# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from collections import namedtuple from nd2reader.model import Channel import logging from nd2reader.model import Image, ImageSet from nd2reader.reader import Nd2FileReader chunk = namedtuple('Chunk', ['location', 'length']) field_of_view = namedtuple('FOV', ['number', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'pfs_offset']) print(__name__) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.WARN) class Nd2(Nd2FileReader): def __init__(self, filename): super(Nd2, self).__init__(filename) def get_image(self, time_index, fov, channel_name, z_level): image_set_number = self._calculate_image_set_number(time_index, fov, z_level) timestamp, raw_image_data = self.get_raw_image_data(image_set_number, self.channel_offset[channel_name]) return Image(timestamp, raw_image_data, fov, channel_name, z_level, self.height, self.width) def __iter__(self): """ Just return every image in order (might not be exactly the order that the images were physically taken, but it will be within a few seconds). A better explanation is probably needed here. """ for i in range(self._image_count): for fov in range(self.field_of_view_count): for z_level in range(self.z_level_count): for channel in self.channels: image = self.get_image(i, fov, channel.name, z_level) if image.is_valid: yield image def image_sets(self, field_of_view, time_indices=None, channels=None, z_levels=None): """ Gets all the images for a given field of view and """ timepoint_set = xrange(self.time_index_count) if time_indices is None else time_indices channel_set = [channel.name for channel in self.channels] if channels is None else channels z_level_set = xrange(self.z_level_count) if z_levels is None else z_levels for timepoint in timepoint_set: image_set = ImageSet() for channel_name in channel_set: for z_level in z_level_set: image = self.get_image(timepoint, field_of_view, channel_name, z_level) if image.is_valid: image_set.add(image) yield image_set self._channel_offset = None @property def height(self): """ :return: height of each image, in pixels """ return self._metadata['ImageAttributes']['SLxImageAttributes']['uiHeight'] @property def width(self): """ :return: width of each image, in pixels """ return self._metadata['ImageAttributes']['SLxImageAttributes']['uiWidth'] @property def channels(self): metadata = self._metadata['ImageMetadataSeq']['SLxPictureMetadata']['sPicturePlanes'] try: validity = self._metadata['ImageMetadata']['SLxExperiment']['ppNextLevelEx'][''][0]['ppNextLevelEx'][''][0]['pItemValid'] except KeyError: # If none of the channels have been deleted, there is no validity list, so we just make one validity = [True for i in metadata] # Channel information is contained in dictionaries with the keys a0, a1...an where the number # indicates the order in which the channel is stored. So by sorting the dicts alphabetically # we get the correct order. for (label, chan), valid in zip(sorted(metadata['sPlaneNew'].items()), validity): if not valid: continue name = chan['sDescription'] exposure_time = metadata['sSampleSetting'][label]['dExposureTime'] camera = metadata['sSampleSetting'][label]['pCameraSetting']['CameraUserName'] yield Channel(name, camera, exposure_time) @property def channel_names(self): """ A convenience method for getting an alphabetized list of channel names. :return: list[str] """ for channel in sorted(self.channels, key=lambda x: x.name): yield channel.name @property def _image_count(self): return self._metadata['ImageAttributes']['SLxImageAttributes']['uiSequenceCount'] @property def _sequence_count(self): return self._metadata['ImageEvents']['RLxExperimentRecord']['uiCount'] @property def channel_offset(self): if self._channel_offset is None: self._channel_offset = {} for n, channel in enumerate(self.channels): self._channel_offset[channel.name] = n return self._channel_offset def _calculate_image_set_number(self, time_index, fov, z_level): return time_index * self.field_of_view_count * self.z_level_count + (fov * self.z_level_count + z_level)