@ -1,50 +1,93 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import base64
import functools
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
import random
import re
import string
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..compat import compat_struct_pack
from ..compat import compat_HTTPError
from ..utils import (
determine_ext ,
error_to_compat_str ,
age_restricted ,
clean_html ,
ExtractorError ,
int_or_none ,
mimetype2ext ,
OnDemandPagedList ,
parse_iso8601 ,
sanitized_Request ,
str_to_int ,
try_get ,
unescapeHTML ,
update_url_query ,
url_or_none ,
urlencode_postdata ,
class DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor ( InfoExtractor ) :
def _build_request ( url ) :
""" Build a request with the family filter disabled """
request = sanitized_Request ( url )
request . add_header ( ' Cookie ' , ' family_filter=off; ff=off ' )
return request
' Content-Type ' : ' application/json ' ,
' Origin ' : ' https://www.dailymotion.com ' ,
_NETRC_MACHINE = ' dailymotion '
def _download_webpage_handle_no_ff ( self , url , * args , * * kwargs ) :
request = self . _build_request ( url )
return self . _download_webpage_handle ( request , * args , * * kwargs )
def _get_dailymotion_cookies ( self ) :
return self . _get_cookies ( ' https://www.dailymotion.com/ ' )
def _download_webpage_no_ff ( self , url , * args , * * kwargs ) :
request = self . _build_request ( url )
return self . _download_webpage ( request , * args , * * kwargs )
def _get_cookie_value ( cookies , name ) :
cookie = cookies . get ( ' name ' )
if cookie :
return cookie . value
def _set_dailymotion_cookie ( self , name , value ) :
self . _set_cookie ( ' www.dailymotion.com ' , name , value )
def _real_initialize ( self ) :
cookies = self . _get_dailymotion_cookies ( )
ff = self . _get_cookie_value ( cookies , ' ff ' )
self . _FAMILY_FILTER = ff == ' on ' if ff else age_restricted ( 18 , self . _downloader . params . get ( ' age_limit ' ) )
self . _set_dailymotion_cookie ( ' ff ' , ' on ' if self . _FAMILY_FILTER else ' off ' )
def _call_api ( self , object_type , xid , object_fields , note , filter_extra = None ) :
if not self . _HEADERS . get ( ' Authorization ' ) :
cookies = self . _get_dailymotion_cookies ( )
token = self . _get_cookie_value ( cookies , ' access_token ' ) or self . _get_cookie_value ( cookies , ' client_token ' )
if not token :
data = {
' client_id ' : ' f1a362d288c1b98099c7 ' ,
' client_secret ' : ' eea605b96e01c796ff369935357eca920c5da4c5 ' ,
username , password = self . _get_login_info ( )
if username :
data . update ( {
' grant_type ' : ' password ' ,
' password ' : password ,
' username ' : username ,
} )
else :
data [ ' grant_type ' ] = ' client_credentials '
try :
token = self . _download_json (
' https://graphql.api.dailymotion.com/oauth/token ' ,
None , ' Downloading Access Token ' ,
data = urlencode_postdata ( data ) ) [ ' access_token ' ]
except ExtractorError as e :
if isinstance ( e . cause , compat_HTTPError ) and e . cause . code == 400 :
raise ExtractorError ( self . _parse_json (
e . cause . read ( ) . decode ( ) , xid ) [ ' error_description ' ] , expected = True )
self . _set_dailymotion_cookie ( ' access_token ' if username else ' client_token ' , token )
self . _HEADERS [ ' Authorization ' ] = ' Bearer ' + token
resp = self . _download_json (
' https://graphql.api.dailymotion.com/ ' , xid , note , data = json . dumps ( {
' query ' : ''' {
% s ( xid : " %s " % s ) {
% s
} ''' % (object_type, xid, ' , ' + filter_extra if filter_extra else ' ' , object_fields),
} ) . encode ( ) , headers = self . _HEADERS )
obj = resp [ ' data ' ] [ object_type ]
if not obj :
raise ExtractorError ( resp [ ' errors ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' message ' ] , expected = True )
return obj
class DailymotionIE ( DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor ) :
@ -54,18 +97,9 @@ class DailymotionIE(DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor):
( ? : ( ? : www | touch ) \. ) ? dailymotion \. [ a - z ] { 2 , 3 } / ( ? : ( ? : ( ? : embed | swf | \#)/)?video|swf)|
( ? : www \. ) ? lequipe \. fr / video
/ ( ? P < id > [ ^ / ? _ ] + )
/ ( ? P < id > [ ^ / ? _ ] + ) ( ? : . + ? \bplaylist = ( ? P < playlist_id > x [ 0 - 9 a - z ] + ) ) ?
