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<td class="title"><a href="index.html">youtube-dl</a></td> |
<td class="subtitle">Donations</td> |
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<p>You can donate via Bitcoin at <a href="bitcoin:17EEDY6MuqLQ3jrTeyYaaUXbc6dFaZEYw7">17EEDY6MuqLQ3jrTeyYaaUXbc6dFaZEYw7</a> .</p> |
<p>You can donate via PayPal here:</p> |
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top"> |
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<p>We also appreciate wire transfers to our <a href="https://uberspace.de/">hosting provider</a>:</p> |
<table> |
<tr><th>account holder</th><td>Jonas Pasche</td></tr> |
<tr><th>account number</th><td>200003978 (IBAN: DE35550501200200003978)</td></tr> |
<tr><th>bank</th><td>Sparkasse Mainz</td></tr> |
<tr><th>(German) bank code</th><td>55050120 (BIC: MALADE51MNZ)</td></tr> |
<tr><th>Note (important!)</th><td>Uberspace ytdl</td></tr> |
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<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US"> |
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Copyright © 2006-2011 Ricardo Garcia Gonzalez<br /> |
Copyright © 2011-2020 youtube-dl developers |
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