- import unittest
- import numpy as np
- import struct
- from pims import Frame
- from nd2reader.artificial import ArtificialND2
- from nd2reader.exceptions import EmptyFileError, InvalidFileType
- from nd2reader.reader import ND2Reader
- from nd2reader.parser import Parser
- class TestReader(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_invalid_file_extension(self):
- self.assertRaises(InvalidFileType, lambda: ND2Reader('test_data/invalid_extension_file.inv'))
- def test_extension(self):
- self.assertTrue('nd2' in ND2Reader.class_exts())
- def cmp_two_readers(self, r1, r2):
- attributes = r1.data['image_attributes']['SLxImageAttributes']
- self.assertEqual(r2.metadata['width'], attributes['uiWidth'])
- self.assertEqual(r2.metadata['height'], attributes['uiHeight'])
- self.assertEqual(r2.metadata['width'], r2.sizes['x'])
- self.assertEqual(r2.metadata['height'], r2.sizes['y'])
- self.assertEqual(r2.pixel_type, np.float64)
- self.assertEqual(r2.iter_axes, ['t'])
- def test_init_and_init_axes(self):
- with ArtificialND2('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as artificial:
- with ND2Reader('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as reader:
- self.cmp_two_readers(artificial, reader)
- def test_init_from_handler(self):
- with ArtificialND2('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as artificial:
- with open('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2', "rb") as FH:
- with ND2Reader(FH) as reader:
- self.cmp_two_readers(artificial, reader)
- def test_init_empty_file(self):
- with ArtificialND2('test_data/empty.nd2', skip_blocks=['label_map_marker']):
- with self.assertRaises(EmptyFileError) as exception:
- with ND2Reader('test_data/empty.nd2'):
- pass
- self.assertEqual(str(exception.exception), "No axes were found for this .nd2 file.")
- def test_get_parser(self):
- with ArtificialND2('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as _:
- with ND2Reader('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as reader:
- self.assertIsInstance(reader.parser, Parser)
- def test_get_timesteps(self):
- with ArtificialND2('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as _:
- with ND2Reader('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as reader:
- timesteps = reader.timesteps
- self.assertEquals(len(timesteps), 0)
- def test_get_frame_zero(self):
- # Best test we can do for now:
- # test everything up to the actual unpacking of the frame data
- with ArtificialND2('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as _:
- with ND2Reader('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as reader:
- with self.assertRaises(struct.error) as exception:
- frame = reader[0]
- self.assertIn('unpack', str(exception.exception))
- def test_get_frame_2D(self):
- # Best test we can do for now:
- # test everything up to the actual unpacking of the frame data
- with ArtificialND2('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as _:
- with ND2Reader('test_data/test_nd2_reader.nd2') as reader:
- with self.assertRaises(struct.error) as exception:
- frame = reader.get_frame_2D(c=0, t=0, z=0, x=0, y=0, v=0)
- self.assertIn('unpack', str(exception.exception))