IE_NAME = ' dailymotion '
( ' stream_h264_ld_url ' , ' ld ' ) ,
( ' stream_h264_url ' , ' standard ' ) ,
( ' stream_h264_hq_url ' , ' hq ' ) ,
( ' stream_h264_hd_url ' , ' hd ' ) ,
( ' stream_h264_hd1080_url ' , ' hd180 ' ) ,
_TESTS = [ {
' url ' : ' http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5kesuj_office-christmas-party-review-jason-bateman-olivia-munn-t-j-miller_news ' ,
' md5 ' : ' 074b95bdee76b9e3654137aee9c79dfe ' ,
@ -74,7 +108,6 @@ class DailymotionIE(DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor):
' ext ' : ' mp4 ' ,
' title ' : ' Office Christmas Party Review – Jason Bateman, Olivia Munn, T.J. Miller ' ,
' description ' : ' Office Christmas Party Review - Jason Bateman, Olivia Munn, T.J. Miller ' ,
' thumbnail ' : r ' re:^https?:.* \ .(?:jpg|png)$ ' ,
' duration ' : 187 ,
' timestamp ' : 1493651285 ,
' upload_date ' : ' 20170501 ' ,
@ -146,7 +179,16 @@ class DailymotionIE(DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor):
} , {
' url ' : ' https://www.lequipe.fr/video/k7MtHciueyTcrFtFKA2 ' ,
' only_matching ' : True ,
} , {
' url ' : ' https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3z49k?playlist=xv4bw ' ,
' only_matching ' : True ,
} ]
_COMMON_MEDIA_FIELDS = ''' description
geoblockedCountries {
xid '''
def _extract_urls ( webpage ) :
@ -162,264 +204,140 @@ class DailymotionIE(DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor):
return urls
def _real_extract ( self , url ) :
video_id = self . _match_id ( url )
webpage = self . _download_webpage_no_ff (
' https://www.dailymotion.com/video/ %s ' % video_id , video_id )
age_limit = self . _rta_search ( webpage )
description = self . _og_search_description (
webpage , default = None ) or self . _html_search_meta (
' description ' , webpage , ' description ' )
view_count_str = self . _search_regex (
( r ' <meta[^>]+itemprop= " interactionCount " [^>]+content= " UserPlays:([ \ s \ d,.]+) " ' ,
r ' video_views_count[^>]+> \ s+([ \ s \ d \ ,.]+) ' ) ,
webpage , ' view count ' , default = None )
if view_count_str :
view_count_str = re . sub ( r ' \ s ' , ' ' , view_count_str )
view_count = str_to_int ( view_count_str )
comment_count = int_or_none ( self . _search_regex (
r ' <meta[^>]+itemprop= " interactionCount " [^>]+content= " UserComments:( \ d+) " ' ,
webpage , ' comment count ' , default = None ) )
player_v5 = self . _search_regex (
[ r ' buildPlayer \ (({.+?}) \ ); \ n ' , # See https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/7826
r ' playerV5 \ s*= \ s*dmp \ .create \ ([^,]+?, \ s*({.+?}) \ ); ' ,
r ' buildPlayer \ (({.+?}) \ ); ' ,
r ' var \ s+config \ s*= \ s*({.+?}); ' ,
# New layout regex (see https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/13580)
r ' __PLAYER_CONFIG__ \ s*= \ s*({.+?}); ' ] ,
webpage , ' player v5 ' , default = None )
if player_v5 :
player = self . _parse_json ( player_v5 , video_id , fatal = False ) or { }
metadata = try_get ( player , lambda x : x [ ' metadata ' ] , dict )
if not metadata :
metadata_url = url_or_none ( try_get (
player , lambda x : x [ ' context ' ] [ ' metadata_template_url1 ' ] ) )
if metadata_url :
