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11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
  1. import os
  2. import re
  3. import subprocess
  4. import sys
  5. import time
  6. from .utils import (
  7. compat_urllib_error,
  8. compat_urllib_request,
  9. ContentTooShortError,
  10. determine_ext,
  11. encodeFilename,
  12. format_bytes,
  13. sanitize_open,
  14. timeconvert,
  15. )
  16. class FileDownloader(object):
  17. """File Downloader class.
  18. File downloader objects are the ones responsible of downloading the
  19. actual video file and writing it to disk.
  20. File downloaders accept a lot of parameters. In order not to saturate
  21. the object constructor with arguments, it receives a dictionary of
  22. options instead.
  23. Available options:
  24. verbose: Print additional info to stdout.
  25. quiet: Do not print messages to stdout.
  26. ratelimit: Download speed limit, in bytes/sec.
  27. retries: Number of times to retry for HTTP error 5xx
  28. buffersize: Size of download buffer in bytes.
  29. noresizebuffer: Do not automatically resize the download buffer.
  30. continuedl: Try to continue downloads if possible.
  31. noprogress: Do not print the progress bar.
  32. logtostderr: Log messages to stderr instead of stdout.
  33. consoletitle: Display progress in console window's titlebar.
  34. nopart: Do not use temporary .part files.
  35. updatetime: Use the Last-modified header to set output file timestamps.
  36. test: Download only first bytes to test the downloader.
  37. min_filesize: Skip files smaller than this size
  38. max_filesize: Skip files larger than this size
  39. """
  40. params = None
  41. def __init__(self, ydl, params):
  42. """Create a FileDownloader object with the given options."""
  43. self.ydl = ydl
  44. self._progress_hooks = []
  45. self.params = params
  46. @staticmethod
  47. def format_seconds(seconds):
  48. (mins, secs) = divmod(seconds, 60)
  49. (hours, mins) = divmod(mins, 60)
  50. if hours > 99:
  51. return '--:--:--'
  52. if hours == 0:
  53. return '%02d:%02d' % (mins, secs)
  54. else:
  55. return '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, mins, secs)
  56. @staticmethod
  57. def calc_percent(byte_counter, data_len):
  58. if data_len is None:
  59. return None
  60. return float(byte_counter) / float(data_len) * 100.0
  61. @staticmethod
  62. def format_percent(percent):
  63. if percent is None:
  64. return '---.-%'
  65. return '%6s' % ('%3.1f%%' % percent)
  66. @staticmethod
  67. def calc_eta(start, now, total, current):
  68. if total is None:
  69. return None
  70. dif = now - start
  71. if current == 0 or dif < 0.001: # One millisecond
  72. return None
  73. rate = float(current) / dif
  74. return int((float(total) - float(current)) / rate)
  75. @staticmethod
  76. def format_eta(eta):
  77. if eta is None:
  78. return '--:--'
  79. return FileDownloader.format_seconds(eta)
  80. @staticmethod
  81. def calc_speed(start, now, bytes):
  82. dif = now - start
  83. if bytes == 0 or dif < 0.001: # One millisecond
  84. return None
  85. return float(bytes) / dif
  86. @staticmethod
  87. def format_speed(speed):
  88. if speed is None:
  89. return '%10s' % '---b/s'
  90. return '%10s' % ('%s/s' % format_bytes(speed))
  91. @staticmethod
  92. def best_block_size(elapsed_time, bytes):
  93. new_min = max(bytes / 2.0, 1.0)
  94. new_max = min(max(bytes * 2.0, 1.0), 4194304) # Do not surpass 4 MB
  95. if elapsed_time < 0.001:
  96. return int(new_max)
  97. rate = bytes / elapsed_time
  98. if rate > new_max:
  99. return int(new_max)
  100. if rate < new_min:
  101. return int(new_min)
  102. return int(rate)
  103. @staticmethod
  104. def parse_bytes(bytestr):
  105. """Parse a string indicating a byte quantity into an integer."""
