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package rpc
import (
blk ""
. ""
func SignTxHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
txStr := GetParam(r, "tx")
privAccountsStr := GetParam(r, "privAccounts")
var err error
var tx blk.Tx
binary.ReadJSON(&tx, []byte(txStr), &err)
if err != nil {
WriteAPIResponse(w, API_INVALID_PARAM, Fmt("Invalid tx: %v", err))
privAccounts := binary.ReadJSON([]*account.PrivAccount{}, []byte(privAccountsStr), &err).([]*account.PrivAccount)
if err != nil {
WriteAPIResponse(w, API_INVALID_PARAM, Fmt("Invalid privAccounts: %v", err))
for i, privAccount := range privAccounts {
if privAccount == nil || privAccount.PrivKey == nil {
WriteAPIResponse(w, API_INVALID_PARAM, Fmt("Invalid (empty) privAccount @%v", i))
switch tx.(type) {
case *blk.SendTx:
sendTx := tx.(*blk.SendTx)
for i, input := range sendTx.Inputs {
input.PubKey = privAccounts[i].PubKey
input.Signature = privAccounts[i].Sign(sendTx)
case *blk.BondTx:
bondTx := tx.(*blk.BondTx)
for i, input := range bondTx.Inputs {
input.PubKey = privAccounts[i].PubKey
input.Signature = privAccounts[i].Sign(bondTx)
case *blk.UnbondTx:
unbondTx := tx.(*blk.UnbondTx)
unbondTx.Signature = privAccounts[0].Sign(unbondTx).(account.SignatureEd25519)
case *blk.RebondTx:
rebondTx := tx.(*blk.RebondTx)
rebondTx.Signature = privAccounts[0].Sign(rebondTx).(account.SignatureEd25519)
WriteAPIResponse(w, API_OK, struct{ blk.Tx }{tx})