- import json
- import os
- import re
- import xml.etree.ElementTree
- from .common import InfoExtractor
- from ..utils import (
- ExtractorError,
- formatSeconds,
- )
- class JustinTVIE(InfoExtractor):
- """Information extractor for justin.tv and twitch.tv"""
- # TODO: One broadcast may be split into multiple videos. The key
- # 'broadcast_id' is the same for all parts, and 'broadcast_part'
- # starts at 1 and increases. Can we treat all parts as one video?
- _VALID_URL = r"""(?x)^(?:http://)?(?:www\.)?(?:twitch|justin)\.tv/
- (?:
- (?P<channelid>[^/]+)|
- (?:(?:[^/]+)/b/(?P<videoid>[^/]+))|
- (?:(?:[^/]+)/c/(?P<chapterid>[^/]+))
- )
- /?(?:\#.*)?$
- """
- IE_NAME = u'justin.tv'
- def report_download_page(self, channel, offset):
- """Report attempt to download a single page of videos."""
- self.to_screen(u'%s: Downloading video information from %d to %d' %
- (channel, offset, offset + self._JUSTIN_PAGE_LIMIT))
- # Return count of items, list of *valid* items
- def _parse_page(self, url, video_id):
- info_json = self._download_webpage(url, video_id,
- u'Downloading video info JSON',
- u'unable to download video info JSON')
- response = json.loads(info_json)
- if type(response) != list:
- error_text = response.get('error', 'unknown error')
- raise ExtractorError(u'Justin.tv API: %s' % error_text)
- info = []
- for clip in response:
- video_url = clip['video_file_url']
- if video_url:
- video_extension = os.path.splitext(video_url)[1][1:]
- video_date = re.sub('-', '', clip['start_time'][:10])
- video_uploader_id = clip.get('user_id', clip.get('channel_id'))
- video_id = clip['id']
- video_title = clip.get('title', video_id)
- info.append({
- 'id': video_id,
- 'url': video_url,
- 'title': video_title,
- 'uploader': clip.get('channel_name', video_uploader_id),
- 'uploader_id': video_uploader_id,
- 'upload_date': video_date,
- 'ext': video_extension,
- })
- return (len(response), info)
- def _real_extract(self, url):
- mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
- if mobj is None:
- raise ExtractorError(u'invalid URL: %s' % url)
- api_base = 'http://api.justin.tv'
- paged = False
- if mobj.group('channelid'):
- paged = True
- video_id = mobj.group('channelid')
- api = api_base + '/channel/archives/%s.json' % video_id
- elif mobj.group('chapterid'):
- chapter_id = mobj.group('chapterid')
- webpage = self._download_webpage(url, chapter_id)
- m = re.search(r'PP\.archive_id = "([0-9]+)";', webpage)
- if not m:
- raise ExtractorError(u'Cannot find archive of a chapter')
- archive_id = m.group(1)
- api = api_base + '/broadcast/by_chapter/%s.xml' % chapter_id
- chapter_info_xml = self._download_webpage(api, chapter_id,
- note=u'Downloading chapter information',
- errnote=u'Chapter information download failed')
- doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(chapter_info_xml)
- for a in doc.findall('.//archive'):
- if archive_id == a.find('./id').text:
- break
- else:
- raise ExtractorError(u'Could not find chapter in chapter information')
- video_url = a.find('./video_file_url').text
- video_ext = video_url.rpartition('.')[2] or u'flv'
- chapter_api_url = u'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/videos/c' + chapter_id
- chapter_info_json = self._download_webpage(chapter_api_url, u'c' + chapter_id,
- note='Downloading chapter metadata',
- errnote='Download of chapter metadata failed')
- chapter_info = json.loads(chapter_info_json)
- bracket_start = int(doc.find('.//bracket_start').text)
- bracket_end = int(doc.find('.//bracket_end').text)
- # TODO determine start (and probably fix up file)
- # youtube-dl -v http://www.twitch.tv/firmbelief/c/1757457
- #video_url += u'?start=' + TODO:start_timestamp
- # bracket_start is 13290, but we want 51670615
- self._downloader.report_warning(u'Chapter detected, but we can just download the whole file. '
- u'Chapter starts at %s and ends at %s' % (formatSeconds(bracket_start), formatSeconds(bracket_end)))
- info = {
- 'id': u'c' + chapter_id,
- 'url': video_url,
- 'ext': video_ext,
- 'title': chapter_info['title'],
- 'thumbnail': chapter_info['preview'],
- 'description': chapter_info['description'],
- 'uploader': chapter_info['channel']['display_name'],
- 'uploader_id': chapter_info['channel']['name'],
- }
- return [info]
- else:
- video_id = mobj.group('videoid')
- api = api_base + '/broadcast/by_archive/%s.json' % video_id
- self.report_extraction(video_id)
- info = []
- offset = 0
- limit = self._JUSTIN_PAGE_LIMIT
- while True:
- if paged:
- self.report_download_page(video_id, offset)
- page_url = api + ('?offset=%d&limit=%d' % (offset, limit))
- page_count, page_info = self._parse_page(page_url, video_id)
- info.extend(page_info)
- if not paged or page_count != limit:
- break
- offset += limit
- return info