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"""Functions to create artificial nd2 data for testing purposes
import six
import numpy as np
import struct
from nd2reader.common import check_or_make_dir
from os import path
class ArtificialND2(object):
"""Artificial ND2 class (for testing purposes)
header = 0xabeceda
relative_offset = 0
data_types = {'unsigned_char': 1,
'unsigned_int': 2,
'unsigned_int_2': 3,
'unsigned_long': 5,
'double': 6,
'string': 8,
'char_array': 9,
'metadata_item': 11,
def __init__(self, file, version=(3, 0), skip_blocks=None):
self.version = version
self.raw_text, self.locations, = b'', None, None
self._fh = open(file, 'w+b', 0)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def file_handle(self):
"""The file handle to the binary file
file: the file handle
return self._fh
def close(self):
"""Correctly close the file handle
if self._fh is not None:
def write_file(self, skip_blocks=None):
if skip_blocks is None:
skip_blocks = []
if 'version' not in skip_blocks:
# write version header at start of the file
if 'label_map' not in skip_blocks:
# write label map + data in the center
self.locations, = self.write_label_map()
if 'label_map_marker' not in skip_blocks:
# write start position of label map at the end of the file
# write all to file
def write_version(self):
"""Write file header
# write 16 empty bytes
self.raw_text += bytearray(16)
# write version info
self.raw_text += self._get_version_string()
def write_label_map_info(self):
"""Write the location of the start of the label map at the end of the file
location = self._get_version_byte_length()
self.raw_text += struct.pack("Q", location)
def _get_version_string(self):
return six.b('ND2 FILE SIGNATURE CHUNK NAME01!Ver%s.%s' % self.version)
def _get_version_byte_length(self):
return 16 + len(self._get_version_string())
def write_label_map(self):
raw_text, locations, data = self.create_label_map_bytes()
self.raw_text += raw_text
return locations, data
def create_label_map_bytes(self):
"""Construct a binary label map
tuple: (binary data, dictionary data)
raw_text = six.b('')
labels = [
file_labels = [
file_data, file_data_dict = self._get_file_data(labels)
locations = {}
# generate random positions and lengths
version_length = self._get_version_byte_length()
# calculate data length
label_length = np.sum([len(six.b(l)) + 16 for l in file_labels])
# write label map
cur_pos = version_length + label_length
for label, file_label, data in zip(labels, file_labels, file_data):
raw_text += six.b(file_label)
data_length = len(data)
raw_text += struct.pack('QQ', cur_pos, data_length)
locations[label] = (cur_pos, data_length)
cur_pos += data_length
# write data
raw_text += six.b('').join(file_data)
return raw_text, locations, file_data_dict
def _pack_data_with_metadata(self, data):
packed_data = self._pack_raw_data_with_metadata(data)
raw_data = struct.pack("IIQ", self.header, self.relative_offset, len(packed_data))
raw_data += packed_data
return raw_data
def _pack_raw_data_with_metadata(self, data):
raw_data = b''
if isinstance(data, dict):
raw_data = self._pack_dict_with_metadata(data)
elif isinstance(data, int):
raw_data = struct.pack('I', data)
elif isinstance(data, float):
raw_data = struct.pack('d', data)
return raw_data
def _get_data_type(self, data):
if isinstance(data, dict):
return self.data_types['metadata_item']
elif isinstance(data, int):
return self.data_types['unsigned_int']
return self.data_types['double']
def _pack_dict_with_metadata(self, data):
raw_data = b''
for data_key in data.keys():
# names have always one character extra and are padded in zero bytes???
b_data_key = six.b('').join([struct.pack('cx', six.b(s)) for s in data_key]) + struct.pack('xx')
# header consists of data type and length of key name, it is represented by 2 unsigned chars
raw_data += struct.pack('BB', self._get_data_type(data[data_key]), len(data_key) + 1)
raw_data += b_data_key
sub_data = self._pack_raw_data_with_metadata(data[data_key])
if isinstance(data[data_key], dict):
# Pack: the number of keys and the length of raw data until now, sub data
# and the 12 bytes that we add now
raw_data += struct.pack("<IQ", len(data[data_key].keys()), len(sub_data) + len(raw_data) + 12)
raw_data += sub_data
if isinstance(data[data_key], dict):
# apparently there is also a huge empty space
raw_data += b''.join([struct.pack('x')] * len(data[data_key].keys()) * 8)
return raw_data
def _get_file_data(self, labels):
file_data = [
'uiWidth': 128,
'uiWidthBytes': 256,
'uiHeight': 128,
'uiComp': 1,
'uiBpcInMemory': 16,
'uiBpcSignificant': 12,
'uiSequenceCount': 70,
'uiTileWidth': 128,
'uiTileHeight': 128,
'eCompression': 2,
'dCompressionParam': -1.0,
'ePixelType': 1,
'uiVirtualComponents': 1
}, # ImageAttributesLV!",
7, # ImageTextInfoLV!",
7, # ImageMetadataLV!",
7, # ImageMetadataSeqLV|0!",
7, # ImageCalibrationLV|0!",
7, # CustomData|X!",
7, # CustomData|Y!",
7, # CustomData|Z!",
7, # CustomData|RoiMetadata_v1!",
7, # CustomData|PFS_STATUS!",
7, # CustomData|PFS_OFFSET!",
7, # CustomData|GUIDStore!",
7, # CustomData|CustomDescriptionV1_0!",
7, # CustomData|Camera_ExposureTime1!",
7, # CustomData|CameraTemp1!",
7, # CustomData|AcqTimesCache!",
7, # CustomData|AcqTimes2Cache!",
7, # CustomData|AcqFramesCache!",
7, # CustomDataVar|LUTDataV1_0!",
7, # CustomDataVar|GrabberCameraSettingsV1_0!",
7, # CustomDataVar|CustomDataV2_0!",
7, # CustomDataVar|AppInfo_V1_0!",
7, # ImageDataSeq|0!"
file_data_dict = {l: d for l, d in zip(labels, file_data)}
# convert to bytes
file_data = [self._pack_data_with_metadata(d) for d in file_data]
return file_data, file_data_dict