  106. matchobj = re.match(r'(?i)^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([kMGTPEZY]?)$', bytestr)
  107. if matchobj is None:
  108. return None
  109. number = float(
  110. multiplier = 1024.0 ** 'bkmgtpezy'.index(
  111. return int(round(number * multiplier))
  112. def to_screen(self, *args, **kargs):
  113. self.ydl.to_screen(*args, **kargs)
  114. def to_stderr(self, message):
  115. self.ydl.to_screen(message)
  116. def to_console_title(self, message):
  117. self.ydl.to_console_title(message)
  118. def trouble(self, *args, **kargs):
  119. self.ydl.trouble(*args, **kargs)
  120. def report_warning(self, *args, **kargs):
  121. self.ydl.report_warning(*args, **kargs)
  122. def report_error(self, *args, **kargs):
  123. self.ydl.report_error(*args, **kargs)
  124. def slow_down(self, start_time, byte_counter):
  125. """Sleep if the download speed is over the rate limit."""
  126. rate_limit = self.params.get('ratelimit', None)
  127. if rate_limit is None or byte_counter == 0:
  128. return
  129. now = time.time()
  130. elapsed = now - start_time
  131. if elapsed <= 0.0:
  132. return
  133. speed = float(byte_counter) / elapsed
  134. if speed > rate_limit:
  135. time.sleep((byte_counter - rate_limit * (now - start_time)) / rate_limit)
  136. def temp_name(self, filename):
  137. """Returns a temporary filename for the given filename."""
  138. if self.params.get('nopart', False) or filename == u'-' or \
  139. (os.path.exists(encodeFilename(filename)) and not os.path.isfile(encodeFilename(filename))):
  140. return filename
  141. return filename + u'.part'
  142. def undo_temp_name(self, filename):
  143. if filename.endswith(u'.part'):
  144. return filename[:-len(u'.part')]
  145. return filename
  146. def try_rename(self, old_filename, new_filename):
  147. try:
  148. if old_filename == new_filename:
  149. return
  150. os.rename(encodeFilename(old_filename), encodeFilename(new_filename))
  151. except (IOError, OSError):
  152. self.report_error(u'unable to rename file')
  153. def try_utime(self, filename, last_modified_hdr):
  154. """Try to set the last-modified time of the given file."""
  155. if last_modified_hdr is None:
  156. return
  157. if not os.path.isfile(encodeFilename(filename)):
  158. return
  159. timestr = last_modified_hdr
  160. if timestr is None:
  161. return
  162. filetime = timeconvert(timestr)
  163. if filetime is None:
  164. return filetime
  165. # Ignore obviously invalid dates
  166. if filetime == 0:
  167. return
  168. try:
  169. os.utime(filename, (time.time(), filetime))
  170. except:
  171. pass
  172. return filetime
  173. def report_destination(self, filename):
  174. """Report destination filename."""
  175. self.to_screen(u'[download] Destination: ' + filename)
  176. def _report_progress_status(self, msg, is_last_line=False):
  177. fullmsg = u'[download] ' + msg
  178. if self.params.get('progress_with_newline', False):
  179. self.to_screen(fullmsg)
  180. else:
  181. if == 'nt':
  182. prev_len = getattr(self, '_report_progress_prev_line_length',
  183. 0)
  184. if prev_len > len(fullmsg):
  185. fullmsg += u' ' * (prev_len - len(fullmsg))
  186. self._report_progress_prev_line_length = len(fullmsg)
  187. clear_line = u'\r'
  188. else:
  189. clear_line = (u'\r\x1b[K' if sys.stderr.isatty() else u'\r')
  190. self.to_screen(clear_line + fullmsg, skip_eol=not is_last_line)
  191. self.to_console_title(u'youtube-dl ' + msg)
  192. def report_progress(self, percent, data_len_str, speed, eta):
  193. """Report download progress."""