metadata_url = metadata_url . replace ( ' :videoId ' , video_id )
else :
metadata_url = update_url_query (
' https://www.dailymotion.com/player/metadata/video/ %s '
% video_id , {
' embedder ' : url ,
' integration ' : ' inline ' ,
' GK_PV5_NEON ' : ' 1 ' ,
} )
metadata = self . _download_json (
metadata_url , video_id , ' Downloading metadata JSON ' )
if try_get ( metadata , lambda x : x [ ' error ' ] [ ' type ' ] ) == ' password_protected ' :
password = self . _downloader . params . get ( ' videopassword ' )
if password :
r = int ( metadata [ ' id ' ] [ 1 : ] , 36 )
us64e = lambda x : base64 . urlsafe_b64encode ( x ) . decode ( ) . strip ( ' = ' )
t = ' ' . join ( random . choice ( string . ascii_letters ) for i in range ( 10 ) )
n = us64e ( compat_struct_pack ( ' I ' , r ) )
i = us64e ( hashlib . md5 ( ( ' %s %d %s ' % ( password , r , t ) ) . encode ( ) ) . digest ( ) )
metadata = self . _download_json (
' http://www.dailymotion.com/player/metadata/video/p ' + i + t + n , video_id )
self . _check_error ( metadata )
formats = [ ]
for quality , media_list in metadata [ ' qualities ' ] . items ( ) :
for media in media_list :
media_url = media . get ( ' url ' )
if not media_url :
type_ = media . get ( ' type ' )
if type_ == ' application/vnd.lumberjack.manifest ' :
ext = mimetype2ext ( type_ ) or determine_ext ( media_url )
if ext == ' m3u8 ' :
m3u8_formats = self . _extract_m3u8_formats (
media_url , video_id , ' mp4 ' , preference = - 1 ,
m3u8_id = ' hls ' , fatal = False )
for f in m3u8_formats :
f [ ' url ' ] = f [ ' url ' ] . split ( ' # ' ) [ 0 ]
formats . append ( f )
elif ext == ' f4m ' :
formats . extend ( self . _extract_f4m_formats (
media_url , video_id , preference = - 1 , f4m_id = ' hds ' , fatal = False ) )
else :
f = {
' url ' : media_url ,
' format_id ' : ' http- %s ' % quality ,
' ext ' : ext ,
m = re . search ( r ' H264-(?P<width> \ d+)x(?P<height> \ d+) ' , media_url )
if m :
f . update ( {
' width ' : int ( m . group ( ' width ' ) ) ,
' height ' : int ( m . group ( ' height ' ) ) ,
} )
formats . append ( f )
self . _sort_formats ( formats )
title = metadata [ ' title ' ]
duration = int_or_none ( metadata . get ( ' duration ' ) )
timestamp = int_or_none ( metadata . get ( ' created_time ' ) )
thumbnail = metadata . get ( ' poster_url ' )
uploader = metadata . get ( ' owner ' , { } ) . get ( ' screenname ' )
uploader_id = metadata . get ( ' owner ' , { } ) . get ( ' id ' )
subtitles = { }
subtitles_data = metadata . get ( ' subtitles ' , { } ) . get ( ' data ' , { } )
if subtitles_data and isinstance ( subtitles_data , dict ) :
for subtitle_lang , subtitle in subtitles_data . items ( ) :
subtitles [ subtitle_lang ] = [ {
' ext ' : determine_ext ( subtitle_url ) ,
' url ' : subtitle_url ,
} for subtitle_url in subtitle . get ( ' urls ' , [ ] ) ]
return {
' id ' : video_id ,
' title ' : title ,
' description ' : description ,
' thumbnail ' : thumbnail ,
' duration ' : duration ,
' timestamp ' : timestamp ,
' uploader ' : uploader ,
' uploader_id ' : uploader_id ,
' age_limit ' : age_limit ,
' view_count ' : view_count ,
' comment_count ' : comment_count ,
' formats ' : formats ,
