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package privval
import (
cryptoenc ""
cryptoproto ""
privvalproto ""
tmproto ""
func DefaultValidationRequestHandler(
ctx context.Context,
privVal types.PrivValidator,
req privvalproto.Message,
chainID string,
) (privvalproto.Message, error) {
var (
res privvalproto.Message
err error
switch r := req.Sum.(type) {
case *privvalproto.Message_PubKeyRequest:
if r.PubKeyRequest.GetChainId() != chainID {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.PubKeyResponse{
PubKey: cryptoproto.PublicKey{}, Error: &privvalproto.RemoteSignerError{
Code: 0, Description: "unable to provide pubkey"}})
return res, fmt.Errorf("want chainID: %s, got chainID: %s", r.PubKeyRequest.GetChainId(), chainID)
var pubKey crypto.PubKey
pubKey, err = privVal.GetPubKey(ctx)
if err != nil {
return res, err
pk, err := cryptoenc.PubKeyToProto(pubKey)
if err != nil {
return res, err
if err != nil {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.PubKeyResponse{
PubKey: cryptoproto.PublicKey{}, Error: &privvalproto.RemoteSignerError{Code: 0, Description: err.Error()}})
} else {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.PubKeyResponse{PubKey: pk, Error: nil})
case *privvalproto.Message_SignVoteRequest:
if r.SignVoteRequest.ChainId != chainID {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.SignedVoteResponse{
Vote: tmproto.Vote{}, Error: &privvalproto.RemoteSignerError{
Code: 0, Description: "unable to sign vote"}})
return res, fmt.Errorf("want chainID: %s, got chainID: %s", r.SignVoteRequest.GetChainId(), chainID)
vote := r.SignVoteRequest.Vote
err = privVal.SignVote(ctx, chainID, vote)
if err != nil {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.SignedVoteResponse{
Vote: tmproto.Vote{}, Error: &privvalproto.RemoteSignerError{Code: 0, Description: err.Error()}})
} else {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.SignedVoteResponse{Vote: *vote, Error: nil})
case *privvalproto.Message_SignProposalRequest:
if r.SignProposalRequest.GetChainId() != chainID {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.SignedProposalResponse{
Proposal: tmproto.Proposal{}, Error: &privvalproto.RemoteSignerError{
Code: 0,
Description: "unable to sign proposal"}})
return res, fmt.Errorf("want chainID: %s, got chainID: %s", r.SignProposalRequest.GetChainId(), chainID)
proposal := r.SignProposalRequest.Proposal
err = privVal.SignProposal(ctx, chainID, proposal)
if err != nil {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.SignedProposalResponse{
Proposal: tmproto.Proposal{}, Error: &privvalproto.RemoteSignerError{Code: 0, Description: err.Error()}})
} else {
res = mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.SignedProposalResponse{Proposal: *proposal, Error: nil})
case *privvalproto.Message_PingRequest:
err, res = nil, mustWrapMsg(&privvalproto.PingResponse{})
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown msg: %v", r)
return res, err