  194. if self.params.get('noprogress', False):
  195. return
  196. if eta is not None:
  197. eta_str = self.format_eta(eta)
  198. else:
  199. eta_str = 'Unknown ETA'
  200. if percent is not None:
  201. percent_str = self.format_percent(percent)
  202. else:
  203. percent_str = 'Unknown %'
  204. speed_str = self.format_speed(speed)
  205. msg = (u'%s of %s at %s ETA %s' %
  206. (percent_str, data_len_str, speed_str, eta_str))
  207. self._report_progress_status(msg)
  208. def report_progress_live_stream(self, downloaded_data_len, speed, elapsed):
  209. if self.params.get('noprogress', False):
  210. return
  211. downloaded_str = format_bytes(downloaded_data_len)
  212. speed_str = self.format_speed(speed)
  213. elapsed_str = FileDownloader.format_seconds(elapsed)
  214. msg = u'%s at %s (%s)' % (downloaded_str, speed_str, elapsed_str)
  215. self._report_progress_status(msg)
  216. def report_finish(self, data_len_str, tot_time):
  217. """Report download finished."""
  218. if self.params.get('noprogress', False):
  219. self.to_screen(u'[download] Download completed')
  220. else:
  221. self._report_progress_status(
  222. (u'100%% of %s in %s' %
  223. (data_len_str, self.format_seconds(tot_time))),
  224. is_last_line=True)
  225. def report_resuming_byte(self, resume_len):
  226. """Report attempt to resume at given byte."""
  227. self.to_screen(u'[download] Resuming download at byte %s' % resume_len)
  228. def report_retry(self, count, retries):
  229. """Report retry in case of HTTP error 5xx"""
  230. self.to_screen(u'[download] Got server HTTP error. Retrying (attempt %d of %d)...' % (count, retries))
  231. def report_file_already_downloaded(self, file_name):
  232. """Report file has already been fully downloaded."""
  233. try:
  234. self.to_screen(u'[download] %s has already been downloaded' % file_name)
  235. except UnicodeEncodeError:
  236. self.to_screen(u'[download] The file has already been downloaded')
  237. def report_unable_to_resume(self):
  238. """Report it was impossible to resume download."""
  239. self.to_screen(u'[download] Unable to resume')
  240. def _download_with_rtmpdump(self, filename, url, player_url, page_url, play_path, tc_url, live, conn):
  241. def run_rtmpdump(args):
  242. start = time.time()
  243. resume_percent = None
  244. resume_downloaded_data_len = None
  245. proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  246. cursor_in_new_line = True
  247. proc_stderr_closed = False
  248. while not proc_stderr_closed:
  249. # read line from stderr
  250. line = u''
  251. while True:
  252. char =
  253. if not char:
  254. proc_stderr_closed = True
  255. break
  256. if char in [b'\r', b'\n']:
  257. break
  258. line += char.decode('ascii', 'replace')
  259. if not line:
  260. # proc_stderr_closed is True
  261. continue
  262. mobj ='([0-9]+\.[0-9]{3}) kB / [0-9]+\.[0-9]{2} sec \(([0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9])%\)', line)
  263. if mobj:
  264. downloaded_data_len = int(float(*1024)
  265. percent = float(
  266. if not resume_percent:
  267. resume_percent = percent
  268. resume_downloaded_data_len = downloaded_data_len
  269. eta = self.calc_eta(start, time.time(), 100-resume_percent, percent-resume_percent)
  270. speed = self.calc_speed(start, time.time(), downloaded_data_len-resume_downloaded_data_len)
  271. data_len = None
  272. if percent > 0:
  273. data_len = int(downloaded_data_len * 100 / percent)
  274. data_len_str = u'~' + format_bytes(data_len)
  275. self.report_progress(percent, data_len_str, speed, eta)
  276. cursor_in_new_line = False
  277. self._hook_progress({
  278. 'downloaded_bytes': downloaded_data_len,
  279. 'total_bytes': data_len,
  280. 'tmpfilename': tmpfilename,
  281. 'filename': filename,
  282. 'status': 'downloading',
  283. 'eta': eta,