' subtitles ' : subtitles ,
# vevo embed
vevo_id = self . _search_regex (
r ' <link rel= " video_src " href= " [^ " ]*?vevo \ .com[^ " ]*?video=(?P<id>[ \ w]*) ' ,
webpage , ' vevo embed ' , default = None )
if vevo_id :
return self . url_result ( ' vevo: %s ' % vevo_id , ' Vevo ' )
# fallback old player
embed_page = self . _download_webpage_no_ff (
' https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/ %s ' % video_id ,
video_id , ' Downloading embed page ' )
timestamp = parse_iso8601 ( self . _html_search_meta (
' video:release_date ' , webpage , ' upload date ' ) )
info = self . _parse_json (
self . _search_regex (
r ' var info = ({.*?}),$ ' , embed_page ,
' video info ' , flags = re . MULTILINE ) ,
video_id )
self . _check_error ( info )
video_id , playlist_id = re . match ( self . _VALID_URL , url ) . groups ( )
if playlist_id :
if not self . _downloader . params . get ( ' noplaylist ' ) :
self . to_screen ( ' Downloading playlist %s - add --no-playlist to just download video ' % playlist_id )
return self . url_result (
' http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/ ' + playlist_id ,
' DailymotionPlaylist ' , playlist_id )
self . to_screen ( ' Downloading just video %s because of --no-playlist ' % video_id )
password = self . _downloader . params . get ( ' videopassword ' )
media = self . _call_api (
' media ' , video_id , ''' ... on Video {
% s
stats {
likes {
views {
. . . on Live {
% s
} ''' % (self._COMMON_MEDIA_FIELDS, self._COMMON_MEDIA_FIELDS), ' Downloading media JSON metadata ' ,
' password: " %s " ' % self . _downloader . params . get ( ' videopassword ' ) if password else None )
xid = media [ ' xid ' ]
metadata = self . _download_json (
' https://www.dailymotion.com/player/metadata/video/ ' + xid ,
xid , ' Downloading metadata JSON ' ,
query = { ' app ' : ' com.dailymotion.neon ' } )
error = metadata . get ( ' error ' )
if error :
title = error . get ( ' title ' ) or error [ ' raw_message ' ]
# See https://developer.dailymotion.com/api#access-error
if error . get ( ' code ' ) == ' DM007 ' :
allowed_countries = try_get ( media , lambda x : x [ ' geoblockedCountries ' ] [ ' allowed ' ] , list )
self . raise_geo_restricted ( msg = title , countries = allowed_countries )
raise ExtractorError (
' %s said: %s ' % ( self . IE_NAME , title ) , expected = True )
title = metadata [ ' title ' ]
is_live = media . get ( ' isOnAir ' )
formats = [ ]
for ( key , format_id ) in self . _FORMATS :
video_url = info . get ( key )
if video_url is not None :
m_size = re . search ( r ' H264-( \ d+)x( \ d+) ' , video_url )
if m_size is not None :
width , height = map ( int_or_none , ( m_size . group ( 1 ) , m_size . group ( 2 ) ) )
for quality , media_list in metadata [ ' qualities ' ] . items ( ) :
for m in media_list :
media_url = m . get ( ' url ' )
media_type = m . get ( ' type ' )
if not media_url or media_type == ' application/vnd.lumberjack.manifest ' :
if media_type == ' application/x-mpegURL ' :
formats . extend ( self . _extract_m3u8_formats (
media_url , video_id , ' mp4 ' ,
' m3u8 ' if is_live else ' m3u8_native ' ,
m3u8_id = ' hls ' , fatal = False ) )
else :
