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package statesync
import (
dbm ""
tmsync ""
lightprovider ""
lighthttp ""
lightrpc ""
lightdb ""
ssproto ""
rpchttp ""
sm ""
//go:generate ../../scripts/ StateProvider
// StateProvider is a provider of trusted state data for bootstrapping a node. This refers
// to the state.State object, not the state machine. There are two implementations. One
// uses the P2P layer and the other uses the RPC layer. Both use light client verification.
type StateProvider interface {
// AppHash returns the app hash after the given height has been committed.
AppHash(ctx context.Context, height uint64) ([]byte, error)
// Commit returns the commit at the given height.
Commit(ctx context.Context, height uint64) (*types.Commit, error)
// State returns a state object at the given height.
State(ctx context.Context, height uint64) (sm.State, error)
type stateProviderRPC struct {
tmsync.Mutex // light.Client is not concurrency-safe
lc *light.Client
initialHeight int64
providers map[lightprovider.Provider]string
// NewRPCStateProvider creates a new StateProvider using a light client and RPC clients.
func NewRPCStateProvider(
ctx context.Context,
chainID string,
initialHeight int64,
servers []string,
trustOptions light.TrustOptions,
logger log.Logger,
) (StateProvider, error) {
if len(servers) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least 2 RPC servers are required, got %d", len(servers))
providers := make([]lightprovider.Provider, 0, len(servers))
providerRemotes := make(map[lightprovider.Provider]string)
for _, server := range servers {
client, err := rpcClient(server)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to set up RPC client: %w", err)
provider := lighthttp.NewWithClient(chainID, client)
providers = append(providers, provider)
// We store the RPC addresses keyed by provider, so we can find the address of the primary
// provider used by the light client and use it to fetch consensus parameters.
providerRemotes[provider] = server
lc, err := light.NewClient(ctx, chainID, trustOptions, providers[0], providers[1:],
lightdb.New(dbm.NewMemDB()), light.Logger(logger))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &stateProviderRPC{
lc: lc,
initialHeight: initialHeight,
providers: providerRemotes,
}, nil
// AppHash implements part of StateProvider. It calls the application to verify the
// light blocks at heights h+1 and h+2 and, if verification succeeds, reports the app
// hash for the block at height h+1 which correlates to the state at height h.
func (s *stateProviderRPC) AppHash(ctx context.Context, height uint64) ([]byte, error) {
defer s.Unlock()
// We have to fetch the next height, which contains the app hash for the previous height.
header, err :=, int64(height+1), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We also try to fetch the blocks at H+2, since we need these
// when building the state while restoring the snapshot. This avoids the race
// condition where we try to restore a snapshot before H+2 exists.
_, err =, int64(height+2), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return header.AppHash, nil
// Commit implements StateProvider.
func (s *stateProviderRPC) Commit(ctx context.Context, height uint64) (*types.Commit, error) {
defer s.Unlock()
header, err :=, int64(height), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return header.Commit, nil
// State implements StateProvider.
func (s *stateProviderRPC) State(ctx context.Context, height uint64) (sm.State, error) {
defer s.Unlock()
state := sm.State{
InitialHeight: s.initialHeight,
if state.InitialHeight == 0 {
state.InitialHeight = 1
// The snapshot height maps onto the state heights as follows:
// height: last block, i.e. the snapshotted height
// height+1: current block, i.e. the first block we'll process after the snapshot
// height+2: next block, i.e. the second block after the snapshot
// We need to fetch the NextValidators from height+2 because if the application changed
// the validator set at the snapshot height then this only takes effect at height+2.
lastLightBlock, err :=, int64(height), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
currentLightBlock, err :=, int64(height+1), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
nextLightBlock, err :=, int64(height+2), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
state.Version = sm.Version{
Consensus: currentLightBlock.Version,
Software: version.TMVersion,
state.LastBlockHeight = lastLightBlock.Height
state.LastBlockTime = lastLightBlock.Time
state.LastBlockID = lastLightBlock.Commit.BlockID
state.AppHash = currentLightBlock.AppHash
state.LastResultsHash = currentLightBlock.LastResultsHash
state.LastValidators = lastLightBlock.ValidatorSet
state.Validators = currentLightBlock.ValidatorSet
state.NextValidators = nextLightBlock.ValidatorSet
state.LastHeightValidatorsChanged = nextLightBlock.Height
// We'll also need to fetch consensus params via RPC, using light client verification.