  284. 'speed': speed,
  285. })
  286. else:
  287. # no percent for live streams
  288. mobj ='([0-9]+\.[0-9]{3}) kB / [0-9]+\.[0-9]{2} sec', line)
  289. if mobj:
  290. downloaded_data_len = int(float(*1024)
  291. time_now = time.time()
  292. speed = self.calc_speed(start, time_now, downloaded_data_len)
  293. self.report_progress_live_stream(downloaded_data_len, speed, time_now - start)
  294. cursor_in_new_line = False
  295. self._hook_progress({
  296. 'downloaded_bytes': downloaded_data_len,
  297. 'tmpfilename': tmpfilename,
  298. 'filename': filename,
  299. 'status': 'downloading',
  300. 'speed': speed,
  301. })
  302. elif self.params.get('verbose', False):
  303. if not cursor_in_new_line:
  304. self.to_screen(u'')
  305. cursor_in_new_line = True
  306. self.to_screen(u'[rtmpdump] '+line)
  307. proc.wait()
  308. if not cursor_in_new_line:
  309. self.to_screen(u'')
  310. return proc.returncode
  311. self.report_destination(filename)
  312. tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename)
  313. test = self.params.get('test', False)
  314. # Check for rtmpdump first
  315. try:
  316.['rtmpdump', '-h'], stdout=(open(os.path.devnull, 'w')), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  317. except (OSError, IOError):
  318. self.report_error(u'RTMP download detected but "rtmpdump" could not be run')
  319. return False
  320. # Download using rtmpdump. rtmpdump returns exit code 2 when
  321. # the connection was interrumpted and resuming appears to be
  322. # possible. This is part of rtmpdump's normal usage, AFAIK.
  323. basic_args = ['rtmpdump', '--verbose', '-r', url, '-o', tmpfilename]
  324. if player_url is not None:
  325. basic_args += ['--swfVfy', player_url]
  326. if page_url is not None:
  327. basic_args += ['--pageUrl', page_url]
  328. if play_path is not None:
  329. basic_args += ['--playpath', play_path]
  330. if tc_url is not None:
  331. basic_args += ['--tcUrl', url]
  332. if test:
  333. basic_args += ['--stop', '1']
  334. if live:
  335. basic_args += ['--live']
  336. if conn:
  337. basic_args += ['--conn', conn]
  338. args = basic_args + [[], ['--resume', '--skip', '1']][self.params.get('continuedl', False)]
  339. if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info < (3, 0):
  340. # Windows subprocess module does not actually support Unicode
  341. # on Python 2.x
  342. # See
  343. subprocess_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
  344. args = [a.encode(subprocess_encoding, 'ignore') for a in args]
  345. else:
  346. subprocess_encoding = None
  347. if self.params.get('verbose', False):
  348. if subprocess_encoding:
  349. str_args = [
  350. a.decode(subprocess_encoding) if isinstance(a, bytes) else a
  351. for a in args]
  352. else:
  353. str_args = args
  354. try:
  355. import pipes
  356. shell_quote = lambda args: ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, str_args))
  357. except ImportError:
  358. shell_quote = repr
  359. self.to_screen(u'[debug] rtmpdump command line: ' + shell_quote(str_args))
  360. retval = run_rtmpdump(args)
  361. while (retval == 2 or retval == 1) and not test:
  362. prevsize = os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(tmpfilename))
  363. self.to_screen(u'[rtmpdump] %s bytes' % prevsize)
  364. time.sleep(5.0) # This seems to be needed
  365. retval = run_rtmpdump(basic_args + ['-e'] + [[], ['-k', '1']][retval == 1])
  366. cursize = os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(tmpfilename))
  367. if prevsize == cursize and retval == 1:
  368. break
  369. # Some rtmp streams seem abort after ~ 99.8%. Don't complain for those
  370. if prevsize == cursize and retval == 2 and cursize > 1024:
  371. self.to_screen(u'[rtmpdump] Could not download the whole video. This can happen for some advertisements.')
