- """
- Tests on ND2s that have 1 or 2 cycles only. This is unlike the ND2s I work with typically, which are all done over very long periods of time.
- """
- from nd2reader import Nd2
- import numpy as np
- import unittest
- class Monocycle1Tests(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.nd2 = Nd2("/var/nd2s/simone1.nd2")
- def tearDown(self):
- self.nd2.close()
- def test_channels(self):
- self.assertListEqual(self.nd2.channels, ['Cy3Narrow', 'TxRed-modified', 'FITC', 'DAPI'])
- def test_pixel_size(self):
- self.assertGreater(self.nd2.pixel_microns, 0.0)
- def test_select(self):
- manual_images = []
- for _, image in zip(range(20), self.nd2):
- if image is not None and image.channel == 'FITC':
- manual_images.append(image)
- filter_images = []
- for image in self.nd2.select(channels='FITC'):
- filter_images.append(image)
- if len(filter_images) == len(manual_images):
- break
- self.assertEqual(len(manual_images), len(filter_images))
- self.assertGreater(len(manual_images), 0)
- for a, b in zip(manual_images, filter_images):
- self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(a, b))
- self.assertEqual(a.index, b.index)
- self.assertEqual(a.field_of_view, b.field_of_view)
- self.assertEqual(a.channel, b.channel)
- def test_select_order_all(self):
- # If we select every possible image using select(), we should just get every image in order
- n = 0
- for image in self.nd2.select(channels=['Cy3Narrow', 'DAPI', 'FITC', 'TxRed-modified'],
- z_levels=list(range(35)),
- fields_of_view=list(range(5))):
- while True:
- indexed_image = self.nd2[n]
- if indexed_image is not None:
- break
- n += 1
- self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(image, indexed_image))
- n += 1
- if n > 100:
- # Quit after the first hundred images just to save time.
- # If there's a problem, we'll have seen it by now.
- break
- def test_select_order_subset(self):
- # Test that images are always yielded in increasing order. This guarantees that no matter what subset of images
- # we're filtering, we still get them in the chronological order they were acquired
- n = -1
- for image in self.nd2.select(channels='FITC',
- z_levels=[0, 1],
- fields_of_view=[1, 2, 4]):
- self.assertGreater(image.index, n)
- self.assertEqual(image.channel, 'FITC')
- self.assertIn(image.field_of_view, (1, 2, 4))
- self.assertIn(image.z_level, (0, 1))
- n = image.index
- if n > 100:
- break
- class Monocycle2Tests(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.nd2 = Nd2("/var/nd2s/hawkjo.nd2")
- def tearDown(self):
- self.nd2.close()
- def test_pixel_size(self):
- self.assertGreater(self.nd2.pixel_microns, 0.0)
- def test_select(self):
- manual_images = []
- for _, image in zip(range(20), self.nd2):
- if image is not None and image.channel == 'HHQ 500 LP 1':
- manual_images.append(image)
- filter_images = []
- for image in self.nd2.select(channels='HHQ 500 LP 1'):
- filter_images.append(image)
- if len(filter_images) == len(manual_images):
- break
- self.assertEqual(len(manual_images), len(filter_images))
- self.assertGreater(len(manual_images), 0)
- for a, b in zip(manual_images, filter_images):
- self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(a, b))
- self.assertEqual(a.index, b.index)
- self.assertEqual(a.field_of_view, b.field_of_view)
- self.assertEqual(a.channel, b.channel)
- def test_select_order_all(self):
- # If we select every possible image using select(), we should just get every image in order
- n = 0
- for image in self.nd2.select(channels=['HHQ 500 LP 1', 'HHQ 500 LP 2'],
- z_levels=[0],
- fields_of_view=list(range(100))):
- while True:
- indexed_image = self.nd2[n]
- if indexed_image is not None:
- break
- n += 1
- self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(image, indexed_image))
- n += 1
- if n > 100:
- # Quit after the first hundred images just to save time.
- # If there's a problem, we'll have seen it by now.
- break
- def test_select_order_subset(self):
- # Test that images are always yielded in increasing order. This guarantees that no matter what subset of images
- # we're filtering, we still get them in the chronological order they were acquired
- n = -1
- for image in self.nd2.select(channels='HHQ 500 LP 2',
- z_levels=[0],
- fields_of_view=[1, 2, 4]):
- self.assertGreater(image.index, n)
- self.assertEqual(image.channel, 'HHQ 500 LP 2')
- self.assertIn(image.field_of_view, (1, 2, 4))
- self.assertEqual(image.z_level, 0)
- n = image.index
- if n > 100:
- break