primaryURL, ok := s.providers[]
if !ok || primaryURL == "" {
return sm.State{}, fmt.Errorf("could not find address for primary light client provider")
primaryRPC, err := rpcClient(primaryURL)
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to create RPC client: %w", err)
rpcclient := lightrpc.NewClient(primaryRPC,
result, err := rpcclient.ConsensusParams(ctx, &currentLightBlock.Height)
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to fetch consensus parameters for height %v: %w",
nextLightBlock.Height, err)
state.ConsensusParams = result.ConsensusParams
state.LastHeightConsensusParamsChanged = currentLightBlock.Height
return state, nil
// rpcClient sets up a new RPC client
func rpcClient(server string) (*rpchttp.HTTP, error) {
if !strings.Contains(server, "://") {
server = "http://" + server
return rpchttp.New(server)
type stateProviderP2P struct {
tmsync.Mutex // light.Client is not concurrency-safe
lc *light.Client
initialHeight int64
paramsSendCh chan<- p2p.Envelope
paramsRecvCh chan types.ConsensusParams
// NewP2PStateProvider creates a light client state
// provider but uses a dispatcher connected to the P2P layer
func NewP2PStateProvider(
ctx context.Context,
chainID string,
initialHeight int64,
providers []lightprovider.Provider,
trustOptions light.TrustOptions,
paramsSendCh chan<- p2p.Envelope,
logger log.Logger,
) (StateProvider, error) {
if len(providers) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least 2 peers are required, got %d", len(providers))
lc, err := light.NewClient(ctx, chainID, trustOptions, providers[0], providers[1:],
lightdb.New(dbm.NewMemDB()), light.Logger(logger))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &stateProviderP2P{
lc: lc,
initialHeight: initialHeight,
paramsSendCh: paramsSendCh,
paramsRecvCh: make(chan types.ConsensusParams),
}, nil
// AppHash implements StateProvider.
func (s *stateProviderP2P) AppHash(ctx context.Context, height uint64) ([]byte, error) {
defer s.Unlock()
// We have to fetch the next height, which contains the app hash for the previous height.
header, err :=, int64(height+1), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We also try to fetch the blocks at H+2, since we need these
// when building the state while restoring the snapshot. This avoids the race
// condition where we try to restore a snapshot before H+2 exists.
_, err =, int64(height+2), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return header.AppHash, nil
// Commit implements StateProvider.
func (s *stateProviderP2P) Commit(ctx context.Context, height uint64) (*types.Commit, error) {
defer s.Unlock()
header, err :=, int64(height), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return header.Commit, nil
// State implements StateProvider.
func (s *stateProviderP2P) State(ctx context.Context, height uint64) (sm.State, error) {
defer s.Unlock()
state := sm.State{
InitialHeight: s.initialHeight,
if state.InitialHeight == 0 {
state.InitialHeight = 1
// The snapshot height maps onto the state heights as follows:
// height: last block, i.e. the snapshotted height
// height+1: current block, i.e. the first block we'll process after the snapshot
// height+2: next block, i.e. the second block after the snapshot
// We need to fetch the NextValidators from height+2 because if the application changed
// the validator set at the snapshot height then this only takes effect at height+2.
lastLightBlock, err :=, int64(height), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
currentLightBlock, err :=, int64(height+1), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
nextLightBlock, err :=, int64(height+2), time.Now())
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
state.Version = sm.Version{
Consensus: currentLightBlock.Version,
Software: version.TMVersion,
state.LastBlockHeight = lastLightBlock.Height
state.LastBlockTime = lastLightBlock.Time
state.LastBlockID = lastLightBlock.Commit.BlockID
state.AppHash = currentLightBlock.AppHash
state.LastResultsHash = currentLightBlock.LastResultsHash
state.LastValidators = lastLightBlock.ValidatorSet
state.Validators = currentLightBlock.ValidatorSet
state.NextValidators = nextLightBlock.ValidatorSet
state.LastHeightValidatorsChanged = nextLightBlock.Height
// We'll also need to fetch consensus params via P2P.
state.ConsensusParams, err = s.consensusParams(ctx, currentLightBlock.Height)
if err != nil {
return sm.State{}, err
// validate the consensus params
if !bytes.Equal(nextLightBlock.ConsensusHash, state.ConsensusParams.HashConsensusParams()) {
return sm.State{}, fmt.Errorf("consensus params hash mismatch at height %d. Expected %v, got %v",
currentLightBlock.Height, nextLightBlock.ConsensusHash, state.ConsensusParams.HashConsensusParams())
// set the last height changed to the current height
state.LastHeightConsensusParamsChanged = currentLightBlock.Height
return state, nil
// addProvider dynamically adds a peer as a new witness. A limit of 6 providers is kept as a
// heuristic. Too many overburdens the network and too little compromises the second layer of security.
func (s *stateProviderP2P) addProvider(p lightprovider.Provider) {
if len( < 6 {
// consensusParams sends out a request for consensus params blocking until one is returned.
// If it fails to get a valid set of consensus params from any of the providers it returns an error.
func (s *stateProviderP2P) consensusParams(ctx context.Context, height int64) (types.ConsensusParams, error) {
for _, provider := range {
p, ok := provider.(*BlockProvider)
if !ok {
panic("expected p2p state provider to use p2p block providers")
// extract the nodeID of the provider
peer, err := types.NewNodeID(p.String())
if err != nil {
return types.ConsensusParams{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid provider (%s) node id: %w", p.String(), err)
select {
case s.paramsSendCh <- p2p.Envelope{
To: peer,
Message: &ssproto.ParamsRequest{
Height: uint64(height),
case <-ctx.Done():
return types.ConsensusParams{}, ctx.Err()
select {
// if we get no response from this provider we move on to the next one
case <-time.After(consensusParamsResponseTimeout):
case <-ctx.Done():
return types.ConsensusParams{}, ctx.Err()
case params, ok := <-s.paramsRecvCh:
if !ok {
return types.ConsensusParams{}, errors.New("params channel closed")
return params, nil
return types.ConsensusParams{}, errors.New("unable to fetch consensus params from connected providers")