  372. retval = 0
  373. break
  374. if retval == 0 or (test and retval == 2):
  375. fsize = os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(tmpfilename))
  376. self.to_screen(u'[rtmpdump] %s bytes' % fsize)
  377. self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
  378. self._hook_progress({
  379. 'downloaded_bytes': fsize,
  380. 'total_bytes': fsize,
  381. 'filename': filename,
  382. 'status': 'finished',
  383. })
  384. return True
  385. else:
  386. self.to_stderr(u"\n")
  387. self.report_error(u'rtmpdump exited with code %d' % retval)
  388. return False
  389. def _download_with_mplayer(self, filename, url):
  390. self.report_destination(filename)
  391. tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename)
  392. args = ['mplayer', '-really-quiet', '-vo', 'null', '-vc', 'dummy', '-dumpstream', '-dumpfile', tmpfilename, url]
  393. # Check for mplayer first
  394. try:
  395.['mplayer', '-h'], stdout=(open(os.path.devnull, 'w')), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  396. except (OSError, IOError):
  397. self.report_error(u'MMS or RTSP download detected but "%s" could not be run' % args[0] )
  398. return False
  399. # Download using mplayer.
  400. retval =
  401. if retval == 0:
  402. fsize = os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(tmpfilename))
  403. self.to_screen(u'\r[%s] %s bytes' % (args[0], fsize))
  404. self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
  405. self._hook_progress({
  406. 'downloaded_bytes': fsize,
  407. 'total_bytes': fsize,
  408. 'filename': filename,
  409. 'status': 'finished',
  410. })
  411. return True
  412. else:
  413. self.to_stderr(u"\n")
  414. self.report_error(u'mplayer exited with code %d' % retval)
  415. return False
  416. def _download_m3u8_with_ffmpeg(self, filename, url):
  417. self.report_destination(filename)
  418. tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename)
  419. args = ['-y', '-i', url, '-f', 'mp4', '-c', 'copy',
  420. '-bsf:a', 'aac_adtstoasc', tmpfilename]
  421. for program in ['avconv', 'ffmpeg']:
  422. try:
  423.[program, '-version'], stdout=(open(os.path.devnull, 'w')), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
  424. break
  425. except (OSError, IOError):
  426. pass
  427. else:
  428. self.report_error(u'm3u8 download detected but ffmpeg or avconv could not be found')
  429. cmd = [program] + args
  430. retval =
  431. if retval == 0:
  432. fsize = os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(tmpfilename))
  433. self.to_screen(u'\r[%s] %s bytes' % (args[0], fsize))
  434. self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
  435. self._hook_progress({
  436. 'downloaded_bytes': fsize,
  437. 'total_bytes': fsize,
  438. 'filename': filename,
  439. 'status': 'finished',
  440. })
  441. return True
  442. else:
  443. self.to_stderr(u"\n")
  444. self.report_error(u'ffmpeg exited with code %d' % retval)
  445. return False
  446. def _do_download(self, filename, info_dict):
  447. url = info_dict['url']
  448. # Check file already present
  449. if self.params.get('continuedl', False) and os.path.isfile(encodeFilename(filename)) and not self.params.get('nopart', False):
  450. self.report_file_already_downloaded(filename)
  451. self._hook_progress({