width , height = None , None
formats . append ( {
' url ' : video_url ,
' ext ' : ' mp4 ' ,
' format_id ' : format_id ,
' width ' : width ,
' height ' : height ,
} )
f = {
' url ' : media_url ,
' format_id ' : ' http- ' + quality ,
m = re . search ( r ' /H264-( \ d+)x( \ d+)(?:-(60)/)? ' , media_url )
if m :
width , height , fps = map ( int_or_none , m . groups ( ) )
f . update ( {
' fps ' : fps ,
' height ' : height ,
' width ' : width ,
} )
formats . append ( f )
for f in formats :
f [ ' url ' ] = f [ ' url ' ] . split ( ' # ' ) [ 0 ]
if not f . get ( ' fps ' ) and f [ ' format_id ' ] . endswith ( ' @60 ' ) :
f [ ' fps ' ] = 60
self . _sort_formats ( formats )
# subtitles
video_subtitles = self . extract_subtitles ( video_id , webpage )
title = self . _og_search_title ( webpage , default = None )
if title is None :
title = self . _html_search_regex (
r ' (?s)<span \ s+id= " video_title " [^>]*>(.*?)</span> ' , webpage ,
' title ' )
subtitles = { }
subtitles_data = try_get ( metadata , lambda x : x [ ' subtitles ' ] [ ' data ' ] , dict ) or { }
for subtitle_lang , subtitle in subtitles_data . items ( ) :
subtitles [ subtitle_lang ] = [ {
' url ' : subtitle_url ,
} for subtitle_url in subtitle . get ( ' urls ' , [ ] ) ]
thumbnails = [ ]
for height , poster_url in metadata . get ( ' posters ' , { } ) . items ( ) :
thumbnails . append ( {
' height ' : int_or_none ( height ) ,
' id ' : height ,
' url ' : poster_url ,
} )
owner = metadata . get ( ' owner ' ) or { }
stats = media . get ( ' stats ' ) or { }
get_count = lambda x : int_or_none ( try_get ( stats , lambda y : y [ x + ' s ' ] [ ' total ' ] ) )
return {
' id ' : video_id ,
' title ' : self . _live_title ( title ) if is_live else title ,
' description ' : clean_html ( media . get ( ' description ' ) ) ,
' thumbnails ' : thumbnails ,
' duration ' : int_or_none ( metadata . get ( ' duration ' ) ) or None ,
' timestamp ' : int_or_none ( metadata . get ( ' created_time ' ) ) ,
' uploader ' : owner . get ( ' screenname ' ) ,
' uploader_id ' : owner . get ( ' id ' ) or metadata . get ( ' screenname ' ) ,
' age_limit ' : 18 if metadata . get ( ' explicit ' ) else 0 ,
' tags ' : metadata . get ( ' tags ' ) ,
' view_count ' : get_count ( ' view ' ) or int_or_none ( media . get ( ' audienceCount ' ) ) ,
' like_count ' : get_count ( ' like ' ) ,
' formats ' : formats ,
' uploader ' : info [ ' owner.screenname ' ] ,
' timestamp ' : timestamp ,
' title ' : title ,
' description ' : description ,
' subtitles ' : video_subtitles ,
' thumbnail ' : info [ ' thumbnail_url ' ] ,
' age_limit ' : age_limit ,
' view_count ' : view_count ,
' duration ' : info [ ' duration ' ]
' subtitles ' : subtitles ,
' is_live ' : is_live ,
def _check_error ( self , info ) :
error = info . get ( ' error ' )
if error :
title = error . get ( ' title ' ) or error [ ' message ' ]
# See https://developer.dailymotion.com/api#access-error
if error . get ( ' code ' ) == ' DM007 ' :
self . raise_geo_restricted ( msg = title )
raise ExtractorError (
' %s said: %s ' % ( self . IE_NAME , title ) , expected = True )
def _get_subtitles ( self , video_id , webpage ) :
try :
