<p>Right click on it and select <em>Cut</em>. Go to the explorer Window we left open previously, right click on an emtpy space and choose <em>Paste</em>. Tadah! Installation finished.</p>
<p>Now let's suppose I want to download a video to my Windows Desktop. Piece of cake: go to <em>Start</em> > <em>Run</em>, type <tt>cmd</tt> and press the enter key. Type the command <tt>cd desktop</tt> and then type the command <tt>youtube-dl.py "<url>"</tt>, where <tt><url></tt> is a YouTube video URL you can copy from your web browser program address bar, and paste it to the command line interpreter window by right clicking and choosing <em>Paste</em>, for example. Remember commands are always followed by pressing the enter key in the command line interpreter.</p>
<p>Now let's suppose I want to download a video to my Windows Desktop. Piece of cake: go to <em>Start</em> > <em>Run</em>, type <tt>cmd</tt> and press the enter key. Type the command <tt>cd desktop</tt> and then type the command <tt>youtube-dl.py "<url>"</tt>, where <tt><url></tt> is a YouTube video URL you can copy from your web browser program address bar, and paste it to the command line interpreter window by right clicking and choosing <em>Paste</em>, for example. Remember commands are always followed by pressing the enter key in the command line interpreter.</p>