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*** This is the beginning of an unfinished draft. Don't continue reading! ***

Lightclient Attackers Isolation

Adversarial nodes may have the incentive to lie to a lightclient about the state of a Tendermint blockchain. An attempt to do so is called attack. Light client verification checks incoming data by checking a so-called "commit", which is a forwarded set of signed messages that is (supposedly) produced during executing Tendermint consensus. Thus, an attack boils down to creating and signing Tendermint consensus messages in deviation from the Tendermint consensus algorithm rules.

As Tendermint consensus and light client verification is safe under the assumption of more than 2/3 of correct voting power per block [TMBC-FM-2THIRDS], this implies that if there was an attack then [TMBC-FM-2THIRDS] was violated, that is, there is a block such that

  • validators deviated from the protocol, and
  • these validators represent more than 1/3 of the voting power in that block.

In the case of an attack, the lightclient attack detection mechanism computes data, so called evidence [LC-DATA-EVIDENCE.1], that can be used

  • to proof that there has been attack [TMBC-LC-EVIDENCE-DATA.1] and
  • as basis to find the actual nodes that deviated from the Tendermint protocol.

This specification considers how a full node in a Tendermint blockchain can isolate a set of attackers that launched the attack. The set should satisfy

  • the set does not contain a correct validator
  • the set contains validators that represent more than 1/3 of the voting power of a block that is still within the unbonding period


TODO when preparing a version for broader review.

Part I - Basics

For definitions of data structures used here, in particular LightBlocks [LCV-DATA-LIGHTBLOCK.1], cf. Light Client Verification.

Part II - Definition of the Problem

The specification of the detection mechanism describes

  • what is a light client attack,
  • conditions under which the detector will detect a light client attack,
  • and the format of the output data, called evidence, in the case an attack is detected. The format is defined in [LC-DATA-EVIDENCE.1] and looks as follows
type LightClientAttackEvidence struct {
    ConflictingBlock   LightBlock
    CommonHeight       int64

The isolator is a function that gets as input evidence ev and a prefix of the blockchain bc at least up to height ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height + 1. The output is a set of peerIDs of validators.

We assume that the full node is synchronized with the blockchain and has reached the height ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height + 1.


When an output is generated it satisfies the following properties:

  • If
    • bc[CommonHeight].bfttime is within the unbonding period w.r.t. the time at the full node,
    • ev.ConflictingBlock.Header != bc[ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height]
    • Validators in ev.ConflictingBlock.Commit represent more than 1/3 of the voting power in bc[ev.CommonHeight].NextValidators
  • Then: A set of validators in bc[CommonHeight].NextValidators that
    • represent more than 1/3 of the voting power in bc[ev.commonHeight].NextValidators
    • signed Tendermint consensus messages for height ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height by violating the Tendermint consensus protocol.
  • Else: the empty set.

Part IV - Protocol

Here we discuss how to solve the problem of isolating misbehaving processes. We describe the function isolateMisbehavingProcesses as well as all the helping functions below. In Part V, we discuss why the solution is complete based on result from analysis with automated tools.



Describe solution (in English), decomposition into functions, where communication to other components happens.


func isolateMisbehavingProcesses(ev LightClientAttackEvidence, bc Blockchain) []ValidatorAddress {
    reference := bc[ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height].Header
    ev_header := ev.conflictingBlock.Header

    ref_commit := bc[ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height + 1].Header.LastCommit // + 1 !!
    ev_commit := ev.conflictingBlock.Commit

    if violatesTMValidity(reference, ev_header) {
        // lunatic light client attack
        signatories := Signers(ev.ConflictingBlock.Commit)
        bonded_vals := Addresses(bc[ev.CommonHeight].NextValidators)
        return intersection(signatories,bonded_vals)