  452. 'filename': filename,
  453. 'status': 'finished',
  454. 'total_bytes': os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(filename)),
  455. })
  456. return True
  457. # Attempt to download using rtmpdump
  458. if url.startswith('rtmp'):
  459. return self._download_with_rtmpdump(filename, url,
  460. info_dict.get('player_url', None),
  461. info_dict.get('page_url', None),
  462. info_dict.get('play_path', None),
  463. info_dict.get('tc_url', None),
  464. info_dict.get('rtmp_live', False),
  465. info_dict.get('rtmp_conn', None))
  466. # Attempt to download using mplayer
  467. if url.startswith('mms') or url.startswith('rtsp'):
  468. return self._download_with_mplayer(filename, url)
  469. # m3u8 manifest are downloaded with ffmpeg
  470. if determine_ext(url) == u'm3u8':
  471. return self._download_m3u8_with_ffmpeg(filename, url)
  472. tmpfilename = self.temp_name(filename)
  473. stream = None
  474. # Do not include the Accept-Encoding header
  475. headers = {'Youtubedl-no-compression': 'True'}
  476. if 'user_agent' in info_dict:
  477. headers['Youtubedl-user-agent'] = info_dict['user_agent']
  478. basic_request = compat_urllib_request.Request(url, None, headers)
  479. request = compat_urllib_request.Request(url, None, headers)
  480. if self.params.get('test', False):
  481. request.add_header('Range','bytes=0-10240')
  482. # Establish possible resume length
  483. if os.path.isfile(encodeFilename(tmpfilename)):
  484. resume_len = os.path.getsize(encodeFilename(tmpfilename))
  485. else:
  486. resume_len = 0
  487. open_mode = 'wb'
  488. if resume_len != 0:
  489. if self.params.get('continuedl', False):
  490. self.report_resuming_byte(resume_len)
  491. request.add_header('Range','bytes=%d-' % resume_len)
  492. open_mode = 'ab'
  493. else:
  494. resume_len = 0
  495. count = 0
  496. retries = self.params.get('retries', 0)
  497. while count <= retries:
  498. # Establish connection
  499. try:
  500. if count == 0 and 'urlhandle' in info_dict:
  501. data = info_dict['urlhandle']
  502. data = compat_urllib_request.urlopen(request)
  503. break
  504. except (compat_urllib_error.HTTPError, ) as err:
  505. if (err.code < 500 or err.code >= 600) and err.code != 416:
  506. # Unexpected HTTP error
  507. raise
  508. elif err.code == 416:
  509. # Unable to resume (requested range not satisfiable)
  510. try:
  511. # Open the connection again without the range header
  512. data = compat_urllib_request.urlopen(basic_request)
  513. content_length =['Content-Length']
  514. except (compat_urllib_error.HTTPError, ) as err:
  515. if err.code < 500 or err.code >= 600:
  516. raise
  517. else:
  518. # Examine the reported length
  519. if (content_length is not None and
  520. (resume_len - 100 < int(content_length) < resume_len + 100)):
  521. # The file had already been fully downloaded.
  522. # Explanation to the above condition: in issue #175 it was revealed that
  523. # YouTube sometimes adds or removes a few bytes from the end of the file,
  524. # changing the file size slightly and causing problems for some users. So
  525. # I decided to implement a suggested change and consider the file
  526. # completely downloaded if the file size differs less than 100 bytes from
  527. # the one in the hard drive.
