- import numpy as np
- import skimage.io
- import logging
- from io import BytesIO
- import array
- import struct
- log = logging.getLogger("nd2reader")
- class Channel(object):
- def __init__(self, name, camera, exposure_time):
- self._name = name
- self._camera = camera
- self._exposure_time = exposure_time
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self._name
- @property
- def camera(self):
- return self._camera
- @property
- def exposure_time(self):
- return self._exposure_time
- class ImageSet(object):
- """
- A group of images that share the same timestamp. NIS Elements doesn't store a unique timestamp for every
- image, rather, it stores one for each set of images that share the same field of view and z-axis level.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._images = []
- def add(self, image):
- """
- :type image: nd2reader.model.Image()
- """
- self._images.append(image)
- def __iter__(self):
- for image in self._images:
- yield image
- class Image(object):
- def __init__(self, timestamp, raw_array, field_of_view, channel, z_level, height, width):
- self._timestamp = timestamp
- self._raw_data = raw_array
- self._field_of_view = field_of_view
- self._channel = channel
- self._z_level = z_level
- self._height = height
- self._width = width
- self._data = None
- @property
- def timestamp(self):
- """
- The number of seconds after the beginning of the acquisition that the image was taken. Note that for a given field
- of view and z-level offset, if you have images of multiple channels, they will all be given the same timestamp.
- No, this doesn't make much sense. But that's how ND2s are structured, so if your experiment depends on millisecond
- accuracy, you need to find an alternative imaging system.
- """
- return self._timestamp / 1000.0
- @property
- def channel(self):
- return self._channel
- @property
- def z_level(self):
- return self._z_level
- @property
- def data(self):
- if self._data is None:
- # The data is just a flat, 1-dimensional array. We convert it to a 2D array and cast the data points as 16-bit integers
- self._data = np.reshape(self._raw_data, (self._height, self._width)).astype(np.int64).astype(np.uint16)
- return self._data
- @property
- def is_valid(self):
- return np.any(self.data)
- def show(self):
- skimage.io.imshow(self.data)
- skimage.io.show()
- class MetadataItem(object):
- def __init__(self, start, data):
- self._datatype = ord(data[start])
- self._label_length = 2 * ord(data[start + 1])
- self._data = data
- @property
- def is_valid(self):
- return self._datatype > 0
- @property
- def key(self):
- return self._data[2:self._label_length].decode("utf16").encode("utf8")
- @property
- def length(self):
- return self._length
- @property
- def data_start(self):
- return self._label_length + 2
- @property
- def _body(self):
- """
- All data after the header.
- """
- return self._data[self.data_start:]
- def _get_bytes(self, count):
- return self._data[self.data_start: self.data_start + count]
- @property
- def value(self):
- parser = {1: self._parse_unsigned_char,
- 2: self._parse_unsigned_int,
- 3: self._parse_unsigned_int,
- 5: self._parse_unsigned_long,
- 6: self._parse_double,
- 8: self._parse_string,
- 9: self._parse_char_array,
- 11: self._parse_metadata_item
- }
- return parser[self._datatype]()
- def _parse_unsigned_char(self):
- self._length = 1
- return self._unpack("B", self._get_bytes(self._length))
- def _parse_unsigned_int(self):
- self._length = 4
- return self._unpack("I", self._get_bytes(self._length))
- def _parse_unsigned_long(self):
- self._length = 8
- return self._unpack("Q", self._get_bytes(self._length))
- def _parse_double(self):
- self._length = 8
- return self._unpack("d", self._get_bytes(self._length))
- def _parse_string(self):
- # the string is of unknown length but ends at the first instance of \x00\x00
- stop = self._body.index("\x00\x00")
- self._length = stop
- return self._body[:stop - 1].decode("utf16").encode("utf8")
- def _parse_char_array(self):
- array_length = self._unpack("Q", self._get_bytes(8))
- self._length = array_length + 8
- return array.array("B", self._body[8:array_length])
- def _parse_metadata_item(self):
- count, length = struct.unpack("<IQ", self._get_bytes(12))
- metadata_set = MetadataSet(self._body, 0, count)
- def _unpack(self, kind, data):
- """
- :param kind: the datatype to interpret the bytes as (see: https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html#struct-format-strings)
- :type kind: str
- :param data: the bytes to be converted
- :type data: bytes
- Parses a sequence of bytes and converts them to a Python data type.
- struct.unpack() returns a tuple but we only want the first element.
- """
- return struct.unpack(kind, data)[0]
- class MetadataSet(object):
- """
- A container of metadata items. Can contain other MetadataSet objects.
- """
- def __init__(self, data, start, item_count):
- self._items = []
- self._parse(data, start, item_count)
- def _parse(self, data, start, item_count):
- for item in range(item_count):
- metadata_item = MetadataItem(start, data)
- if not metadata_item.is_valid:
- break
- start += metadata_item.length
- class Chunkmap(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def read(self, filename):
- with open(filename, "rb") as f:
- data = f.read(-1)
- self.parse(data, 1)
- def parse(self, data, count):
- data = BytesIO(data)
- res = {}
- total_count = 0
- for c in range(count):
- lastpos = data.tell()
- total_count += 1
- hdr = data.read(2)
- if not hdr:
- break
- typ = ord(hdr[0])
- bname = data.read(2*ord(hdr[1]))
- name = bname.decode("utf16")[:-1].encode("utf8")
- if typ == 1:
- value, = struct.unpack("B", data.read(1))
- elif typ in [2, 3]:
- value, = struct.unpack("I", data.read(4))
- elif typ == 5:
- value, = struct.unpack("Q", data.read(8))
- elif typ == 6:
- value, = struct.unpack("d", data.read(8))
- elif typ == 8:
- value = data.read(2)
- while value[-2:] != "\x00\x00":
- value += data.read(2)
- value = value.decode("utf16")[:-1].encode("utf8")
- elif typ == 9:
- cnt, = struct.unpack("Q", data.read(8))
- value = array.array("B", data.read(cnt))
- elif typ == 11:
- curpos = data.tell()
- newcount, length = struct.unpack("<IQ", data.read(12))
- curpos = data.tell()
- length -= data.tell()-lastpos
- nextdata = data.read(length)
- value = self.parse(nextdata, newcount)
- # Skip some offsets
- data.read(newcount * 8)
- else:
- assert 0, "%s hdr %x:%x unknown" % (name, ord(hdr[0]), ord(hdr[1]))
- if not name in res:
- res[name] = value
- else:
- if not isinstance(res[name], list):
- res[name] = [res[name]]
- res[name].append(value)
- x = data.read()
- assert not x, "skip %d %s" % (len(x), repr(x[:30]))
- return res