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  1. import unittest
  2. from os import path
  3. import array
  4. import six
  5. import struct
  6. from nd2reader.artificial import ArtificialND2
  7. from nd2reader.common import get_version, parse_version, parse_date, _add_to_metadata, _parse_unsigned_char, \
  8. _parse_unsigned_int, _parse_unsigned_long, _parse_double, check_or_make_dir, _parse_string, _parse_char_array, \
  9. get_from_dict_if_exists, read_chunk
  10. from nd2reader.exceptions import InvalidVersionError
  11. class TestCommon(unittest.TestCase):
  12. def setUp(self):
  13. dir_path = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))
  14. check_or_make_dir(path.join(dir_path, 'test_data/'))
  15. self.test_file = path.join(dir_path, 'test_data/test.nd2')
  16. def create_test_nd2(self):
  17. with ArtificialND2(self.test_file) as artificial:
  18. artificial.close()
  19. def test_parse_version_2(self):
  20. data = 'ND2 FILE SIGNATURE CHUNK NAME01!Ver2.2'
  21. actual = parse_version(data)
  22. expected = (2, 2)
  23. self.assertTupleEqual(actual, expected)
  24. def test_parse_version_3(self):
  25. data = 'ND2 FILE SIGNATURE CHUNK NAME01!Ver3.0'
  26. actual = parse_version(data)
  27. expected = (3, 0)
  28. self.assertTupleEqual(actual, expected)
  29. def test_parse_version_invalid(self):
  30. data = 'ND2 FILE SIGNATURE CHUNK NAME!Version2.2.3'
  31. self.assertRaises(InvalidVersionError, parse_version, data)
  32. def test_get_version_from_file(self):
  33. self.create_test_nd2()
  34. with open(self.test_file, 'rb') as fh:
  35. version_tuple = get_version(fh)
  36. self.assertTupleEqual(version_tuple, (3, 0))
  37. def test_parse_date_24(self):
  38. date_format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"
  39. date = '02/13/2016 23:43:37'
  40. textinfo = {six.b('TextInfoItem9'): six.b(date)}
  41. result = parse_date(textinfo)
  42. self.assertEqual(result.strftime(date_format), date)
  43. def test_parse_date_12(self):
  44. date_format = "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"
  45. date = '02/13/2016 11:43:37 PM'
  46. textinfo = {six.b('TextInfoItem9'): six.b(date)}
  47. result = parse_date(textinfo)
  48. self.assertEqual(result.strftime(date_format), date)
  49. def test_parse_date_exception(self):
  50. date = 'i am no date'
  51. textinfo = {six.b('TextInfoItem9'): six.b(date)}
  52. result = parse_date(textinfo)
  53. self.assertIsNone(result)
  54. def test_add_to_meta_simple(self):
  55. metadata = {}
  56. _add_to_metadata(metadata, 'test', 'value')
  57. self.assertDictEqual(metadata, {'test': 'value'})
  58. def test_add_to_meta_new_list(self):
  59. metadata = {'test': 'value1'}
  60. _add_to_metadata(metadata, 'test', 'value2')
  61. self.assertDictEqual(metadata, {'test': ['value1', 'value2']})
  62. def test_add_to_meta_existing_list(self):
  63. metadata = {'test': ['value1', 'value2']}
  64. _add_to_metadata(metadata, 'test', 'value3')
  65. self.assertDictEqual(metadata, {'test': ['value1', 'value2', 'value3']})
  66. @staticmethod
  67. def _prepare_bin_stream(binary_format, *value):
  68. file = six.BytesIO()
  69. data = struct.pack(binary_format, *value)
  70. file.write(data)
  72. return file
  73. def test_parse_functions(self):
  74. file = self._prepare_bin_stream("B", 9)
  75. self.assertEqual(_parse_unsigned_char(file), 9)
  76. file = self._prepare_bin_stream("I", 333)
  77. self.assertEqual(_parse_unsigned_int(file), 333)
  78. file = self._prepare_bin_stream("Q", 7564332)
  79. self.assertEqual(_parse_unsigned_long(file), 7564332)
  80. file = self._prepare_bin_stream("d", 47.9)
  81. self.assertEqual(_parse_double(file), 47.9)
  82. test_string = 'colloid'
  83. file = self._prepare_bin_stream("%ds" % len(test_string), six.b(test_string))
  84. parsed = _parse_string(file)
  85. self.assertEqual(parsed, six.b(test_string))
  86. test_data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  87. file = self._prepare_bin_stream("Q" + ''.join(['B'] * len(test_data)), len(test_data), *test_data)
  88. parsed = _parse_char_array(file)
  89. self.assertEqual(parsed, array.array('B', test_data))
  90. def test_get_from_dict_if_exists(self):
  91. test_dict = {
  92. six.b('existing'): 'test',
  93. 'string': 'test2'
  94. }
  95. self.assertIsNone(get_from_dict_if_exists('nowhere', test_dict))
  96. self.assertEqual(get_from_dict_if_exists('existing', test_dict), 'test')
  97. self.assertEqual(get_from_dict_if_exists('string', test_dict, convert_key_to_binary=False), 'test2')
  98. def test_read_chunk(self):
  99. with ArtificialND2(self.test_file) as artificial:
  100. fh = artificial.file_handle
  101. chunk_location = artificial.locations['image_attributes'][0]
  102. chunk_read = read_chunk(fh, chunk_location)
  103. real_data = six.BytesIO(artificial.raw_text)
  105. # The chunk metadata is always 16 bytes long
  106. chunk_metadata =
  107. header, relative_offset, data_length = struct.unpack("IIQ", chunk_metadata)
  108. self.assertEquals(header, 0xabeceda)
  109. # We start at the location of the chunk metadata, skip over the metadata, and then proceed to the
  110. # start of the actual data field, which is at some arbitrary place after the metadata.
  111. + 16 + relative_offset)
  112. real_chunk =
  113. self.assertEqual(real_chunk, chunk_read)
  114. def test_read_chunk_fail_bad_header(self):
  115. with ArtificialND2(self.test_file) as artificial:
  116. fh = artificial.file_handle
  117. chunk_location = artificial.locations['image_attributes'][0]
  118. with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
  119. read_chunk(fh, chunk_location + 1)
  120. self.assertEquals(str(context.exception), "The ND2 file seems to be corrupted.")