    // If this point is reached the validator sets in reference and ev_header are identical
    else if RoundOf(ref_commit) == RoundOf(ev_commit) {
        // equivocation light client attack
        return intersection(Signers(ref_commit), Signers(ev_commit))
    else {
        // amnesia light client attack 
        return IsolateAmnesiaAttacker(ev, bc)
  • Implementation comment
    • If the full node has only reached height ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height then bc[ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height + 1].Header.LastCommit refers to the locally stored commit for this height. (This commit must be present by the precondition on length(bc).)
    • We check in the precondition that the unbonding period is not expired. However, since time moves on, before handing the validators over Cosmos SDK, the time needs to be checked again to satisfy the contract which requires that only bonded validators are reported. This passing of validators to the SDK is out of scope of this specification.
  • Expected precondition
    • length(bc) >= ev.conflictingBlock.Header.Height
    • ValidAndVerifiedUnbonding(bc[ev.CommonHeight], ev.ConflictingBlock) == SUCCESS
    • ev.ConflictingBlock.Header != bc[ev.ConflictingBlock.Header.Height]
    • TODO: input light blocks pass basic validation
  • Expected postcondition
  • Error condition
    • returns an error if precondition is violated.

Details of the Functions


func ValidAndVerifiedUnbonding(trusted LightBlock, untrusted LightBlock) Result
  • Conditions are identical to [LCV-FUNC-VALID.2] except the precondition "trusted.Header.Time > now - trustingPeriod" is substituted with
    • trusted.Header.Time > now - UnbondingPeriod


func violatesTMValidity(ref Header, ev Header) boolean
  • Implementation remarks
    • checks whether the evidence header ev violates the validity property of Tendermint Consensus, by checking agains a reference header
  • Expected precondition
    • ref.Height == ev.Height
  • Expected postcondition
    • returns evaluation of the following disjunction
      ref.ValidatorsHash != ev.ValidatorsHash or
      ref.NextValidatorsHash != ev.NextValidatorsHash or
      ref.ConsensusHash != ev.ConsensusHash or
      ref.AppHash != ev.AppHash or
      ref.LastResultsHash != ev.LastResultsHash
func IsolateAmnesiaAttacker(ev LightClientAttackEvidence, bc Blockchain) []ValidatorAddress 
  • Implementation remarks TODO: What should we do here? Refer to the accountability doc?
  • Expected postcondition TODO: What should we do here? Refer to the accountability doc?
func RoundOf(commit Commit) []ValidatorAddress 
  • Expected precondition
    • commit is well-formed. In particular all votes are from the same round r.
  • Expected postcondition
    • returns round r that is encoded in all the votes of the commit
func Signers(commit Commit) []ValidatorAddress 
  • Expected postcondition
    • returns all validator addresses in commit
func Addresses(vals Validator[]) ValidatorAddress[]
  • Expected postcondition
    • returns all validator addresses in vals

Part V - Completeness

As discussed in the beginning of this document, an attack boils down to creating and signing Tendermint consensus messages in deviation from the Tendermint consensus algorithm rules. The main function isolateMisbehavingProcesses distinguishes three kinds of wrongly signing messages, namely,

  • lunatic: signing invalid blocks
  • equivocation: double-signing valid blocks in the same consensus round
  • amnesia: signing conflicting blocks in different consensus rounds, without having seen a quorum of messages that would have allowed to do so.

The question is whether this captures all attacks. First observe that the first checking in isolateMisbehavingProcesses is violatesTMValidity. It takes care of lunatic attacks. If this check passes, that is, if violatesTMValidity returns FALSE this means that [FN-NONVALID-OUTPUT] evaluates to false, which implies that ref.ValidatorsHash = ev.ValidatorsHash. Hence after violatesTMValidity, all the involved validators are the ones from the blockchain. It is thus sufficient to analyze one instance of Tendermint consensus with a fixed group membership (set of validators). Also it is sufficient to consider two different valid consensus values, that is, binary consensus.

TODO we have analyzed Tendermint consensus with TLA+ and have accompanied Galois in an independent study of the protocol based on Ivy proofs.


[supervisor] The specification of the light client supervisor.

[verification] The specification of the light client verification protocol

[detection] The specification of the light client attack detection mechanism.