# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import array from collections import namedtuple import struct from StringIO import StringIO field_of_view = namedtuple('FOV', ['number', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'pfs_offset']) class Nd2Parser(object): """ Reads .nd2 files, provides an interface to the metadata, and generates numpy arrays from the image data. """ CHUNK_HEADER = 0xabeceda CHUNK_MAP_START = "ND2 FILEMAP SIGNATURE NAME 0001!" CHUNK_MAP_END = "ND2 CHUNK MAP SIGNATURE 0000001!" def __init__(self, filename): self._absolute_start = None self._filename = filename self._fh = None self._chunk_map_start_location = None self._cursor_position = 0 self._dimension_text = None self._label_map = {} self.metadata = {} self._read_map() self._parse_metadata() @property def _file_handle(self): if self._fh is None: self._fh = open(self._filename, "rb") return self._fh @property def _dimensions(self): if self._dimension_text is None: for line in self.metadata['ImageTextInfo']['SLxImageTextInfo'].values(): if "Dimensions:" in line: metadata = line break else: raise ValueError("Could not parse metadata dimensions!") for line in metadata.split("\r\n"): if line.startswith("Dimensions:"): self._dimension_text = line break else: raise ValueError("Could not parse metadata dimensions!") return self._dimension_text @property def _image_count(self): return self.metadata['ImageAttributes']['SLxImageAttributes']['uiSequenceCount'] @property def _sequence_count(self): return self.metadata['ImageEvents']['RLxExperimentRecord']['uiCount'] def _parse_metadata(self): for label in self._label_map.keys(): if label.endswith("LV!") or "LV|" in label: data = self._read_chunk(self._label_map[label]) stop = label.index("LV") self.metadata[label[:stop]] = self._read_metadata(data, 1) def _read_map(self): """ Every label ends with an exclamation point, however, we can't directly search for those to find all the labels as some of the bytes contain the value 33, which is the ASCII code for "!". So we iteratively find each label, grab the subsequent data (always 16 bytes long), advance to the next label and repeat. """ self._file_handle.seek(-8, 2) chunk_map_start_location = struct.unpack("Q", self._file_handle.read(8))[0] self._file_handle.seek(chunk_map_start_location) raw_text = self._file_handle.read(-1) label_start = raw_text.index(Nd2Parser.CHUNK_MAP_START) + 32 while True: data_start = raw_text.index("!", label_start) + 1 key = raw_text[label_start: data_start] location, length = struct.unpack("QQ", raw_text[data_start: data_start + 16]) if key == Nd2Parser.CHUNK_MAP_END: # We've reached the end of the chunk map break self._label_map[key] = location label_start = data_start + 16 def _read_chunk(self, chunk_location): """ Gets the data for a given chunk pointer """ self._file_handle.seek(chunk_location) # The chunk metadata is always 16 bytes long chunk_metadata = self._file_handle.read(16) header, relative_offset, data_length = struct.unpack("IIQ", chunk_metadata) if header != Nd2Parser.CHUNK_HEADER: raise ValueError("The ND2 file seems to be corrupted.") # We start at the location of the chunk metadata, skip over the metadata, and then proceed to the # start of the actual data field, which is at some arbitrary place after the metadata. self._file_handle.seek(chunk_location + 16 + relative_offset) return self._file_handle.read(data_length) def _z_level_count(self): st = self._read_chunk(self._label_map["CustomData|Z!"]) return len(array.array("d", st)) def _parse_unsigned_char(self, data): return struct.unpack("B", data.read(1))[0] def _parse_unsigned_int(self, data): return struct.unpack("I", data.read(4))[0] def _parse_unsigned_long(self, data): return struct.unpack("Q", data.read(8))[0] def _parse_double(self, data): return struct.unpack("d", data.read(8))[0] def _parse_string(self, data): value = data.read(2) while not value.endswith("\x00\x00"): # the string ends at the first instance of \x00\x00 value += data.read(2) return value.decode("utf16")[:-1].encode("utf8") def _parse_char_array(self, data): array_length = struct.unpack("Q", data.read(8))[0] return array.array("B", data.read(array_length)) def _parse_metadata_item(self, data): new_count, length = struct.unpack("