sub_list = self . _download_webpage (
' https://api.dailymotion.com/video/ %s /subtitles?fields=id,language,url ' % video_id ,
video_id , note = False )
except ExtractorError as err :
self . _downloader . report_warning ( ' unable to download video subtitles: %s ' % error_to_compat_str ( err ) )
return { }
info = json . loads ( sub_list )
if ( info [ ' total ' ] > 0 ) :
sub_lang_list = dict ( ( l [ ' language ' ] , [ { ' url ' : l [ ' url ' ] , ' ext ' : ' srt ' } ] ) for l in info [ ' list ' ] )
return sub_lang_list
self . _downloader . report_warning ( ' video doesn \' t have subtitles ' )
return { }
class DailymotionPlaylistIE ( DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor ) :
IE_NAME = ' dailymotion:playlist '
_VALID_URL = r ' (?:https?://)?(?:www \ .)?dailymotion \ .[a-z]{2,3}/playlist/(?P<id>x[0-9a-z]+) '
_TESTS = [ {
' url ' : ' http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/xv4bw_nqtv_sport/1#video=xl8v3q ' ,
' info_dict ' : {
' title ' : ' SPORT ' ,
' id ' : ' xv4bw ' ,
} ,
' playlist_mincount ' : 20 ,
} ]
class DailymotionPlaylistBaseIE ( DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor ) :
_PAGE_SIZE = 100
def _fetch_page ( self , playlist_id , authorizaion , page ) :
def _fetch_page ( self , playlist_id , page ) :
page + = 1
videos = self . _download_json (
' https://graphql.api.dailymotion.com ' ,
playlist_id , ' Downloading page %d ' % page ,
data = json . dumps ( {
' query ' : ''' {
collection ( xid : " %s " ) {
videos ( first : % d , page : % d ) {
pageInfo {
videos = self . _call_api (
self . _OBJECT_TYPE , playlist_id ,
''' videos(allowExplicit: %s , first: %d , page: %d ) {
edges {
node {
} ''' % (playlist_id, self._PAGE_SIZE, page)
} ) . encode ( ) , headers = {
' Authorization ' : authorizaion ,
' Origin ' : ' https://www.dailymotion.com ' ,
} ) [ ' data ' ] [ ' collection ' ] [ ' videos ' ]
} ''' % ( ' false ' if self._FAMILY_FILTER else ' true ' , self._PAGE_SIZE, page),
' Downloading page %d ' % page ) [ ' videos ' ]
for edge in videos [ ' edges ' ] :
node = edge [ ' node ' ]
yield self . url_result (
@ -427,86 +345,49 @@ class DailymotionPlaylistIE(DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor):
def _real_extract ( self , url ) :
playlist_id = self . _match_id ( url )
webpage = self . _download_webpage ( url , playlist_id )
api = self . _parse_json ( self . _search_regex (
r ' __PLAYER_CONFIG__ \ s*= \ s*({.+?}); ' ,
webpage , ' player config ' ) , playlist_id ) [ ' context ' ] [ ' api ' ]
auth = self . _download_json (
api . get ( ' auth_url ' , ' https://graphql.api.dailymotion.com/oauth/token ' ) ,
playlist_id , data = urlencode_postdata ( {
' client_id ' : api . get ( ' client_id ' , ' f1a362d288c1b98099c7 ' ) ,
' client_secret ' : api . get ( ' client_secret ' , ' eea605b96e01c796ff369935357eca920c5da4c5 ' ) ,
' grant_type ' : ' client_credentials ' ,
} ) )
authorizaion = ' %s %s ' % ( auth . get ( ' token_type ' , ' Bearer ' ) , auth [ ' access_token ' ] )
entries = OnDemandPagedList ( functools . partial (
self . _fetch_page , playlist_id , authorizaion ) , self . _PAGE_SIZE )
self . _fetch_page , playlist_id ) , self . _PAGE_SIZE )