  528. self.report_file_already_downloaded(filename)
  529. self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
  530. self._hook_progress({
  531. 'filename': filename,
  532. 'status': 'finished',
  533. })
  534. return True
  535. else:
  536. # The length does not match, we start the download over
  537. self.report_unable_to_resume()
  538. open_mode = 'wb'
  539. break
  540. # Retry
  541. count += 1
  542. if count <= retries:
  543. self.report_retry(count, retries)
  544. if count > retries:
  545. self.report_error(u'giving up after %s retries' % retries)
  546. return False
  547. data_len ='Content-length', None)
  548. if data_len is not None:
  549. data_len = int(data_len) + resume_len
  550. min_data_len = self.params.get("min_filesize", None)
  551. max_data_len = self.params.get("max_filesize", None)
  552. if min_data_len is not None and data_len < min_data_len:
  553. self.to_screen(u'\r[download] File is smaller than min-filesize (%s bytes < %s bytes). Aborting.' % (data_len, min_data_len))
  554. return False
  555. if max_data_len is not None and data_len > max_data_len:
  556. self.to_screen(u'\r[download] File is larger than max-filesize (%s bytes > %s bytes). Aborting.' % (data_len, max_data_len))
  557. return False
  558. data_len_str = format_bytes(data_len)
  559. byte_counter = 0 + resume_len
  560. block_size = self.params.get('buffersize', 1024)
  561. start = time.time()
  562. while True:
  563. # Download and write
  564. before = time.time()
  565. data_block =
  566. after = time.time()
  567. if len(data_block) == 0:
  568. break
  569. byte_counter += len(data_block)
  570. # Open file just in time
  571. if stream is None:
  572. try:
  573. (stream, tmpfilename) = sanitize_open(tmpfilename, open_mode)
  574. assert stream is not None
  575. filename = self.undo_temp_name(tmpfilename)
  576. self.report_destination(filename)
  577. except (OSError, IOError) as err:
  578. self.report_error(u'unable to open for writing: %s' % str(err))
  579. return False
  580. try:
  581. stream.write(data_block)
  582. except (IOError, OSError) as err:
  583. self.to_stderr(u"\n")
  584. self.report_error(u'unable to write data: %s' % str(err))
  585. return False
  586. if not self.params.get('noresizebuffer', False):
  587. block_size = self.best_block_size(after - before, len(data_block))
  588. # Progress message
  589. speed = self.calc_speed(start, time.time(), byte_counter - resume_len)
  590. if data_len is None:
  591. eta = percent = None
  592. else:
  593. percent = self.calc_percent(byte_counter, data_len)
  594. eta = self.calc_eta(start, time.time(), data_len - resume_len, byte_counter - resume_len)
  595. self.report_progress(percent, data_len_str, speed, eta)
  596. self._hook_progress({
  597. 'downloaded_bytes': byte_counter,
  598. 'total_bytes': data_len,
  599. 'tmpfilename': tmpfilename,
  600. 'filename': filename,
  601. 'status': 'downloading',
  602. 'eta': eta,
  603. 'speed': speed,
  604. })
  605. # Apply rate limit
  606. self.slow_down(start, byte_counter - resume_len)
  607. if stream is None:
  608. self.to_stderr(u"\n")
  609. self.report_error(u'Did not get any data blocks')
  610. return False
  611. stream.close()
  612. self.report_finish(data_len_str, (time.time() - start))
  613. if data_len is not None and byte_counter != data_len:
  614. raise ContentTooShortError(byte_counter, int(data_len))
  615. self.try_rename(tmpfilename, filename)
  616. # Update file modification time
  617. if self.params.get('updatetime', True):
  618. info_dict['filetime'] = self.try_utime(filename,'last-modified', None))
  619. self._hook_progress({
  620. 'downloaded_bytes': byte_counter,
  621. 'total_bytes': byte_counter,
  622. 'filename': filename,
  623. 'status': 'finished',
  624. })
  625. return True
  626. def _hook_progress(self, status):
  627. for ph in self._progress_hooks:
  628. ph(status)
  629. def add_progress_hook(self, ph):
  630. """ ph gets called on download progress, with a dictionary with the entries
  631. * filename: The final filename
  632. * status: One of "downloading" and "finished"
  633. It can also have some of the following entries:
  634. * downloaded_bytes: Bytes on disks
  635. * total_bytes: Total bytes, None if unknown
  636. * tmpfilename: The filename we're currently writing to
  637. * eta: The estimated time in seconds, None if unknown
  638. * speed: The download speed in bytes/second, None if unknown
  639. Hooks are guaranteed to be called at least once (with status "finished")
  640. if the download is successful.
  641. """
  642. self._progress_hooks.append(ph)