package consensus
import (
// . "github.com/tendermint/go-common"
cfg "github.com/tendermint/go-config"
dbm "github.com/tendermint/go-db"
sm "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/state"
var (
privKey = crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519FromSecret([]byte("handshake_test"))
chainID = "handshake_chain"
nBlocks = 5
mempool = sm.MockMempool{}
testPartSize = 65536
// Test handshake/replay
// Sync from scratch
func _TestHandshakeReplayAll(t *testing.T) {
testHandshakeReplay(t, 0)
// Sync many, not from scratch
func _TestHandshakeReplaySome(t *testing.T) {
testHandshakeReplay(t, 1)
// Sync from lagging by one
func _TestHandshakeReplayOne(t *testing.T) {
testHandshakeReplay(t, nBlocks-1)
// Sync from caught up
func TestHandshakeReplayNone(t *testing.T) {
testHandshakeReplay(t, nBlocks)
// Make some blocks. Start a fresh app and apply n blocks. Then restart the app and sync it up with the remaining blocks
func testHandshakeReplay(t *testing.T, n int) {
config := tendermint_test.ResetConfig("proxy_test_")
config.Set("chain_id", chainID)
state, store := stateAndStore(config)
clientCreator := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(dummy.NewPersistentDummyApplication(path.Join(config.GetString("db_dir"), "1")))
clientCreator2 := proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(dummy.NewPersistentDummyApplication(path.Join(config.GetString("db_dir"), "2")))
proxyApp := proxy.NewAppConns(config, clientCreator, sm.NewHandshaker(config, state, store, ReplayLastBlock))
if _, err := proxyApp.Start(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error starting proxy app connections: %v", err)
chain, commits := makeBlockchain(t, proxyApp, state)
store.chain = chain //
store.commits = commits
latestAppHash := state.AppHash
if n > 0 {
// start a new app without handshake, play n blocks
proxyApp = proxy.NewAppConns(config, clientCreator2, nil)
if _, err := proxyApp.Start(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error starting proxy app connections: %v", err)
state2, _ := stateAndStore(config)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
block := chain[i]
err := state2.ApplyBlock(nil, proxyApp.Consensus(), block, block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header(), mempool)
if err != nil {
// now start it with the handshake
handshaker := sm.NewHandshaker(config, state, store, ReplayLastBlock)
proxyApp = proxy.NewAppConns(config, clientCreator2, handshaker)
if _, err := proxyApp.Start(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error starting proxy app connections: %v", err)
// get the latest app hash from the app
res, err := proxyApp.Query().InfoSync()
if err != nil {
// the app hash should be synced up
if !bytes.Equal(latestAppHash, res.LastBlockAppHash) {
t.Fatalf("Expected app hashes to match after handshake/replay. got %X, expected %X", res.LastBlockAppHash, latestAppHash)
if handshaker.NBlocks() != nBlocks-n {
t.Fatalf("Expected handshake to sync %d blocks, got %d", nBlocks-n, handshaker.NBlocks())
// utils for making blocks
// make some bogus txs
func txsFunc(blockNum int) (txs []types.Tx) {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
txs = append(txs, types.Tx([]byte{byte(blockNum), byte(i)}))
return txs
// sign a commit vote
func signCommit(height, round int, hash []byte, header types.PartSetHeader) *types.Vote {
vote := &types.Vote{
ValidatorIndex: 0,
ValidatorAddress: privKey.PubKey().Address(),
Height: height,
Round: round,
Type: types.VoteTypePrecommit,
BlockID: types.BlockID{hash, header},
sig := privKey.Sign(types.SignBytes(chainID, vote))
vote.Signature = sig
return vote
// make a blockchain with one validator
func makeBlockchain(t *testing.T, proxyApp proxy.AppConns, state *sm.State) (blockchain []*types.Block, commits []*types.Commit) {
prevHash := state.LastBlockID.Hash
lastCommit := new(types.Commit)
prevParts := types.PartSetHeader{}
valHash := state.Validators.Hash()
prevBlockID := types.BlockID{prevHash, prevParts}
for i := 1; i < nBlocks+1; i++ {
block, parts := types.MakeBlock(i, chainID, txsFunc(i), lastCommit,
prevBlockID, valHash, state.AppHash, testPartSize)
err := state.ApplyBlock(nil, proxyApp.Consensus(), block, block.MakePartSet(testPartSize).Header(), mempool)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal(i, err)
voteSet := types.NewVoteSet(chainID, i, 0, types.VoteTypePrecommit, state.Validators)
vote := signCommit(i, 0, block.Hash(), parts.Header())
_, err = voteSet.AddVote(vote)
if err != nil {
prevHash = block.Hash()
prevParts = parts.Header()
lastCommit = voteSet.MakeCommit()
prevBlockID = types.BlockID{prevHash, prevParts}
blockchain = append(blockchain, block)
commits = append(commits, lastCommit)
return blockchain, commits
// fresh state and mock store
func stateAndStore(config cfg.Config) (*sm.State, *mockBlockStore) {
stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
return sm.MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &types.GenesisDoc{
ChainID: chainID,
Validators: []types.GenesisValidator{
types.GenesisValidator{privKey.PubKey(), 10000, "test"},
AppHash: nil,
}), NewMockBlockStore(config)
// mock block store
type mockBlockStore struct {
config cfg.Config
chain []*types.Block
commits []*types.Commit
func NewMockBlockStore(config cfg.Config) *mockBlockStore {
return &mockBlockStore{config, nil, nil}
func (bs *mockBlockStore) Height() int { return len(bs.chain) }
func (bs *mockBlockStore) LoadBlock(height int) *types.Block { return bs.chain[height-1] }
func (bs *mockBlockStore) LoadBlockMeta(height int) *types.BlockMeta {
block := bs.chain[height-1]
return &types.BlockMeta{
BlockID: types.BlockID{block.Hash(), block.MakePartSet(bs.config.GetInt("block_part_size")).Header()},
Header: block.Header,
func (bs *mockBlockStore) LoadBlockPart(height int, index int) *types.Part { return nil }
func (bs *mockBlockStore) SaveBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet, seenCommit *types.Commit) {
func (bs *mockBlockStore) LoadBlockCommit(height int) *types.Commit {
return bs.commits[height-1]
func (bs *mockBlockStore) LoadSeenCommit(height int) *types.Commit {
return bs.commits[height-1]