return self . playlist_result (
entries , playlist_id ,
self . _og_search_title ( webpage ) )
entries , playlist_id )
class DailymotionPlaylistIE ( DailymotionPlaylistBaseIE ) :
IE_NAME = ' dailymotion:playlist '
_VALID_URL = r ' (?:https?://)?(?:www \ .)?dailymotion \ .[a-z]{2,3}/playlist/(?P<id>x[0-9a-z]+) '
_TESTS = [ {
' url ' : ' http://www.dailymotion.com/playlist/xv4bw_nqtv_sport/1#video=xl8v3q ' ,
' info_dict ' : {
' id ' : ' xv4bw ' ,
} ,
' playlist_mincount ' : 20 ,
} ]
_OBJECT_TYPE = ' collection '
class DailymotionUserIE ( DailymotionBaseInfoExtractor ) :
class DailymotionUserIE ( DailymotionPlaylist BaseIE ) :
IE_NAME = ' dailymotion:user '
_VALID_URL = r ' https?://(?:www \ .)?dailymotion \ .[a-z]{2,3}/(?!(?:embed|swf|#|video|playlist)/)(?:(?:old/)?user/)?(?P<user>[^/]+) '
_MORE_PAGES_INDICATOR = r ' (?s)<div class= " pages[^ " ]* " >.*?<a \ s+class= " [^ " ]*?icon-arrow_right[^ " ]*? " '
_PAGE_TEMPLATE = ' http://www.dailymotion.com/user/ %s / %s '
_VALID_URL = r ' https?://(?:www \ .)?dailymotion \ .[a-z]{2,3}/(?!(?:embed|swf|#|video|playlist)/)(?:(?:old/)?user/)?(?P<id>[^/]+) '
_TESTS = [ {
' url ' : ' https://www.dailymotion.com/user/nqtv ' ,
' info_dict ' : {
' id ' : ' nqtv ' ,
' title ' : ' Rémi Gaillard ' ,
} ,
' playlist_mincount ' : 100 ,
' playlist_mincount ' : 152 ,
} , {
' url ' : ' http://www.dailymotion.com/user/UnderProject ' ,
' info_dict ' : {
' id ' : ' UnderProject ' ,
' title ' : ' UnderProject ' ,
} ,
' playlist_mincount ' : 1800 ,
' expected_warnings ' : [
' Stopped at duplicated page ' ,
] ,
' playlist_mincount ' : 1000 ,
' skip ' : ' Takes too long time ' ,
} , {
' url ' : ' https://www.dailymotion.com/user/nqtv ' ,
' info_dict ' : {
' id ' : ' nqtv ' ,
} ,
' playlist_mincount ' : 148 ,
' params ' : {
' age_limit ' : 0 ,
} ,
} ]
def _extract_entries ( self , id ) :
video_ids = set ( )
processed_urls = set ( )
for pagenum in itertools . count ( 1 ) :
page_url = self . _PAGE_TEMPLATE % ( id , pagenum )
webpage , urlh = self . _download_webpage_handle_no_ff (
page_url , id , ' Downloading page %s ' % pagenum )
if urlh . geturl ( ) in processed_urls :
self . report_warning ( ' Stopped at duplicated page %s , which is the same as %s ' % (
page_url , urlh . geturl ( ) ) , id )
processed_urls . add ( urlh . geturl ( ) )
for video_id in re . findall ( r ' data-xid= " (.+?) " ' , webpage ) :
if video_id not in video_ids :
yield self . url_result (
' http://www.dailymotion.com/video/ %s ' % video_id ,
DailymotionIE . ie_key ( ) , video_id )
video_ids . add ( video_id )
if re . search ( self . _MORE_PAGES_INDICATOR , webpage ) is None :
def _real_extract ( self , url ) :
mobj = re . match ( self . _VALID_URL , url )
user = mobj . group ( ' user ' )
webpage = self . _download_webpage (
' https://www.dailymotion.com/user/ %s ' % user , user )
full_user = unescapeHTML ( self . _html_search_regex (
r ' <a class= " nav-image " title= " ([^ " ]+) " href= " / %s " > ' % re . escape ( user ) ,
webpage , ' user ' ) )
return {
' _type ' : ' playlist ' ,
' id ' : user ,
' title ' : full_user ,
' entries ' : self . _extract_entries ( user ) ,
_OBJECT_TYPE = ' channel '