: 3
- ```
- You can iterate over each image in the order they were acquired:
- ```python
- import nd2reader
- nd2 = nd2reader.Nd2("/path/to/my_images.nd2")
- for image in nd2:
- do_something(image)
- ```
- `Image` objects are just Numpy arrays with some extra metadata bolted on:
- ```python
- >>> image = nd2[20]
- >>> image
- array([[1894, 1949, 1941, ..., 2104, 2135, 2114],
- [1825, 1846, 1848, ..., 1994, 2149, 2064],
- [1909, 1820, 1821, ..., 1995, 1952, 2062],
- ...,
- [3487, 3512, 3594, ..., 3603, 3643, 3492],
- [3642, 3475, 3525, ..., 3712, 3682, 3609],
- [3687, 3777, 3738, ..., 3784, 3870, 4008]], dtype=uint16)
- >>> image.timestamp
- 10.1241241248
- >>> image.frame_number
- 11
- >>> image.field_of_view
- 6
- >>> image.channel
- 'GFP'
- >>> image.z_level
- 0
- ```
- If you only want to view images that meet certain criteria, you can use `select()`. It's much faster than iterating
- and checking attributes of images manually. You can specify scalars or lists of values. Criteria that aren't specified
- default to every possible value. Currently, slicing and selecting can't be done at the same time:
- ```python
- for image in nd2.select(channels="GFP", fields_of_view=(1, 2, 7)):
- do_something(image)
- ```
- Slicing is also supported and is extremely memory efficient, as images are only read when directly accessed:
- ```python
- for image in nd2[50:433]:
- do_something(image)
- # get every other image in the first 100 images
- for image in nd2[:100:2]:
- do_something(image)
- # iterate backwards over every image
- for image in nd2[::-1]:
- do_something(image)
- ```
- You can also just index a single image:
- ```python
- # gets the 18th image
- my_important_image = nd2[17]
- ```
- The `Nd2` object has some programmatically-accessible metadata:
- ```python
- >>> nd2.height
- 1280
- >>> nd2.width
- 800
- >>> len(nd2)
- 30528
- ```
- Each camera has its own settings. If you image multiple wavelengths with one camera, each channel will appear as its
- own camera:
- ```python
- >>> nd2.camera_settings
- {'GFP': <Camera Settings: GFP>
- Camera: Andor Zyla VSC-00461
- Camera ID: VSC-00461
- Exposure Time (ms): 100.0
- Binning: 2x2, 'BF': <Camera Settings: BF>
- Camera: Andor Zyla VSC-00461
- Camera ID: VSC-00461
- Exposure Time (ms): 100.0
- Binning: 2x2}
- ```
- Camera information can be accessed programmatically:
- ```python
- >>> nd2.camera_settings['GFP'].id
- 'VSC-00461'
- >>> nd2.camera_settings['GFP'].name
- 'Andor Zyla VSC-00461'
- >>> nd2.camera_settings['GFP'].exposure
- 100.0
- >>> nd2.camera_settings['GFP'].x_binning
- 2
- >>> nd2.camera_settings['GFP'].y_binning
- 2
- ```
- ### Contributing
- If you'd like to help with the development of nd2reader or just have an idea for improvement, please see the [contributing](https://github.com/jimrybarski/nd2reader/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) page
- for more information.
- ### Bug Reports and Features
- If this fails to work exactly as expected, please open an [issue](https://github.com/jimrybarski/nd2reader/issues).
- If you get an unhandled exception, please paste the entire stack trace into the issue as well.
- ### Citation
- You can cite nd2reader in your research if you want:
- ```
- Rybarski, Jim (2015): nd2reader. figshare.
- http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1619960
- ```
- ### Acknowledgments
- Support for the development of this package was provided by the [Finkelstein Laboratory](http://finkelsteinlab.org/).